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Starting Chemo October 2018



  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Hi all, just a quick update - saw BS and PS this week, surgery is scheduled for April 16th. It will be a mastectomy with lymph node removal, not a lumpectomy as I had hoped. I will have a TE placed (installed? whatever) and will do implant exchange later on. Rads are still in my plan post-surgery as are life long maintenance drugs. (this is where that word with more impact than fuck would be appropriate)

    MRI and PET scan revealed very good chemo response, enough that the little bit of crap on my pubic bone is nearly gone, and MO feels the rest will be wiped out with the rads. Everything else looks great so far as well.

    Will have a more comprehensive post later, gotta cut it so short today.

    Love to all!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Good afternoon, ladies. Finished round 6 of Taxol this morning. We had to be there at 7:45 but I was able to get in my favorite chair where I can see outside and DH can sit beside me. No reactions but they had me take Ativan at home this morning and then gave me a shot during treatment. Wiped me out! But not horrible muscle spams. My MO also reduced my dosage - you were right Rabbit - to help reduce skin toxicity and neuropathy in my hands and feet. I fell and sprained and ankle not being able to feel my feet.

    There were four new couples in the treatment room today. They were so scared. Our nurses do a great job of trying to put them at ease, but it's cancer and poison going in you. I remember in October, my legs wouldn't move to get me out of the car. Today we tried to talk to them and show them where the coffee was, blankets, snacks..... My husband and I sat and held hands and laughed quietly over an inappropriate joke.

    What difference a few months make. We still hate it. We are not looking forward to driving an hour for 35 days for rads. But, I'll be dang if I quit. Last week, no taxol due to the SE's, and we had a great week. It gave us hope that our lives can regain some normalcy. I planted flowers and played with granddaughters. I ate real food!! Hope. What I have to hold on to, I know I will waiver - 5 more taxol will make me tired and blue. I will cry. But I will remember this week. I will seek Hope.

    Sadly - YES!!!!!


  • AntigoneResurrected
    AntigoneResurrected Member Posts: 26

    Hi all,

    Logging in for a quick update.

    I had my breast re-excision surgery last Wednesday, and things went okay-ish. All the margins this time around were clear (they were clear before, nothing in the stained portion, but very narrow); however, I have several questions for my surgeon after seeing the results (for instance, why in the world did she remove two tissue samples, each larger than my original tumor, to "clean up the margins"???). I also have complete numbness after this round, which I didn't have before. And, I developed bronchitis, which hasn't been fun. :( I meet with her on Friday, so hopefully she can answer some of my questions. Did anyone else have numbness with their lumpectomy, if that's what you had? If so, did feeling return? And when?

    I've also learned that I'll need to go off of the medication to control my POTS if I want to participate in the trial, which sucks, because being on this medication is the first time in the last 20 years that I've been able to function semi-normally (meaning without nearly passing out every time I stand up). Hoping my cardiologist and I can come up with an alternative.

    I'll start radiation in about 4 weeks (once daily for 4 weeks), and I'll be finishing up the clinical trial paperwork (stage 2 - I'm a little jealous of your stage 3, notgiving up!)paperwork about two weeks into rads. Then I'll take 2-3 weeks off between radiation and the trial. It's 22 weeks, three arms. One with xeloda, one with nivolumab, and one with both. I'm hopeful I'll end up in the "both" arm, but even if I end up in the nivolumab arm, I've confirmed that I can do xeloda afterwards, so I'll do that (though it will extend my treatment by an additional 6 months). I had an rcb of 2, so I'm doing everything I can at this point.

    Part of doing everything I can is likely going to be taking short-term disability time at work for the bulk of the trial. (If I have a shot at long-term disability, I'll probably just take STD and LTD for the length of the trial). I've worked full-time up until this point, but physically, emotionally, and mentally, I'm drained. And the thought of going through 22 more weeks while working full time, especially with some of the side effects that are listed for those two treatments...I just don't think I can do it. I need time to recover, and to devote to healing. My HR team has been sending me the paperwork since I was first diagnosed, but I've been reticent because (1) I'm a lawyer, which means I'm always a little suspicious and always try to CYA. Our STD is 13 weeks, but the state FMLA I have only covers 12 weeks every two years, and I've already used some of that time, so I want to make sure my job will be secure if I take the leave. I'm fairly certain that the ADA would cover me (EEOC rulings have stated that extended leave can be considered a reasonable accommodation), but I want to do a little more research. Just in case. Because I've been screwed over by too many employers in the past; and (2) I actually feel bad for taking the time. :( I'm the most senior non-VP employee in my department, and I've been handling A LOT over the last year (including training and supervising our new hires). I've also taken over the job duties of at least two people who have left the organization. And I'm the only person with any background in a couple of key topic areas that are the foundation of my organization. I know it's absurd to feel bad about requesting time you need to be healthy, but I've been working since I was 12 and it just feels weird to not be.

