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January 2018 Surgery group! Please see updated list in thread!



  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    hourmom,OK. I'e never done that. Can I ttry glycerin suppository?? Think that might work?

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    18ybug I am pretty sore as well. Nightmares and just uncomfortable as well. Oxycodone!!!!

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Shadie - I'm still a fresh post op with no bra. It's the darned TEs that feel like an underwire bra that needs tugging. Like a phantom bra. Lol.

  • rdeesides
    rdeesides Member Posts: 233
    edited January 2018

    Shadie, I wonder if tummy sleeping is possible with these expanders. I still have some pain in my incision so I probably need that to get better before I attempt to sleep on that side. Also still have one drain. Maybe in another week or two

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    Hey January sisters,I JUST HAD A BM!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooooooooooooooo,Not great but the glyciren supusotory worked!!!! I guess I will follow with mirilax. I am sleeping like a corpse on my back. This stinks! I can’t wait until it’s spring and this crap is so far past!!! You REALLY just don’t know the strength you have in you I guess!!!!

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    sorry I’am a whiner!!!!!!! Lo

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2018

    I have been reading all of the updates, I am 5 days out from BMX with SN on right and still having quite a bit of pain, I can't take narcotics or anything with codeine in it but can take Tramadol. I had surgery on my ankle this summer and the surgeon assured me I would be begging for stronger pain meds but I barely needed any of the Tramadol, I was hoping this surgery would be the same, unfortunately the right side has a strong burning/ stinging sensation on top of just being sore, the left is just sore and very easy to deal with unless I over do it. Does anyone else have the burning/ stinging sensation? Both sides were pretty equal until yesterday when the right side got worse.

  • lg10
    lg10 Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2018

    it is so encouraging to read all of your posts. I’m so happy that everyone is feeling better day by day. my surgery is coming up on Tuesday. I have been pretty calm, but the reality really hit me today. I’m terrifed. Of so many things... Maybe my biggest fear is taking that bandage off the first time and seeing my new normal. I know it won’t be that way forever, but how have y’all handled that?

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    lg10-Im also concerned about the new normal. My biggest concern is the chemo and the pathology reports. I haven't allowed myself to think about my new body. Currently there were too many other things to think about. That too will come.

    Do any of you know if you can take a Xanax the night before surgery? I haven't taken one in 2 weeks but tonight I think I need one. I'm in NPO after midnight

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    ig10 It's TOTALLY ok to be terrified. My bf told me I looked so scared I looked like I was being taken to the gallows! My best friend made me laugh all morning and my boyfriend and doctors assured me I'd be fine,and I am! We all are. We are all in this together to help,laugh,figure things out. If you have a weird or odd question I'll bet someone on here before or after can and will make you feel better. Promise!! I am ok with my new normal. I am 4 day's post op. My nurse practitioner keeps telling me I will have “rockin knockers” Philaflash and I have the same team. Weird! This site was a big support. All of these women are amazing!

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    you guys should deffinatly be able to take Xanax the night before! I think I took klonopin

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    philaflash,when is your post op visit? I go the 8th. I am calling tomorrow. These drains are done!! Do I need to wear this stupid camisole? Can I just wear a spandex cami with pads? I get the “iron bra” but it’s not super bothersome,yet! I’am scared though. I feel a little lumpy around the edges of the te’s. Do you

  • lg10
    lg10 Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2018

    thank you Marlena. That means a lot. I'm sure I will have lots of questions after surgery! My poor fiancé has dealt with lots of ups and downs the past few days. I bet he will tell me something very similar after I get taken back. Haha.

    I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, jo. I also worry about the pathology reports. It's almost too much to wrap my head around! Maybe that's why I'm just focusing on my incision! Who knows. So many emotions that I really never thought I would be feeling. During the holidays I was just focused on planning a wedding. Now I'm preparing for surgery. Life comes at you fast sometimes.

