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January 2019 Surgery Support Group



  • jaboo
    jaboo Member Posts: 368

    Mactaz, definitely ask about it. Here they call it "local wound anestezia". But the box said also "peripheral nerve block". My box was meant just for one boob wound, but the surgeon said that he'll use it for both my wounds since I am so tiny and my breasts were tiny and my expanders are also quite small. It was enough. They took it out yesterday and fortunatelly the pain hasn't worsened. They explained that the first 2 days post-op are the worst. So now I have quite manageable pain in one of my wounds, I haven't taken anything for it so far today. But my back is another story - I have to take pain meds for the night because of my back. ugh.

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Great news DebraC. Wishing for you great path results also

  • beingpositive
    beingpositive Member Posts: 70

    Jaboo, I too have severe back pain. Initially I took only Tylenol at home. But it didn't help with back pain. So took prescribed narcotics and those help a lot. I don't need to take every 6 hours, but depending on pain level I take 1 in morning and 1 in night. Hope your pain eases soon.

    Yesterday my 2 breast drains were removed, have 2 more at donner belly. Those will come out next week. Feet swelling has reduced after elevation, though seems may take time for my feet to be back to normal.

    Best wishes to all with upcoming surgery and easy recovery to rest of us who recently had surgery. Yes, I am also very very thankful for this site and this group for such a wonderful support.

  • debrac
    debrac Member Posts: 63


    Thanks for the heads up on the colace. I took two yesterday and one this morning. Will see how that goes.

    I only took the Norco yesterday. Didn't need to get up during the night for more. This just took Tylenol, think it may be enough. The Norco makes me s sleepy.

  • jaboo
    jaboo Member Posts: 368

    I have developed a colourfull hematoma on both sides... upper side towards the shoulders. I am seing the surgeon tommorrow, I wonder if that's OK. I am concerned, it is quite large on both sides... ah well, there has to be something

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    jaboo, maybe you should call and make sure all is okay until you see your surgeon tomorrow.

  • Bird92203
    Bird92203 Member Posts: 3

    Hi All,

    I've started to write several times but it seems I get interrupted before I can finish a post. Now it's going to be long since I have so much to share.

    Surgery was 1/21, went home 1/22. They tested 2 nodes, but said they appeared to be negative so just waiting for pathology to confirm they got it all. The drains and lack of sleep have been my biggest challenge. I bought zip up sports bras and the post mastectomy camisole with drain holders etc. and all were comfortable before surgery but none work post surgery because they smash at the place where the drain tubes are coming out of my body so it feels like it's pulling the tubes out. I've been wearing Old Navy wife beater tank tops that are fairly fitted. The nurse said they were fine. I just have to step into them since I can't raise my arm. I never fell asleep at the hospital once I woke from recovery and I had a private room on a quiet floor with not too many interruptions throughout the night so not sure why sleep was such an issue. First night home only slept 4 hours. Last night finally caught 8 consistent hours of sleep and feel like a new person today.

    I didn't eat much the day before surgery or the day after so nausea from the anesthesia and meds have been a challenge, but I've managed it with Zofran so no vomiting and I finally started to get my appetite back yesterday although all I ate was toast and soup. The pain was high until today, so I'm starting to taper off the pain meds to see how that goes. Hope this isn't TMI, but haven't had a bowel movement since Monday. Given that I didn't start eating until yesterday I'm not terribly concerned yet, but today have hemorrhoids. They don't hurt, but they are present. I haven't even tried to go so no straining so not sure why this happened. I've been taking Senekot every day since I got home and today took some magnesium. I have my post op appt tomorrow so I'll talk to my doctor about it then to see if I need to do anything else if nothing has happened by then.

    I keep hearing about nerve blockers. If you can get this you should. I've had shooting pain that feels like someone is holding a cigarette to my skin on the area surrounding the breast removed and on my back. My Plastic Surgeon also used botox to help with muscle spasms, so you may want to consider that if you haven't already and you are a candidate. Mine used botox because the TE is under the muscle. Before the botox kicked in it hurt under my reconstructed breast when I would take a deep breath. Kind of like the cramps you can get from not breathing correctly when running.

