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Starting Chemo October 2018



  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    How's everyone's hair situation? The hair on my head seems to be picking up speed. I have about a centimeter of even growth. The back and sides seem to be growing faster that the top. My husband had to buzz my head over the weekend to get rid of the inch long stragglers that held on all through chemo. However, my eyebrows just started to fall out last week.

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    I have a good half inch all the way around, but I finished way before you. I did lose my eyebrows and most of my eyelashes, but as quickly as I lost them, they came back. I so far have not lost any hair this time.

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I have very little in the way of eyebrows, lashes are totally gone. Hair on my head is mostly gone with a few straggly longer hairs. I need to buzz those off. No hair anywhere else on my body, was starting to come back in, but after a few Taxol treatments it fell out again.

    My finger tips are tingling & numb, have been since last Tuesday. I have no taste for any food & in the morning I have that blood taste or smell in my mouth.

    I need to try to eat some more protein, but nothing tastes good.

    I sort of feel like I’m in the dark about what’s coming after the Taxol. I know the surgery is next, but not really sure about the radiation. I’ve never got the oncologist to give me any numbers as to what stage my cancer is. She just tells me we will be able to go to Florida with no sickness next February. God I hope so.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Well ladies, I am about to complete Taxol #12 on Thursday. I gave myself a kick in the ass today, I called my MO this morning in tears asking to see her before my bloodwork this afternoon. I just had to talk to her. I had done the big no no and read to much online and really scared myself silly. So I literally just bared my soul to her when I saw her this afternoon - it was so therapeutic to do. She encouraged me so much about how aggressive the treatment we did was, how well I did on it and how I in no way have to do chemo pills after my surgery at all, its just an option and she is satisfied with the treatment I have done. It was such a sigh of relief for me. It really was. I really encourage anyone struggling with needing answers, talk to your MO, the relief I feel now is so incredibly freeing. I feel strong enough to complete that last one now.

    Give me a C- give me an A - give me a N - give me an C- give me a E - give me an R ----- what does that spell? Cancer sucks!!! Hooray!!!

    Looking forward to getting this last dang chemo behind me. Thank you all you ladies for your support and understanding. My MO explained to me sometimes when we reach these transition points, like completing treatment and going to surgery etc, it can be emotionally jarring and I have to keep remembering that as I keep walking this road.

    Thinking of all you ladies and hope your all doing well. I really enjoy being apart of our group, I feel I really lucked out with the ladies I have walked with all these months.

    As far as hair, I have male pattern baldness right now, about a half inch all the way around except for the very top of my head which is now starting to get scattered patches of hair. My hair which was almost black is coming in dark, with some small patches of grey and white...AHHH! Lol :)

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Oh Rabbit - I am so sorry. You have every right to breakdown. I feel it it is something we all have to do multiple times. We hold in as long as we can and it comes up like lava from a volcano and spews - with no regard as to where we are or who get burnt. I, too, feel that I am not in control. Information was given, then changed which totally changed the outcome and treatment. I keep wondering if more will change, I second guess if I should have gone somewhere else, would the treatment have been different? Would I have had more help? I'm so stressed about money, that my husband has told everyone that calls us about money to only talk to him. He says I have enough to deal with without that. He retired the year before me. I retired in May and got my diagnosis in August. We had just bought a truck to go "play." We had great plans to travel, hike and explore our beautiful Ozarks and the Buffalo River. Life can sure knock you down. Everything has changed - but you all know that. Please know that we are in this together. We understand exactly what is happening and how you feel. So cry, blow up like Vesuvius, curl in bed and pull the covers over your head and hang on.

    I have just completed #6 Taxol today. Had another reaction to it, threw up my lunch and am so dizzy, I'm afraid to get up on my on. I also have a horrible chemo rash on my hands, arms and face. It looks like a cross between measles, shingles, and leprosy. It feels like a bad sunburn. It's called EGRF. The good news is the meds I got today have helped in one application. Thank goodness.

    Even as I write this, I am crying for us all. This disease had taken so much from us. I have tried staying positive, but if one more person tells me to, I'm afraid I will smack them. A lady I have come to love in the chemo room with uterine cancer thought today was her last day. Now they want her to stay on a maintenance dose of taxol til she can't tolerate it anymore. She can't be cured but they hope to keep in remission for as long as possible. She sat and silently cried while talking to her daughter. She told me that even though her SE's haven't been too bad, she dreads not getting her hair back and her taste. She just wants to be normal again. She said I have to use to the new normal. How do we do this when the normal keeps changing?

