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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,547


    We are so sorry that you are going through a depressive state. Glad to have you be a part of the BCO website! Thank you for being here!

    -The Mods

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Elderberry- Congratulations on the great news 👏!!

    Mel- how worrisome and stressful it must be for you. I am glad you are going to see your sister. Hopefully you can have a sister to sister talk. Maybe give her family a kick in the butt .

    Mara- sometimes a good cry is the best way to release the emotions that have a way of taking over our thinking. I know how I deal with things can change from one moment to the next.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I. Cry at the opening of a. Kmart. I am so emotional and wear my heart on my sleeve. Crying cleanses the bad out of the soul. Sometimes crying makes me feel like I'm letting go of what's bothering me at that time. My thing is I don't like. Crying in front of people. I never felt comfortable doing that. I get all watery eyed and try to hide it. Since my diagnosis I haven't been as good as keeping it under wraps. So if you gotta cry. Just let it go. Keeping it inside can't be good. I'm sorry you felt sad. But glad you watched some television! Nothing like a good binge watch! I still need to watch the show. Did you enjoy the other seasons?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Mel, the other seasons were really good as well and I love how they bring in characters from the Karate Kid movies as well. The show remains consistently good to me as well.

    Mods, thank you for thinking of me, I really do appreciate that.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Hi everyone. I am so sorry to hear of so many of us struggling with progression, family, and other issues. We have enough stuff we have to deal with that even the minor stuff can be enough to put us over the edge, and there's some really heavy stuff going on in the LR. Now, dealing with another loss from the Stage IV Zoom call - too many in what seems like such a short time.

    And we have good news going on, too. Yay for Elderberry still NEAD. And yay for Mae, with the surprise benefit from chemo steroids. Maybe it will keep the inflammation down long enough to help the knee heal faster. And a fun trip to Yosemite with friends!

    I'm sure there's more, and I'm sorry I'm not mentioning names. I'll try to do better.

    We had short-notice visitors last weekend. We had to hurry up a yard work project and get the houses up to "company" readiness. I was busy all day and exhausted at the end of each day last week, but we had a good visit, so it was worth it. I slept in yesterday and today trying to get back on track. Now I'm up later than I should be, so I'm going to call it a night. Hugs to everyone who needs one, and hanging around in pockets, where needed..

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    elderberry ,a happy dance for you, we need to hear good news too, hope it continues for a long time.

    mara, I agree with Micmel, crying is a release ,often of frustration, let go and have a good weep if you need to and feel better for it.

    micmel , I hope you get to see your sister.

    seeq, glad to hear you had a good weekend. Hope you feel 'back on track' soon.

    mae, chemo steroids helping your knee- thank goodness , wishing you continued healing.

    Good wishes to everyone.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Well, today is cloudy so far, have my Herceptin today so will be taking the bus, depending on the weather and my energy level, will take the bus to near the mail depot and get that stuff picked up.

    Going to have a couple frozen hashbrowns along with an egg and baked beans 1/2 cup. Will likely add mayo and taco seasoning with salt as well. Don't want to be over full but satisfied in case it will be a long wait.

    Edited to add, this was very filling. Only used mayo and salt and it actually was delicious but I had to put the other half aside as my stomach filled up quickly. Just finished it now, was still really good.

    When it comes to groceries, I am of the thought that I need to just take the bus to the store, get a cart and do a larger shop myself and take an UBER home. I need to use the President's Choice stores as I have a large gift card for the store. Getting a Walmart delivery has me spending more, we will see, right now, I only need a couple of items.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Mel - I’m so glad your husband will take you to see your sister. Her situation sounds horrible and to have her kids not helping. You must be going out of your mind, wondering what to do for her. I’m so sorry that you both are dealing with this.

    So much sadness in these threads that any good news is like a lottery win. Mae’s knee improvement and elderberry’s good scan results are just what we all need to hear right now.

