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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Candy - thank you for remembering my scan! :)

    Mae - ohher that sucks a lot. Like an added pile of suck on top of cancer. I hope it heals quick or you can find a way to get done what you need to do while it heals. I can see you crutching around that mountain, damn the knee!

    The line to see the Queen will go right past my office and is expected to be about 3 miles long. I guess ill believe it when I see it but those scenes from Edinburgh are nuts!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Dutchiris- I'm in your pocket with hopeful thoughts and buttered popcorn for Thursdays scan

    Mae - I hope you got through today with less pain

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Dutchiris and Sondra F, in your pockets for scans and next steps as required.

    Mel, interested in updates on your situation, both with your kids and your sister re treatment etc.

    Had a pretty quiet day as always which is good, did my rewards sites, made a few extra dollars toward groceries or something else. I also did extra laundry, grated a Sunlight laundry bar until I got tired of it. When I make my mix of stuff, I usually use, equal parts grated soap, Tide and wash soda. I use extra oxiclean as well and I just mix it in the big container with my hands then use a small scoop for the washer. If I think stuff needs a bit extra, it might get an extra little hit of oxi just to keep my whites blinding white. Each big container lasts a long time.

    I think my new plan is to get the bus to pick up a few groceries before breakfast, come home, eat the breakfast and then take the bus to pick up my mail. I also think there will be a permanent switch to sour cream vs mayo, fewer calories than mayo and I can flavour it with whatever seasoning. We will see about that. Supposed to be a nicer day tomorrow.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    got through getting around to treatment today, limping a bit but with far less pain than the other day. Still staying off it and doing only what’s absolutely necessary and not everything I want to be doing.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Hi all. I have been reading along, but just not commenting. Sorry. I hope those with scans, biopsies, and problems will get some good news. My mind has just been full. With Dad's death, funeral, and all the paperwork that goes with a family members' death. And I am so tired lately. The fatigue seems worse. I do my best in the mornings. Around 1pm I crash and am not good for anything but a nap. So it takes longer to get stuff done. I posted on the Disability Thread about getting a notice in the mail that the Social Security Department is reviewing my disability case-- after I have had it 3 years. I have several pages of paperwork to fill out and get back to them. Just a lot going on here--- and nothing fun.

    I will keep reading your posts and think of you all. Even if I don't comment.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Candy~I've gotten many many of those. They are sop. Just fill them out and you'll be fine

    Mae~ glad you're ok

    Mara~ my sister is struggling. Her. Insurance is dicking her Around about treatment so she's waiting. She's suffering with pain. The tumor in one gland is growing so it's preventing her from communicating over the phone. You just can't understand what she says. It's really sta to scare me. She needs treatment and her family is horrible and is doing nothing to help her. It's infuriating me. My daughters lump thank god was a cyst. I saw it with my own eyes. A hollow empty hole with nothing in it or around it. Scared the life out of me. I will deal with the cancer end. Leave my family alone. look how well that turned out. My stomach issues have luckily been resolved. Slowly. Occasionally I don't agree with something I eat. So I make a list of dos and donts with food. Everything is a mess. So worried about my sister. Hope you're well.

    Candy~ hugging you sweet woman. Forgot to add that. I lost my dad two years ago. Watched him die actually. It was difficult beyond words. Take whatever comes and just feel it. Like the queen said. Grief is the price we pay for love.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Candy, I'm so sorry about your dad.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Candy and Mel, I am in both of your pockets as you both are dealing with so much. I wish your sister could come up to your part of the country, even just to be around family. I am in her pocket as well and hopefully the insurance companies stop messing with her. I have had to do reviews periodically with my disability too. Just to periodically periodically go over my bank records and trust and make sure that nothing has really changed.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Well, what a shitty start to the day, literally. I had scooped the cat box and the bottom of the bag decided to break in the middle of the floor, putting clumps of pee and poop in the middle of the floor, got it swept up first and then tried my dyson but it just tossed the litter around. I swept it up as best as I could and then used my black and decker cordless hand vac to get under the register and turned it off to drop anything that would not suck up. Got the floor mopped up with enzyme and will clean the broom somehow today. Otherwise, it did not take as huge an amount of time as I thought. I think going forward, going to use my duster, broom and cordless hand vac to pick stuff up.

    Supposed to be going to the grocery store and mail run but weather is bad so we will see.

