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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Nothing new here but I thought I’d pop in with a cute pic of Pig (monkey wasn’t cooperating)


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Mel, very cute picture of Pig.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Oh my , Pig looks like a little pixie, so cute. Thanks for giving us something to smile about, illimae. A relief from all the struggles people are having with sick and diying relatives and friends, scanxiety and progression. Holding anyones hand who needs it, as we all stumble along this MBC path, which I am finding so tiring at the moment.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Oh Mae. Pig looks a little like Yoda. Those ears are adorable. I agree with Denny. A dose of Pig or Monkey is all I need to put a smile on my face.

    Have a good day, all.

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94
    Mae, Thanks for the cute puppy photos. You and others can always post pet photos. They always make me smile!
  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Mae, I love their names. So adorable. I love the ears too.

    Denny10, holding your hand as well.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    Checking in ladies, haven't had the patience to scroll through when the pages are so slow. Results from surgery this am:

    DCIS, 2.6cm, grade 3, ER 5% positive. One margin was not clear.

    Back to surgery on the 20th to clear the margin, then radiation following, probably in November, about 8 weeks after surgery.

    Love to all, Nikki

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    thinking of you Molliefish! Sending out virtual hugs. Mae~dang them dogs are cute. I’m jealous!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Quiet day for me here. Doing some laundry and looking up canned veggie options that I can add to the beans, rice, beefless ground and eggs. Need inexpensive food so fresh veggies are off the table. I occasionally freeze romaine lettuce and such for salad dishes, corn flakes can be the croutons. Baked black beans or pinto beans are good too.

    I think for today, going to combine refried beans heated in the microwave along with some rice, baked black beans, beefless ground and cornflakes for crunch. Also topping with wheat bran for the fiber as well as well. Queso and sour cream to top it all off. Sounds like a lot of calories but using small amounts of each.

    Have to figure out a way to use up the whole wheat english muffins, I really don't enjoy them for any purpose, they were a mistake on my part. Might try making them crispier and chopping them up for meals, we will see.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    hi Mara. We are dealing with the washer blues. They are coming to get the new/defective one today and DH has to go to lowes to see new washers and pick out a new one and start again….customer service was good. But quality things for a higher price is not ok with me at all.

    Hope all is ok. Available for pocket duty!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Mel, I am doing well. I get MRI results for my brain today. At least it is not until this afternoon. I am just laundry in the meantime before showering and changing.

    Doubtful that I will see my brother today. Although the quarantine rules have been shortened, my brother and family had COVID over the long weekend for labour day. He is already back at work but not sure they will want to see me. Probably a good thing I was too tired to go out last week. Who knows.

    I am going to pickup any mail tomorrow or possibly before my appointment today as I have an updated card to go get anyway. We will see how bored I feel. The mail place is not too far from the hospital although I could walk as well, we will see. Will be hot but not humid. May try my UV umbrella and neck fan if there is any walking to do.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    today here is perfect. Just perfect. Wish I could be doing laundry lol. Gotta pick a new one. Yet again. These chain home stores. In and out like cattle. I'm in your pocket for results ! Hugs to you my friend. Be careful inthe heat if you venture out this afternoon. I was watching the coverage from England and the queen's health is failing. That's a shame. They are all gathering. That's always a sign. Hopefully she'll bounce back again.

  • sorella
    sorella Member Posts: 54

    I know this was 2 months ago but just came here to say, I hear ya. the tumor that we first discovered leading to my MBC diagnosis left me with neurogenic bowel problems (and/or it could have been the biopsy where the technician definitely hit a nerve) I spent months having to catheterize to pee (thank goodness no longer) but the bowel problems continue. Mine is mostly constipation but the treatment (metamucil, miralax and senna and recently linzess) keep me tied to the toilet on many days. I find aquaphor works best for hemorrhoid relief) I am doing a little better now but we are planning a big trip and don't know how realistic that is. I am also petrified of Covid!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Sorella~nothing worse than not having something running the way it should. Sienna doesn’t work for me. None of the pills do. Only myrilax. That’s all that does it. I get constantly back and forth issues. I’m sick of stomach problems. They are much better But I just hope it’s nothing turned chronic. Good to see you, I hope you get to have your trip. I don’t think Covid is going anywhere. It’s going to be like the flu. Always yearly around. Ick! More vaccines!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Sorella and Mel, I also had bowel problems while still on Perjeta, dropped the Perjeta and kept herceptin. I was started taking digestive enzymes at that time. Once the Perjeta was dropped and beans came into my diet, the fiber kept my bowels functioning properly without my heartburn or any other medication when I took enzymes before every meal. I hope you both feel better, Mel, hope your washer arrives home soon.

    I had a fairly generic but decent breakfast. Included 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup of beefless ground, 1/4 cup precooked rice and added an egg to a frypan which was low heat and then put a lid on after turning off the heat, took it off stove after maybe 5 mins. Added wheat bran, garlic spread, melted when I stirred it in, italian seasoning, salt and finally some onion powder. Used sour cream to bind together and it really tasted like sour cream and onion chips. Was really good without being overly spicy. Thinking I will use sour cream instead of mayo since the calories are fairly low and it could combine with a lot of things. We will see.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara- in your pocket for results today. If walking please be careful. It may not be humid but the heat is still a concern.

    Mel- new washer, the same thing happened to my neighbor. She got a new washer that was defective and had to get another one. They sure don't make things like they use to!

