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Chemo starting April 2018



  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Linda, how is the Land of the Wigless? I'm so jealous. I think you're getting snow showers this weekend, enjoy going topless while you can. (I used to live in Colol. Springs. My son is still there and my sister and her family are in Denver so i keep up with your weather.)

    Ingerp, I'm glad to know that 2-3 weeks might make a difference in my hair color. Fingers crossed. I would look like I have more if it was darker.

    InnaB congrats on writing again. Doesn't it feel good to do something you enjoy? Just to be able to concentrate on something other than treatment is a blessing.

    Djt, love the pic, quiff and all. (I had to look up "quiff" too, Maggie, lol).

    Duffy, congrats on coming to the end of rads! Are you totally done with treatment now (except for herceptin)?

    NoteRed, almost done with rads, hang in there. I'm sorry this has been so hard for you. Maybe a therapist who specializes in post traumatic stress disorder would be helpful for you. There is an article on this website that says about 80% of us suffer from some degree of ptsd after our diagnosis. Good luck, sending cyber hugs and wishing you peace.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    oh my goodness, how crazy is it to come here to laugh!!!!

    Thanks all.

    Duffy wow, you are done tomorrow? Great!!!

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    notered I didn't see your post being referred to here, but im sorry your feeling bad. When it was pretty bad at one point during radiation treatment my dr. Suggested putting me in touch with their social dept for counseling, and some helpful referrals. maybe yours offers help?

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    When I immigrated, I fell in love with English. I still have problems with the damn articles because they don’t exist in Russian, and my commas are not always in the right places, but I love, love, love English words. 💕

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Djt, that looks good. You have lots of hair. I too learned a new word thanks to InnaB.

    Have a great holiday DebAl.

    Congrats Duffyzmom on completion of radiation. So happy for you.

    Notered, hugs to you.

    My radiation dates are set, I go in tomorrow at 10 for the first one. 15 for the whole breast and 5 boosts. Urdrago, what I understood from RO was boosts are targeted towards the area where the lump was. During lumpectomy, the surgeon takes the lump and some normal surrounding tissues out and put a few more titaniom clips around to mark the area. The boosts are targeted to this area based on the clips and are also given more closer to the skin. Its more localized to the tumor site is what I understand.

    Thinking of you as you go in for surgery on friday. I took sleeping pills couple of nights leading up to the surgery date. It was getting too much.

    InnaB, did you get your dates yet? My RO said they will put a silicone covering called Mepitel that stays on through showers and will be changed when it gets frayed. So, I do not have to use any cream on the breast. Anyone else used this?

  • NoteRed
    NoteRed Member Posts: 59

    duffyzmom, thank you for the courage ...I'm trying and hoping eventually I will find someone that makes me feel better.

    I'm trying to be optimistic but cant all the time.... I'm so happy to see you all. My hair is Veeeery slowly growing

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Duffyzmom, congrats on finishing rads!

    Frog, I start on Monday. Asked my RO about Mepitel film, I wonder what she will say to that. So far, she refused to add anything to the protocol she has at MSK, which is CeraVe cream during the day and Mometazone at night.

    NoteRed, I found that spending time with other people helps me more than anything else. When I talk to them I forget about my misery. Maybe you should try a local support group? Also, I set store by acupuncture. My therapist puts in extra needles for calmness and focus. And acupuncture works great for hot flashes.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Re: boosts, you will likely get a new sim/mapping before they start and they are a different kind of beam--electron, I believe--which rather than going through the whole breast is calibrated to stop at the tumor bed. They do give an extra dose of radiation to the area most likely to have a recurrence. For whole-breast I was getting four zaps--two each from two different angles. The boosts are only one zap, and go through a stencil-like thing that's shaped to only deliver the radiation to the target area. Also, the rest of your skin will start healing while you're doing the boosts. Hooray!!

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    GAWarrior - yes just 10 more Herceptin infusions.

    Frog - 15 and 5 was exactly what I had for radiation. The time will really fly. The boosts are so quick compared to the initial whole breast treatments. It literally took longer for me to get positioned on the table than the zap. It will be interesting to hear how your skin handles it with the Mepitel. I used Miaderm and aquaphor and then when I developed an itchy rash added Cortisone with Aloe.

    InnaB- super impressed with your English. I've tried picking up other languages but always struggle. Good luck with Radiation.

    Final radiation was bittersweet. The techs were all rah rah and wanted me to ring the bell but I couldn't do it. I did all the festivities 8 years ago and even celebrated the 5 years cancer free release from my oncologist. So this time I'm just not feeling it.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Inna—big congratulations on finishing rads. I know there are lots of emotions, some surprising. I also get the not quite feeling it. Between having rung a bell two years ago and having seven months of Herceptin still ahead of me (plus me obsessing about my lack ofhair), I think tomorrow will be a little anti-climactic. Still—I do love the rad techs and it’ll be nice not to have any medical appts on the calendar for a while. I’ve told friends that Friday I plan to day-drink and go shopping. ;-)

  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Hi Duffyzmon,

    I totally get that. My wife wasn't all that upset about not ringing the bell after they canceled the last two chemos, so the one a month and a half ago was it. I think she was thinking, "I'm done" each of the last two times, but that didn't turn out to be the case, even though it was years and years later. Still, on average, the chance of recurrence goes down with each passing year and that is a positive.