    Happy to read everyone is pushing through and it is really nice to have this group and this website. When something happens I can always find a thread where it's been discussed so I don't have to panic and wonder if it's normal.

    Sending positive vibes and prayers to KMS2016 today, and Mactaz who is next. Stay strong!!

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Bird92203, first sorry you had a tough couple of days but sounds like things might be looking up for you. Botox? That is the first I have heard of this, did he use it during surgery or after? I am going to ask about the anesthesiologist about the nerve blocker and sounds like I should also ask my PS about botox - it must somehow paralyze the nerves so they don't twitch, right?

    I just bought sports bras, front hooks, I'm hoping they work but sounds like just a t-shirt might be the answer.

    Hope you continue your path to feeling better and also get great results from your path.

  • Hongh
    Hongh Member Posts: 51

    Sending good vibes to those who are going to have surgery and those who are recovering.

    I will see my MO tomorrow, hopefully he will have my report.

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Good luck tomorrow Hongh, let us know what you find out. Sending good vibes

  • yogamom2
    yogamom2 Member Posts: 64

    Question for others post surgery. I'm noticing a hard area under one part of my incision. Seems too soon for scar tissue. All of it is still really tender so haven't really "explored" but noticed when showering one area really firm & hard. Anyone else have this and if so does it resolve on it's own? Can check with surgeon tomorrow if this is an unusual but until then thought I'd ask here. Thanks so much.

    Hongh- wishing you good news tomorrow.

  • Jacy
    Jacy Member Posts: 8

    Yesterday was my surgery. I started out at radiology for 2 wire placements, then to nuclear medicine for the radioactive dye. From there to preop. Unfortunately my surgery was delayed a couple hours due to the schedule but eventually went in about 3:30. BS did a partial MX and removed 3 nodes. It’s possible I’ll have results tomorrow but more likely next week. I didn’t get home until nearly 10pm. Seems I didn’t want to wake up in recovery. All in all things went well. Not much pain. I am alternating ibuprofen and Tylenol. I’ve only taken one Percocet last night. Honestly, ice packs help more than anything along with a soft supportive bra. Wishing you all the best

  • alto
    alto Member Posts: 82

    Yogamom, I would check with the surgeon, but it could be fluid buildup, which is pretty common after surgery. I got the okay from my dr to gently massage the area. It made me feel better to do that - but she said it would go away on its own. Fever/chills would make the situation urgent.

    Jacy, glad you are home and feeling ok. I loved ice packs and my padded light sport bra for the first 2 days after my quadrantectomy. Did your doc say ibuprofen was ok? I was told to stick with Tylenol for several days, but maybe my surgery had more risk of bleeding. I was like Nooo!because Tylenol did nothing for me during period pain, but I was happy it worked for my surgery pain.

  • Jacy
    Jacy Member Posts: 8

    alto, my dr said I could alternate ibuprofen and Tylenol every 6 hrs so I’m taking something every 3 hours. So Tylenol dose then 3 hours later I can take ibuprofen etc.

  • Muffkin78
    Muffkin78 Member Posts: 38

    yogamom2 - I just wanted to jump in and say that I had an excisional biopsy yesterday, which is similar to a lumpectomy. My paperwork says "The breast tissue has been sewn together and will heal. The process will cause a firm lump under the incision which may last up to 6 months. This is called a healing ridge. It will, however, eventually go away."

    Probably best to call and ask the doctor, though.

  • alto
    alto Member Posts: 82

    Thanks for explaining, Jacy. It sounds like it reduces the need for opioid pain meds, which can be a good thing.

    I'm still not sure my body is back on track after taking them for just 1-2 days after the surgery.

    I started my physical therapy exercises. Who knew such little movement could make one tired and sore (or maybe it's just everything else). I don't feel limited doing day-to-day activities - I just notice chest tightness when standing tall and when I yawn. But my surgery-side arm doesn't have the same range of motion in doing things like raising my arms up way up and back over my head. It's not a big deal but I still hope I can reverse that soon.

