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Starting Chemo October 2018

So here is goes :-) just got my plan in place. First AC treatment is October 9. Starting this forum in the hopes others who are having treatment the same month can meet :-)



  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    Hi there. Hate that were in the same boat but comforting to know we have others to talk to! I believe I'll be starting treatment next week, but close enough to october. :)

  • For sure. There is also a group for September. The women in there are amazing. It’s been helpful to read the posts to know what lies in the days/weeks ahead. Have you learned what you will be having?

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    ya, I saw that one. I've been reading these posts like crazy. Pretty sure I'm already having all the se's of chemo and have yet to start. Lol I've been waiting to put my stuff on sig line until I meet with onc for final thx plan/staging, etc. But I will be having AC +Taxol every 2 weeks for 16 weeks. Then surgery then radiation. All so overwhelming! I have severe anxiety and this whole situation isnt helping. Haha. I'm 48 with 4 kiddos (27, 17, 9 and 7). Oh and IDC with ginormous tumor (somewhere between 5 and 8cm depending on who you ask) and 3 lymphnodes. Plan is to shrink and get out of lymphnodes for less invasive surgery?

  • I’ve set for ACT as well. I can completely understand the anxiety part of it. The unknown destroyed me. Today is day 42 since my diagnosis. I’ve been a mess but this week has been a turn for the better. It seems like most in the group will have that turn. It comes from within. It’s weird. But it happens. The first several weeks is like being on the defense with no offense. You are being poked, prodded, cut, stuck, etc and reports coming at you left and right. Once the entire plan was in place, things seemed better.

    4 kids?? We have 3 (all single digits). I’m 41 and this completely uprooted things in our life. We are adjusting slowly. We haven’t come “out of the closet” with the news. Will probably do it at some point. Just not ready yet.

    I am so ready for treatment to start so I can have an end date for this stuff! Hoping all other tests turn out well for you.
  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    I got my ct scan results yesterday. Had it done at noon and doc called my by 5. I just KNEW it was bad news when I saw the call coming in because the tech told me it would be 24-48 hours. He knew I was worried so he said he wanted to call me immediately with the GREAT news, no disease anywhere else. So, that was a plus!

    We've told the older boys but not the younger ones. Family and friends know as well and have been extremely supportive. I'm truly blessed in that aspect.

  • yay!!! That’s wonderful! So glad to hear that! Hold on to that news. My treatment starts October 9. I’m scouring amazon, etc making sure I have all the stuff (or at least some of it) for sure effects. The list is never ending! Ugh.

  • Hi. I just joined and will begin chemo in October...maybe the 1st. Did you get a second opinion about your chemo plan? I'm heading to Hopkins on Wednesday to run it by them, I have no idea what is the best plan of action. Scary stuff

  • annie60
    annie60 Posts: 296

    I had surgery this week and just got the pathology report. Margins clear but there is lymph node involvement. So no more surgery but more drugs for chemo. I will start sometime in October. The unknown is driving me crazy.

  • hi Annie. Yes, the unknown is completely awful. But once all is known and a plan in place, things get better. I start ACT October 9. I'm in the same boat. It's going to be tough. There's so much info on here for side effects, etc. I read it often.

  • Kea - welcome. Sorry you are here but glad you found this blog. I got my plan this week and have a second opinion scheduled next week. I think it’s just whatever makes you most comfortable. Deep down inside, I know my MO is right. I’m just the type that needs that second confirmation. The key is trusting your doctor.

  • Hey Ladies! I think this is close enough to October to join this group. I've been waiting from someone to start it! This is my second cancer recurrence. I had IDC in 2013 (37 years no bracha), Lumpectomy followed by rads, stage one no chemo, tamoxifen. Last year was my first recurrence. No rads in that situation so mastectomy was my only choice, did diep flat recon, no chemo. This last July the second recurrence showed up. It was only 1.7 cm small but grade 9. This time we are opting for chemo: AC 4 rounds every other week and 4 taxol 4 rounds every other week.

    I've been scouring fb groups and these forums for any kind of information that would help with the next few months. The anxiety for me, like many of you, is through the roof. My blood pressure is notably high at each visit. I'm 44 and have two kids 12 and 9 and they are little troopers. And well heck they should be since BC is something they've been dealing with since 7 and 4! There's this whole lengthy spectrum of SE's and I have no idea where I'm going to land on this bell curve. Not knowing how debilitating this is going to be is frustration. It's all about expectations for me. So morbidly I was happy and relieved to attend my first chemo. So I’ll share with you . . .

