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Starting Chemo October 2018



  • Taurus567
    Taurus567 Member Posts: 10

    PatriceL- I totally agree about the winter. Somehow I don't feel so out of place when I go out with my head covers. I got a wig that looks really natural on me but it does get uncomfortable so I only wear it when I really feel I need to or really miss looking like my old self (which is always but some days I especially do). I did realize that I needed to drink more water, I started having horrible constipation and just dealing with all sorts of things. Now I am drinking loads with lemon slices and it seems to help in many ways. I have my 3rd round on Wednesday...I just found out that my next door neighbor works at the same hospital I go to and is a radiologist AND specializes in breast! We have been neighbors for 5 years and I just found this out, I could not believe it. Anyways, she said that in most cases the 3rd is the worse but based on everyone here, it seems that this too is so individual. I am still nervous about it.

    Thank you for your beautiful comments about my scarf!

  • Taurus567
    Taurus567 Member Posts: 10

    Thank you Fritz, you are so sweet as everyone here. I just signed on after a few days out due to the holidays and just not feeling as well as the first round, however, I still feel blessed not to feel as horrible as many women do by now. I am dealing with SE such as migraine, constipation, hemorrhoids, feeling very tired but I begin to feel better by the 5th day and progress after that. It seems I feel my best right before I get hit with chemo again.

    Your period issue seems to be common as well. Some women just don't get it and others are the opposite. But as you said, fortunately you will not have to deal with it for too long. Did you just finish your 3rd?

    Good luck everyone, huge hugs to all of you and keep hanging in there! :-)

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    hey ladies just checking in! Congrats on those who finished AC or are just about to! Woo hoo!

    I am home and happy to be home, house is still slightly a construction site but hubby is doing everything possible to make me comfortable. Struggling with depression because I’ve been trying to do my routine at home and I am having trouble doing it because I’m still dealing with fatigue 2 weeks since last AC. I’ll be mentioning this to my MO on the 4th. I feel like this has so changed and uprooted my life it’s hard to get used to this new normal. Maybe it’s so many big changes happening at one time. Hubby has truly been wonderful in spite of my struggles, I’m so happy to be with him again I just wish I could truly enjoy it without this cancer monkey on my back. Anyone else struggling with depression?

    Dealing with this junk we all deal with truly is a fight in every way. I am thankful for you ladies, u all truly understand this struggle. Hope your all doing well and hanging in there. Every day, every treatment we are one step closer to being done with this crap.

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Rabbit, I for sure understand the struggle. I’ve been seeing a psychologist for about 5 weeks, and psychiatrist has been monitoring my meds (I’m on Zoloft daily, and have Ativan I can take as needed for anxiety.) The Zoloft has helped tremendously, and I would definitely suggest finding a psychologist you’re comfortable with. Just talking to a professional once a week has really helped. This whole diagnosis really throws a wrench in life, so it’s normal for it to also affect your mental health. ((Hugs))

  • Strongmama-58
    Strongmama-58 Member Posts: 5

    Last AC today, praying for minimal se. Next up is T. In 2 weeks. Hope it will be easier than AC!

  • TrishaFL
    TrishaFL Member Posts: 19

    Just checking in.

    Round 3 of 4 ACs is tomorrow. I've been very lucky in that I have very minimal SEs.  Really just hair loss and being more tired than normal. 

    I had fun as I'm losing my hair.  Went from long to chin length to pixie then a mohawk and now buzzed it, 4 weeks after my first AC. Haven't found any hair coverings that I like and haven't tried the wig I got either. Am just rocking the buzzed head unless its cold outside which isn't often in FL.

    Went to VA/WV for Thanksgiving break and had such a good time.

    Hope everyone is doing well today.