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Ingerp, I wish I was done with the rads! Mine are just starting on Monday.

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Back from first radiation. It was pretty quick. Though they do fuss around until you are in the right position. Yeah, 2 zaps from 2 different positions or directions. The therapists mentioned that it will take lesser time tomorrow onwards. I was in the clinic for 45 minutes. Good to know the boosts would take lesser time.

    All the best InnaB for rads.

    Congrats Ingerp on finishing rads.

    When does the fatigue hit? RO said in a week’s time. I haven’t been sleeping well anywhich ways with worrying about radiation and daylight savings starting

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Ugh, Inna—I meant duffyzmom! She was a day ahead of me. I have my last one today.

    Frog—I only had 2-3 episodes of fatigue last time and only one this time (just this past Tuesday—I thought I might not get any). It’s different from being tired—more like an overwhelming need to lie down. Not even sleep, really—just be off your feet. I have been going to the gym pretty regularly so maybe it’s true that exercise helps

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Ingerp - congrats on your last rad!

    Frog - I honestly didn't notice any difference in energy. I've been getting slowly better following chemo. I think because I was so worn down following chemo radiation didn't seem too bad. I will say I've been sleeping in most mornings because we don't have any bedrooms with furniture upstairs in our Michigan house so I'm in the guest room in the basement which stays dark till almost 8am. Maybe that has made a difference.

    Udrago - thinking of you today as you prep for surgery tomorrow. Best wishes.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515


  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Great picture, IngerP! Congratulations!

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Congrats, Ingerp! Great pic

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474

    Ingerp - you wear that bell well darlin! CONGRATS!!!!!

    You look gorgeous

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Ingerp! Way to rock it or should I say ring it!!!

    Congrades! So happy for you!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Thanks, ladies. I think I get a month with nothing to do but heal (WOOT WOOT!!). (Okay except for one Herceptin.) I won’t see my MO again until early Nov, so I assume that’s when I’ll start the AI. But that gets mepast my end-of-at-least-most-of-my-treatment-plus-birthday trip at the end of Oct!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Ingerp, congrats on finishing rads! Love the pic!

    Duffy, I understand not wanting to ring the bell. I know some people don't want to ring it because they feel it's tempting fate. I sort of felt that way, but threw caution to the wind and rang it anyhow. Hoping I don't regret it in the future.

    Frog and InnaB, congrats on starting rads (if congrats are a thing?). Starting the next step means you're that much closer to checking off another box on the treatment list.

    InnaB, your English is great! English is my native language and I still put commas in the wrong place.

    Urdrago, thinking of you as you head to surgery tomorrow. Good luck, big hugs, and best wishes!


  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    Ingerp, absolutely wonderful picture. Keep smiling as this remains behind you. Congratulations

  • maggie2
    maggie2 Member Posts: 240

    Ingerp, congrats! Now you can enjoy your Friday day-drinking and shopping. Your reference to Uncle Fester (on the Hair thread) was priceless. I can always count on this April group for some humor

    Urdrago, best wishes for the surgery and an easy recovery.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Love the beautiful pic rocked that bell..

    Well Ive cried off and on thru the week, from being scared. Which means My mind is in flight mode. The good thing is I realized it and feel slightly better today I'm in fight mode..My daughter is going with me and my Aunt came down to help care for me. Also friends from work have began to check in with me already to see if I need anything.

    The greats gift is I have all of you. I'm thankful. Understanding of struggles, listening to venting, and cheering each other forward I consider myself so very lucky.. Surgery @ 12:45, I will keep u updated..

    Amazing friendships..Keep the good vibes Rolling!

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Good luck, Urdrago! You can do it

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Urdrago all good thoughts your way!

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Urdrago, all the best for surgery. Good to know you are feeling a bit calmer. You can do it. Best wishes and hugs

    Ingerp, lovely pic. Keep smiling.

    InnaB, all the best for rads.

    Have a restful weekend everyone.

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Udrago - thanks for the surgery time. I programmed a reminder into my phone so I can send you extra light and love at 12:45

  • NoteRed
    NoteRed Member Posts: 59

    Udrago, wishing you the best from Athens, Greece. I know I'm very far away but I feel you all so close.

    Ingerp so happy you made it :) Do you have any SE?? I have one week left for my radiation treatment and I feel my armpit burn a little ...

    I hope you are all doing fine and have a lot of pleasant things to do during weekend