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Starting Chemo October 2018



  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Good morning ladies-- it's treatment week for some of us, hope you are getting ready to saddle up and ride. I've enjoyed my off week, except for the heartburn and reflux - yikes, it's no joke. No more yummy Mexican food for me, not that it matters, literally everything seems to trigger it. I'm going to check into acupuncture as Joules suggests, hope it's not too expensive.

    Annie, I feel you deeply. The hair loss is traumatic for some of us. I shaved last week because of all the hair everywhere in my house, it was ridiculous. I hated it and still hate it. But it isn't something we can change or fix, so that's that. I still can't tie a scarf on my head and look like anything but a fortune teller at a carnival. It's bullshit. But we go on anyway.

    Those who are suffering from se's, please tell your MO or oncology nurse. There are options and solutions for some se's, just speak up and ask. And as always, drink more than you think is necessary, then drink more. And take a walk, I promise, it helps so much!

    All right ladies, let's do this, take your Claritin and Dulcolax, cover your gorgeous bald heads, get in the big girl chair and get another round done. Not getting poisoned this week? Go enjoy, be as normal as possible. Thinking of you all.

  • SmilingDawn
    SmilingDawn Member Posts: 27

    Annie60, when I found out I had to do chemo, I was devestated, especially about loosing my long blonde hair. I cried and cried. The day after I found out, my daughter and daughter in law had an appointment for me at a salon that specializes in wigs for cancer patients and also to get my eyebrows microbladed. That was the turn that helped me to decide I was going to rise above and take control. I contacted my personal stylist and set up an appointment for her to come out and buzz my head to evening before my first treatment. We ended up making a party out of it and had our closest friends out for it and family. A couple of us had our heads buzzed. To me, it was more devestating to stand in the shower and have my long hair fall out in chunks. It ended up being a fun evening, filled with laughter and love. There is a silver lining in the hair loss. Especially on days with side effects. It takes no time to get ready. I do wear a wig when I go out, but as soon as I get home, I put a comfy hat on. I have to sleep in one since it is more comfortable on my scalp.
    The salon I went to for the wig consult said to buzz the head short because you want the root bulb to come out with the hair naturally and that way it doesn't get stuck in the scalp and increase the risk of infection.
    My husband did have to buzz my head one time after that, because there were parts that hung in there and it got kind of shabby looking.
    This is just a brief time and season in our lives that brings us hope for a long future. Hang in there and just go with the flow. Our hair will grow back with a vengeance! <3

  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Wow, Debert, you are so lucky that your hair loss experience has been so positive!

    I did donate 14-16 inches of my hair before it started leaving in clumps. Unfortunately, I do not have a personal stylist and my insurance will not cover the cost of a wig, even though my MO wrote a prescription for one. I had no idea how expensive a good wig is, so i will be sticking to hats and scarves. At least it's wintertime and hats are appropriate as well as functional!

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Patrice, could you ask at the makeup class you’re doing tonight if they know any organization that offers free wigs? The cancer care center near me gives cancer patients one free wig, and will do complimentary consultations and fittings.

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    The deed is done -- first thing this morning. Yes, I cried in my husband's arms but I am so glad it is done. I can hardly believe I feel that way. The itching was intolerable. I am comfortable, itch free and feeling ok. Do I hate mirrors now? You bet. But this too shall pass.

    I wish I could have donated, but I have had short hair for years. I'm proud that you all thought of others even when you were at your lowest.

    I am not doing a wig. I am retired and feel very comfortable in hats. I, too, look like a pirate in a scarf, argh! I think I'll stick to hats.

    For those doing treatments this week, special prayers for you. I have a week to get use to hats and feel human.


  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Annie, I am so proud of you! Not just for doing the deed, but for accepting it with such grace.

  • TrishaFL
    TrishaFL Member Posts: 19

    Taurus567 I did the Claritin just to be on the safe side. I might not have had any bone pain but didn't want to take that chance.

    Annie glad that you're more comfortable now.

    PatriceL I got a free wig from the local American Cancer Society.  No idea if I'll wear it or not but wanted it just in case.

    I donated 8 inches of my hair when I found out my chemo would cause me to lose it. Had chin length hair for about a month and just got a pixie cut to make it easier when it does start to come out which should be next week.

