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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    I am sorry to hear that your treatment failed you Dutchiris, hopefully the next one will work for you. In your pocket until you find out what it is and how it is to take.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Mara, I am so glad you didn’t hurt yourself more than you did. I am really fearful of falling because I know something would break. I’m doing all I can to stay upright, but sometimes it happens so fast you just can’t avoid it. Take care, and I hope you heal quickly (bruises).

    Dutchiris, I am sorry to hear about progression. My oncologist (in PA) said she doesn’t give Piqray to her patients because of the many side effects. Not sure if you had any problems with it or not. I was on Piqray when I lived in FL, and I developed pneumonia from it. So don’t worry. There are lots of other chemos to try. I hope to hear your next one kicks the cancer down the road. Take care.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Mara - happy dance for your results💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

    Dutchchris - damn cancer🤬 stealing what was working and causing you pain. We are here for you…..HUGS

    The Queen - what an extraordinary woman! May she RIP beside her beloved Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Laurie, I am OK today, nothing major in bruises, Advil taking care of any minor pain. I do have to go to the postal depot today for a mail check. I have emailed both the property manager and messaged Canada post to come together and work something out. Told the post office that I fail to understand why the back door entry code cannot be used and told the property manager about my falls as well making it unsafe for me. It's been two months since we had mail delivery. I will not walk all the way there. Taking the bus both ways to be safe. I don't plan to walk much outside anymore, just inside on the treadmill to keep my legs strong. After meals I think.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mara- Congrats on the good scans.

    Dutchiris- So sorry you had progression. When will you know what treatment is next for you?

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thanks everybody.

    Booboo - I was on piqray for a total of 3 months. It hard, the hardest drug so far. I had a rash, itching, mouth sores, and a rising blood sugar. I almost gave up.

    Candy - It depends on if and when they can do the biopsy. If a biopsy of a new site od mets isn't possible, the we will try Afinitor and Aromasin (the last pill form). If biopsy is possible, the it would depend on results.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    dutchiris~ I hope your next treatment makes short work with mr cancer. The cellular a-hole. I’m sending good thoughts to you that there won’t be as harsh side effects as well. Thinking of you.

    Candy~hoping you’re doing ok. I struggled with my fathers death for a year or so. But I was estranged for years. But we made amends before he passed. You’re a good daughter and you spent time as you could showing him how you cared. I am wrapping you in ahug

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Mara congratulations on your good results. You have to be careful with walking now. Having a walker is a good way to keep moving but indoors is safest.

    Dutch Chris sorry to read about progression and treatment change. I hope the next option works really well with little or "NO" side effects.

    Candy I hope you are OK. Take all the time you need it's been a rough time for you and your family. Sending hugs from Mels couch.


  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Mara - I am excited your MRI results were good but sorry to hear about your fall. It sounds like you have a good plan to compensate.

    DutchChris - I'm sorry to hear about the progression. I am in hopes they can find a good treatment that will keep progressions at bay and ease any pain.

    Candy678 - You are in my thoughts as you grieve your dad and finish his final affairs. This year has had some hard blows for you and I am in hopes things get better in the future.

    Mel - Hope the new washer works better. I can not believe how expensive things are anymore and for the money they don't seem to hold up as well. Also thinking about your sister. I hope she is recovering well and coping well with all of this sudden change.

    My hearts are with everyone in Britain and the commonwealths. I was saddened to hear of the Queen's passing. She has been the Queen my entire life and I always looked to her as a leader that I admired and respected. I respected her dignity and composure and dedication to the people. May she be at peace and her legacy remain. I agree with Elderberry, the events coming will be something many of us have never seen. My mom remembers going to the neighbor's house to watch Queen Elizabeth II's coronation because they didn't have a television. I look forward to watching Charles III's coronation with her.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    went to pick out a new washer again today it's coming tomorrow already. So I'm glad about that. DH and I picked a nice grey model with the removeable agitator. Now I have to learn how to use the different things it can do. I'm excited to get it working again. Things are certainly expensive and Mind boggling.

    These poor young kids. My son is 25 works from 630 am to way after 5:00 pm. No lunch to speak of. He struggles every paycheck and all he does is work. Saturdays also. Not every but some. He just can't save a dime. Every month he's barely making it. Same with my daughter. Works all the time. These not so great hours. And either of them could make it without a roommate. It's very upsetting. I'm sick of money being the driver of everything. Like a prescription that was written for me by my doctor and my insurance company won't pay for it. My sister is also now playing the approval for chemo games. Delaying her second treatment. It's so frustrating when you're helpless to help. For major things. I am inanyones pocket that needs support. Hugs to all you ladies

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Mel, it is incredibly difficult for young people. Even those who get an university education are struggling to pay their way, getting appropriate jobs and adequate, affordable housing. Here in England inflation is rising, so life can only tougher.