    We got news yesterday that a high school friend, my husband’s fishing buddy, who was the best man in our wedding, died on 9/12, 4 days after turning 67. He had been in the hospital for almost 6 weeks - he developed a sepsis from an infection in a heart valve, had surgery to replace that, was intubated for almost 2 weeks, on an ecmo-machine, and dialysis; finally took a turn for the better, was sent to a rehab hospital where he started coughing up blood, aspirated and was unable to be revived. Life is not certain. And here I sit, 3 years after a MBC dx, never thinking someone else I knew would go before me.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Goldens, so sorry to hear about the best man and so cruel to have that happen after going to rehab, when everyone is starting to feel relief that a love one is on the mend.

    Micmel, still thinking good thoughts for you and your sis.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 608

    I love what Goldens said about any good news is like a lottery win, there is a lot of sadness here and in the world, and it's really always wonderful to hear any good stuff, too.

    Congrats Elderberry on good news!

    Mara, I'd like to do a version of the Tortilla Slap challenge on the owners of your property, my version would be to just repeatedly slap them upside the head with tortilla after tortilla, like a jumbo pack from Costco.

    Mel, I'm so sorry about the whole situation with your sister, and I hope you going to see her is also going to be okay for you.

    Sending love and support to everyone here, all the life struggles we are all dealing with.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    SF Cakes, I would love to. After Herceptin, I took the bus toward the mail depot and asked a letter carrier and person working in the depot if the post office would listen to a resident regarding putting in either a mailbox or walking around back, both said NO. I will do one more email, emphasizing that I did actually ask the mail center and a letter carrier if they would walk around back or about putting in a mail box. Just going to say we either need a keyless entry or a new intercom that the mail carrier can use.If it goes on, I will ask my niece who works at City Hall if a landlord is required to provide working mail.

    The trip to and home from the Herceptin and mail pick up were mostly uneventful. I did almost trip over a patients foot that was stuck too far out. I scowled beneath my mask and shrugged it off. A nurse in the chemo suite was one of the people who helped me up and into a wheelchair and she asked how I got there. I assured her I took the bus. Then after I was getting ready to leave, saw my radiation oncologist who was checking on me as well, told her I was alright and that I would take the bus home. I still had almost 6000 steps even though I did take the bus. Heck, the bus drivers can tell my walking sucks, they always lower the bus for where before they did not do this.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Wow, I love checking in here - even when we're all going through such hard times. It's just good to know we can cry and laugh together!

    sf-cakes - that would be a waste of good tortillas - unless they're the yucky gluten-free type! LOL

    mel, I hope you can get down (did I get the direction right?) to see your sister.

    Crying can be good, and if anyone wants a good, crying, snot running down your face, must watch alone movie I have a suggestion or two. Won't post them unless someone wants me to do so.

    I've had this nagging pain in my hip and femur. It feels like it's in the bone, not in the muscle. Weird, because my scans were stable. I'll monitor it, but it feels like something is going on there. I did have an MRI of that area not too long ago, but it's getting a bit worrisome. Last night it was sort of throbbing. Not enough to get up and take something, but just these.

    Pocket duty to anyone who needs it. I'm also making a Costco run for stuff, including three-ply Kleenex. It's nice and soft. I go through a lot of Kleenex!


  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Elderberry, Yay for “all clear” or whatever your doc said!!
    It’s been a while since I’ve had good news like that, but I understand your feeling of jinxing things. Enjoy the good news but maybe explain your jinx fears to those you think will understand and share it with them in whatever terms you like.

    Mel, Sending best wishes for your visit to your sister. I hope seeing each other in person clears some of the old troubles and allows you to plan for how you can help, even if it’s in a smaller way than you’d like. I wonder if her kids understand the seriousness of her illness.

    Mara, Please don’t hesitate to post whatever you want to post. I feel like Mel’s Livingroom is a big group of friends and we want to know how everything is going for our friends.

    So for me, not much is new. Had my treatment yesterday, feeling pretty well but no plans today so taking it easy anyway.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Elderberry doing the happy dance for all clear!!!

    Mel I hope you have a nice drive with your DH. Hopefully she'll realize that she needs your help bc you know all about this disease, treatment, SE's etc.

    Mara I think the mail has to be working at your address especially if it's a tenant landlord situation. I'm glad you made it to and from treatment. 6000 steps is good walking.