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    my boyfriend told me I needed a psychiatrist between ALL my breakdowns and freak outs. It’s fine!!!!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    lg10- going from planning a wedding to planning surgery are Polar Opposites. My anxiety has gone up some tonight but overall I just want to get this surgery over with. I'm not looking towards the painful aspect of it but all the rest of the surgery girls handled it well so we will too. And once your surgery is over with you can start planning your wedding again. Tonight I'm going to snuggle up with my fur babies and relax. I just took a Xanax so I have no doubt within 15-20 minutes I'm going to be in la-la land.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    marlena- congrats on your BM. We can laugh about it but when you're not able to go after 3 days or so you feel like crap. No pun intended.

  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2018

    Marlena - whoohooo! I know that felt good. As long as you're on the pain meds, stay up on your preventative measures and you should be good from here on out. My TEs look lumpy and have weird ridges sometimes and then it goes away next time I look.

    Dlpaquette - I definitely had stinging and it wasn't always symmetrical, it moved around. I feel like each breast has been on it's own timeline.

    Lg10 - I didn't want to look until my 1st shower, 48hrs later. I think the concern for whether I was healing ok overrode any emotions at that point, maybe I was still in shock. I'm not going to lie, I feel like a mutant every time I look in the mirror. But it becomes normal pretty quick and reminds you of how far you've come and it's not as scary as the day before surgery and definitely not as bad as the day you were diagnosed. It's just one more step towards a more beautiful and healthy you.

    For those facing surgery soon, I know It's scary to think about but you won't remember a thing past being wheeled into the OR and when you wake up it'll be behind you. We are stronger than we feel, you'll do great! ❤

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2018

    Woohoo Marlena, glad it worked! Make sure you hydrate, some Gatorade would be ideal. Take it easy on the miralax too if you’ve already gone.

    I asked to see my incisions the day after surgery when they were changing my dressings. We didn’t know whether I would be able to keep my own breast skin ahead of time, so I was nervous about having ‘sewn on’ breasts, but luckily they were able to save it. I was pleasantly surprised at the shape, they look like the boobs I wish I had had at 25 instead of the saggy old lady boobs I’ve had since I was 15.

    I was trying to remember the moments before surgery just now and I actually can’t! I remember checking in, them giving me the iv, meeting with both surgeons and the anesthesiologist and that’s it. I don’t know if I walked into the OR or if they wheeled me in. I remember walking in for the SNB 3 weeks prior. How funny.

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    HAHAHAHAHA I LOVE YOU Jo6359!!!!!!!!!!!

    18ybug Thanks for the info on the TE’s. I was wondering. I keep thinking there is a problem. With me there is ALWAYS a problem!!LOL

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018
    CONGRATULATIONS Marlena!!!! I know just how you feel!!

    About seeing your new body....this is something I was very nervous about as I did not have reconstruction. It depends so much on the skill of your BS and PS. I trusted my BS because she did such a professional job with my lumpectomy and I knew she was doing the closures on the BMX. I wanted to be completely flat and that is what I got, very neat incisions under the steristrips which will come off in the next few days. It was a shock though, I am 5’7” and 162lb with a C cup bra. The sight of myself with no boobs the first time...I cried for about 5 mins a couple of times and then decided this is my new reality. Now I’m looking forward to choosing how I want to look and will probably get a tattoo in a year or so. I will wear prostheses when I am on the road and flat at home.

    We none of us had a choice in this...we had to make the best of a bad situation and having gone through the initial shock followed by tests,procedures, pain, stress and worry we have found each other and can draw comfort from each other,knowing something of what is ahead from those who share their experience. I think women are absolutely amazing! Jude
  • LoveCanada
    LoveCanada Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2018

    Good luck Jo and lg and all of you other ladies having surgery this week!!! As others said, the time right before surgery is a blur. I was nervous and remember talking to everyone but then all of a sudden I was in recovery (and I felt good that day from all the pain meds!). For me, seeing myself with no bandages was really weird but it doesn’t bother me- if anything, I am fascinated by it because I look so different. I have TE’s and will get implants but I’m also kind of enjoying being flat because I’ve always had large breasts. It may be different for me because I’ve never really liked my breasts and I’m going smaller. But it is different. Sending love and good thoughts to you all this week. We’ve almost made it through January