    Today was my first day of AC-T chemo. So far this is what I've done

    • Taking Claritin to avoid the bone/muscle pain from the neulasta shot (I have the patch)
    • Mixed a mouth wash half of each liquid Benadryl and maalox. I'm using a new toothbrush after every meal and have been swishing this stuff around at least 4 times today.
    • I have a medical marijuana card and have used that this evening.
    • Drinking lots of water

    SE’s so far: I'm tired. I was really hungry, steroids I think. I have a fogginess/headache, but that seems to recover with water. Started to feel what might be the smallest bit of queasiness and I took my evening prescribed steroid and the MM tincture. So far so good.

    Take care, al. It’ll be nice to find the answers together.

  • welcome yenny! Sorry that you have to be here but so glad you found us. All of this is extremely helpful. I’ve been trying to make a short list and following the September forum closely. These are great tips.

    How do you feel today? Did things intensify over the hours?

    Did you eat during the treatment?

    I’m 41 and we have 3 small kids. They don’t know and I’m not sure how or when to tell. It’s such a game changer when kids are added to the mix. Not only do you need to protect yourself, you need to try and protect them too.

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    sadlynew....yes, telling the little ones is going to be hard. I've thought about not using the C word but my daughter is smart enough to know what's up. I plan on telling them this weekend and am hopeful they'll be ok.

    Yenny... are you in colorado? (The mm thing). I've had a ton of people suggest it to me but I think itll make my anxiety worse! I am in Colorado so it's pretty commonplace here but has just never been for me. I hope your feeling good today! you know your regimen yet?

    Kea...I'm getting 2nd opinion on Tuesday but pretty sure itll be the same.

    I know we'll ALL get through this ladies as so many before us have, it's just gonna suck for awhile! I told my husband "it's just one football season or just one season of survivor, I can do this!" Lol

  • cc, you are hilarious. I told my husband the same exact thing! In my head, im thinking (and hoping) that I can celebrate kickoff to next years football season feeling good and being healthy. This one may not be so fun. But at least we have football to distract us!

    I get my port on 10/2. Any tips?

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    Dont do it. Lol I actually have refused the port against EVERYONES suggestions. With my high anxiety just dont think itll work for me. When I had a csection I ended up messing with my incision so much I opened it up and got staph infection. When I say I have anxiety, it's pretty debilitating. Dont drive, fly, stay home alone. Although I have HAD to overcome my fear of elevators with all these damn doc appts. HahaUnfortunately that's what got me to this diagnosis....probably should have gone to doc way earlier! is what it is. Onward and upward! In all seriousness if I was "normal" I would totally do it. Way more convient!

  • lol! I hate hate hate hate needles. The idea of an object literally poking out from my skin terrifies me. But my veins are so bad. Since all of this went down; I’m almost numb when I go to the doctor. It’s like I leave my body because I don’t want to deal with it. It’s so bizarre.

    Yes, your anxiety does sound tough to deal with through this. Will or can drs give you meds or anything else to help you

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    I have anxiety about taking any meds. I'm more afraid of the benadryl then the damn chemo! Lmao! Should be good times for the next 4 months! Honestly, I'm sure the port is way better!

  • Day two in the books. Not bad, sluggish and blah. I sat on the couch and watched movies all day, it was delightful. Took the day 2 meds (steriod) and no real nausea. Anytime I feel queasy I go for the MM. Forgot to mention that I started Colace the day before chemo and everyday thereafter. Today I hit it with miralax. So far nothing, but I'm trying everything before constipation becomes a serious issue.

    Sadly new, I've been very open and honest about the cancer treatment and discussion in my house. When my kids were 4 and 7 I spoke with the guidance counselor at school. They don't need to know much but I didn't want them overhearing discussions with family and getting unnecessarily scared. I have a strict protocol for when I'm in the hospital. They get a call from their Dad with an update and they here it from him and get the chance to ask questions. If they're in school they get a text message to the teacher they can read. Last year they were 9 and 12 and the surgeries were more intense with a harder recovery. So we deputized them with major chores around the house and they now know how to do laundry. I do think that dealing with this has made them stronger and more appreciative. Base the discussion on their age and add details as they ask. My son was tickled pink to see my red pee after the first AC chemo yesterday.