    Anyway, yeah. I've been in a pretty rough spot the last few weeks - apologies for not stopping by more.

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    AntigoneRes - I had almost the same lumpectomy with three lymph nodes removed - 2 tested cancerous in September, 2018. I was numb and had weird pain through January. This went all down my arm to my elbow. I now how feeling in my arm with only a small numbness under my arm. It feels pretty normal. I bet your's slowly returns.

    You have a lot to think about. Your stress level must be through the roof! Keep in touch and if we can help in anyway, let us know.


  • AntigoneResurrected
    AntigoneResurrected Member Posts: 26

    Thanks, Annie!

    Was your numbness just in your arm, or in your breast, as well? I haven't had anything with my arm, with either surgery, but this time around my breast is entirely numb. :(

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Breast and arm -in my arm, all the way down to my elbow. That was from the lymph node removal. When I started having feeling again, it was a little painful but not anything horrible. I'm not sure if I'll ever have feeling where the incision is under my arm.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    hello ladies! These past 2 weeks have been strange. No nurses, no doctors, no needles, no pills, no chemo, no getting my blood pressure taken all the time etc. It feels REALLY WEIRD. Is it even weirder that I kinda miss it? Not the chemo mind you but the nurses, they were all awesome; kind, compassionate, made the process in the chair less scary. Plus i felt like i was actively doing something to fight this disease, now i just feel like I am sitting on my ass waiting to get this darn tumor out of me. I keep praying everyday, dear God please don't let it start growing again. I have been a real busy bee around the house and yard to make up for not having the bustle of doctor appointments and to keep my mind busy. I push myself more and more each day, knowing it will strengthen me and make recovery from surgery all the easier. I find myself looking at my right breast in the shower lately and clutching it like a baby and crying sometimes, I wish I didn't have to lose it, but the location/size makes mastectomy necessary. I still won't reconstruct, just not of that mindset and have been that way since diagnosis, If I can't keep my original breast, lop it off and lets be done with it. Things have calmed down on the job front for hubby, so that's a relief for him and for me. I've been kinda nervous about rads because I was just hoping the machine wouldn't be like a MRI, enclosed etc so I looked on you tube for videos on what the machine looked like etc and I was like "Oh! Its kinda open, that doesn't look scary!". I don't think I will get out of rads even after mastectomy, again because of location, but we'll see how things look after surgery.

    Patrice! So good to get an update from you! Your beating me to the table by 3 days, I had the option for a tuesday or a friday appointment, I chose friday. But we both are getting chopped on the right side, so I'm with ya there. Such good news about your scans, looks like chemo halted it in its tracks and rads will finish it off!

    Annie, sounds like your doing great, so good to hear! Isn't eating REAL food awesome?! Hoping the reduced dose will make things alittle easier as you knock these last few out. Yeah, not being able to feel your feet isn't good. My MO reduced my dose around the same time yours did, I found the reduced dose helped with SE, but emotionally I was still struggling. April is right about that taxol messing with you emotionally, so if feelings pop some of it could be the taxol talking.

    Antigone, I figured something was up. Holy Shit. Thats all i can say to what you've been through, my goodness woman, life is raining boulders on you. And YET you press on like the badass you are. We're here if you need some ears to vent to. Looks like your throwing absolutely everything at this beast, you go girl!

    April and Casey hope rads is going well for both of you!

    Notgivingup, are you coming up on #3 soon? Hope SE are treating you kindly.

    I look forward to each time one of you gives an update, to see others who share and to have others to talk with that get what its like really helps in managing all this.

    Enjoy the weekend ladies!

