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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Mel - thank you for sharing the news of our dear sister Margaret as I don’t do instagram. May she rest in the arms of angels. Prayers to her family and friends as they cope with their loss. Cancer is such a mean SOB

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Rest in Peace Moth.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Good morning sad to read about Moth. Prayers for her family, she will be missed.

    Living sorry for the loss of Abby.

    Candy pocket duty today for you. I’ll be in for pocket duty for tuesdays paperwork for your dad.

    Wren44 sending supportive hugs 🫂. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.

    Take care all


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Another sister taken from us. I hate this disease.

    Peace to her family and friends.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    I knew this had to be coming, but it doesnt make it easier to read.

    Fly high and fly well Moth, you've earned it.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    It’s definitely a huge loss. She was smart, kind, witty, and such a good support. A friend. Cancer sucks I hate it.

  • dearlife
    dearlife Member Posts: 634

    I met Margaret/Moth twice at a meeting of BCO sisters in Vancouver. She was a beautiful, brilliant woman with a generous heart and a fierce will to live. I learned so much about triple negative breast cancer from her. We must keep fighting this lethal disease.

    Margaret is gone too soon and our world won't be the same without her.

    I am sending peace and love to Margaret's family and many friends. We will miss her


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Still sending healing thoughts to Moth's family, she did not get long enough with her family and friends.

    Candy, in your pocket.

    Well, face is bright red and sweaty, walked to the grocery store. Not overly hot and not humid but as soon as I stop walking, out comes the sweat. I did get a bit tired but drank some of an Gatorade. My mind definitely was in its groove of I'm tired over and over. Shifted the thought as soon as it showed up every time. Lip synced the songs playing, not obviously that others would notice but that took my mind off intrusive thoughts. Also was not breathing as hard as recent walks. I know this is something to do everyday and just cancel thoughts of falling. I also tell myself that if my 4 ft 7 in brain injured and arthritic wellness check caller can be active all the time with walking and swimming plus all the places she goes and falling fairly often, I should be able to do the same since physically, I don't have the same issues. I did get almost 10000 steps in an hour and a half and it was not a superfast walk either, but was good. Going to institute more treadmill walking too so I can do the outside without feeling tired out. Bright red face is due to the exercise and not bothered by that. Now that there are times that there are cooler days, part of me wants to walk to the mall again in the morning. I will need to keep training for that, not there yet but really wanting to do it before winter.

    Well, lunch was pretty good, did 1/8 cup beans, 1/8th cup chick peas, 1/8th cup beefless ground, 1/8th cup of corn medley (corn, peppers and olives) as well as 1/8th cup of white rice. Put some wheat bran for fibre, seasoned liberally with italian seasoning, salt and to bind it all used some mustard I bought today as well as ketchup and a little mayo. It was several ingredients but I don't feel that it was huge calories due to the small amounts. I put the mixture in microwave for 60 seconds and in the frypan on low with garlic added and put a lid on for a few minutes.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Blessings to Moth and her family. She had such a positive impact here, her knowledge and humor will never be forgotten.

    Candy, in your pocket today.

    Mara, you continue to inspire me to move my body more! Thank you.

  • karenfizedbo15
    karenfizedbo15 Member Posts: 719

    Too many not with us any more recently and too quickly 😢

    Progression means weekly IV Taxol for me now too. Any advice on that verywelcome. Spread to my peritoneum as well as bones and lining of lungs. Pain is an issue but trying to manage it. Port to be fitted asap. Still managing a few miles walking a few times a week and working hard on keeping relaxed and keeping my friends!

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    karenfizedbo15, I am sorry that you have experienced progression. It can be unsettling at best and scary at worst. I was on weekly Taxol a few years ago. It was my first IV chemo, and I expected the worst. I was pleasantly surprised because the only SEs I had were hair loss and anemia. I did require several transfusions when the anemia reached severe levels, but that was not a big deal for me. Taxol worked for about 9 months. Here I am several years later, still going strong. I hope that Taxol works to destroy those cancer cells and that you suffer no bad SEs. Keep us posted.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Candy, in your pocket this week, both for your medical appointments and your visit to your dad. Sorry to hear about your progression Karenfizedbo15, I hope the taxol works for you and that you can get your pain under control.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Hello all.

    I am catching myself coming and going this week.