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    TrishFLb- good luck tomorrow! Great also to hear about the minimal SEs. I have a wig too but am using it religiously. It gives me some sense of normalcy in all that is crazy. How wonderful that you will be soon 75% done with AC!!! My second one was the toughest. I don’t think I drank enough with it. I finished AC last Wednesday and start Taxol next Thursday. Going out of town and keeping busy is such a relief (when possible). Sending wishes for no SEs tomorrow for you. Good luck! You will rock it!
  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Member Posts: 60

    Soooo...haven't posted in awhile because I've been sooooo mad, and still am. Usually try to be positive but met with surgeon lady Wednesday and, ya, still pissed. So, from what I was told...chemo before surgery was to shrink masses (I had 2. They just combined them along with tissue in between,just in case, to come up with 5-8cm). Then, if they shrink AND get out of my nodes...less invasive surgery. So i meet with surgeon, she does my exam and says "well, i havent examined you before, but i feel no masses at all and nothing in nodes". AWESOME! RIGHT?. Well, then we discuss surgery. So basically she tells me that even though everything appears to be gone, still 85% chance it's not. (Even if I do the taxol!!) Then says, at surgery, shell check nodes that tested positive. If they are negative, she'll still remove them just not the cluster. And, even though my masses are gone, still gonna do the full mastectomy. Then physical therapy, radiation and meds for 7 years. So...this WHOLE time I've been so happy to see possible complete response.. it doesn't seem to matter! I was soooo defeated when I left. Felt completely lied to. I totally get the reasoning behind it all but tell me that shit up front so I can wrap my head around it. Dont give me these false Hope's! I'm just sitting here like, why did I go through all this chemo misery, for the same surgery process. Then, of course, my head goes to how this is such a money making disease, blah blah. I have an appt with my MO on Thursday. Best of luck to him. Lol

    Anyway, venting done. I really hope everyone had a great holiday! I did a ridiculous amount of retail therapy on Friday. My hubby is pretty much in "whatever you want honey" mode. Lol Went and saw a live band with friends on Saturday. Big crowd was out there doing a line dance I had no idea how to do. I looked at my hubby and friends and jumped out there while they all started at me in disbelief. I just said "f it, ya only live once!" I'm now a pro at the line dance to "copperhead road"! haha Good times!

    Good like to all you ladies having treatments this week! Keep rocking it girls!!😘😘😘

  • SmilingDawn
    SmilingDawn Member Posts: 27

    Ccaxt, I am so sorry! I would be beyond frustrated too!! I really hope you get better answers talking to your MO!
    Sadlynew201, congrats finishing AC last week! Taxol has been so much easier for me. No se's so far. I get tired but not knocked down like I did with the AC. And I still take Senna for better bm's.. :D I go for 3/12 today.
    TrishaFL, sounds like you are doing pretty well with AC. I had some pretty uncomfortable se's. So thankful to be done with it! Glad you had fun with the hair!! I wear my wig when I go out and found some warm hats by Cc to wear around the house. I love the bright pink ones. They brighten my pale complexion. I got a bunch of colors to match my outfits. We are headed to FL in a couple of weeks and I am trying to figure out what I am going to wear down there. I've been bald since after AC #2.

    I hope everyone else is doing well.

    I go for Taxol 3/12 today. So far no se's. Taking the senna for good bm's and drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. I get tired but not knocked down. I have been able to keep moving and I am so thankful! I have even continued running, 18 miles the past 7 days. Trying to keep myself as healthy physically and mentally as possible through all the poisoning!

    Hang in there ladies!! This is where our HOPE is. :)

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Casey I'd be pissed, too!! I don't see how the surgeon can have any idea if you'll have pCr just by feeling your breast and nodes ONE time. I'm the same stage, grade, and hormone+ as you, and since tx #2 my MO has been talking about the possibility of me having a complete response even though my tumor has not completely gone away yet. He's been doing this for 30+ years, and isn't one to sugar coat things, so I trust that he wouldn't use those words unless there's a real possibility of it happening once I have surgery. If I were you, I'd still have hope the cancer will be 100% obliterated when you go in for surgery. Maybe when the surgeon goes in she'll realize you're a good candidate for a less invasive procedure.

    Dawn, good luck today! That's awesome that you've been able to keep running through all of this! I was in the best shape of my life pre-diagnosis, but totally fell off the exercise wagon since then. Hoping to get back into it.

    Trisha, I'm a little jealous you're able to rock the bald in FL! I never wear my wig, and I'm getting sick of hats all the time. But being in IL pretty much requires one. It's currently snowing and 22*. I go bald at home pretty much all the time though!