    My friend (like an adopted daughter) is sick in San Antonio TX. She has some type of fungus infection in her sinuses that is deadly apparently. She's had a few surgeries this week to remove necrotic tissue in the palate of her mouth and sinuses and lost teeth and bones in ICU. She's unable to talk but her husband contacted us. She lived with us off and on from the age of 17- 30's and then got married and moved to TX. My daughter and I leave tomorrow to visit her. She's in her 50's and is strong so we're very hopeful that she'll be OK.

    Take care of the living room


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Tanya, how terrible, I had no idea that there is a deadly sinus fungus, I hope her docs can turn it around.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    I just want to say we all have to deal with so much besides our own crap! I think you are all amazing strong compassionate ladies. By looking into each of your lives helps me to feel not so alone with my other problems.

    elderberry.. That’s wonderful, always love to hear good news!! Sometimes I feel like I am in a bubble of bad news that I can’t escape. So lots of happy dancing for you!

    Mel.. Glad you’re getting to see your sister and I know she will be happy to see you as you will her. Big hugs to you 🤗 Prayers going up for her.

    Tanya .. safe travels to see your friend.Sending positive thoughts for a full recovery for her to return to good health

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Hello everyone. Still checking in almost daily.

    Candy- I don’t think I sent my condolences on your dad’s passing. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Mel- I hope your sister will be on the up and up with her treatment. I’m sorry you are worried and the kids are not so great.

    Mae -glad the knee is better. Oh my, was it knee or ankle, damn brain!

    Tanya- I hope your friend can get on the other side of whatever this is. I’m with Mae, had no idea!

    So sorry for anyone having progression or other issues. We all understand here.

    Yay for stable scans! I do love to hear about those.

    I was in a pretty dark place yesterday. I have scans in about 2 weeks. They will be what they will be and I can’t worry about it now. Easier said than done, for me at least. Y’all know what I mean.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mel - I hope you have a productive visit with your sister and that she allows you to help in any way you can. At a minimum, she'll know you care.

    Candy - still thinking of you

    Goldens - sorry for the loss of your long term friend.

    Tanya - I've never heard of a daily sinus fungal infection, either, and the effects are horrible. I'm glad you're able to go visit and hope she recovers well.

    Not much happening here today. Vision appointment tomorrow. I hope I can find new glasses that I like.

    Waving Hi to Cookie54, Denny10, SF-Cakes, Mara, Mae, Kikomoon, and anyone else I missed.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Tanya, in your pocket as well as your friend and may she recover well. She is lucky to have you.

    Kikomoon, I am in your pocket lending support as well as you get closer to scan time.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Got the results of my MRI yesterday and saw the RO today. Brain MRI was completely normal which was expected but also a relief to confirm. I'm encouraged by that. I was cleared to go back to work next Wednesday and see my MO Tuesday for my quarterly CT chest/abdomen/ pelvis. All in all the news is good. The only thing abnormal that has been found is that my cortisol levels are very low. My PCP is having endocrinology review everything to see if that is expected with my treatments or if it needs to be further investigated.

    Elderberry - congrats on the news! That is always good to hear.

    Hugs to the rest of the Living Room. I know a lot of us are having a rough couple of weeks. Thinking of all of you and hope things get better soon. I was several pages behind and am still catching up on everybody.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Emac, glad to hear about your good results and it will be interesting to hear bout what the low cortisol is all about.

    I am not doing too much today. I do want to go to the grocery store early this morning, closer to opening time. Going to take the walker to walk there and back hopefully. Nice and cool this morning too which is helpful. That would also help with my daily walking. Other than that it will be indoor stuff I do, laundry (yay), my wee mobile games for a few dollars and surveys.

    I will also need to keep training on balance especially since my walker is not something that would work in winter and most of my grocery funds are tied up in gift cards for one particular store. Rehabbing legs first with the walker and then doing more practice with the walking poles and finally the cane, look on youtube for better strengthening of legs. I am not super keen on signing up for the gym only because I am so infrequent, still thinking about that.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    emac- Whew on the good brain MRI. Pocket duty for next weeks' routine scans.