    Edited to add, my garbage can has been used so I took out the garbage and I will dry it off and use packing tape to ensure no one removes the lid in future. Apparently, not allowed to keep it at the back of my place and I will not use it. Problem solved as far as I am concerned. I take it out in a bag on garbage day. I also realize I need to calm down about stuff.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I’m completely annoyed with insurance companies. They are so lame. My poor sister. The tumor is growing and now she can’t talk. She needs treatment fast. If it keeps growing she won’t be able to breathe. This is unreal. She can’t communicate with her providers because of the tumor. Her family is terrible and no one is helping her. I would advocate for her but I live far away. I could communicate with them though. But she would have to give written permission. It’s so complicated. I’m so worried.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Oh Mel, I am so sorry for what you and your sister are going through. I wish there was an online way she could make you medical POA so you could possibly help her with the insurance online. Is there no medical support services that can help considering she cannot talk and time is of the essence. I wonder if a three way call or video call with you, her and the insurance to help handle this, there has to be something. Email and ask if any of these are options. I am so sorry, there just has to be something. Ask if there are friends that can help with calls where she is. There just has to be something.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Wow, I missed so much. I was in Yosemite for four days with some of my college girlfriends. We had a blast, and it was wonderful to catch up with everyone.

    I had my scans the week before - all is stable. Saw my MO and had my Zometa infusion without incident. Next biggie is colonoscopy for DH in October.

    I told my MO and the Fellow that I had been intermittent fasting since my last appointment with her which was three months ago. I wondered if I'd get any pushback from her, but both she and the Fellow were supportive. I told her I've lost six pounds since then but have lost two inches on my waist, which is a bigger deal to me. I'm still waiting on my bloodwork results. A few tests are back. The usual low neutrophils, and WBC, but nothing alarming at this point. So, it's all good for now.

    So many of you are going through such crap and I'm so sorry! I had about six pages of posts to read and I can't remember them all enough to mention each of them, but know that I care and that I'm still here in the Living Room (that deserves to be capitalized, right?) or in your pocket - whichever you prefer!

    Love and hugs,


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mel, I just read back about the latest with your sister. I'm SO sorry! It's unbelievable what your sister is going through! Heads need to roll over the lack of care from her insurance company!!!

    mae, sorry to hear about your kitty litter incident. If it's not one thing, it's another, right?


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Carol, so glad you are stable, that is great to hear. Will be in your pocket re the colonoscopy as well and yes there is a lot going on for people like Mae, Candy and Mel and her sister's struggles. Deleted my whiny post from earlier because those issues are far less serious than what others go through and have nothing to do cancer or serious family issues. Just hoping the weather clears up so I can go check my mail and get a couple of things at the grocery store. What I may do instead is just start a post by complaining about my whiny stuff and then solve the problems and not submit it.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,040

    Micmel-It sounds like your sister really needs your help right now. I understand that driving 45 minutes is too much for you, but couldn't your husband or one of your children take you to her home so you could see her in person and help her deal with the insurance company? It sounds very strange that the company will not approve chemo. I think with all your experience, you would be able to get to the bottom of what is holding this up and get her into treatment. I wish her well and hope you can figure out how you can help.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Chicagoan, did not realize the drive was not that long for Mel. I would agree, time is of the essence there has to be someone who can drive you to help her deal with stuff if no one there will help and shame on those there who will not help her.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, maybe we should create a thread called "The Whining Corner in Mel's Living Room." Actually, I'm joking, but it might be a fun place for us to just come and whine (or wine!) Anyway, I don't think you have to delete your whiney post. We all get it and we all have our days. I think the kitty litter thing combined with the trash thing would just set me off.

    chicagoan, good point! I wonder if mel's sister's MOs could get on the phone with the insurance and talk to them. It's often a gatekeeper at the insurance company who possibly hasn't been given all the details of the situation.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,547

    Not sure this was already posted, but in case it wasn't, this is a memorial page for Moth (Margaret) to share your tributes.

    Moth (Margaret Young)

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    we told her we were coming and she refused and said she would use the talk to text method to try. Apparently she got through to someone because she's going into tomorrow early am for a blood transfusion and they may keep her again due to this problem. She refused giving anyone acting on her behalf. I don't think she really understands the severity of her condition. She keeps saying she'll be ok. I only k ow the information she tells me. And I'm trying to pry it out of her. She's only giving out what she wants to. She's very protective of her business. This is the sister I had been estranged from for over 10 years. So she sometimes keeps me at arms length. I've been trying to. Contact her children. I've been asking. Her doctors name. Just says the hospital. They won't give me any information. And neither will she. It's so complicated ….