    A little something to make you smile - I visited my granddaughters, ages 6 and 3 this weekend. I took off my hat for the first time in front of them. I told them at Lolli's (that's me and my husband is Pop - get it? - LolliPop!) I don't wear a hat and when they come for summer it will be too hot to wear a hat. I ask did it freak them out. The six year old was a little but we talked about when it grows out we will put in pink stripes and purple dots, My three year old patted and rubbed my head and said, "You need a headband," She put one on me and I wore it the rest of the day to the giggles of my girls (and family.) I even got a tiara! She said when I get "big" hair, I could borrow her barrettes.

    You all mean the world to me.


  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Rabbit,I’m so glad your MO was able to reassure you a bit. I will be thinking of you on Thursday and doing your cheer!!

    Annie, what precious little granddaughters!! They sound a lot like my 6 and 4 year old son and daughter. And Lolli Pop!! My gracious what a fantastic thing to be named!!

  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Hello Ladies, hope all are feeling well this afternoon. I am nearly 3 weeks PFC, feeling a bit better each day. The weather has been a lot more cooperative this week, so I was able to take dog and husband for a walk last night, and the fresh air was heavenly! Even talked husband into grilling some burgers for us, yum! It is going to be warm-ish the rest of the week, so I look forward to more of the same. The 6 eyelashes I have left ( 4 on one eye, 2 on the other) are holding on nicely, and the smattering of eyebrows remain also. No new growth there, but my hair is coming back nicely. It is white right now, like snow white, but it is hair. I've got a Susan Powter thing happening so far, if any of you recall that crew-cut having chick. I've gone topless all week at work. I just don't feel like finding a matching hat or bandana, and my hot flashes are frequent and well, hot!!! It's kind of liberating to not worry about a head cover, and it is most definitely cooler when the flashes flash. (and I got a free cheeseburger at White Castle this week, I think the lady felt sorry for me cause I'm nearly bald, so score one for the baldies! wish i'd tried this way sooner)

    All right Rabbit, saddle up and ride your last taxol is tomorrow!!!! YEE-HAW lady! Get yourself a milkshake (or whatever makes you happy) to celebrate, you did it! So glad your MO was able to talk you off of the ledge, keep going lady, you got this!

    Sadlynew, I don't have any insight on the Zolodex but look forward to your scouting report on the rads. Keep us posted please.

    Notgivingup and Antigone, it is the magic of these boards that you two found each other and can commiserate and compare your very similar journeys. I am proud of both of you for handling the detours so gracefully, you are inspirational.

    Pommom, you should be nearing the end of the chemo train as well. I found that taking B12 helped a bit with the numbness and tingling in fingers and toes, and cottage cheese, greek yogurt and eggs were easy to eat protein sources for me. I also found a high-protein pancake mix at Aldi and have enjoyed blueberry pancakes for weeks. (don't know if there is an Aldi near you, I can share the name of the mix if you are interested) There is also a relatively inexpensive whey and protein powder I picked up at WalMart. It goes in shakes or smoothies and has 30 g of protein per scoop, I make a shake and add 2 scoops for 60g of protien, that works wonders!

    Annie, it sounds like you are pushing thru the taxol misery - you are closer to being done each week, just keep going!

    And that is the thought for the day, my dear friends, just keep going. We've come a long way, babies! We've been thru some rough patches and are still standing. Just barely some days, but here we f-ing are. That is remarkable and admirable and amazing. You broads all are fantastic and I am lucky to know you. Just keep going.

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Afternoon Warriors!

    Rabbit I am so proud of you for talking with your MO. I hope you are more at ease, now get that last taxol done! I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    I am getting ready for my 2nd round tomorrow morning. Laundry is done, dishes are done, floors swept, soft foods at the ready, I just need to clean the half bath and I will be done.

    I will officially be half way done after tomorrow. I am hoping and praying that my numbers are good enough to get chemo tomorrow. I am grateful that I don't have to take steriods for 3 days. I only receive it at infusion.