  • Ccaxt
    Ccaxt Member Posts: 60

    Hey ladies...just gonna chime in real quick. For ladies with upcoming surgery (keep in mind I'm a crazy lady with severe anxiety lol), it really isnt that bad. I, like you Rad, opted to not have reconstruction and just be done with it. I think we may be the minority. Haha. But I will say, surgery was my biggest fear through all of this! And, at some point, I may consider reconstruction. That says a lot as to how not that bad it was :) Why am I considering reconstruction? For no other reason than convenience. Tired of asking my hubby if my boobs are straight! I have a cotton prosthesis for now so maybe that will change after I have a regular one (after rads). And finding clothes to wear is a pain in the ass! V-necks...hahaha. but, again, that may change after I have a real fake Boob (oxymoron?)

    As far as rads...3 down 17 to go! Giant pain in the ass as well! Just the schedule...ugh. so far so good with se's but I'm only on day 3. Lol April, how are you holding up??

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!! 😘😘😘

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Rabbit I’m in your situation at the moment, waiting on surgery. I see the surgeon on the 10 of April, scan on the 2cd & see the vascular surgeon on the 3rd. I’m anxious to get rid of my coated mouth & get my taste back. The neuropathy in my hands & feet sucks. I’m in a rush cause after all I just finished the Taxol, need to wait it out. I, too am not getting reconstruction I feel it’s not necessary at this point in my life.

    I think my hiatal hernia is acting up, just what I need now! For a week I’ve having pain across my chest where the diaphragm is. Feels like a tight band across my chest. Asked the nurses about it last week, she had no answer.

    I, too will miss the nurses at the infusion center. They are so nice & caring & ive been with them since October 16. I’ll still see some of them when I go to oncologist.

    Good wishes to everyone.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Casey thank you so much for your surgery update! I know Doris, Patrice and I appreciate it as we play the waiting game. I'm not so much nervous about the surgery ( I am slightly about the recovery aspect), because I've wanted this thing out from the beginning and just NOW I feel like I'm getting my way since I've had to go the MO's way first and go through chemo. I'm mostly nervous about pathology. Biopsy showed IDC with tubular features, hoping that holds true, the tubular part of it and more of it and less of the IDC, as tubular isn't known to be aggressive and is least likely to travel kind of cancer. I've gotten myself a belt on amazon to put the drains in after surgery, it came with a waterproof case you can put your drains in and slip around your neck for showering...I do get to shower 24 hrs after surgery according to my paperwork, woo hoo!

    I have this feeling my tumor isn't completely dead, I could be wrong but something tells me it isn't. I guess I'm preparing for the worst so I can be pleasantly surprised. I'm pretty fixed on doing rads now. I want to do what I can to try and move on to the next chapter of life as best I can. I know I won't fully escape cancers grip, but I don't want to be robbed of happiness and be plagued relentlessly by worry, I feel I've been battling that lately. Not letting cancer take over me or my thoughts, easier said than done but I'm trying.

    Doris I hear ya on the hands and feet. I get mild numbness and tingling in the hands and feet off and on. My MO's partner suggested vitamin B6 and B12. You can get it in a b complex vitamin, it's helped alittle with the neuropathy. I want to be 100%being 2 weeks out from chemo and I'm not there yet, it's frustrating, I'm not patient. Hubby says I'm too hard on myself and put too hard of a burden on myself instead of giving things time to sort out. He's right, I'm stubborn.

    Annie, I wanted to say that tiny glimpse of your relationship with hubby was so sweet. You go over the halfway point this week! Cannot wait to celebrate u finishing:)

    Fritz, hope your healing up well from surgery, have u gotten your MO to agree to more chemo or are they thinking the rads route? I've been thinking of you, hope all is ok :)

    Casey and April keep knocking those rads out!

    Hubby and I are gonna enjoy a nice outing together tomorrow, I'm gonna wear some jewelry to match my outfit like I used to before diagnosis. I actually planned my outfit tonight like I used to too. Everyday I feel a bit more like me, I still have my moments, lots of them sometimes but I find myself bouncing back alittle quicker now :) it feels good :

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    Casey! How are you?? So glad you are knocking the rads out along with me. It's so much better compared to chemo. I had a lonely time being by myself on the table the first time or two. But, it seems to have gotten better. I didn't look up the process online before I went (I should have!) or I would have been less nervous. Let's keep going! We can do this!