    My long day at the cancer center yesterday (Monday) went ok. CT, MRI, labs, MO, and injections. But... the injections... I got my Xgeva, but they were out of stock with my Lupron. I go to a satellite location of my cancer center and they had it at the main building but it was too late in the day to retrieve it... so I am driving back today (Tuesday) to get the Lupron. 2 hours one way, 4 hour drive, for a shot. Blah. But what can you do.

    I am stable. I don't have the exact measurements of the liver mets, but doc said stable. The report will go to the patient portal in 1 week and I can read the report and compare the last measurements to this time. So to continue same treatment and rescan in 3 months.

    I am now off to the Nursing Home to see Dad and do paperwork, then off to the cancer center for the shot. Another busy day. Tired.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Karen, I’m sorry to hear about the progression. I had abraxane (like taxol) weekly as my initial chemo and found it pretty tolerable. I did lose my hair and had to have a dose reduction due to neuropathy but with steroids and pre-meds, it wasn’t too bad.

    Candy, congrats on stable 🎉

    The forecast calls for rain all week up here, so we’re mostly housebound. It’s funny though, the temp dropped to the low 60’s last night and it got so chilly with the breeze, I had to make hot chocolate, in Texas, in August. What?!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Karen, I am sorry about the progression but wishing you luck on the Taxol. I do agree about the anemia SE of the Taxol. Beans can help a lot with that, even if you just add a few to every meal if you don't like them as a main dish, cooked spinach etc. I think when I had trouble with Taxol, my diet did not include any of that. Walking the way you do will help as well. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

    Candy, I am happy to hear you are stable, that must be such a relief for you and help you in getting your Dad settled in.

    Nothing much on the go for me, don't really need any groceries so I am probably going to stay home but I will walk on the treadmill, likely in the afternoon. Just going to try out 1/2 hamburger bun with garlic spread on it, toast it and add heated refried pinto beans I got from Amazon since I have never seen them in my local grocery stores.

    On the Tigger front, I put water in both cat's bowls all the time now. They eat a good dental food that has the added benefit of cleaning their teeth but it is dry food. Since I do not want to mix foods, the water makes it so they pee a lot, to the point, it does not smell like typical cat pee. They both seem healthy. Only thing that goes on now is I buy more litter to catch the extra clumps.

    Edited to add, the refried beans were so good, going to put them in with absolutely everything with different seasonings. Lunch is black beans, corn medley, chickpeas and refried beans. About 1/8th cup of each, microwave 60 seconds. Heating these ingredients in lidded frypan on low after adding queso, taco seasoning and salt. Will put sour cream on top.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Karen - so sorry about the progression. May your next treatment bring positive results! HUGS!

    Candy - great news on stable! Hope your father will become settled in his new home. It must be so hard on you. HUGS!

    Mel - your last painting was beautiful!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Karen- so sorry to hear of your progression. May the next treatment show great results

    Candy- yay for stable! May your dad get settled in to the new environment soon. How hard it must be on you.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Karen: I am very sorry to hear about the progression but others have said weekly taxol beat the buggers back.

    Candy: yay om stable. I hope thing go well with your dad in his new home and that he is comfortable and not feeling too lost. 60

    illmae: Temperatures have to hit the minuses before I feel like I need hot chocolate. But in Texas in August ..60 degrees doesn't sound right at all. I am wishing for rain. It doesn't feel like home if it doesn't rain often. I like a cool day with sun. 60 and sunny would suit me fine.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Elderberry, these low temps from rain is common here, it’s an arid climate and we’re on a ridge line at 7,000 feet but coming from hot and humid Houston, I am not at all used to it. I definitely prefer it to 100 degrees though.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    sending Karen hugs and good thoughts the tx will kick some Arse.

    Pocket for for anyone who needs it. Thinking about you all. Hoping we’re doing the best we can. It’s all we can do. Big hugs and support for all mySisters.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Karen and Candy, in your pocket for the rough week. Karen, I hope Taxol is not too bad. I have not done that but will be thinking of you. Likewise, Candy, hope things settle down a bit for you too.

    Mara - I love refried beans. I typically buy the Rosarita brand. I buy them sometimes but make my own a lot. If it's too expensive to order them on Amazon you can hack them yourself out of canned pinto beans. I drain a can of beans and add it to a skillet with some garlic powder, cumin, paprika, salt and pepper to taste. As you mash the beans into the butter they "fry" themselves. It's not quite the same as the traditional slow cooked refried beans but it's easy and affordable. I've mixed black and pinto beans too, that's pretty good. It makes a fairly easy meal with a little sour cream or cheese on top and some tortilla chips. I'm a nut for spice so I will sometimes add chopped jalapeño or red pepper if I have them.

