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Starting Chemo October 2018



  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    rabbit your song lyrics made me laugh, good one.

    Saw the vascular surgeon & I do have a blockage in artery, one on the side of my neck was absolutely open & clean. So about July I will get another scan & most probably will get ther artery fixed. He will be cutting my neck, clamping off the artery remove the blockage & stitch up the inscision. I’ll be good to go! My probability of having a stroke during surgery was 8%

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Anybody feel like going through cancer is like dealing with this guy on a consistent basis?


    Annie, yes to the eye twitches! Drove me insane! I also hoped when I was talking to someone they didn't see it because if it looked anything like it felt I'm sure they got an eye full :) You must be 2 or 3 treatments away from being done right? Tell that rash from hell to go to hell! Well, in a few weeks you can tell it to go to hell because you and Taxol get to break up then :)

    Doris, its amazing what they can do now a days, sounds like a plan! Rest up and I hope the neuropathy eases up on you a bit, it really does suck when you can't feel your feet :)

    Welp, surgery for me is on friday! Right total mastectomy, sentinel, no recon. Find out thursday evening when they want to me show up on Friday. Go home Saturday. MIL is coming Saturday afternoon to visit the both of us and will then be here to help me out monday and tuesday next week while hubby is at work. 29th pre-op to check my drains. May 2nd go over pathology tho I might get alittle bit of it on the 29th. Will check with you all next week, getting my game face on cuz I'm scared, I finally get to know what all is going on in there and I'm hoping its not too bad :) Love to all of you.

    April, Fritz, Casey keep knocking back those rads!

    Patrice - you'll do great tomorrow! :)

  • frmthahart
    frmthahart Member Posts: 60

    I've been thinking of all of you ladies and hope that things are going well as you move forward with treatment and surgery. I just wanted to check in and wish you all well. You got this!

    I have 6 rads under my belt now and must say, so far, it is a walk in the park compared to chemo.

    Rabbit, thanks for the laughs. I have found that to be one of the best medicines through all this! Good luck with surgery!! I will be praying all goes well and that you have a pCR!

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Rabbit I wish I couldn’t feel my feet! They are so painful especially at night! My surgery is April 30. They are doing left modified radical mastectomy & right simple mastectomy with right sentinel lymph node biopsy.


  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Rabbit - You're almost there. I know what a relief it will be to get this over with. DH and I are praying for you, Doris and Patrice. Take it slow and listen to the surgeon. Don't get impatient with yourself and push too hard. Your going into this a little beaten up from chemo even though you have had a little time to heal. I sound so bossy!! I am so happy this is almost over for you. Oh, DH loved the Sinbad video!!

    In the chair tomorrow at 7:45 for round #10. Almost there. By the time I finish with rads, it will have been a year since I was diagnosed. This crap has stolen a year. Makes me cry when I think of this.

    I know it has been tough, but I'm still cheering for you - always.


  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Rabbit and Patrice I’ll be thinking of you both this week as you finally can knock surgery off your to-do list. If it’s anything like my BMX, it’ll be a walk in the park compared to chemo. Rest up and let your support group do everything for a while. You deserve a break while you recover! Can’t wait to hear how it all goes.

    Doris, glad it seems like your surgeon thinks it’s an easy fix!

    I got good news today from my RO’s nurse. I don’t have to have my left breast deflated for rads! They’ll just tape it down every day during treatment so it doesn’t get in the way of the machine. I’m hoping my RO will have finalized his plan by tomorrow so I can start knocking these next 5-7 weeks out by Thursday or Friday of this week! Still exercising daily and feeling stronger every day.