    I am turning in my paperwork for the clinical trial tomorrow. Hubby had an appointment yesterday with our primary, he always asks how I'm doing, so I brought up the clinical trial to him. He was glad I will be doing a phase 3 trial and he reassured hubby that I will be ok doing it. Hubby finally is going along with it.

    I hope you all are doing well. We have come such a long way. We are getting it done each day. Keep moving forward!

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    well ladies I did it! I finished AC freaking T!!! Woo hoo!! The nurses in the infusion room and my MO gave me a certificate of completion that they all had signed. Staring at it filled me with so many emotions. Hubby and I had a small celebratory meal completed some errands and then came home to watch a long old epic movie together with popcorn. I never ever thought I’d ever be able to complete chemo, the road wasn’t easy but here I am on the other side!

    Notgivingup lady in red now lady in pink I know you’ve completed number 2 now, halfway done. Everyday I think about how strong you are, you are a truly amazing woman.

    Annie, I was in tears reading your post, how very fond I am of you. I absolutely love the nickname “Lollie”. What you posted about what that lady battling uterine cancer said resonated so strong with me, it is so very hard to adjust to the new normal when it keeps changing. Totally agree a million times to that statement.Congrats on hitting the halfway point, in 6 short weeks I’ll be celebrating you finishing chemo and about that time I’ll be down one boob waiting for pathology. My goodness our group has come a long way!

    Patrice, maybe we can hold our hats and scarves out occasionally ...”Alms for the bald?!” “Alms for the bald?!”

    Fritz, hope your healing up well from surgery, has MO agreed to allow you to go forward with Xeloda?

    Sadlynew, thinking of you, hope your doing well! Antigone thinking of you too!

    I notice I am attached to hearing how everyone is doing in our little group, of someone is missing for awhile I worry. Casey, that means you! Lol.

    Take care ladies, much love to all of u, thanks to u all I finished!

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    rabbit so glad that you made to the end, congratulations

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Rabbit!!!! You did it!!! I am so freaking proud of you!!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Rabbit - I am so proud of you!! You give me such hope!!

  • frmthahart
    frmthahart Member Posts: 60

    Well done Rabbit! You never gave up! You kept moving forward and now, YOU FINISHED!! So happy for you :)

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Hi ladies! It’s been pretty quiet around here lately. Hopefully because all of our lives have become so boring and not because of chemo SEs!

    I’m 3 weeks post op and feeling great. I started PT with a therapist trained in lymphedema last week. I really like it, and I’ve been working on stretches at home as well. I have some cording on my right arm that is pretty painful. I need to get full range of motion before I can start radiation so I’m working hard!! I’ve had 2 fills in my right TE and its not been bad at all. My RO thinks if we fill the left (which won’t be radiated) it will get in the way of the machine. So I’ll be quite lopsided until rads are over. Oh well

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Evening Warriors!

    I am hopefully on the other side of se from chemo #2. I have to say, I have been keeping up on drinking powerade/water to stabilize my electrolytes. It seems to have worked. No fainting this weekend from chemo! I pretty much slept day 3 and day 4 away. I am still very tired, but slowly trying to do a few things. My wonderful husband has made milkshakes all weekend for me(only 1 at night) they seem to help with some of the hot flashes I am dealing with along with ice packs. I believe everything we have done this weekend has really helped.

    I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Keep moving forward!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Hope everyone is doing well. I have #7 tomorrow of THP. I look horrible with the chemo rash on my face, hands, arms, and feet. It's miserable, itchy and painful. We are going to talk my MO about reducing the drugs or if there's another course of action. I have been house bound due to low WBC and got shots on Thursday and Friday. I have to admit, my spirit is low and I really want to quit. I swear if it's an SE, I will get get it.

    But I see you all getting through tough times - surgeries, SE's, ...... If you can do this, I can do this. I hope. Six more weeks - taken one day at a time or hour at a time if needed. I think of you all often and pray for recoveries and healing.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Hey ladies! I have to tell you it feels really really weird to be in this waiting stage now. Normally today I would be getting my bloodwork done and thursday going in for chemo, this week nothing. The feeling that I have nothing medical related to go to this week or for the next month is definitely going to be an adjustment. I have been really seriously mulling over what my MO said about chemo pills after surgery and possible rads. After the initial shock has worn off a bit I am trying to think about this logically...if my tumor isn't mostly dead when they take it out, do I want to go through this again? I think I will base my decision on final pathology, MO said she would give me her final recommendations after pathology. I am just praying for a dead tumor at this point - all we know now is it did shrink, it didn't grow and nothing new showed up, so I will try to take them as positives and just try and live life as normal as I can until then. Easier said then done, but I'll try!