    I've done 5/10 radiation treatments. So far so good. The silver lining in it is that off of the Verzenio I feel great! I have energy and motivation. I feel kind of like the self I used to be. I am considering asking for a dose reduction and seeing what my MO thinks about that when I see him in September. I've been stable for 2.5 years and I'm a little cautious to rock the boat too much on that.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    candy , a happy dance for you - a stable mabel, long may it continue. Sorry you are having the addtional pain of caring for your father, remember you are doing the best for him.

    karen , I was on taxol ,until I had an allergic reaction- like anaphalaxis - and had to change to Abraxane: hair loss, some anaemia .The worst part for me was peripheral neuropathy which I still have after changing meds. I am not sure if they could have done any more to prevent / inhibit it, but I used to love walking ,I now find 2 to 3 miles is the absolute max. I can do.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I agree with the abraxane side effects lasting. I have the same issues with neuropathy and walking. It sucks. I know how it feels. Hugs!! To you

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    Good for you (asking for a dose reduction). You can and should ask because it’s your body, and you are the boss, not your caregivers or your MO. Sometimes we lose sight of that…I was never on Verzenio, but I understand it’s a tough one, so good for you for hanging in there.

    I am still experiencing a ton of pain at the top of my leg, the one where I have the rod. I’m not sure what is happening, but pain meds don’t work. I wish there was something other than OxyContin that they could give us. Ugh!

    I hope you find relief from your radiation treatments too. Take care, and we’re in your pocket!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Mel, Candy and Karen, still in your pocket even though I know Mel's sister is OK.

    Laurie, I am so sorry for the pain you are enduring, I hope something can be done about it soon for you. Oxy and those drugs are hard to put up with, I hope they take some or all of it away.

    Emac, those sound really good. They are not a bad price on Amazon but they are really good. I may sometimes just have them to eat as a total meal and add the queso and sour cream. I may have that today for breakfast, add some rice for the carbs.

    I am not doing a lot, did a laundry. I decided that it was most efficient to combine all four major laundry detergent ingredients together to save some money. I was doing a tiny scoop of each, 3 scoops in all but decided one scoop should suffice. My detergent includes equal parts Tide, grated sunlight laundry soap and regular soap bars, wash soda and oxiclean as well, this combo and using one scoop is way less soapy and smells good. I also do not use as much of each meaning it will last longer. If something is more soiled, add an extra oxiclean scoop and soak it. I am also itching to try a recipe for liquid detergent just for fun. It includes 1/2 cup dish soap, 1/2 washing soda, 1/2 cup borax which I would sub for oxiclean and 4 cups hot water. I did watch a video on it, amazingly, it did not create a ton of suds. Have to wait til I get a container that would hold it all like a vinegar container or something or an old fabric softener container.

    Deciding about taking the bus to Walmart, partly to get some walking in and partly to pass the time IF they shut off the water. Last time we got the notice, it was never shut off. Got all the water I need anyway but still, might not be a bad idea. If not, planning to do the treadmill today. I was lazy yesterday for exercise and I really felt the fatigue.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Good morning all, still stormy but at least the sun isout today. Here's a cool pic of the clouds rolling up the mountain.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,454

    Emac, I did take your idea of having refried beans as a meal and took 1/2 cup refried pinto beans and added to a heated frypan. Added a spoonful of garlic spread, wheat bran, mustard and ketchup. Mixed together and let them heat on low while covered to let it all combine, put on plate and just added salt.. I really was not sure about the mustard and ketchup but it was really good. The texture was close to baby food but I did not mind as taste is more important to me. I will eat that as a snack or small meal going forward.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mae: what a gorgeous photo. I can see why you wanted to go up there to live. Do you have wildfire dangers?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Elderberry, yes, wildfire danger is our biggest concern being so dry and windy in the higher areas. Also, we have no city services here, just a VFD and strategically placed water tanks but fortunately there are very few permanent residents (mostly cabins for those who come out a few times per year) and those that are here are extremely cautious.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- what a beautiful picture of the clouds rolling in

    I got a text message last night from my good friend in Ontario. She let me know her son had just died .He was 45 years old but unfortunately addicted to drugs and alcohol. She tried to get him help but he wouldn't go to rehab. He wasn't married but fathered 3 kids with 3 different women. My friend was the one who helped them all. I don't know the facts other than she said he was in a better place now.

    I think what we go through to live and then there are those who throw it away. It's just so sad.