    Hope everyone's treatments go smoothly this week. 

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Taurus567 - I did have really bad pain from the Neulasta. The Claritin works. I have continued to take it. Every time I stopped, the pain came back.


  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Thanks to all for the wig suggestions. The cancer center where I had my class today does not offer wigs, they did refer me to a program that reimburses part of the cost for a wig, so there's that option.

    The "look good, feel better" class today was good. Lots of how to about applying makeup and creating eyebrows and the like. I used to work for a cosmetic line, so not super helpful for me, but the huge bag of cosmetics they send everyone home with - great stuff - Estee Lauder, Lancome, Dior, etc - is awesome. Some tips on wig care too. All in all, a good time. Really nice to be with other bald chicks and feel normal for a couple hours.

    Taurus, I start the Claritin the day of treatment and continue for 4 days. I get the Neulasta thingie that injects automatically the day after treatment, and have not had to suffer bone pain. Hope that helps.

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Tonight I went out with my girlfriends for trivia night, and we took a group photo. After seeing it I feel like I look super awkward in a hat. I’ve been strictly wearing beanie type hats because I’m so not comfortable in my wig. I haven’t tried scarves because I’m afraid of what Patrice describes as the fortune teller look. I’d go full on bald if I didn’t have the baby bird look happening still. Oh, and a gross looking case of Folliculitis on top of that so I try to stay covered up in public. Anyone have suggestions on where they get head coverings or different options I can try? I’m in the Chicago area, andit’s starting to get pretty cold so hats are a must for me.

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good morning warriors!

    I hope you are all doing good. This morning I had an appointment with my MO. I now have an answer as to how many rounds. I only have to do 4! I'm so thrilled! She couldn't find the tumor. The chemo did its job! So as of tomorrow I will be 75% of the way done! Looking forward to ringing that bell. That is my reward!

    We can do this ladies! This is just a temporary detour on life's journey. Let's get these rounds knocked out. You have all been wonderfully supportive!

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    not giving, that is amazing news!!!!! And what a wonderful award that is! So excited for you. The countdown is on!

    Today is AC #3. Ready to rock it so I can look forward to the last AC! These ACs can be a beast! Hope everyone else that is having treatments this week are doing well. For the ones in their off week, hope you are enjoying the weather and doing fun things. We will all get through this! Just think, we are in the October chemo group and it’s alresdy November!

    Let’s do this!
  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    notgivingup that amazing news!! So happy for you!

    Sadlynew good luck today

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Notgivingup! Yea! That's terrific.

    I was not liking the hats I bought. I just cannot make them look right. So, I got on Pinterest last night and did some searching. I had a long scarf that came with a jacket. I tied it and it looks good! I feel sassy! Sent my picture to my sisters and got a good response. Trust me, they would have told me if I looked goofy! No more pirate!

    I looked at the site Suburban Turban. It had good instructions for tying a long scarf.

    Sadlynew - Thinking about you today. I pray things go better for you.


  • Strongmama-58
    Strongmama-58 Member Posts: 5

    I found it was harder dealing with the shedding and clumps in the drain. Mentally so difficult, had my husband use clippers and cut it to a crew cut. I still am shedding but smaller pieces are easier to take. With the crew cut my head isn’t as sore which is one less thing to deal with. I agree this journey is not easy and sucks. We just have to do what we have to do and get through this nightmare. Together

  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    NotGivingUp - I am so excited for you! What wonderful news!

    Sadly, go get 'em! One more down, then one more to go, I can't believe how far you've come already. Hoping for minimal se's for you.

    Rabbit, you and I get in the chair tomorrow, let's do this! Last one for you I think.

    Annie, I am thrilled that you got your sass on! I suppose we'll all find the style we are happiest with, and I am so glad you found yours so quickly. Loving how positive you sound these last few days, it does my cold heart good to hear you happy.

    Fritz, I found some cute hats on Amazon. I just did a quick search for "women's hats" and found some cute ones by SIGGI, I liked the newsboy hats because they have a little more shape to them and are kinda stylish. Headcovers Unlimited also had a few cute ones, but I found them to be unusually expensive. I did get a couple cute ones at Wal-Mart, fleece lined and with a little bulk to them so they sit a little better on my head. I find some hats kinda make my head look like a lightbulb, way too big on the top and in back...