    Sorella- having bowel issues is the worst thing especially when trips are planned. Hope you find a solution that works

    Candy- Hope you are ok after a very hard time with your dad's passing and service

    Thinking of everyone!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Going to use my UV umbrella as well to keep out of the sun and a neckfan, take along a charger so I can charge the fan and then do the same routine on the way home. Bringing along water as well with electrolytes in case I sweat. I will go a way that allows hopping on the bus if I am tired as well. We will see how it goes.

    Candy, I am still thinking of you as well as your family. In your pocket as long as you need me.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    The Queen is dead. Long live the King.

    Feeling quite sad. I can remember being in my best cotton frock and ankle socks, standing at the front of a crowd, waving my Union Jack and Red Ensign as the Queen drove past. I was living in Ottawa at the time, and it would have been about 1956. Will Charles abdicate and let Wills assume the crown? Not likely but the thought crossed my mind. Charles III won't have a 70 years reign, that much is for certain.

    Think of all the police and military uniforms that will have to have ER removed from the badges. I am having weird thoughts like that. My life has all been ER on everything. I have a brass key "thing" from my father that has RCASC 142nd Co. and the ER logo (can I call that a logo?)

    Even people in the UK who don't like the monarchy itself loved Elizabeth.

    A loss of a truly remarkable woman. Bless her memory

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Have had the news on since noon and the note was passed in Parliament. This impacts work, though not my team. Had a very very strange meeting change come through about 3pm, changing the room of my meeting to a different due to 'update on the queen'. But its for a meeting in 8 days - we have a role in managing broadcasting support. I think the PA was subtly passing on some information she shouldn't have been :)

    Just the other day I was somewhere thinking about geez, they are going to have to swap out so much stuff labelled ERII. And all the coins i have stashed somewhere. And a changing head of state right now is really quite overwhelming.

    The newsreader clearly knew what was up, and everyone switched to the black ties and coats about 1pm, but he had to speak a bunch of nothing for HOURS. Then all of a sudden about 630 they cut to a shot of the union jack at half mast above Buckingham Palace and you knew the announcement was coming shortly after.

    She definitely looked frail on Tuesday when she met the new Prime Minister. And that giant bruise on her hand was concerning. And then yesterday when she couldn't hold a zoom Privy Council meeting, you knew something serious was up.

    A lot of events many people living will have never seen before are coming with a massive state funeral, a coronation, an investiture.

    An extraordinary day.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    To the longest reigning monarch,

    Queen Elizabeth II may she rest in peace.

    While not surprised by her death it is still emotional.

  • sadiesservant
    sadiesservant Member Posts: 1,875

    I’m also very saddened by the news Elderberry. The Queen has been such a constant - the only monarch I have known. She was truly remarkable. I don’t believe Charles will abdicate either. It was a huge issue for Elizabeth given the impact on her father, mother and herself.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    OMG, forgot the most important news, no new progression in the brain, only showing is an enhancement but my RO is not at all worried about

    Well, no more walking other than the bus stop. Got most of the way here and wiped out. Only scraped my elbow but cannot get up so 3 hospital workers got me up and in wheelchair.

    I did not take the bus as I should have. Never again doing outdoor walking, will be walking on treadmill needs to happen daily, increase protein and no more long walks. If I have no choice but to walk more, will have to bust out my walker so I can sit maybe every 10 mins. Unacceptable to have people have to help me up. On the plus side, the hospital did not even want me walking so they gave me a taxi voucher which was much appreciated. The cabbie and a neighbour helped up the stairs as I was still wobbly.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    sondra: I had the same thought. New coins will have to be cast. A lot of our bills don't have royalty on them. I have two King George Canadian $10 bills. Mint condition. I think. If I can remember where I stashed them.

    A sad day.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    The Queen was older, lost Philip and so many other things but she kept up her public duty as long as possible. Many regular people would not be able to keep that up. I am not a follower of the monarchy but I certainly have respect for what the Royals do. Hopefully Charles will be able to maintain her schedule and show the respect for the public as well. RIP.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Mara, I’m so glad your brain MRI was good news. I’m sorry you had such a tough time. I hope you feel better now.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Mara, yay 😀 congrats 🎉

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara- yay for great results!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    congrats Mara! Glad you’re ok. And weren’t hurt.

    I also am bummed. I did like the Queen. She kept her business her business and didn’t gabb and held the position with he’s e and dignity. Some hard hard shoes to fill. I’m not a big King Charles fan. And I certainly don’t like Camilla. Such a sad day. I’ve seen so many extraordinary things in my life. We all have. May she rest in peace knowing she kept her word, and served her country well for over 70 years.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Thank you everyone about the comments for my MRI results, yes, it did suck falling but just means I need to train more at home for walking on the treadmill and lifting my legs and taking bus when it is hot. The heat was likely the culprit for feeling weak. Walking to the bus should be no problem and I will take the bus to my grocery store and the mall. Indoor walking, although flat will still be a good thing to do.If I need to walk 10 mins or more, walking sticks or using my walker will be in order though not for the winter. We will see.

    I did call my older brother after SIL said she still wasn't feeling well. Apparently Chris and the boys are feeling much better but Kelly is struggling a bit still, hope they just keep resting. I am glad they did not wind up in hospital with their COVID.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I failed Piqray/Faslodex or it failed me. My most recent scans showed new mets in my proximal femur, base of skull, and more activity in many of the other bone mets. I have a lot of pain in my sacrum/ pelvis.

    We are waiting to hear from Interventional Radiology regarding the possibility of a biopsy of the proximal femur.