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January 2018 Surgery group! Please see updated list in thread!



  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    quiltingnut- hoping your recovery is speedy and the surgery went well yesterday.

    Miranda-Its overwhelming when you are alone with your thoughts. The fear and uncertainty can take over our life. Thinking of you.

  • LoveCanada
    LoveCanada Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2018

    Marlena, hope you're feeling better! Remember that everyone is different so you have to do what works for you. I had to keep reminding myself, and listen to others on here, because every time I pushed myself too fast thinking that I should be feeling better, I paid for it with more pain. I didn't really start feeling better until I took the meds around the clock (before pain got bad) and gave myself time to heal.

    Miranda, thinking of you! I hope you have someone to talk to also. I haven’t been alone much but have noticed that the few times I am, and at night, it’s been the hardest for me because my mind starts going crazy. It can be a really hard place.

    Jo, ha I was the same way with cleaning (and not being a great house cleaner!) but it was so nice after surgery to look around at my sparkling house :)

  • RedJo40
    RedJo40 Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2018

    my surgery went really well it was an eleven hour procedure. I had a pain pump until today. I have a new bellybutton which is weird and a flat tummy. I’ve taken one walk and will be up 3 more times today. The worst is getting in and out of the bed, they aren’t mad for short people. They come check on me every hour so I will be glad to get home and sleep in my recliner. Praying for those who still have surgery coming up you can do this

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Totally agree with LoveCanada and jo6359. Everyone is different. Don't try to overdo it or think you should be in a different place. Listen to your body. They give us that whole array of med choices for a reason. Use what you need. The bottom line is you're on the other side of surgery and it will get better. I think all of us post op patients can agree that the fear of and wait until surgery is so much worse. That and the wait for path results. I hope I have mine by the end of this week. But no matter what, the wait is over and then the focus can be on recovery and treatment of this miserable disease. Best to all. Thinking of you for next week.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    RedJo40- 11 hours of surgery. Wow! Im dreading a 3 hour procedure. I cant imagine how my body would feel after 11 hours. You must be eager to go home.

    My electric recliner never arrived. Even though I had a guaranteed delivery of January 23rd, shipping delays have moved it back 4 weeks. So when I get home from the hospital I will not have any recliner. I have a lot of pillows so I will make that work.

  • ibis
    ibis Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2018

    It’s good to read the recovery stories. Jo6359...that’s too bad your recliner didn’t arrive! Good luck to you on Monday and to all the sisters having surgery next week. And thanks again Jude for starting this group.

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018
    Thanks over70, I feel so thankful to have met you all, even though it isn’t face to face. I don’t know how it would have been possible to cope without the support of other women experiencing the same mental and physical pain and fear. This is a scary place to be as the whole process seems to move in slow motion and in the meantime we have to take care of ourselves and our families and make a living too. Those on the outside of this experience have no idea, so thank you everyone for opening your hearts and minds and sharing, our collective experience makes us stronger.

    Thinking of everyone having surgery next week, try not to stress, stay busy with preparations and let us know how you are when you can. Jude x
  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207
    edited January 2018

    Thanks to everyone for caring; this is the only website and thread that speaks to me right now. Yes, it can be worse when alone, and the difficult thoughts start spinning. I am doing better now, I think. My husband is here and is very attentive. The incision management device is really bothering me, much heavier than the drains, on a lanyard around my neck. But I have to remember it's helping me heal.

    It's wonderful to have women to share this experience with. Jo, I'm so sorry your recliner got delayed! At least you'll have a comfortable new chair when it does arrive.

    Loving thoughts to all those ladies recovering or whose surgery is upcoming.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    Miranda-I am so thankful for this thread. The support and caring makes a difference. We are so fortunate that we can learn from each other. I am much calmer now about my surgery. Hoping we all get clean path reports.

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2018

    I had my surgery on January 23rd and I went in thinking I was stage 1 but I just heard that there was a small amount of cancer in the sentinel node, they also found a second tumor that was 5mm (also a 1.5 cm) that we had not known about. Now we have to wait for further testing to what stage I am and if I will need chemo and radiation. It was thought since I needed a mastectomy due to wide spread DCIS throughout that I would not need radiation and chemo, but if the cancer is bumped up to stage 2, I will need both.