    Good luck to all getting treatment this week, we are closer and closer to the end! So proud of all of you awesome broads!

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Sadly- hope you have no/minimal se.

    Patrice- I will be joining you and Rabbit tomorrow. Hope you both have minimal/no se.

    As far as head coverings- I chose some bandanas, oblong scarves, beanies(I crocheted those myself), baseball caps, and I have some scarves that are pre-tied.

    I watched some videos on YouTube to learn out to tie the scarves. Pretty easy for the most part. I did practice for awhile. I think I have figured it out. I do get compliments on them. At home I really don't wear anything. I do have to remember to put something on when I go out.

  • yellowb
    yellowb Member Posts: 102

    I'm just checking in from an earlier monthly group to see how y'all are faring. So sorry about the shock of the hair. I initially thought it was weird that they say that's the hardest thing about chemo, but having no control over your appearance is just unexpectedly emotional.

    I will say that when I got to the point that my scalp was painful, cool water gave me instant relief. It might be worth trying.

    I am on my 15th of 16th treatments (12 taxols, and 3 ACs) and for what it's worth my eyebrows only just left me about a week ago. There are already new hairs sprouting.

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Thanks for all the head covering recommendations. I ordered a few different options from Amazon, and I tried tying some long scarves that I already own, and I think that opened up some new looks for me. I don’t feel so frumpy with the scarves.

  • BirdieR
    BirdieR Member Posts: 2

    I just wanted to check in with you ladies and let you know not to fear the taxol! I've done three rounds of dose dense taxol with hardly any problems. One more to go! I flew 27 hours to Bali 3 days after the second infusion and had a great vacation - went surfing and hiking and danced on the beach at 1am- you'd never know I was a chemo patient.

    I know it's different for everyone but I've been hydrating like a crazy lady. drinking protein shakes and walking a ton. Aside from a touch of bone pain, it's felt like I'm living my life as normal.

    I dread the A/C. I *know* it's going to be much harder. But for those of you on the typical treatment schedule, don't fear the Taxol! I'll check back in next month when most of you have moved to Taxol and I'm hitting the red devil.

    We're getting this done!

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    hello all! White counts bounced back up from being low again ( 1st treatment dropped, second didn’t, third did) so I’m good to go for chemo. Today is my last dense dose AC treatment! Woo hoo! I cannot believe how far I’ve come. I get to ring the bell today for the end of AC and then I get to ring it again once taxol is finished. Birdie thank you for the assurance on the taxol. I was hoping taxol would be easier. AC is not a picnic but it’s doable. Lots of great tips on this thread to get through AC as a lot of us are doing AC+T.

    Patrice and not giving up you both hit the 3/4 mark today! I think Cc has to be close to there too, hope your doing well Casey! Fritz hope your doing well. Annie and sadlynew hope all is well too!

    9 days away from returning home. So excited and so excited to be on the other side of AC side effects soon. Thinking of you Patrice and not giving up while I’m in the chair today at 10am. We’re doing it you guys!!! PS not giving up so happy for you about your news that’s awesome!!

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Morning Beautiful Warriors!

    Today is treatment #3! I will be in the chair at 2:20 this afternoon. Yes I will be wearing my red heels! I am excited to get this round done. My 27th anniversary is tomorrow, so hubby and I are going to dinner Saturday night.

    Patrice and Rabbit very happy that I am not alone in the chair today. I will be sending you positive thoughts. Remember, hydrate, eat, and go for a walk!

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Thinking and praying for all of you in the chair today. One more down!!

    I made a head covering from an old, soft t-shirt. It turned out really cute. Look for the instructions on Pinterest.


  • joules44
    joules44 Member Posts: 52

    Such great advice on head coverings! I love that we're all kind of in the same place as far as that goes. Patrice, my insurance won't pay for my wig either even though I have a prescription from my doc. So I'm going to try the scarf route. I already love to read tarot cards so if I look like a fortune teller, wouldn't be too far off the mark!