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Carole, oh my god. I burst into tears over anything initially. Dirty litter from the cat box falls all over my floor, cry first. Sweep and mop later and it is fine. Then, my garbage can by the back of my house was taken all the way to the back of the apartment where I don't want it. Took out packing tape and wrapped it around the garbage can, I don't intend to use it, have told landlords why as well. I cried because a bee was near by and I am frightened. Got that done and took it too the back, continuing to put out a bag of garbage since I collect in a rubbermaid tote inside til garbage day. That is done. Was also upset due to a charge from a streaming service that does not show an account anywhere to cancel it. No phone number either so I just emailed.

    I really need a better coping mechanism than cry first and solve later. Makes me look and feel weak and the things above are not truly serious but I still get upset. I really need to grow up and change my initial reaction to stress, tears don't help.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    micmel, what an awful, complex situation you find yourself in with your sister. Utterly frustrating for you, when you are offering her a helping hand and it is declined. Sending digital hugs to you both.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Micmel, your poor sister. When I couldn’t speak from the vocal cord damage, it was beyond frustrating, it was rage inducing. Perhaps, you or someone could call her insurance company, explain the situation and simply ask how they recommend best dealing with the communication limitations, like providing relevant email addresses or a chat function.

    In other news, I’m happy to report that I woke with my knee operating at about 90%, hopefully this sticks and isn’t just a temporary benefit of yesterdays IV steroids at treatment.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Mae so glad your knee is doing better, may it continue that way.

    Carole, I feel better now, I realize that I should not be upset I initially cry and realize I solve whatever issue I perceive to be a problem also. I am going to focus on that. No mail delivery, no problem, pick it up once a week. Enough trying to get it resolved. Don't like the garbage can, no problem, I taped the lid of the garbage can on and put it at the end with the others. Too many major life events go on than me obsessing over initially crying, it is what I do then it goes away. I am good with that, the floor looks good too after being forced to do a major cleaning.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mara: People should be able to pick up mail daily without it being a major ordeal. We have a really good garbage collection even if it means everything being sorted: Grey Bin for glass , Blue Bin for plastic and tin, Yellow Bag for paper, small counter top green kitchen scraps bin --- that bin's contents goes in the Big Green Bin for kitchen waste and lawn clippings, Bick Black bin for garbage garbage. Oh yes an no plastic shopping bags at stores anymore. I have been carrying my own cloth ones for years now so I don't have to get used to that. The City is also good about picking up large appliances and mattresses. You call and within a few days at most a truck comes by and takes them away. Don't feel bad about crying. It is a form of release

    mae: I am glad your knee is improving.

    micmel: what an dreadful situation you are in. How hopeless it must all feel. No easy answer

    edited to add: dutchchiris: good luck with the scan. Hope it is all good news

    candy: I am sorry you are struggling. It is not a wonder. You have so much on your plate. Be good to yourself.

    waving to those I know I have missed.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    To All: almost afraid to say it in writing but I had my PET at 8:00 a.m. on Monday and at 2:00 p.m. my MO called with the follow-up. Dr. S doesn't say NEAD. (ever I think) but he said "all clear" ----- Am I getting to dance with Lt Ned? I am happy happy and am stupidly afraid telling people will jinx me.

    I want this so much for all of us!!!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Elderberry, that’s great news and we love to hear it!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    congrats elderberry!!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,547

    ((((((elderberry)))))) So happy to hear good news.

    Michael, so sorry for all you are going through with your sister. Illimae, relieved your knee is cooperating.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Elderberry, so happy to hear the good news as well. Enjoy your dance. As far as the crying, you are right, it is a stress release but most of the stressful things were resolved and I have resolved not to worry about having to take the bus to get the mail. I will continue putting garbage bags out front for pickup as before and my can is taped up where they want them kept. No more worry on that either.

    In pockets for everyone needing me there as well, Mel, dutchiris, Candy and others.

    My depressive day was lifted by one small thing, binge watched Cobra Kai's 5th season. It lifted me out of the blackness swirling in my mind.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Thank you mods and Mara and Mae. it's really Not looking too good. She's going in for another transfusion and has a high temperature and has since last night. She can't have chemo with her numbers like this. I finally got to the bottom of it with her. Not sure she won't be admitted again. Fever and cancer are not good. My DH gets back from business (every Tuesday and Wednesday in MD) on wed night late and Thursday is taking me down to see her. I'm just worried that this is allto much for her.