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Member Posts: 60
    • Ok, I'm over the rads. 12 of 20 done (16 + 4 boosters). Thinking of throwing in the towel. Super red and swollen...worse than my surgery. Ugh. At the very least...I'll be calling in sick. Should I say I'm sick? Family emergency? Lol...I'm sure I'll think of something. It's like being super sunburn and making plans to go lay out in the sun for the next 8 days. Doesnt seem logical. Over it!! Soooo hope your having better luck April and all other ladies in this last stage. Oh...and for those who havent started rads...please dont let this freak you out. Keep in mind I'm a crazy person and I also called in sick to chemo! Haha
  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Ahh!! That sounds like no fun! I just got the call that my rads will start on Monday. No word on how long my treatment will last. I was told somewhere between 5-7 weeks. I’ve been exercising almost every day now for the past 3 weeks because they say regular exercise (I forget how many minutes they recommend each week) reduces your risk of recurrence by a good amount. I can’t help but feel like I’m literally running from cancer now. Let’s hope it can’t catch me!

  • amber_1234
    amber_1234 Member Posts: 3

    Hi everyone,

    Just looking for some support or potentially advise from someone who may have gone through the same as me? I started Chemo in October of last year and am happy to say that I finished that part of the "journey" in February (4 rounds ddAV and 4 rounds ddTaxol/Abraxane). Just over one month post-op from double mastectomy and have been doing really well - final pathology came back pretty good (did have some close margins, but downgraded my tumors from Stage III/Grade 3 to Stage 2/Grade 2!) and I'm getting ready to start radiation next month.

    A few weeks ago I started noticing some light ear ringing. It's come and gone, sometimes in both ears, sometimes in the left, and sometimes in the right. I feel like it's gotten a bit worse over the weeks. Around the same time as ear ringing started I also started noticing some sinus pressure across the bridge of my nose. The past few days I've also had some pressure in my ears along with the ringing. No pain really and no congestion associated with it. I def had congestion after a round of chemo (mostly from AC), but haven't had that since I stopped chemo. I've been battling wicked bad dry eyes since the beginning of chemo basically.

    Has anyone else dealt with the sinus pressure/ear ringing combo?? I'm freaking myself out googling symptoms. (Apparently bc can metastasize to the sinuses in extremely rare instances.) My doctors all tell me not to really worry about it (ugh!), but in all the articles I read, when bc does go to the sinus it's always diagnosed very late because it presents as general sinusitis. I go between telling myself I'm fine one minute, then resolving to myself I'm going to demand a cat scan the next! Getting pretty fed up with these damn chemo side effects that are hanging on for months. When do they end??

    I keep telling myself to give it some more time and not worry too much, but thought I might look for some support here also.

    Thanks (very much!) in advance. I've really enjoyed reading over this thread the past few days - sorry I didn't find it until now!


  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Amber, welcome! Even though you didn't find us during chemo, feel free to stick around! We're a friendly group.

    I don't personally have experience with ear ringing and sinus pressure, but I wouldn't be surprised if it had to do with the changing of seasons. Spring weather and barometric pressure this time of year is all over the place. Plus if you have seasonal allergies, that can make it worse.

    Chemo sure does a number on us! I totally get when you say you're fine one minute and then freaking out the next. I hope whatever is going on resolves soon!

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Member Posts: 60

    fritz...its really not that bad. I'm on a 4 week plan. 16 regular and 4 boosts. I think I'm probably getting the same end amount as others but they told me they have started doing it over a shorter time frame. Most have less side effects. Pft...whatever! Haha. Honestly...its nothing compared to chemo!

    Amber, I've actually had ear ringing here and there. Nothing really bad...just annoying. And I wake up congested every morning. I'm sure its residual affects from the chemo :)

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Rabbit - just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and praying. You are strong and brave and will get through this! Let us know how you're doing when you can. What time is the surgery?


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    annie and all you ladies, thank you so very much! I just got the call I go in at 10am tomorrow morning, no food/water after midnight....ugh can’t wait to get this over with, my core biopsy really hurt afterwards, hoping pain won’t be too bad with this except what I’m most worried about is them getting all of it out of there.