    Rabbit, so glad things settled down with your hubs employer. People can be so cruel. No one needs the added stress. I know waiting for surgery is tough. I think it's one of those things where the anticipation is worse than the actual procedure. You will do great. And so glad to hear you will be doing rads (and all you can do). Your strength is shining bright! I share the emotions on cancer and it's tough. But I agree some days get better. We all have our bad days. I cried for an hour in my closet the other day just because, I think, I hadn't cried in a while. Then, things seemed better. I'm so glad we all have each other to talk to. Because we get it. And understand. Here's to more better days than bad ones. :-)

    I've got #10 radson Monday. I've been lathering up my boob with Miaderm and Aquafor. And armpit. I'm so scared of the burning. So far so good but I'm so early in the process. And, I'm crazy and going for reconstruction after all this. Ugh.

    To all others, hope you are doing well. Please everyone drop in and let everyone else know. Let's keep going!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    So great to hear from all of you! Even with surgeries, chemo, and radiation, we are beginning to have some good days.

    Doris - the neuropathy is terrible. I really can't feel my feet or the tips of my fingers. Walking seems to wake my feet up for a little while, except my toes. The burning is keeping me up at night. I am taking the B vitamins and doing hand exercises. I have to use Aquaphor on the skin toxicity and it feels good to massage it into my feet. Just wear socks afterward - I really made a mess on my DH's freshly mopped floor!Scared

    Really just one bad day this week - Thursday's tend to be hard after chemo on Tuesday. Fatigue really kicks in and the taxol really messes with my emotions. I am still taking a lot of steroids to help clear my skin which is now pealing like a sunburn. My potassium is low so now I have had to add potassium pills (they are huge) to my daily pill intake. Bananas are so much easier to swallow! Ever week, DH and I ask, "What fresh hell is this?" I think I want a t-shirt with that on it.

    Rabbit - I am so glad things have settled down for your husband at work. There is enough stress with this without others adding to it. Be patient with yourself after surgery. I thought I would recover faster and got very frustrated with myself. Don't know if your DH will or can, but my DH climbed right in the shower with me to help. I don't know how I would get through this without him.

    Sadlynew - You give me hope for rads. Just reading your post makes it less scary.

    Patrice - So good to hear from you. I think of you often.

    Antigone - Are you getting any more feeling back? I think it just takes longer than any of us think. Heck, all of this takes longer than we think.

    If anyone needs a good, quick, easy read, I just reread "The Noticer" by Andy Andrews. It's a good book that helped me get some of my perspective back.


  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    hi Annie! You will rock rads when the time comes. My RO said the majority of the time, people fly through it with shining colors. It’s the minority of cases where burning occurs (and it just so happens those are the pics that make it on google!) lol. Thank you so much for the book recommendation. I’m a huge fan of books like these (I read a quick summary of it). Will start reading it tonight!

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Afternoon Warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well. I am getting ready for chemo #3 on Thursday. Got some of the cleaning done today and will finish the rest tomorrow. I am taking it easy between rounds, I did manage to fo out to dinner with my family one night, dinner with the girls one night, date night with hubby one night, and went to my best friend's husband's surprise party.

    I won't lie, I am really nervous/anxious about this coming round. After what happened the last time after #3, I am really hoping to not have a repeat. I did really well on #2. No fainting, no nausea. Getting myself hydrated over the next couple of days.

    I am so happy that we all have met through this board. I look forward to reading on how everyone is doing. For those doing radiation, I do appreciate you reporting on how it is going. I will doing radiation once I finish this chemo.

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Notgivingup - Did #7 Taxol today and am feeling the steroids! Sleep may not happen tonight. I remember #3 A/C. It's when I quit in my head. #1 was passing out from dehydration, #2 was the Ring of Fire every time I had to go to the bathroom, which was a lot, and I had decided that three was not going to happen. I told my husband, children and siblings. I ask them to pray - not give advice, try to convince me it was for the better and I really didn't need the guilt. They complied with just offering support for whatever my decision was. You know exactly what I am taking about. I am not sure I could do what you are doing, But I've seen you persevere, We have all seen you push through the hell this is and come out on the other side. Are you doing 4 treatments? If so, half way there. Can you see pass the fear and know you are near the end? It is so hard. I wish I had this awesome advice that would comfort you and give you the strength to get through this. What I am doing is crying and praying fervently that you can find it in yourself to get through this. To lean on us and the people around you to support and care for you. Because we truly do care. I went back and read the text and answers from my family. I thought about how my husband went to Wal Mart and cried all the way - and he is not one to cry. He never told me until after I said I'd continue. I want you to know that what ever you decide, we understand and care.


  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    hi everyone!