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    day #3 post BMX I am doing pretty good Philaflash. STILL,no BM!!!! Since Tuesday. Drains look like they are ready to come out. I have 3. 2 on 1 side and 1 on the other. I AM taking the oxycodone but no Valium. I can't take ibuprofen or alive. It affects my blood platelets. Tylenol yes but I went from “no thank you,just Tylenol" the night of the surgery to 1 every 4 hours. I have 2 kids and a dog 100 lb. dog and cat that jumps all over me. 2 flights of stairs and SO many people coming and going. I need to rest and sleep. My range of motion is pretty amazing. I am sure I'll be back to work pretty fast. My fever is gone. It was low. Helen said to keep using the breathing machine drinking and walking and I did and it's inscesions are looking great. Iron bra part is not bothering me. I just keep waking up at night like around 2 and 4. I am sleeping sitting up with the bed wedge and a neck pillow. I wake up like a corpse,numb. Are you laying down to sleep

  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2018

    Hi everyone, hope this message finds you well. I've been searching this site since my surgery last week and decided to join a group for additional support and info. My surgery went very well and I'm counting down the days to get these pesky drains out. I'm having the most difficulty with sleeping, and waking in pain every night at 3am. I'm normally a side sleeper and I just cannot stay in a comfortable position on my back all night. Today was the 1st day I left the house, it was strange but necessary. I'm always busy doing something so this has been pretty hard on my emotional well being and I don't accept help very well. I'm tired of feeling down, so I made an appointment for my daughter and I to get blow outs tomorrow and really looking forward it! Anyone else yearning to shave the jungle growing in their pits ?!? ugh...😝

  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2018

    Marlena17 : I went 4 days without, and thought I was going to lose my mind. My belly was so bloated, I looked pregnant! I took colace 3xs a day, a probiotic and lots of fresh fruit and pear juice. I also recommend drinking lots, I mean lots of water.

    I too am having a lot of difficulty sleeping through the night. It's crazy, but every night when I wake I'm in the middle of a terrible nightmare, it's like my body is telling me to wake up cause it's in pain. I'm numb all across the chest and under my arms and it takes about an hour to get comfortable enough to sleep again. It's not as bad as the first 4-5 days and I'm hoping it'll get better after the drains come out. Wishing us all a good night's rest!

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Marlena - so glad to hear you're doing well! I found that just a half tab of valium in the morning helped for a day. Just relieved a lot of tension in the area. Today, I haven't taken anything but colace. I slept almost straight up the first night home. The last two nights I'm getting by with just two propped pillows. I'm normally a side sleeper, but I find I wake in exactly the same position as I fell asleep. Like the sleep of the dead. Lol. My range of motion is good, too. Went out to dinner at PF Changs last night. It was great to be out. Today, everyone finally left. I even got to take a nap. Better each day. See, we can do this!!!

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    WOW Sharon!!!!! That’s great!!! You went to of Chang’s!!!! Good for you!!!! I probably could go out but just not up to it. My gf made me a meal train. We get food delivered every day for the next 2 weeks. I’am taking advantage of that. I have NOT had a BM since Tuesday! I took senna something today. Nothing!! I am a super light eater but do eat lots of fruit. Maybe I should try the colace? How are your drains? Mine are super slow. I am pretty excited about how my breasts look now. I’am maybe a big b. They actually look pretty to me. My cousin and mom could not believe it. I think it’s awsomw you are off the oxycodone. I really need it still bc I can’t follow orders and find it hard to sit still. I agree about sleeping like the dead lol. We had a great surgeon :

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Marlena17 - I asked for colace in the hospital just for prevention. They have me senna instead. Oh, I paid for that dearly the first full day at home - massive blow out. Lol. Now I'm taking colace just for a few more days to make sure things continue to work smoothly. I can't overstate hydration. I mean eight to ten glasses a day! Along with the fruit and fiber you're already doing. One drain is really light. The other is still cranking out 40ccs.

    Also, am I the only one with a phantom underwire bra I keep wanting to tug down? The TEs don't hurt, but I'm always feeling like I need to tug the bra down. Lol. It's gonna be long few months with these babies. I'm only a AA immediate post op, but they're looking fine. How'd you get such big fills?

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    honestly I don’t know. My breasts look better than before. My incision was inframammory and I kept my nipple. My breasts were lopsided and now they seem more aligned and more like a small b. I could be wrong but that’s how they look to me. I am staying small.I am 5’5 125lbs. I took 2 senna plus this morning. NOTHING!!!!!!!! I drink lots of water. I might try prune juice tomorrow. Do you have Doctor Bonowitz? You do,yes? My chest feels tight but not really bad. It’s defiantly tolerable

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Marlena17 - yes, I have Bonowitz. I had to have both breasts off with only skin sparing. My incison is classic placement just above where my nipples were. Dr. Brill does such great surgery - I was looking at the results. If I decided to go flat, which I did for awhile, she sutures the skin so that post surgery you have a little fullness at the top of the former breasts pulled towards the midline, so you almost have a little sense of fullness and cleavage, even though the breasts are gone. Just a small touch, but so considerate of the woman who decides flat is the way to go. I did opt for TEs and I'm looking to be a B. I'm 5' 3" and 139. Continued recovery, Marlena17. Sisters with surgery this week: you've seen a month of anxiety, preparations, sharing fears, recovery stories, and sharing love. You'll all get through this part of the journey. Best to all of you!