    Notgivingup- glad your managing the effects better and yay for milkshakes and yay for no fainting! Send your abilities to sleep my way please! I am still having trouble with that. So proud of you, keep going pink warrior!

    Fritz, so glad your feeling good after the BMX but so sorry your dealing with cording. I have been concerned about that and lymphedema as possibilities to after surgery. I have looked up post mastectomy exercises on youtube for me to practice pre-surgery so that when I get the go ahead I can just hop to it. Still am not over my side effects yet from last infusion last thursday. Still think its the total effects of all 12 weeks working themselves out. I know it took me quite some time to feel anything remotely beyond a worn rag after final AC. I just have to be patient, but its definitely NOT my virtue.

    Annie, definitely ask about a dose reduction. My MO reduced mine slightly when my WBC's started tanking after Taxol #4. I would have to do the shots if the dose wasn't reduced and I was already have issues with feeling in my hands and feet. After she reduced it slightly I was able to finished week after week with no delays and my WBC's had no problem rebounding and keeping up. After today you will be more than half way done. You can do it Annie, you can do it! I had to take it minute by minute, it was really that hard for me. I would have crying fits to my husband saying I can't do this I have had enough of this crap. But I was so close to being done and I wanted that dang blasted tumor dead, maybe those last few after the half way point were to the ones that would put the final nail in my tumors coffin. So I pushed through it even when it was so very hard to do it. Hang in there Annie, your almost done!

    Let's keep checking in on each other, we are stronger together and have gone through so much together and has Patrice would say, we are gangsta! Love to all you ladies! Cannot wait for when we are all on the other side of all the treatments, surgeries etc and are just back to living life...That's going to be really weird, and alittle scary too. Moving beyond the feelings that this has churned up in me is going to be hard, but one day at a time, one day at a time...and don't forget to laugh alittle, its good medicine :)

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I had #11 Taxol today, dosage was cut 10% because of the walking on marbles in my feet & the sore fingers. My fingernails have the chemo stripe in them, I just noticed they look a little red. Didn’t get as tired today, but did do a little nap when I got home. Numbers went down, but not too bad. However potassium numbers are down. They gave me a pill while was there, but called after I was home to start me on the potassium for this coming week. Lost another pound this past week, but food tastes so awful I just can’t eat. Overall things are okay.


  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Just a quick update. The NP came in and took one look and said she needed help. Not a good sign! My MO came in and said Ewwwww. Again, not the encouragement I needing. Then we talked options. This whole time, I have been reading my reports wrong and was too out of it after surgery to understand. I thought I had a small tumor, 1.5mm, and only the sentinel node involved. My husband kept saying there were two. My MO scared the heck out of me by explaining that I was a stage 3 and that was why I needed this chemo. My cancer is very aggressive since it was so small and had invaded not only the sentinel node but a node under my arm. I about fell to the floor. Being the good dr he is, he sat down and pulled up everything, went over everything and decided that since the tumor was that small, I was a 2 going on 3. Crap - I have to have everything. So that's the deal. I have to take it all.

    But today the rash was so bad, that he had me not take the T and just do the PH. Tonight I feel absolutely normal. No pain in my digestive system, no pain anywhere. If I didn't see the rash and had hair, I'd be me. I will be taking large doses of prednisone for 4 weeks. They even sent me to a dermatologist and got advice. I really am blessed with good medical people and my husband.

    Today was a real eye opener. I must take it all. MO did talk about taking different drugs, but one is taxotere which I really don't want. There is another drug that hasn't been as well researched, but he says is really good, but he doesn't think the insurance will pay for it. He is going to call and plead my case.

    I only have 6 more treatments of T. I can do this. It's a rash, right? The rash from Hades, but still just a rash and major digestive problems and fatigue. I can do this. I have to give myself this chance. Isn't that we all are doing? Trying to give ourselves the chance to live? With the support of my Lord, family, friends, medical team and you, I will get this done.