    Amber welcome aboard, hope to give you a proper greeting once I get on the other this hurdle alittle bit!

    Thinking of you Patrice and your one headlight lol hope your healing well and pain isn’t too bad

    Lets do this!

  • amber_1234
    amber_1234 Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for the responses ladies. My ear ringing/sinus pressure is a bit better today - I also wonder if it might be seasonal....or possibly related to menopause?? I sometimes forget that it has SEs all on it's own! I had an acupuncture session, saw my GP doctor, and went to my first yoga class post op yesterday and am feeling a lot less anxiety, so I'm sure that helps to. It's almost like cancer is more of a mind game than a physical ailment for me...

    Rabbit - best of luck with your surgery!! Just FYI - I was super worried about pain and recovery with mine (double mastectomy without reconstruction), but I woke up without any trouble and my pain was very minimal. The recovery nurse said I was asking about my lymph node status before I was even awake, lol. You're gonna do GREAT! :)

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Rabbit- Good luck tomorrow! Everything will be fine and you will do great. Check in and let us know how you are doing when you are up to it. Sending you positive thoughts and vibes.

  • MaddieBrie1
    MaddieBrie1 Member Posts: 112

    Popping in from the Nov 2018 chemo group about the ear ringing and tinnitus - any of you that had the carboplatin or cisplatin treatments may have side effects related to hearing.... I didn't have those tx but still had tinnitus and ear ringing periodically throughout chemo and still now a month later..... Not sure what that's related to but my onco said we'd follow up again in 3 mos same w my affected eye sight (worse unfortunately, have to wear my distance glasses more often). Just a thought.... MB1

  • frmthahart
    frmthahart Member Posts: 60

    Rabbit, Good Luck with surgery tomorrow! I will be thinking of you and praying too. Let us know how it went when you get a chance.

    Amber, welcome to the group!

    Tomorrow will be rads #10 and so far all is good. It is definitely easier than the chemo.

    Thinking of you all tonight!


  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Rabbit you will be in my thoughts tomorrow, you will do fine!

    Amber_____1234 glad to hear how your mastectomy went. I get a bilateral with no reconstruction on April 30. It helped hearing that you didn’t have much pain.


  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Member Posts: 60

    hey ladies...just a thought...I'm on face book far more than this site. If anyone would like to be friends on there, feel free to send me a friend request :) Casey Axton Glaspey.

    Patrice...hope your still doing well! Dont forget my amazing tips!! Lol will do great! I did it so anyone can!!

    Hugs to all! 😘😘😘

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Rabbit today's the day!! I hope everything goes smoothly! I had very little pain after my BMX, and was off narcotics by day 2. The toughest part was getting up to walk the first time, but by the next day I was up and circling the hospital floors out of boredom.

    Patrice, hope you're recovering well!

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    hey all! I did it! I'm home now, extra strength Tylenol is all I need for right now. 2 sentinel nodes were positive for micrometasis so a couple more nodes were taken to close off the highway. Very disappointed as scans all showed nothing and after all that chemo there was still something in the nodes.......feeling sorry for myself won't help recovery but I am none the less sad, and worried I'm battling a stronger beast. Trying to hold off end of the world thoughts till I get final pathology. Fritz, I understand how you felt now, I get it. Love to all of u :)

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    oh rabbit....I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how it must feel, especially after all you went through. But, also remember that your treatment is not over. You got rads coming and it will burn out anything that is left (which sounds like nothing cause they got it all)! Sometimes different weapons are needed for a fight. You’ve got another weapon in your arsenal. Day by day. Just day by day. For now, give yourself so much credit for coming this far and now done with surgery! Then tomorrow, think about tomorrow. You can do this. Just one step and one day at a time. I’ll be thinking of you. Get lots and lots of rest and just think about today for now 😊
  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Member Posts: 60

    same exact thing here not worried. After I got my results I asked doc "so, is it all gone? Am I cancer free?" He said, yup...just gonna make sure it doesnt come back. I went into treatment thinking chemo was to shrink it and if it got rid of it all...bonus:)

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Rabbit so good to hear from you!! I totally know the feelings you’re having about still having positive nodes after all that chemo. But sadlynew is right. You still have tools in your toolbox. Rads will clean up anything else, and hormone therapy will starve out the rest. For now try to relax and know that sucker is gone!!!