  • yogamom2
    yogamom2 Member Posts: 64

    Muffkin78 & alto Thanks so much for your thoughts. I did put in a call to doctor, just to be sure, but no word back yet. I wish I had post op paperwork explaining things that could happen. My doc has a great surgical reputation but so far not the greatest office communication skills. Healing ridge seems most likely as it is hard as a rock. Could also be seroma, which is the fluid build up, but according to bco site supposed to feel squishy. Will assume all is well until I hear differently. Will let you know if I hear from Dr. Thanks again wise women of this forum.

  • Cascadians
    Cascadians Member Posts: 72

    Hello all brave pink sisters. Had surgery afternoon of January 23rd. Surgeon excellent. Took out 2 breasts plus 2 extras, large breasts living in armpits. Surgery took 3.5 hours. They were very kind to me. Anesthesiologist put scopolamine patch on neck to prevent nausea. They used gas mask plus injections to put me to sleep. Surgeon injected blue dye into arm, called reverse mapping, to show lymph system and avoid harming it. She injected radioactive something into breast after I was asleep to track sentinel nodes, 2 tracks of them draining breast. She took one sentinel from each track = 2 sentinel nodes. Since they had to skin me like a rabbit to get the extra breasts out and she was right there anyway and promised very small cuts, I gave permission to extract the 2 sentinel nodes for pathology to see if I'll need Kadcyla, a nuke form of Herceptin chemo.

    When I woke up in Recovery it was fast. I had trouble breathing and begged for air. They had oxygen on plus blowing cold air which helped. They said keep deep breathing because of the anesthesia. Then the ppl disappeared. I lay there wondering if I were dead or alive because my entire body was a ghastly dark grey with bluish undertone. Turns out that was from the blue dye.

    Have a Q pump delivering anesthesia to incision area. Incision is almost all the way around torso since they had to go deep and high into armpits.

    Have 2 JP tubes which hurt like hell. We've had to change dressings multiple times, fill up fast with blood. Overnight JP site leaked and totally saturated all layers of clothes.

    They put in a lot of nerve block during surgery for which I am very grateful. Was able to walk around entire MedSurg unit that night. Have been drinking a lot of water, prune juice, Colace and Senekot to be able to poop soon hopefully. Pushed to get discharged as soon as possible which was an overnight and out of hospital by around Noon next morning.

    Taking Narco and antibiotics, adding ibuprofen. Pain reasonably under control. Very glad we bought 2 LaZBoy power recliners, comfy and I can get in and out without help. Incision, armpits and JP drain site all hurt and all are tolerable with pain meds.

    I asked for pictures from surgery so they got their professional videographer to take pix. They are graphic and rather astonishing.

    If you all want to see them I will post some pictures.

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    cascadians, you are one tough cookie. I can’t imagine going through what you did and reading your post it seems you still are positive and moving forward. I’m so glad it is over and you can now relax a bit and recover. Was thinking of you so glad you could post. Take care and hugs.

    Yogamom2 keep us up to date, hope all is well.

    Thinking of everyone with surgery this week, those now recovering, and those of us headed to surgery next week. Damn, we are a bunch of strong women, take care and hugs to all

  • Hongh
    Hongh Member Posts: 51

    I just saw my oncologist, saw the report , I archived 100% pCR. The funny thing is they can’t even find the biopsy clip. I was supposed to do Herceptin + Perjeta today, but my drain is still in, it will be postponed to next week.

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Hongh, CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎈🍾, I’m so excited for you. Great path results.

  • yogamom2
    yogamom2 Member Posts: 64

    Congrats Hongh! Hope the good news continues. Cascadians hope you are able to get some rest, I would be afraid to see photos. Go warrior women.

    Never did get a call from my doctors office. Not pleased by that but I can only hope that meant it wasn't a big concern and if they thought there was trouble they would have called right away. No other symptoms and using ice for the tenderness. Will post when I hear from doc.

    Wishing next weeks surgery sisters a relaxing weekend. Hope you get to live in the moment and do something fun.

  • Hongh
    Hongh Member Posts: 51

    Thank you, MACTAZ, best wishes to your upcoming surgery

  • jaboo
    jaboo Member Posts: 368

    I saw my surgeon for check-up and he thinks all is well. I have a large hematoma, but he thinks this will dissapear in a few weeks, he just said it happens and there's not much he could do about it. He did some unpleasant procedure under one of my arms, where my skin seemed to be forming a kind of pocket. He just pulled at it and it really got loose. So I'm glad he did it. The main thing is, my path report was clear, no surprise was found. what a relief for me. I have some pain, in various spots, so I'm taking the pain meds prescribed. But it's not too bad.