    On a brighter note, my granddaughters will be here on Thursday and stay the rest of their Spring Break. If that doesn't cheer LolliPop up, nothing will. My spirit is brighter just being able to talk to those who understand. Thank you all for being here.


  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    hi everyone!

    So, today was my first day of radiation. Where do I begin? Lol. Foremost, I will say that my chest looks like either 7 different airport runways or a Picasso painting. I never knew how much precision these doctors use. I just figured I went in, they did it and I was done. Apparently it’s a pretty big science. They told me the first visit would take longer because of the markings (with sharpies!) and positioning. Tears slowly came down my face (without them noticing) as I laid there, head turned to the side, in the middle of a cold, bright room with a huge machine around me and techs drawing on me. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because all we have to do. It was scary. I joked my way through it because that’s what I do when I’m super nervous. I also thought about this group and how you ladies are so strong. Then I closed my eyes and started counting my blessings. Then, once I was all set, it took a few seconds for the treatment and that was it. 1 down, 34 to go. Wow, I don’t need to say that again. It sounds like a long time! Ugh. So, aside from my emotions getting the best of me, it was ok. I’m applying a cream several times a day and hoping for no bad burns. Just ready to be done with this.

    Pommom - you are almost there!!! The last few are the toughest! They had to reduce mine as well along the way. Totally normal. You can do this. One more week!

    Annie - yes! You CAN do this. Ugh, those reports make me crazy. The good thing is it sounds like you have wonderful doctors and are on the same page with their recommendations. 6 more Ts? Wow, you are almost there! It will be over in no time. I’m sorry to hear about the rash - that sounds tough. But, we are strong and resilient. And can do this. Seeing your grandchildren should definitely brighten your week :-) make sure to get some rest and enjoy your time :-)

    Rabbit - I admire your ability to step back and look at everything. It’s hard to do! The fact that it didn’t grow and nothing new showed up is a great sign!! Not just good. But great! I’ll be praying for super path results. Until then, enjoy this week of no treatments at all! It’s definitely a great feeling!

    Ok, everyone. Off to bed now. Then #2 tomorrow!

    PS anyone else here getting radiation as well?
  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Good morning ladies! Well another shoe has dropped for hubby and me. Apparently me having cancer is annoying to my husbands employer, my husband wanting to be there for me for my appointments, chemos etc is also annoying to them even tho my husband will wake up early and come in early and even stay late sometimes to make up for it. My husband confided to me the other night that during bloodwork for my last chemo last week he was threatened with suspension from his job. My husband is so enraged by this with all I'm going through and that I am so close to surgery and his employers know this, why they would even threatened him like that and add to the strain. Needless to say I took it hard but he's my husband and is basically holding us up right now so I want to help carry this burden with him. Hubby is just doubling down and trying to put a smiley face on for his jobs sake and so his employers don't complain about his mood making them "uncomfortable" despite being threatened. You know how that is. Ugh, the world certainly can be an ugly place, just as ugly as this dang disease. I am back to taking things minute by minute. I have to.

    Pommom - You just have 1 more to go! You can do it! I am happy they reduced your dose for you to help with SE, they reduced mine along the way too. Just think, next week you'll be done! :)

    Annie- how often we must talk ourselves off the ledge it seems. Its just awful. Dang cancer and dang that rash from hades! I hear ya about having to absorb information and then thinking things are one way and then they actually are another way. I am between 2 and 3 myself. My tumor is on the underside of my breast square in the middle at 6' o clock. It is also kinda resting on the muscle which before chemo was causing alot of dimpling, kinda like a big indentation in the underside of my breast when I lifted my arm and now after chemo is very mild. I just know imaging shows no lymph involvement but of course they won't know for sure until they get in there. Its been kinda frustrating to me to do chemo semi blind, because I'm waiting for surgery and we think we have a good idea what to expect but again won't know till they get in there. Nerveracking! Only 6 more Annie, you can do it! I have a feeling the other drug MO is thinking about for you is Abraxane, but its more expensive than Taxol/Taxotere so its harder to get insurance to cover it, but I too have heard its good. I hope whatever is decided you get a relief from that dang rash! Enjoy your grandchildren and just be "Lollie" while they are with you :)