    So great to hear from you, notgivingup! You are halfway there? Keep on going. Hoping #3 goes better for you this time. I know you will breeze right through it

    I finished rads #13 today. They literally fly by. As I type, I can't believe it's been 13 times. It's going very well. I am a little bit fatigued but nothing too bad. No redness and I hope it stays that way. I've in several Facebook bc groups and tried to pick up a consensus on the “best" creams to use. I am using Miaderm ( and aquafor and alternate between the too. A few times a day. Then, on the morning of rads, jump in the shower and rinse it off (with plain water). Apparently you don't want any gels or creams on your breast during rads. It will burn apparently. I carry a tube in my purse and apply it like a maniac after the treatment. I am hoping hoping hoping I continue to do well. The doctor said I will either get 28 or 33 rounds. The difference would be whether to do a “boost". That's usually done for women who haven't had surgery yet or where there is a scar where the tumor was. I had surgery already and tissue expanders places. So, because my area where my tumor was is not easily located anymore (as far as the tissue inside my breast assuming any is left), he may not do it. I will say, though, this is NOTHING compared to chemo. Much better. Much easier. I personally don't like that I'm by myself in a big bright room for the treatment, but, after the first time or two, it was ok.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I've also really valued this board and how we all experienced this together. If anyone has a moment, let us know how you are doing.

    Happy Thursday!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Nice to hear from you all. I am a little fatigued from treatment on Tuesday, but not too bad. Four more to go!! I am hoping to feel well enough to travel 3 hours one way to my in laws' 65 anniversary event this weekend. Not sure if this is a good idea, but I would like to go.

    You guys were so right. The taxol plus the steroids I am taking sure have put me in a mood. Yesterday, I was angry and blue. Today is better. Lack of sleep played a major role, too.

    Sadlynew - thanks for the update on rads. You give me such hope that I can make it through.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    hello ladies! I am 3 weeks PFC, the mental difference I feel is awesome. I feel alot like me now. I got about 5/6 hrs of sleep last night and have the past few days. Having had the suckiest sleeping habits for 7 months to feel alittle relief in that dept is awesome. 5/6 hours is alot for me. I pray the trend continues! I am still having alittle trouble with having dry heaving just about every morning, except thankfully this morning I didn't...its stress related, i know it is, but I've noticed the last week or so days when I did, after I "got it out" I was emotionally fine the rest of the day while before I'd still be on edge for alot of the day. Things seem to be working themselves out, I just need to be as my hubby puts it be patient. I decided to stop the Prozac after Taxol #8 and just try other things knowing I would have to come off it anyways, since Prozac and Tamoxifen and Zoladex don't mesh. It also wasn't helping much anyways. Aromatherapy, Zzzquil and warm Ovaltine are my arsenal right now. Along with a nice rub down of lotion on my face and body in the glow of led candles and a nice old movie. My skin, especially my face has been terribly dry since PFC. I have been using Oil of Olay on my face and slowly I'm getting moisture back. Unfortunately we had to put our 15 yr old siamese to sleep last night. She had been having trouble eating and drinking for the past week and then I felt a mass on her that had hidden itself well that I hadn't felt on her before, it was huge. Hubby and I took her to the vet and vet confirmed just by feel and looking at her her prognosis wasn't good, and that we brought her in at the right time to let her go as he felt by listening to her lungs something was trying to start there. This was hard for me, having cancer and knowing she had it too. Looking at her and knowing we had to let her go, I selfishly thought about my own fate in those moments, would mine progress like her's.... All aside, we peacefully let her go and will be getting a little box back with her ashes soon.

    Annie, when you get a t-shirt made that says "What fresh hell is this" I want one!! lol, I love that! They say chemo GI effects are guaranteed to clear out the Alaskan pipeline, but I never had that issue...for me it was always like "And I tonight I am backed up like its 1999!".7 Taxols down Annie, just 5 more, you can do it! The emotional part of it is the pits isn't it? It really REALLY messes with you. I think when all is said and done you and I will probably end up doing rads at the same time, or just about the same time together :) Hope your able to travel weekend, Enjoy yourself! :) Hubby has been informed by MO and my Surgeon that he may need to assist with the showering for a bit til I get the hang of things - he hid his face with his hand when the doctor wasn't looking and gave me a huge cheshire grin, I guess that was his way of telling me he is able AND willing, lol.