    Sorry. I am awful lately. I read the posts on here, but just do not have the energy to respond. Know what I mean? I care for you all, but my mind just cannot grasp to respond to each individual. Most of Dad's affairs are taken care of, not all, but most. I turned in my paperwork for the SSD review. I am waiting to hear from them--- hopefully all is ok. So things are calming down some. I just feel like a deflated balloon. I will try to be more in the conversation.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Candy~please take your time and do what you need to do. No expectations here. We care regardless. Just know we all are thinking of you too. Things are so difficult sometimes. Hugs my friend.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    I will say, when it comes to balance exercises, there are so many to choose from, found a fun senior line dancing class I may try to replicate. I have not been working the right muscles to keep my balance, have totally forgotten about my outer thighs. Doing those exercises in the kitchen, extra sit to stands and will look into this class as well. May still take the walker out or at least my poles but I think my own personal goal should involve not having to depend on anything. The treadmill builds the regular muscles but not the ones that regulate balance.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,040

    Mara-Do you have physical therapy benefits under your health plan? If so, I'd encourage you to use them. I had to do PT after my broken leg. The therapists are experts helping us learn the right exercises for particular issues. They had me do a lot of balance work-I could feel different muscles firing.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Chicagoan, I don't have anything like that in my health care available but I am exercise my outer and inner thighs using the counter for a balance holder. I am sure I will feel this tomorrow. I do a lot of Bob and Brad channel on youtube, they are actual PT and show accessible ways to accomplish what is needed. Going to focus heavily on balance, do the advanced sit to stand in place of squats. It is also recommended to try line dancing so I found a seniors version to try. I do also intend to employ the walking poles as well.

    I did actually wind up bringing my walker back home due to my feet hitting the wheels, I don't find it helpful. I did wind up walking the half hour there. Stayed on the road on the side streets for bigger steps and went slower when hitting sidewalk. It was fine. If I felt a little sluggish, I stopped and did bellows breath for some energy and no issues with feeling like I was going to trip or go off balance. I did take the bus home as the knapsack was a bit heavy and luckily the bus stopped closer to my place due to a detour that will be on for about a year, yay for me. I am also going to continue short walks just to keep everything up.

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94
    Tanya, so sorry to hear about your ill friend. Hugs to you and prayers for your friend that she recovers quickly. Also, Mel, best wishes for a good visit with your sister. I hope she gets the care she needs soon and that the rest of her family rallys around her in support.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Just stopping by the living room to say "hi" to everyone. Candy, I always felt a little guilty (my problem, I know) when you posted everyone's upcoming scans, etc. I even started an Excel spreadsheet to do the same. Lasted a couple of days. I don't think any of us expect it, so just take care of YOU right now!

    I feel bad when I don't mention each post individually but know that I do read them and my heart hurts for those who are hurting.

    emac, I do have a question for you: Is cortisol part of the regular bloodwork? I routinely get a CBC, CMP, CEA and CA 27.29. I've never noticed a cortisol number in there, but I'd be curious as to what mine is.


  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,040


    I agree with you about walkers. When I had to use one for a while, it was so exhausting and awkward. They need to design something better. But at least I was able to get up and move around. I like those Bob and Brad videos too.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Hi All. Checking in to say hi…I’ve been lurking a bit myself. I think I may have stumped my doctor and Palliative Care nurse. The pain I’ve been experiencing is unbelievable. They keep throwing higher and higher amounts of opioids at me, but it’s not working. I am waiting to see the nurse practitioner, as she is the pain med expert on my team. Wait, wait, wait some more…it’s crazy. My nurse feels so bad. She is a cancer survivor, so she has a LOT of empathy. I could not ask for a better team. Anyway, the nurse practitioner is apparently on multiple teams and is not able to get to me until October 7th, so nothing can change until she sees me. I guess there is a shortage of staff everywhere. My nurse is trying to get a Fentanyl patch to see if that will help. I’m not sure it will, but I’m willing to try anything at this point.

    Have any of you had a Fentanyl patch? Just wondering if it worked for pain?

    Candy, my deepest, belated condolences on the passing of your Father.

    Mae, hope your knee is improving every day.

    Tanya, I wish you safe travels. What a good friend you are to hop on a plane to be with your friend. Bless you, my friend.

    Mel, I am right there along side of the rest of the Living room gang who is hoping that your sister will be ok.

    Love to all.