    We are mourning the death of the queen, sad ,but she was 96 and her ill health and death was speedy. RIP.

    I am watching all the ceremonies that are taking place as we transition to King Charles III reign. I enjoy seeing the pageantry ; outfits, some dating back 400 years and the precision of the movements of the soldiers and dignitaries taking part. I hope you all find something to enjoy this weekend.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    I was 6 when Charles and Diana got married and even in the US, royals were big news. I wonder if it feels weird for Kate to now have the Princess of Wales title. The only kings we have are the king of rock n roll and king of pop and no matter how great someone might be, I’d probably reject that reference, it’s Elvis and micheal Jackson, period.

    Site prep and planning today for my hot tub due to arrive next week and general cleaning up as we’ve got a good friend coming out Thursday for a long weekend. Treatment on Monday, so I’ve only got a few days before I’m useless.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Mel, I am sorry your son and daughter are struggling to save money even though they work so much and for your sister having to get approval for different drugs, may it all work out for them.

    I am, which is not unusual, not doing too much today. I decided that instead of the walker, I would do several short walks up and down the side streets using the walking poles Chicagoan gave me for balance. I still don't need to walk super far and will take the bus. Using my stepbench to get steps in on both legs, shorter is better for me, even to or 3 step ups on each leg. I also plan to march on the spot in the house for 10000 steps EVERY day. That will also strengthen my legs instead of sitting all day as well. Going to look into more at home options to strengthen legs such as using a knapsack with weights put in and so on, dumb bells for arms. If my legs are stronger, even if I tumble outside, it will be easier to get up. I still am not walking far outdoors though. For balance, I will use the below link on youtube on the step bench as well.

    Stair step exercise to improve balance.

    Hope this helps someone going through similar issues as me whether it is balance issues or stamina issues when walking outdoors.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    We get a Bank Holiday for the funeral, unfortunately its my Hospital Day, so MO visit, blood, and its a Xgeva month too which tends to delay things. Hospital is only 2 miles to the Abbey and less than a mile to K Palace so I REALLY hope they aren't messing with the tubes or busses that day in the area for security reasons, though I imagine there will be moments of silence here and there. Have to be in the City all next week due to work stuff which means going through St James and Westminster stations twice a day. I was thinking of going to the lying in state, but depends on how tired I am and how long the lines are.

    Went to a leather bag workshop yesterday on the south coast with some friends and had a great time, although it was 2 hours+ each way on the train. But I came home with a nice new handbag, even if it was tiring standing for something like 8 hours while getting it done. Feet were killing me by the end!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Have a good weekend Sondra.

    Candy, still in your pocket for support if you need it.

    Mel, how is your sister doing?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Well shit, I twisted my knee a couple days ago and have been trying to stay off it as much as possible but earlier today I stepped into the travel trailer and while reaching back to close the door I twisted it worse with immediate pain. I’ve been down here for hours watching TV. DH will help of course but I have no idea how I’m going to get up to the cabin, then upstairs to the bedroom. I’ve been using an ice pack and took aleve but I can’t put weight on it, I can limp to the restroom or fridge but only on my left leg and while holding on to countertops and tables. Cancer sucks enough, I really don’t need the extra crap. Nothing fun here for now, just reading and wishing you all a far better weekend than I’m having. Arggg!

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Mae - oh ouch. I hope you didn't tear a meniscus or something like that. I hope it is less painful soon.

    Mara - I have walking poles I have been using. I am pretty stable most of the time and have been sticking to mostly flat sidewalks but if I have to be outside walking on any kind of significant incline or decline I just don't trust not having them.

    Mel - My brother is in the same way though he is 41. He and his wife are basically minimum wage workers and it's a struggle for them to get by and pay rent. I think he has some regrets now not finishing college or getting any kind of skill training. I don't know where I would start if I were in my 20s now. I'm sure I would need a roommate or family to share costs with too.