    April, my girl is just plowing through rads like a badass! Woo! Your experience your sharing really is helping me prepare for rads. Already taking notes even tho I still got awhile yet for that! Can't believe your just about halfway done already!

    Notgivingup- by now you will have done #3. I remember everything you went through before on #3 of TC. You've been through hell and back just like your sis in this Antigone. Your prepared tho this time, so take it extra easy, hydrate extra well, and take care of YOU. Just 1 more after this lady, you can do it!! I am so glad you got to enjoy those different gatherings. I find just little things like that are huge mood boosters, helps take your mind of things too which is also a blessing. Cannot wait to celebrate you being done, almost there! :)

    Doris - Well, you and I and Patrice are earning Master's degrees in patience as we wait for surgery. It will be here for us before we know it!

    P.S.In an inappropriate sidenote I nicknamed my tumor deuce....because I am gonna drop it like the piece of shit it is on the 19th :)

    Love all you ladies!! :)

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I had the PET scan & the results were posted on my on line chart. It won’t be translated until Tuesday, but what I did understand was the chemo was working on the cancer.

    I had an appointment with a vascular surgeon yesterday. A blockage in my caratoid artery was found, doc said not to worry. Then he listened to my neck & said I have to get a CT scan of my neck immediately. So I had the scan this morning & am hoping I won’t need a stent put in before my surgery!

    I always thought I was the picture of health especially for my age. It was nothing to walk miles a day at Disney World, to hike with the dog & other physical activity. My how things have changed in six months!

    My feet are getting worse, very hard to walk, I teeter when I walk, must hold on to my husband.

    It’s been 9 days since last Taxol, hope to see some changes pretty soon!

    I love the fact I have this site where I can vent.

    Best wishes to all!


  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Morning Warriors,

    I had chemo #3 on Thursday. My numbers were beautiful according to my nurse. I have slept most of the weekend away again. No fainting, but I was lightheaded. Still taking it really easy. I am still very tired, but glad to be past day 4. Only one more to go! I will be so excited to finally finish chemo. I want to move on to radiation and the start the clinical trial. I am looking forward to normal life returning here, as I am sure my family is looking forward to it also.

    I have my second meeting with my RO on the 23rd. Anyone have any idea of what to expect, I would really appreciate the info. I hope everyone is doing well and getting back to a normal way of life.

    Thank you for staying and supporting me through this adventure of chemo with me.

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Happy Monday!

    I attended my in laws' 65 anniversary event and felt really good. It was a three hour drive, one way, and we stayed the night. I am worn out today, took a long nap when we got home, and am taking it easy now. I really enjoyed going somewhere that didn't have a doctor's visit included.

    I am having a lot of swelling in my left calf and foot. Has anyone else had this?

    HTP tomorrow at 7:45. #9 Taxol. The rash from hell is back with a vengeance. I am hoping my MO will let me continue with Taxol, I want to do everything I can to prevent recurrence.

    Rabbit - I think our husbands would really get along. I can't say enough good things about mine. He has been with me every step of the day, most days beside me, some days pulling me up, and when I need it, a push from behind!

    Notgivingup - I am so proud of you!! I'm not sure I could do what you did - but you give us courage to face whatever is coming next. One to go! You can do this!

    Doris - it does seem we take one step forward and ten backward. Glad Your PET showed progress. Let us know about the stent.

    Sadlynew - another week of rads down. Doing ok?

    Patrice - Thinking about you.


  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    hi everyone!

    So, rads #16 tomorrow. So far, so good. Skin still hanging in there. Lots of Aquafor and miaderm! I also bought the miaderm soap. Very soft and “oatmealy” smelling. I’m doing all I can. I see my RO every Monday. He’s very “to the point” and I admire him for that. I told him today that I really didn’t have any questions. Lol. A first for me! I’ll continue to keep everyone posted on rads. I’m scheduled to have either 28 or 33. So we shall see!

    Rabbit - my skin is terrible. Dry dry dry. Especially my hands and feet. So yes, sounds like another SE we can deal with 🙃. Lol. Ugh, I’m so sorry to hear about your sweet cat. And her poor illness and the timing of it all. I am just so sorry. Battling this “stuff” is never easy then throw in losing a pet, gosh..... I will be thinking of you.

    Pommom - awesome that the chemo is working!! What a fabulous sign! Keep pushing forward!