    Hongh, yay for your clear path report!

    Mactaz, wish you luck for your surgery!

    I would be carefull about NSAID's after surgery, it may be a risk factor for bleeding/hematomas. Just clear that with your surgeons...

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    jaboo, I think you said you got a clear path report, if so congrats.

    There have been so many of us with good results, let’s keep this up. Sending out good vibes to everyone.

  • Mamihen
    Mamihen Member Posts: 10

    Hello, all-

    I came down with a bad cold on Wednesday afternoon..... called both doctor teams yesterday and they said if it's just the sniffles, then I should be good to go on Wednesday morning for my surgery.. however, it I have an active cough, sore throat or fever, then we'd have to cancel the surgery ...yikes!... I've been staying home since Wednesday, since I am just trying to get healthy.... and interestingly enough I am allowed to take some supplements!

    You know, how you are supposed not to take any vitamins or supplements 2 weeks? Well, when prompted, the BS and the PS and also the pre op center assured me I could take VItamin C, Zinc and Ecchinacea for my cold...

    All sisters whose surgeries are next week: stay well!! And a warm hug to all the sisters on the recovery side!


  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,310

    yogamom, it might also be a seroma -- which is like a hard water balloon of lymphatic fluid. I had that in my arm pit... and if it's that, it does resolve on its own, usually within several weeks.

    Hongh, WOW! Yay for a pCR!! Happy dance!!!

    Everyone: I want to spread the word about proton radiation. I am covered for it due to high grade nasty TNBC and also left sided tumor, even with a pCR.

    Protons are not typical rads. Only 22 centers in US offer it. If you google it a list of all the places comes up. Protons can be programmed with more accuracy than photons and can STOP at the edge of the breast tissue, rather than passing through and exiting the body. So if you get a skin burn it will be in front, but not also on the back side of the body. I have had concerns about my heart being damaged; this is easier to avoid w photons.

    I have decided I will leave town to get proton radiation. Yes, that's a hassle! But I am self employed so it's doable. Some centers have temp housing available. Mine does not but it's close to my adult daughter and I will relish having some time w her during those weeks!

    I feel it is important for people to know about this option, and the possibility of it being covered. (I have CA Obamacare. The center vetted my insurance prior to me visiting and worked with me to whittle down the copay, so it was a known quantity before I booked the plane.) I have visited now, and had an intake appt, met the RO I will work with, and they made a foam mold for me to lie in when I am radiated that will position my body exactly the same way each time. Like a plaster of paris type of thing that hardens while you lie in it. Then they use a computer to model the way they will do the beams. They can come at you from any angle, or multiple angles to get the coverage needed. I go back to begin treatment on 2/11.

    I am guessing that having residual tumor after chemo might also be qualifying for protons (whether on L or R side). Most of the people I met when I visited the proton center were there for tumors which could not be resected surgically. Just as a side bar, it made me so grateful my cancer was breast cancer. It's an expendable part of the body, unlike the people I saw there with head and neck tumors, etc.

    Hope this info can be useful to someone!

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Mamihen, I hope you get to feeling better. I can’t imagine waiting again for another date. Fingers and toes are crossed for you to be healthy enough.

    Thanks SB for the info

  • CSRoberts
    CSRoberts Member Posts: 10

    Good evening all~ I haven't posted before but have found so much info and comfort from this site. Having my lumpectomy next Thursday 1/31 and starting to feel scared. Want this out of my body as soon as possible but have never had surgery before and am worried about anesthesia, pain, recovery, next steps etc. So thankful for this site and not feeling alone in this

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    welcome CSRoberts, as I’ve said to all I hate that you have to be here but we welcome you with open arms. Many of the women on this site have had lumpectomies and have had great results and have been able to manage the pain. I know how scary it is, tomorrow I go for my nuclear medicine shot for my mastectomy, right side only, and TE on Monday morning.

    Everyone is very helpful and supportive, if you have any questions or concerns just post, also a good place to just vent.

    Thinking of you and wish you the best. Hugs.