  • TrishaFL
    TrishaFL Member Posts: 19

    Sadlynew I'm usually lucky with meds and don't get SEs from them. That seems to apply to chemo as well plus I've followed all of y'alls advice especially the hydration part. The one SE that I have besides the hair lass and tiredness is feeling like I should just move into the bathroom as much as I'm in there. Hoping Taxol is easier for you. 

    Ccaxt I'm sorry that they weren't upfront with you about how things would go even if you had a complete response. I'm filing that under the things that I didn't know to ask category because like you I thought if the masses shrunk the surgery outcome would be different. I'm curious what others that had chemo before surgery were told. Glad that you had some good retail therapy and "Copperhead Road" is a good song but I don't know the line dance.  

    SmlingDawn so glad Taxol is being nicer to you. I need to the a page from your book and get moving more. There's always excuses not to do it but I need to do it to be healthier. Depending on the part of FL your wig or hats will be fine. Maybe make sure one or two of the hats is light weight as both Miami and Orlando areas get up to the mid 80s at times. Right now we're participating in winter with a high of 57 in Orlando.

    Fritz glad your tumor is shrinking hopefully it'll go completely away. The funny thing is that I end up wearing hats indoors more than out because Floridians love their AC. I'd love to have some of your snow but you can keep that 22*. 

    Good Luck to anyone getting in the chair this week and hope everyone else is enjoying their off week/s.

  • Kjelftr
    Kjelftr Member Posts: 11

    Finished my 3rd TCHP yesterday, feeling pretty good. 1/2 done ! Woot! This mdropped daughter at daycare and now Off to therapy and then for a walk. Take as much time as you need for yourself. Keep your feet moving. Even if your marching in place.. just keep marching. Hugs to all.

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Morning Warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well. Today is my last round of TC. I have been emotionally up and down this week. I am thrilled to be finishing and ringing that bell, but not so thrilled about possible se like last round. Oh well just need to put my big girl panties on and my red shoes and do this. My bff gave me a tiara and mini lights to put on the tiara to wear today. She said don't let anyone tell you that you're a princess, you're a f@#! queen! That made me laugh.

    To everyone going to the chair this week, sending positive vibes.

    Guess I should shower and eat breakfast. Have a great day today. I'm in the chair around 1:40 this afternoon.

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    yay not giving up!!!!!! That is so wonderful!!! I'm so jealous. You've come so far! What your bff said made me laugh out loud. How hilarious. Good luck today. I'll be thinking of you!And ring that bell loud!

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Pictures from yesterday. My bff has been wonderfully supportive through my chemo. I am glad to have finished and be able to ring tbat bell. Now onto the next phase. Breast mri, scheduling surgery and then radiation. I will still be on here cheering you all on!




  • joules44
    joules44 Member Posts: 52

    Notgivingup, I look your pics! And those red shoes for chemo are priceless!

    Ccaxt, I got mad just reading your post; I can only imagine what you felt there in the doctor's office. I feel like we are always just at the mercy of whatever the doctor in front of us in telling us to do. Did anyone listen to the immunologist on NPR this week? I honestly feel like there will come a day when cancer is cured by strengthening our own immune systems to kick its ass and they will look at chemo as some kind of backward medieval way of treatment. In so many ways it's counter intuitive what we are putting our bodies through, basically destroying everything including our immune system in order to get well. Makes my head spin thinking about it sometimes but it's, apparently, all we've got.

    I have been supplementing with Vitamin C and Elderberry syrup and all of my blood counts have moved back into the normal range for the past two weeks! I am so happy. I finished number 7 of 12 of Taxol this week and being on the other side of halfway had me giddy with happiness. My son is coming home soon from college in NY to see me for the first time since treatment started. I hope he's not shocked by his newly bald mom. Maybe he'll think it's cool, lol. He will be here to celebrate my final Taxol treatment in January. I cannot wait!

    Love and strength to all of you goddesses!

  • SmilingDawn
    SmilingDawn Member Posts: 27

    Notgiviingup, LOVE the pics! You are beautiful and LOVE those red shoes!! CONGRATS!!