    Notgivingup - yes!!!! One more!!!! You got this! I know we are all cheering loud for you! Can’t wait to celebrate! On the second meeting with the RO, I’m wondering if it’s a planning session? At some point, they will do a CT and then take a week or two to plan out the rads (where they will radiate, etc.). It may just be to check in and see how you are doing? Hoping all goes well either way. Please keep us posted!

    Annie - so great to hear from you. Taxol #9? Yay!! Ugh, the rashes are awful. I hope as well that they let you continue. I know mine were so bad on my hands and knuckles. They lowered my dose a tad and it helped. I hope things go well for you tomorrow! Keep us posted!

    For everyone else, hope you are doing well. Look forward to the continued updates!

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Good morning. Glad to read everyone's updates and that we're all still chugging along. I haven't been checking in much lately because my head has been in this battle against itself. Since I'm done with chemo and surgery, and waiting to start rads, I'm in this weird in-between stage where the hard stuff is over, I feel physically normal, my hair is growing back, and life is starting to resemble a sort of normal, yet I still have many doctor appointments each week, I take an AI pill every night, and I'm constantly reminded I have (had?) cancer. Is this how life will be from now on? At least it's warming up here in the Chicagoland area, and I've spent a lot of time outside with my kids, which is a big mood booster.

    I treated myself to a new Fitbit 2 weeks ago, and have been getting back to being very active, exercising 5+ days a week, and getting in lots of steps. I have my rads mapping appointment on Friday and then I should be able to start a week or so from then. I have my last TE fill this week, and I'm VERY lopsided now. I'm only getting my right filled until after rads because my RO thinks if my left is filled, it will get in the way of the machine. Whatever. Once rads are done, I'll start filling lefty while my right side heals. Probably won't do the exchange until early fall.

    I've pretty much given up wearing all my head coverings unless I'm cold, or need cover from the sun. I have about a good centimeter of growth so far. The color seems to be the same as before chemo, but it's hard to tell if it will be the same texture. I had straight hair, and I'm hoping it will come back at least mostly straight. I've been pinning cute short hairstyles to try as it comes in. Looking forward to doing some funky things with it this summer.

    Hope everyone is well!

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I got the news today that I won’t be seeing my oncologist until 3 weeks afte my mastectomy. She says after that I will have no cancer in my body! The tumor in the right side has shrunk & the one in the left has disappeared on the PET scan. She also didn’t think I would need radiation.

    I will see the surgeon tomorrow to find out when surgery will be scheduled.

    Oncologist also told me to try taking B6 for the neuropathy in my feet. Also, after mastectomy I will be taking the hormone killer for quite some time.

    Hope everyone is as good as they can beat this time.


  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Fritz - so good to catch up! You have inspired me to get out my old FitBit and get to walking. My hair is thin and white. I saw a women in the chemo room sans head covering. I want to do that. I want to be bold and just go no hat or wrap and my dangling earrings. I do it in front of my family but didn't do it in front of my in laws. I want to be brave!!

    Doris - what good news. I am so glad for you. I know you are ready for the surgery to be over with.

    Today's infusions went well, until my DH decided to tell the MO and NP about my swollen leg. Tattle Tale!! I figured it was from riding and sitting and would go away in a few day with sitting with it propped up. Oh no!! I had to get an ultrasound. 12 hours were spent going from chemo to hospital and back to the MO's office. My infusions took over 6 since we have to slow down the the drugs to keep me from having a reaction. Then over to the hospital to wait for an ultrasound. Turns they were right. I hate that my husband is nearly always right. Hate it!! I have a blood clot. Not to deep but it goes from the side of my knee to my ankle. Crap.. I have to take Eliquis, a blood thinner, for three months. More pills. Crap. I am not taking it tonight, since I forgot, in my shock, to ask about my ever present nose bleed and the occasional hemorrhoid. I'll call in the morning and ask.

    My stand by me husband crashed tonight. He curled up on the couch and said next to nothing. He was exhausted from our trip this weekend and the day. After 4 back surgeries, a parathyroid tumor removal, and an autoimmune disease, he was worn out even before we got to more "fresh hell." I called my sister and he even questioned me as to why I needed to do this. I was honest and said I needed to talk, he obvious couldn't. We talked about my day and then on to hundred's of more things and ended up laughing our heads off. She always makes me laugh. Isn't it nice to have someone like that in you life? Priceless. Tomorrow, we, my DH, will face what is together like we have for the last 45 years - yep - 45 years. We dated for two years in high school and will be married 43 years in August. Pretty great! We are changing our anniversary date, however. August 28 was our anniversary but that is also the day I got the call that I had breast cancer.