    My oncologist sent me access to all of my blood work and I may have made a mistake in reading it. My blood counts have dropped consistently week after week and they are no longer in the normal range. Nurse practitioner didn't seem phased by this but I find it depressing. I just have absolutely no control over it. I'm wondering if any of you have had a similar story. Will it eventually plateau and stop dropping? I have 8 more weeks of Taxol and at this rate, it seems I won't have any in a few more rounds. :(

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Joules, what exactly was low on your CBC? I had a very low (1.7) WBC count 7 days after my last chemo, and my MO didn't seem that concerned. I figure if he isn't concerned, then I shouldn't be either. They check our blood often enough that they'd stop treatment if they got dangerously low. Doesn't hurt to ask at your next appointment.

    Hope everyone that had tx today got through it with flying colors!

    I got the head coverings I ordered on Amazon. They're cute! They're a little more feminine, so I think that'll improve how I see myself. It's so hard to coordinate my outfits with the few hat options I had. I was feeling like a sick, frumpy lady.

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    I will head to Wal Mart tomorrow to look for material to make my own scarves. I am taking my husband with me. It will be the first time in public since I went bald . I feel more confident with him being with me.

    I was reading in the Triple + thread that the SE's get worse with each treatment because the chemo builds up. Anybody have any input on this?

    I hope that you all that had treatment yesterday and today are doing OK.


  • Taurus567
    Taurus567 Member Posts: 10

    I received my first AC infusion on 10/31 (Halloween) out of 4 every 2 weeks on the dense dose and then Taxol ever week for 12 weeks. Is anyone else on this regime and how long before your hair fell out? I am going in for my 2nd AC on Wednesday (14th day after the 1st one) and I am very tempted to shave it all off on Sunday. The anxiety is killing me, I don't want the cancer to have the last word! Would love to hear what other people experienced as far as the hair loss timing.

    I love to read everyone's experience and support, you are all amazing. :-)

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    hi everyone! AC#3 was yesterday. Trying to drink drink drink. In a much different way than in college! Lol. I know tomorrow will be an unknown. I’m hoping my SEs are better than after AC#2. I don’t think I drank as much so hoping that’s the fix. My neulasta on pro should be beeping any minute now. Started Claritin yesterday. Can’t wait to get on with AC #4. Ready to put AC in the books!

    Taurus, mine started falling out, literally, on day 13. The second I knew it was falling out, I knew it was getting shaved that night. I do agree with getting ahead of it. I didn’t want to see the clumps of hair.

    Hope those that had treatment today are doing well. We can do this! Drink, hydrate, walk and rest. In all different orders :-)
  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Member Posts: 60

    Hey ladies! I've been on my 3 week hiatus but now back to reality! AC #3 tomorrow. Soooooo not looking forward to it but 3 is my lucky number so I'm sure it'll go GREAT! Haha. Met with MO today for our weekly argument. Lol (I really adore him). He told me I'll have my plan and he'll have his and HOPEFULLY we can meet in the middle but more so on his side. Of course my hubby chimed in and said "welcome to my world". Oh, and apparently my infusion was supposed to be today. I said "nope, I havent hydrated enough!" I won that argument. My tumor is still shrinking...yaaaa! He told me he thinks I could be in the 20% with complete chemo response if I complete all my infusions. I had to remind him I'm not doing taxol. We finally agreed to just discuss 1 treatment at a time :)

    Hair...honestly I'm ok with it. It was sooooo not fun when I shaved it, but having my son and hubby join made it better. I REALLY like getting ready in half the time! Everyone in my circle is already used to it. I make a joke of it when I can :)

    April, how ya doing??? Now youre ahead of me. You may lap me! Haha

    Notgivingup, rad, are you guys all doing today? Hope all went well!!

    Crazy...this seems to be happening so fast and were all getting it done! Keep kicking ass ladies!!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Taurus567 - I am on the same treatment plan. Have you already had surgery? I have my second A/C treatment next Tuesday. My first was on October 23rd. I started serious shedding on Nov. 5th - 13 days later. I waited til the next morning to "make sure." I took a shower and found a fist size mass of hair in the drain. My husband cut it that morning. I couldn't stand it getting on everything and my head itched like crazy. It's very hard - or was for me - but I am more comfortable and have found some cute head covers. If I can help, let me know.

    Sadlynew - I hope you are doing well. I have a plan for better hydration. Hope it works for both of us.

    Ccaxt - Praying your SE's are light.