    Joules44, I need to check about the vitamin C with my Taxol. My oncologist was funny what supplements she approved that were high in vit C, because she said it would interfere with the chemo. But that was before I started AC. I did Taxol 3/12 Tuesday, and my wbc is dropping. My grandson was just here and threw up, and I am really worried about getting sick. Especially when I go into public setting like the grocery store. Another lady I follow who just completed Taxol was taking high doses of vit C also.

    Hope all you ladies are doing ok, se's and all.

    I had Taxol 3/12 Tuesday and no se's again. I was very tired and achy yesterday, but not knocked down. I have run 20 miles the past 7 days, and have been able to increase my running mileage since doing the Taxol treatments. No neuropathy yet.

    Have a great weekend ladies!!

  • joules44
    joules44 Member Posts: 52

    SmilingDawn, my social worker at my oncologist was the first person to suggest Vitamin C. My oncologist knows about it and has never said anything but I'm not sure how she feels about it. I did a fair bit of research on it before I began taking it and at one time it was believed that Vitamin C would protect the cancer cells the same way it protects your healthy ones. In the last decade, however, more research along these lines has been done that shows the benefits of C during treatment, even the use of C in immunotherapies to treat cancer (not breast cancer, though). Talk to your oncologist about it. I feel like my oncologist looks down on any form of alternative therapies. She gave me a hard time for taking a daily calcium supplement prior to treatment starting. Has your oncologist talked to you about Vitamin D supplements? That's one that mine highly recommends I take during Taxol infusions. Taxol has been fairly easy to tolerate. Can't wait to fully taste food again, though!

    My blood counts starting dropping on my 3rd treatment as well and continued through the 4th. That's when I began taking Vitamin C and they've been good ever since. Hopefully, your oncologist will be okay with the C. Better than the alternative of yet another drug to force your body to make more white blood cells. SEs of those drugs can be harsh. Let me know what you find out!

  • SmilingDawn
    SmilingDawn Member Posts: 27

    Joules44, THANK YOU for the info. Definitely going to get some, and start taking it anyway and then I'll ask Tuesday. Happy I learn a lot on these different social medias about little tricks with supplements during treatments that help. I hadn't heard that about vitamin D. A friend did tell me she took large doses of vitamin B6 on days she felt neuropathy and it helped. Thanks for the info!!

    I am curious to see where my blood counts are this week. I asked the nurse at what point with the blood cell counts dropping do they stop treatments? She replied that they do not look at wbc counts or rbc counts. They look at the ANC. (Neutrophil Absolute) I do so much googling these days to try to understand. I am going to buy medical masks this week and I am getting particular about what social situations I go to to avoid germs.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend!

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Good morning ladies. I’m sitting at the cancer center waiting to be called back for bloodwork before I have chemo 4/6 today. The longer I sit here the more anxious I get. My body knows what’s coming. I wish this got easier every time, but it seems to get harder. Not physically, just mentally.

    Good luck to everyone getting treatment this week.

  • Tham
    Tham Member Posts: 1

    Good afternoon! I had my 4th and final A/C treatment on Halloween and started Taxol on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, Taxol caused my WBC count to plummet to 1.9 and my ANC was .53. The second weekly treatment was cancelled but I'm hopeful they can resume this Wednesday.

    Has anyone experienced something similar with Taxol? I had my sights set on ringing the bell on February 6th and now, it looks like my husband and I will be in the Cancer Center on or around Valentines Day. I'm really looking forward to celebrating treatment free holidays next year!

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262


    Best. Chemo. EVER! His name is Castle and we’re best friends now.

  • Hi everyone,

    New here, though not exactly completely new to chemotherapy. I had my first A/C treatment on October 5th (dose dense), and had my first Taxol treatment last Friday (also dose dens). I'm currently in the midst of some fairly severe myalgias, and some severe A/C-related anemia, so I thought I would reach out to a group who might share a better understanding of what I'm gong through.

    I'll add some things to my signature later today now that I've seen how to do all of that.

  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Hello, Ladies, hope all is well with all of you fighters.