    Like I said, one step forward, 11 back.

    Crap and double Crap!


  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I got my surgery date today, if there are no glitches it will be April 30. Oncologist told me after the mastectomy there should be no cancer in my body! Also, radiation is off the table, so glad for that. DH & I will be taking a few days trip before the surgery.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Hello ladies :) Still playing the waiting game (8 more days) and frankly its hard. I had a breakdown in the shower today, I was trembling so bad i could barely get out. I just screamed out loud "I'm scared!" at the top of my lungs. I absolutely hate this. I hate being young and having this, I wasn't ready for this! I echo Fritz's sentiment, is life going to be like this all the time? If one more person tells me to be positive I'm gonna knock em out, seriously! All I'm doing is trying to be positive and I'm failing! Haul me to the chop shop take off my boob already and lets see whats what. I need/want answers. I also want a crystal ball but I know that won't happen. I spent most of yesterday outside working in the yard, clearing branches and leaves, admiring green buds showing up everywhere. Still have very mild neuropathy in feet. Still have issues every morning with the dry heaving just about. Sleeping about 5 hrs a night with no aid, I dream every single night. Hubby and I have started working our side business alittle bit together again, we had to stop during chemo because I felt so awful, I feel well enough to do it again so we're back at it starting today- we tune instruments -organs and pianos, I'm the professional keyholder! :)

    Doris- congrats on the great chemo response and securing a surgery date! How did things turn out with the vascular surgeon, everything work out okay with the blockage and the artery?

    Notgivingup - wooooooo on the good #'s on #3! Yes Yes Yes! Only 1 more to go girl :) You can do it, your doing everything right to get you through this last hurdle. Not only strut across that finishline but STOMP on it, almost there :)

    Fritz - I hear ya on the the weird in between stage, been there since March 14th, and I am ready to move on to the next phase. Good luck at your mapping tomorrow! Yay, another rad guinea pig to gain advise from :) I WANT to go topless, my hair is growing in uneven, eyebrows and lashes are showing signs they want to grow again, so I'm shaving what hair I have real close to head so things will grow in evenly from now on and will start going topless from now on, I'm tired of covering my head. I'm kinda scared, but I think it will be alittle liberating too :)

    April - I want you to know I am taking notes here! Your over halfway done, wooo!! :) I'm glad I am not alone in the dry skin department. Finally got my face soft again sorta, still lotioning every night. Thanks about the pet loss. I miss her, she followed me everywhere and demanded me to either hold her or let her sit on me ALL THE TIME. Not having this little 7lb thing balancing on my hip sleeping every night is weird.

    Annie, My hubby is a tattle tale too! Thank goodness for the tattletale in him tho! Crap about more pills but I am very glad that was caught. Congrats on 45 yrs! :) Hubby and I dated for 2 months, we'll be married 17 yrs in August. I found this comedian talking about marriage on youtube the other night, a clean comedian who cracked me up so hard I couldn't breathe...he's so right on alot of stuff too!

    Patrice - I know your headed in before me, thinking of you! Hope all is well, your guinea pig sends lots of love your way. I'll be thinking of you on the 16th!

    Marathon not a sprint, Marathon not a sprint...Think Spring ...Think Spring... 8 more days....almost across 1 more hurdle.... :)

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    Rabbit I haven’t seen the vascular surgeon yet. Will be meeting with him Saturday. I already got the word from my BS, told me my blockage was 67% which isn’t bad. So right now my surgery date is tentatively going to happen April 30.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Doris, glad all is sorting itself out!

    Hey guys I just Chemofied another song!!

    “Stop children what's that sound".....chemofied...."Stop children what's that sound your momma's got diarrhea and she's toilet bound" :):) lol

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Rabbit - thank you so much for the video. I needed laughter this week!! It did me so much good. This week has been hard. I have to take 4 oral steroids on the day before, the day of (include the steroids I get at my treatment,) and the day after treatment. Then I drop down to one the rest of the week. I slept maybe five hours in the first 48 after treatment and have been playing catch up since. I am experiencing a lot of bone pain - kind of flu like. Anyone else have this on THP? What about eye twitching? I feel like I'm on A/C without the nausea.

    I have no idea how you all do this with children and a job. You have my upmost respect and admiration. You are truly the bravest, most amazing women!