  • MayDayMelK
    MayDayMelK Member Posts: 25
    edited January 2018

    Just checking in. Since my biopsy got moved up to the 25th I am not seeing the surgeon again til Feb 2nd. I just want to say how amazing you ladies all are. While I'm waiting I'm taking in as much information as I can to keep myself busy, and you guys are just inspiring! Here's to smooth recoveries <3

  • Lovelife44
    Lovelife44 Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2018

    a thanks lovecanada, that was a useful and fascinating thread! I guess I am not so weird afeterall!! Hope all is going well with your recover

  • Lovelife44
    Lovelife44 Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2018

    I got both drains out at day 13 post op... hallelujah, it felt fantastic to be free. On day 14 I drove to the airport to drop off my son, did a grocery run, some laundry, visited with friends, cooked a meal and emptied the dishwasher........then POW......suddenly Tylenol wasn't enough, I crashed and burned, spent the next day snoozing and have not been up and about as much since. Listen to your body and don't try to do too much.........we feel a lot better but we are not quite well. But on the plus side, I am sleeping like a baby, wake up once in the night but get to sleep again easily

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207
    edited January 2018

    Can't wait to get my drains removed!

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Posting the January Sisters list probably for the last time since the month is almost up(unless someone wants to be added). Liking to see whose surgery is coming up so we can keep them in mind. This is a monthwe will never forget.

    Marlena, prune juice works pretty well, just don't do what I did and drink too much...the results don't bear writing about! I can almost sleep flat on my back, I still take 1/2 oxycodone to help me sleep and will probably be able to move back to the bedroom with my DH tonight. Feeling better day by day...crashing the following day when I overdo it though.

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    • jo6359
      jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
      edited January 2018

      I thunk I have everything ready for my surgery and recovery. Two hours ago. my central A/C stopped working. I live in Miami and we almost always need air. It was supposed to have been serviced in December. Breast cancer got in the way. December was spent coping with my dx, ultrasounds, biopsies, pet scans and finding a new cancer/same breast. Initial surgery was scheduled Dec. 29 for a lumpectomy. New surgery date January 29 for a BMX. The January surgery group was my lifeline. Learning from all the women who went through surgery and was kind enough to share their experiences meant so much to me. Best of luck to the other 6 women waiting for surgery next week. We have got this.

    • rdeesides
      rdeesides Member Posts: 233
      edited January 2018

      I had a UMX with tissue expander placed. I am just able to slightly sleep on that side. I’m wondering if I will be able to fully sleep on that side or my stomach with the tissue expanders. Does anyone know?



    • Jadalulu
      Jadalulu Member Posts: 32
      edited January 2018

      My surgery was on 1/4 and I have only been comfortable sleeping propped up on a wedge pillow with pillows under my arms to keep them elevated. I tried to sleep flat one night and it did not go so well. I am still swelling quite a bit on my right side, the side that the sentinel node was removed.


    • Shadie
      Shadie Member Posts: 31
      edited January 2018

      rdeesides, I was able to sleep on my as soon as the drains came out. I had a PBMX w/ TE, can can sleep on either side. i haven't dared trying to sleep on my tummy!

      marlena17: Are you doing any walking? I found that walking/movement (as well as a stool softener) got the "other" movement moving, if you get my drift.

      Philaflash: I need to keep tugging the bra down in order to prevent significant itching at the incision sites! Doctor will let me apply vaseline to the incisions for five minutes before a shower, and then I can wash it off. The visiting nurse suggested I wipe the incision with a cotton ball dipped into 50:50 mixture of vinegar and water.

      Is anyone else developing a reddish mark where the TE juts out?!?!? Since Friday, I have a small pinkish/reddish triange mid breast, near the underarm. It has not changed in appearance over 48 hours (no fever/chills, either), and don't wear any clothes/bra that has that shape that could have created an indentation there. I sent a pix to my doctor (first time I have ever snapped and/or sent a selfie of that part of the body!!!) but admittedly, it was not a great pix, and he just suggested monitoring. But I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

    • houmom
      houmom Member Posts: 102
      edited January 2018

      I’m 3 weeks out after BMX/DIEP and sleeping in my own bed, but only on my back. I have the bed reclined flat enough for my husband to be able to sleep in there but it’s not completely flat. I need a couple of soft pillows behind my back still too. I’m only taking Tylenol, and it’s for the occasional headaches I’ve been having. The right breast that the PS had the most trouble with during the microsurgery (where they reattach the veins) is still painful at the side, it’s too full there I think. The drain that came out this week (the last one) is finally closing up, but is still a little tender. I’m driving again since Thursday, but can only manage a few minutes at the grocery store. We were at Target today and I had to sit a couple of times, followed by a nap once we got home. I have been out to eat a couple of times but it was tough on my back to sit for too long. Still not cooking or doing any housework

    • Marlena17
      Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
      edited January 2018

      judeshome,so how much prune juice? I’am really uncomfortable

    • houmom
      houmom Member Posts: 102
      edited January 2018

      I took the Dulcolax stool softeners, if you’re really uncomfortable you might consider doing a Fleet enema. It’s not painful and works pretty instantly