    April - Your description of the drawings all over your chest cracked me up! Your experience on the table made me tear up a bit, those emotions we feel come up so much through all of this, sometimes we don't have the strength from exhaustion to muster up a full on meltdown like we want to, sometimes it just comes out in silent tears. I was thinking of spaceballs when you were describing rads - just think after your last rads you can say "Beaming! Beaming! No more Beaming! This time I'm gonna walk!" :) I don't know if rads are in my future yet, i think it depends on what margins i get because of the location and if i have lymph involvement. I hate all the decisions i have to make, you always hope your making the right ones! Here's to hopes for smooth sailing for you through rads! PS: my profile picture are Rhosgobel Rabbits - Radagast in the Lord of the Rings series has a bunch of giant rabbits that pull his sleigh :) Good luck at rads today!

    Patrice - have you gotten your scan results and plan in place yet? I am thinking of you!

    Well, I am off to try and choke some breakfast down, my tastebuds are still insanely off, some things taste good others taste awful. Take care ladies, big hugs to all of you, I love you all so very much, you keep me going :)

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    April, I got tears thinking of you lying there all exposed while you were all marked up. My surgeon told me I will probably have radiation after the bilateral mastectomy. I should be seeing him soon since the Taxol ends next Tuesday.

    Rabbit my fingertips are sore, but not too bad. Tapping the keyboard & using the TV remote is painful to do. I noticed that my big toes were painful like they were bumping the end of my shoes, but I was barefoot. Sorry to hear about your husband’s crapass employers threatening him with his job. Sounds we have the same treatment schedule, chemo, then surgery, & finish with radiation. I don’t know if I have any shrinkage of the tumors yet, one is hard & the other is soft. The oncologist the last time she felt didn’t think it had done much.

    All I can say is #fight like a girl ladies! I sure never expected to be in this fight at all in my life. I keep hearing all this cheery news from the docs, but who do I believe?


  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    thanks rabbit and pommom. I figured out the cause of the sadness during radiation. It’s being alone in the room. I think along this journey, we usually have someone with us during procedures (a doctor, nurse, loved one, friend, etc). With radiation, you are left on a table.... alone. With a machine. While everyone else leaves to control the machine. I think I just wasn’t expecting that sadness. It wasn’t as bad today. And I’m probably just weird with all this. I just wanted to add this thought because I completely do NOT want to discourage anyone from doing it if they planned to. (My docs all said I’m in a gray area so I’m doing it!). I’m continuing to lather up with cream after each time. Hoping for no SEs!

    Ok, off to bed. Take care, ladies. Let’s keep going!
  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Rabbit - sorry about the a-hole employers. What jerks. Nothing is simple with this disease.

    Sadly - Please keep us updated on how radiation is going. I start after I finish Taxol. It really helps to hear from those going through it. I have 35 days also. I am on massive doses of steroids, 4 a day this week, then start tapering down. I am wired!! Yesterday was the best day I've had since this started last August. We bought flowers and ferns and felt human. The steroids are causing my blood sugar to go wild, but this too will pass.


  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    hey ladies! Just wanted to pass along. There was a girl that appeared in one of the Facebook groups I'm in that was recently diagnosed. Well, she decided to become vocal about it and started YouTube clips. She calls it her “Cancer Project." Her name is Tanya Wills. I’m sure a quick search on YouTube would find her. She numbers her videos in order. She is good people. She reminds me of people I know and life. She's funny, compassionate, and speaks directly from the heart. In a single clip, I laugh and cry several times. Just thought someone may be interested if they wanted a laugh. She's incredibly real.

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Member Posts: 60

    hey ladies. Been awhile! I start rads on Tuesday. Did all the mapping a couple weeks ago, not to bad. I get it though being in there alone. Ugh. I only have 20 treatments (3 weeks plus the booster week). Anxiety high again but I feel like I've done the hard part. Just super nervous they're gonna radiate my heart or something! Plus, I wonder if it's a higher amount per time, since it's less treatments. Oh, my labs came back that Im post menopause. How is that possible??? I literally had a period right before I started chemo and nothing since. I was under the impression stuff would go back to normal after I was done. That was 12/19 and still a bitch with hot flashes. Lol Doc told me he still wants me on tamoxafin for a year than AI'S. Anyone know the difference? My girlfriend that went through this 4 years ago said it took her 3 1/2 years to get her numbers that low. Am i lucky?? Oh... Pretty sure i have lymphadema. But it seems to be in my armpit area. 24% my chance ass! My asshole surgeon probably did it on purpose! Even thinking of her still makes me ANGRY!! Enjoy what's left if your weekend ladies! It's a beautiful day here in colorado. Sunny and 60! Hugs to all!! 🤩😘😘

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    hey Casey!!! So good to hear from you!! Rads is nothing like chemo. I'm on #5 tomorrow. Not sure how many I'm having. I just know that it's alot so I've decided not to ask. Lol. I didn't like being alone during rads (made me sad the first few times) but I've become immune to it by now).