    Sondra and Denny - I can only imagine the crowds and activity there. Personally I wish I were able to go and pay my respects in person. I have always had the greatest respect for the Queen. I have the most admiration for her poise and sense of loyalty and duty. I also love the pageantry, ceremonies and outfits also. I agree with Mae, that's not something we have here so it's fascinating to watch. And yes, Elvis and Michael Jackson always.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Mae, I am sorry to hear about your knee pain. That really blows. Hopefully ice and rest leads to a quick recovery. If you have not already got it, ask your husband to get knee support wraps. Won't completely shut down pain but should keep your knee stable so you don't injure it further.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Pocket duty list for this week--

    emac--MRI brain Monday

    Sondra-- CT Thursday

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I was thinking along the same lines as Mara. How close is the nearest drugstore? You could ask your DH if he can get you a pull-on knee brace and / or crutches. Most pharmacies have them. Really sorry to hear about this. You had a lot planned to get done this weekend, as I recall, so this sucks BIG TIME! Take care and let us know how you’re doing over the next couple of days.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    With DH’s help, I made the slow and painful trip upstairs last night and I’m basically bedroom bound today. He brought up coffee and will find my knee wrap (I’ve injured this knee repeatedly). Hopefully staying put today will help make it easier to get in/out of the car and cancer clinic tomorrow.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Glad to hear you do already have a knee wrap you can use. At the cancer clinic tomorrow, perhaps they can take you by wheelchair as well to rest further. Sending all my healing thoughts your way too.

    I am still unsure what I want to do for today. I would go to a store but I wish to save money as I already have plenty of food. Laundry supplies are still being used from the first hoard I bought a couple of years ago. Doing laundry but used the wash wand in my portable washer as a better and more gentle option for clothing and such that was not overly dirty, spun them and will put them in a mesh bag and then dry. I am also considering moving my heated drying rack out here for things like clothes so I can spin them less in the dryer to get rid of cat fur. I will see what that looks like for me.

    Having a breakfast with a lot of ingredients so I shrank each portion. I have found that I can get the texture of beans I want quicker by nuking them in the microwave for 2 min 30 seconds. I let them cool so the ingredients are 1/4 beans. 1/4 cup beefless ground, 1/8th cup rice that was boiled water seasoned with steak and onion seasoning. After everything is combined, will put in pan with an egg as well, mostly on warm then topping with a bit of salt, queso and sour cream. I do like the lower calorie hit with the sour cream to using less of the caesar dressing and more sour cream. I may also take the bus to the grocery store today for another dozen eggs, we'll see how I feel, taking the bus though as it will be warm.

    I do plan to cook up my hash brown patties at some point and store in the freezer as a quick add to different meals or grind up in chopper too, we will see.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mae: Boy the knee thing really sucks. You had plans, Girl!! I was looking forward topics of your progress. I hope you rebound soon!

    DutchChris: I am sorry to hear about your progression. Did you say you were going to try a new treatment? I would have to scroll back. I just remember that the news wasn't good.

    mel: Silly how happy we are about new appliances. We get so used to having those conveniences that not having it just blows.

    Mara: yay on your good news. May it continue

    Apologies to all the ladies I know I missed.

    Pocket duty requested for tomorrow. PET Monday at 7:55 a.m. I am feeling well and my blood work has been really good so I am hoping the shoe doesn't drop out of the blue. Buttered popcorn please, easy on the salt!!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    on pocket duty for Emac, Sondra and Elderberry with buttered popcorn 🍿

    Mae- I do hope your knee feels better soon. If it isn't one thing it's another! Take care tomorrow.

    Mel- it's hard to see your kids work and struggle. My daughter is the same way although she finally left her stressful job and arrogant bosses to look for another line of work. We just want them to be happy.

    Waving hello to everyone 😊

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Illimae— sorry about your knee pain. Ouch, for sure

    Will be in your pocket tomorrow. Hope your knee cooperates.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949


    Mae, so sorry about your knee. If you’re not going to be at the meeting tomorrow, I’ll miss you. I hope it’s better soon.

    I’m here for pocket duty.

    Here is a gorgeous picture right before dark tonight. I hope it is calming for anyone who is having concerns.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    beautiful KBL!

    Mae~ I am so sorry you twisted your knee that is quite painful. Not to mention annoying. I Hope stabilizing will make a big difference now that you have your brace. Nothing like crappy timing. Heal quickly.

    Hi Candy. Hi Emac. Hi sunshine. Hi Rosie. Hi Goldens . Hi SeeQ Hi Tanya. Hello BooBoo. Hello Mara. Hello dodgers. Hello living. Hello Elderberry. Hello 50’sgirl.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hello everyone: a smoky stinky day here. Smoke from an out of control wood recycling plant, smoke from wildfires from the south or the east.........bright red sun yesterday. Had to keep windows closed. We had fans running just so air was moving.

    Lovely pic kbl. I tried to snap a pic of the sun but I couldn't even see it on the view finder. I clicked anyway. When I looked at the media card it was just a little bright dot, not the blood red orb that was there in the sky.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Micmel—- waving to you. Hello!! How is your sister doing? Did she get approval for 2nd chemo tx yet?

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Regarding the progression and possible biopsy, IR wants more information. I am scheduled for a PET scan on Thursday.