    Casey, I would be super pissed too! I feel like all I want to hear is the truth, even if it sucks to hear it. If there is a goal we are working toward, let me know exactly what it is. No surprises, no sugar coating, no bullshit. That way no one gets her hopes up and is disappointed. I'd love to be in the room at your next visit. I have a feeling someone is going to be apologizing to you. And seriously, line dancing? You are fantastic.

    Jill, how lucky are you? You get your family members showing up and showing out for you, amazing! Then, just when you are scared and anxious about treatment, a therapy dog shows up and you declare "best chemo ever." That gorgeous face, looks super smooch-able. I am super jealous, never has a big snuggly dog shown up at any of my treatments and become my bff. Serendipity is what that's called. Congrats on the shrinkage, btw, great news! (whenever I use the word "shrinkage" I think of the Seinfeld episode, anyone else?)

    NotGivingUp, CONGRATS! Ring that bell, you are an f-ing queen! Way to get thru this crap, good luck on the next stage of this journey, Your Highness. Stay with us please, some of us will be following your path and headed to surgery and rads also. You get to blaze the trail and report back.

    Joules, thanks for the helpful info regarding supplements during Taxol. My MO told me that WBC is not as rough with the Taxol, but the other components of bloodwork, ie. RBC are. My MO has an alternative medicine/ holistic medicine/ nutritionist on staff with whom I will meet in a few weeks. She is all about supplements and vitamins and whatever else traditional medicine does not address. I will absolutely share whatever info she provides. So far, there has been talk of B-12 and vitamin D supplements in injections from MO as Taxol progresses. (have my 1st on Friday)

    Have any of our Taxol chicks been doing anything to prevent neuropathy thus far? The chemo nurse suggested ice packs for hands and feet during treatment, just wondering if and what any of you who are Taxol-ing now are doing. I'm an always-cold kind of gal, and knowing that I'm gonna have freezing cold hands and feet for hours is freaking me out a bit. Boo-hoo, I know. Just another awesome and unexpected perk of chemo.

    Antigone, I finished AC the Friday after Thanksgiving, and the fatigue since then is surprising. I saw my MO this week and found out that I have AC related anemia as well. She suggested iron-rich foods and a multi-vitamin with iron for now, and may prescribe something additional as Taxol progresses. I've never been so lazy and sleepy in my life, feel like a slug.

    Good luck to all of you awesome ladies getting in the big girl chair this week, may your side effects be few and your drinks be plentiful. Thinking of you all, take good care of yourselves, be kind to your bodies, line dance if you get the chance.

  • Kjelftr
    Kjelftr Member Posts: 11

    Greetings ladies,

    I’m on the TCHP chemo and I have some frozen booties I start wearing 15 minutes before Taxotere and then wear all through the rest of the infusion for a total of 6 hours... (so I continue when I get home.) For my hands, I freeze small water bottles and hold them.... and exchanging them out as they start to melt.

    Hope everyone is doing well today.. round 3 has not been very fun. Halfway is a good thing, so I’ll just keep looking forward.


  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    Patrice! Congrats on finishing AC. I think you and I are right on the same track. I finished the day before thanksgiving. My first Taxol is this Thursday. I ordered some gloves and booties to try icing. My MO said several are doing it and it helps avoid the neuropathy. I will let you know how it goes. I’ve heard Taxol is a little nicer than AC. (“Nicer”. Lol). Hoping for little to no SEs. I had surgery before chemo - I think I’m one of the few on here in that order. I go for my reconstruction in April (tissue transfer - SGAP). I was planning on doing an implant and changed my mind. My MO, SO and second opinion at MDA said I don’t need radiation but I’m asking for a consult with A RO just in case to get the final word. I’m struggling hard with that decision.

    Ok. Enough rambling. Sending thoughts to everyone having treatment this week. Many of us are pretty far into treatment. We are doing it!!! Let’s keep going :-)
  • Hi Patrice,

    You're right about the fatigue! Hit me like a ton of bricks! And the anemia is no joke. Went back in today for some blood work, and my hemoglobin and RBC counts are a *little* better, but we're monitoring, with a blood infusion on deck in case they don't start rising.