    AND, I have early signs of lymphedema but I'm managing it. The key is getting to a therapist early and ASAP if you think you are getting it. They will show you how to do the massages. If you think you may, go go go girl! It can be managed.

    How great they can see whether you are menopausal. My dr didn't even test for that. My dr put me on Tamoxifen too and said she will switch me after some time. I've heard that AIs are more effective and less side effects. Basically, From what I understand, you can only do a AI if your ovaries aren't working (menopause), removes or shut down (Zoladex shots). I can't wait to get on an AI. I'm supposed to start Tamoxifen after rads. Ugh.

    You sound great and like things are going well (all things considered of course :-)). Please let us know how Tuesday goes!

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Hey ladies! :)

    Well, I've been free from chemo for a week now and I honestly feel better everyday, I feel everyday that goes by I start feeling more like myself, which is a good thing! Trying to take one day at a time, but like I said, patience isn't my virtue, I am earning my masters degree in it tho! Looking forward to surgery, its slowly slowly closing in. Got the okay to have my port removed during my mastectomy so I will be signing paperwork for that at my followup MO appointment late next week. They told me they normally like to keep it in for 6 months to a year "in case" - I said screw that I want the bastard out, I want to "move on", I may do the chemo pills but I want the port out. If I need it heaven forbid later we'll deal with it then, until then I want it out. I feel like I am nesting right now, I am busy about the house getting things done that I'll have difficulty doing later. Got a couple body pillows to help with sleeping after surgery. I am a tummy/side sleeper so having to sleep on my back should be The weather is perking up alittle bit so i got to test out my new lawn mower we got on clearance, hearing that sound and pushing it around the lawn a bit felt SO GOOD, my husband just sat and watched me, he said it was good to see me in my element and smiling. Ran into a breast cancer survivor about a yr out in the grocery store today, my head scarf gives me away of course. My hair is too baby birdish to go topless quite yet. She was hearing a large straw hat and she lifted her hat to show her head scarf, woulda never known! It was nice talking with her. She had had an aggressive cancer and a 9cm+ tumor. After chemo and surgery she is doing great! Said the chemo shrunk it to the size of a pea!

    April, so glad rads is coming along for ya! I am glad your able to manage the lymphedema, I am slightly concerned about getting it myself, but sometimes you just can't prevent it, it happens. Hear the massages and exercises can make a world of difference, will probably seek out a therapist after my surgery just in case! :)

    Casey! So good to hear from ya! Good luck at rads on tuesday! :) So proud of you for pushing through despite your anxieties! Your truly awesome. A force to be reckoned with!

    As far as hormones and such after surgery and possible rads. I am thinking of going the Zoladex aka ovarian suppression only route for awhile. I did Zoladex through AC to help boost the chemo effect. Had no issues with the Zoladex, the shot hurt the first time because they gave me the shot right by my ovary, I literally yelled "OWWW!!" that time. The second time they gave me the shot in the belly which was much much better.

    Doris, will be thinking of you this week, 1 last taxol, you can do it!! :)

    Antigone, I think of you often, hope your doing okay!

    Notgivingup, keep being that badass lady in red/pink that you are :) Halfway through, you can do it!

    Patrice, I demand updates! :P

    My night time ritual these days includes warming myself up a small mug of plain milk, putting on some timer flicker candles, and watching something comforting and relaxing on the tv while I rub myself down with some calming lotion. Just doing these little things helps with relaxation and giving my mind a break. These disease takes so much out of us mentally sometimes it helps to take care of yourself a bit with little things like this. Hope all you ladies are doing well. We're doing it. Look how far we've come!

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    Yes. Yes. Yes. image

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    April that post is perfectly timed!! How true!!!!