    Casey, you’re my diagnosis twin, and I love your doctor for being so positive!! He’s right, and you’re right... We’ve got this!!

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Rabbit I believe that you have it beat! The rest should be a piece of cake. I’ll be in your corner watching your back!

    Mine is getting closer. We leave for Gatlinburg on Monday morning, hope I can keep all this in the background & have a good time. I ordered a couple bras today after wasting time yesterday trying to find what I needed. Nothing was at the box stores that I needed, checked Amazon this morning. I couldn’t believe all of the choices.


  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Doris, what kind of bras did you buy on Amazon? I've been living in sports bras because I am so lopsided with one deflated TE. Bras with cups just don't work.

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Rabbit! You are amazing. I am so glad to hear from you!! I have been checking this board like a stalker! I am so sorry that the nodes came back positive - just what I had. We will do rads together and kill any lingering beast!! I am thankful that you are not feeling a lot of pain. Enjoy those showers ;)


  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    I hope you all are doing OK. I am doing 11 of 12 Taxol tomorrow. Almost done. We are talking to the the MO tomorrow about the SE's and seeing what happens if I don't finish the last two.

    Rabbit - Are you hanging in there? How's your pain?

    Doris - You are getting close to surgery. Are you OK?

    Fritz - Are you doing OK with RADS?

    Sending you all prayers and hugs.


  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Annie, almost done!! I hope the MO will give you some answers.

    I had my first radiation treatment today. It lasted about an hour with them taking some xrays and drawing all over me with more sharpie markers. The actual treatment was about 10 minutes. From here on out I should be in and out in 20 minutes or so. I’ll be doing 28, and 5 boosts. If everything goes as planned my last day will be June 6.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    hey all!! Still hanging in there! 4 days post op now still haven’t taken any pain meds (Tylenol) beyond that one time. Getting used to these drains which I hate with a passion. Thankfully output is slowing down a lot and color is lightened up to light pink or yellow. Sleeping is challenging but I’m managing telling myself this is only temporary. Went out for outing with MIL and hubby yesterday, walked around for a bit albeit slowly. Final pathology is on my mind constantly as well as those 2 positive nodes for micromets, I don’t recall being told if cells were alive or dead yet. See my surgeons nurse for post op and pathology on the 29th and then see onc on May 2nd, so soon I’ll know something and have a plan. I hate this waiting Stage it feels like the beginning. BandAges came off yesterday, looked at self in mirror for first time, was alittle shocked. Showed hubby when he came home, I cried as he looked because I was scared what he’d think. He smiled and said that’s gonna heal up nicely. I cried again looking down at my missing boob stitched up and covered in a million steri strips. He put his arms around me gently and said I’m the only one besides you who sees those and your beautiful to me. He’s my helper in the shower and has been keeping house tidy knowing id try to do it if he didn’t beat me to the punch. Spoiling me with favorite meals, rubbing my feet :) feeling very lucky to have him :)

    Thank you ladies for all the support, well wishes etc! I really appreciate it so much!

    Annie almost done!! I hope you can get some answers today on how to proceed! We shall conquer rads together!!

    Fritz, first rad down in the books, woo hoo!! Here’s hoping for smooth sailing!

    Casey and April hope rads is going well for you both!!

    Notgivingup you must be close to slaying last chemo!! Woo hoo!!

    Love to all you ladies, trying to make myself rest and not push too hard and let myself heal. Easier said than done I’m kinda antsy to be a tummy sleeper again