    For the Taxol, I wore Natura Care booties on my feet, changing out the ice packs every 30 minutes or so (and leaving them off for about ten minutes, so 30 minutes on, ten minutes off). They were perfectly "comfortable" to wear, though I had a hard time finding the small to medium size. For my hands, I'm going with bowls of ice and latex gloves, 20 minutes in, 10 minutes out. My hands have been getting and staying RIDICULOUSLY hot both during and after infusions (the nurses are perplexed), which is exactly what I DON'T want with Taxol, so I'm going for something a little more heavy hitting than some people. Hope that helps!

  • joules44
    joules44 Member Posts: 52

    So I just finished my 8th round of Taxol and I can say that since it is a cumulative effect, I am starting to feel more fatigue on a weekly basis than I did before and I have felt the very beginnings of neuropathy. It has been intermittent and not bad at all but it is present. My doc says this is completely normal and I get the feeling from her that it's unavoidable and everyone at some point has to lower their dosage of Taxol to prevent permanent neuropathy. I am still going to my acupuncturist every two weeks and it is a godsend for sure. She helps to boost my liver and kidneys that are so ravaged by the chemo.

    I asked my doc about Vitamin C point blank. She knows I've been taking it but has never said anything. When I asked her, however, she said that there is no hard data that C will not interfere with chemo since it is an antioxidant so she advises against it. They pretty much advise against all supplementation with the exception of Vitamin D. I am so on the fence about all of it. I am an alternative medicine kind of woman and I am somewhat suspicious of Western medicine and its reliance solely on big pharma. I do take Spirulina which is considered a food (blue green algae) and it is good for the immune system and it is a heart protector. Since I also am receiving Herceptin for my HER2+ pathology, I like the idea of supporting my heart. Herceptin can be cardiotoxic. All of my blood work has been in the normal range for the past 3 weeks, up from a level that almost had me on some awful pharmaceutical to force my body to create more white blood cells. I feel really good about that. For now, I'm going to stop the Vitamin C and see if the Spirulina alone keeps my blood counts in the healthy range. That being said, I have read many articles that show Vitamin C to be highly beneficial to breast cancer patients undergoing chemo.

    Patrice, please let us know what your nutritionist says. I wonder if they have one at my doctor's office. Honestly, I don't really care for my oncologist. I think she's got me on the correct course, but she never explains anything well and she's so old school conservative. There's just no room there to explore natural ways to support my body during chemo. I'll be moving on to radiation next month which has its own set of challenges and I'll want to look into supporting my body naturally during that treatment as well.

    Patrice, I'm not doing anything besides acupuncture to stave off neuropathy. Like you, I get cold so easily and it they keep the temp so cold at the treatment center to keep the bacteria at bay. I can't imagine holding ice packs! Kudos to you strong women able to do that! My doc said it's good that I've noticed a bit of the neuropathy because some people don't notice it until it's too late. As long as it's not constant, it just stays intermittent, she says she won't lower my dose of Taxol. It's certainly one of the scarier side effects so I would just say to be vigilant about being aware of sensation in your fingers and toes. I didn't start feeling it until week 8 so maybe that's typical?

    Have a beautiful day, ladies! You deserve all good things!

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Afternoon Warriors!

    I finally climbed out of the "chemo rabbit hole" on Monday. I'm still very tired. I hope everyone is doing well.

    I have a quick question that maybe one of you will be able to answer.

    So I called my MO's nurse navigator because of needing a couple of Xanax for my upcoming mri. While talking with her, she reminds me to get my blood redrawn the same day(I knew they wanted it). I then asked her about my next appointment with the MO. She said it depends on my bloodwork and what the surgeon says. I was like what?! Apparently my liver enzymes are really off and she was talking about possibly another round of chemo. That set me off with my anxiety. I cried becauae no one mentioned possibly needing another round. I don't want to do it.

    Anyways, my question is, has anyone else been having a problem with their liver enzymes being really high? Mine really jumped this last bloodwork.

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    so today, I meet Mr Taxol (or Mrs Taxol) for the first of 12 weekly meetings. Got my gloves and booties ready. Wish me luck!