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    hourmom,things are STILL MOVING!!!!!!!! NEVER FELT SO FRIGGING HAPPY!!!! Lol You are SO right about before surgery. I DO remember my gf and I laughing and my hospital is in Camden Nj. (Not sure you guys all realize that Camden is like THE WORST city in the U.S. maybe next to Compton) So we were doing Snapchat and tagging it “CamdenNj.” I remember BEGGING ANASTHESIA to give me EVERYTHING they had to stop me from vomiting,I Remember kissing them goodbye,being wheeled in,seeing those big scary circle lights,my surgeon rubbing my hand and being told to breathe deep into a mask. Then being wheeled into recovery,7 hours later.

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2018

    My surgeon mentioned different colors of the drainage but never mentioned if it is normal to have white clumps which I am assuming is breast tissue, I only have the white clumps on one side and wondering if others have experienced that or not. It is hard when you have no idea what normal is.

  • Shadie
    Shadie Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2018

    Philaflash--no bra?!?!? I can't make it more than about 10/15 minutes without a bra now! I feel too much downward pressure, and I need something to hold me up.

    rdeesides--I am using an Air Xpander. They started me with about 200cc, and since Tuesday, when they removed my drains, I have been able to put in between 10-30ccs/day. So I have actually added about 130cc in just a couple of days. No pain or real pressure when I have added--since only 10ccs can go in at a time--but the cummulative effect would make it way to painful to sleep on my tummy and actually squish what I have put in to-date. Sometimes, when I am on my side, I feel a slight tug on the incisions, but no real pain, so that is much safer for me (and way more comfortable for me than sleeping on my back!) The good news: with the expansion to date, I actually almost look like my pre-surgery self less than three weeks post surgery. (I had skin and nipple sparing surgery.)

  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2018

    dlpaquette - I also asked about the clumps, they are normal, they are proteins. I have lots of them. Just make sure you are stripping your tubes so they don't get stuck.

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Where to start??? Marlena, many congrats on your moving experience . Lol. My original appointment with Bonowitz was the 2nd until he went on vacation. Now I'm scheduled for the 6th. Helen is supposed to be doing his fresh follow ups. I told them I wasn't comfortable having my first follow up at 16 days post op. I will be calling tomorrow also. SDipaquette - it's normal for the drainage to change colors from bloody to yellow, but also expect to see clots, stringy blood clots, fat tissue, and assorted cellular debris. All normal. TEs are kind of bumpy and irregular and change shape as they're filled. Nothing at all like final implant. My understanding is that stomach sleeping with TEs isn't generally possible because of their design. I guess it depends on how big you go.

    And I also have zero memory of anything after getting my IV pre op. Lights out. Just woke up in the recovery room.

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2018

    Thanks Philaflash and Shadie, it is good to know it is normal. I had ankle surgery in July of last year and lots of complications with infection and wound healing so I am really hoping this one follows a more normal recovery.

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Dipaquette - I also get burning sometimes, often after stripping the drains. I was told the burning can be from drain placement and suction against tender tissues. Which is weird since the mastectomy skin is numb. Can't wait for these to be pulled!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    marlena- when did you start vomiting.

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    jo6359 I never vomited. I have a vomit phobia! I always said I’d rather have an amputation than vomit. ( might feel different at this point) lol I ALWAYS ask for precautionary meds bc I tell them how scared I am to be sick. I asked for “emend”?????? Anestesogolist had no prob putting it in my iv. Also came home with zofran. I never took it. It’s a “just in case” drug. I’am good. I took my last oxy last night at 10 or 11. I will take another today. I guess I am weaning off. I feel pain but nothing like a train accident or truck. Ive downgraded to just a bad car accident. I’am emptying dishwashers,wiping counters,difting small dinner plates,showing my friends how I can almost “vogue” like Madonna. Lol I am a hairdresser. I’am a little nutty! They are impressed and want their hair done. SOON!!!! But not yet. You will do AWSOME