    CC, I'm in NY and we have some nearish dispensaries. The MM helped my sleep last night and anything close to queasy tummy.

    Oh and I didn't do the port. My hubby was ashen after we left the hospital yesterday. I think the port would have pushed him over the edge. Of course he'd deal with it if necessary, but it wasn't my first choice.

  • annie60
    annie60 Posts: 296

    It will be a week or more before I can see the medical oncologist. My surgeon said I need to heal from the surgery before starting treatments. I see her on Wednesday. I know I will need a port - I'll be doing chemo for a while.

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    oh yenny... that gives me hope you didnt have a port. Did you have any issues?

    Are any of you gonna try coldcapping?

  • I had contemplated it HARD. I’ve stalked the cold cap blog here. With ACT, I’ve heard it’s tougher. For me, the vision of my hair falling out would depress me more than just shaving it. But I’m weird like that. Lol.

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    I totally agree! They offer them at my hospital but it seems like quite the procedure. Come in day before for blood draw, appt has to be at 730 or 8 a.m. next day for chemo, then they have to stay on for 2 hours AFTER chemo. I'm sure a small price to pay...if it works!

    On a side note... I just told my sister about this thread. I was like, "I wish we were all just neighbors and could hang out throughout treatment. Go to each others chemo, help each other out." Lol I'm so weird!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    Popping in from the May group. I did not have a port—my MO preferred I try it without one and I was absolutely on board with that. She said a port is just one more surgery, one more scar, one more reminder. I didn’t have any issues. I also did a lot of research about cold capping. There were so many women who did well through tx but then lost their hair several weeks afterwards, or kept some hair but not enough to avoid shaving their head anyway, that I didn’t bother with it. I’m seven weeks PFC and want to tell everyone to hang in there—you will get on the other side of this!

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    Thanks Ingerp, that is very reassuring! Congrats on being 7 weeks PFC!!!

  • I know the doctor has the best treatment plan in mind. I just keep hearing some of these chemo drugs can be extra harsh. Its the unknown....that scares me. But mostly I’ve stayed super busy and happy. My surgery is over and now I start chemo. Cue music Eye of the Tiger. Haha. I’m really trying to hold on to every happy moment. Is anyone else feeling super appreciative of everything else in their life

  • kea - yes!! Completely!!! I’m so much more tolerant of things. I’m scared too. But I’m pushing it to the back of my mind (not sure how it’s happening) to be dealt with on chemo day #1. We haven’t told people so it’s me, the hubs and my mom that know. I think it’s because I really don’t want to deal with it. And in my (weird) way of thinking, maybe that will help. Who knows. I’ve got a list longer than Egypt on things I need to order before chemo day. Do you know yet your treatment plan on when you start?
  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Posts: 60

    sadlynew....we will be telling little ones today so I'll let you know how that goes. I told older boys to be here so little ones will follow their lead. On a side note, when I did tell all if my friends and family it was super overwhelming as far as my phone blowing up with texts and phone calls. People I hadn't talked to in years (I ended up putting it on fb). I got to the point I would cringe when my phone made any noise! At one point I lost it and told my hubby "omg, all these people think I'm going to die!" He assured me it was simply because they cared...and he was right. So many people with their own stories (1 friend from high school whose mom had bc, hubby had throat and she had uterine...just reassuring me that ALL are fine now). My Mother in law is now just setting up a calendar for me that I can share with people so I'm not so overwhelmed with the texting and phone calls and repeat conversations. It's hard to tell people because then it is TRULY real. But, it's a blessing now. My sisters, mom, aunt are all flying out for all of my treatments and to help out around here which is so huge for us.

    When you're ready, just gotta take that leap and get it over with. As you know, I'm a big chicken shit so if I can do it so can you! :)

    I'll let you know how it goes with the look little ones later today. Hope your having a nice wknd! Oh and....GO BRONCOS! :)

  • how is everyone doing? Thought I would check in as the big month approaches us. I continue to feel like I’m preparing for a wicked tornado to arrive that I know will hurt and be painful but will get through it. Ready to get this started!
  • hi all, I am starting in October, I will post when I have my plan set. Meeting with Doc about when to put port in tomorrow. Did you see the tips for chemo. Alot of great info. I'll write soon.


  • hi Shelby! Welcome to the group, although I’m sorry this group is here. Good luck with your appointment tomorrow Hope all goes well.