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Starting Chemo in February 2019



  • I can speak a little about icing. I'm on Taxotere which is slightly different than Taxol, but same class of chemo agent. Mine has about 50% SE of CIPN. For me, the first infusion I didn't ice ( cuz I didn't know to!). I had a few days of early / tolerable CIPN, but is made me nervous enough that the symptoms would compound with subsequent infusions. YIKES!

    There is convincing data to support high dose Omega 3 fish oil as well as B complex vitamins (esp B6). I started this regimen and I ice for 15min prior to Taxotere and through my Carboplatin, and 15min after infusion is done. I ice my hands and feet, and I suck on ice chips. I have not had any CIPN symptoms after treatment #2 or #3 so that is convincing enough for me. I will cont. this through my 6 treatments. Can't hurt! Sure its a little uncomfortable, but that is our life at the present time! :)

    (The concept behind icing is it leads to vasoconstriction of the vessels, so less medication is getting to that area of your body).

    Good luck!

  • notdefined
    notdefined Posts: 267

    Loisb-I talked to the nurse at the infusion center about icing hands and feet.  The theory behind is that is it restricts blood flow through to the iced areas, hopefully reducing damage.  She explained to me that is why it is encouraged to eat ice during treatment to reduce mouth sores.  Same theory around cold-capping to reduce hair loss. I had my 4th AC and managed to not get any mouth sores thankfully, but I didn't try coldcapping. 

    I will try to ice during taxol, but I really hate being cold.  I figure I may as well try it.  If you look at the weekly taxol group, a lot of women tried it, but it's hard to see if it helped them.

  • hi all,

    I seem to be opposite of you all. I am doing 12 rounds taxol first. Finished 6th yesterday. Then 8 rounds double dose AC. Taxol has been non-eventful for me. Started losing hair before 5th round but still all there, just thinner. I had a lot of hair before so it’s not noticeable yet. The only other issues I’m having is constipation and insomnia the night of treatment.

    I’m worried about the AC more and hoping I can still work during i

  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Posts: 241

    Kitkat8074- you are not the first person I have heard doing it that way. In fact when I first started on this site, it seemed like I was the odd one doing it AC first. Some of it seemed geographically specific. Who knows? I did work through AC so hopefully you can too

  • Kkmay
    Kkmay Posts: 89

    Kitkat- My mom is on 4 DD AC that will be followed by 12 weekly Taxol. I asked her MO about it, he said that he rather start with the AC to attack the tumor, and then the Taxol will take care of the remaining cancer cells, if any. He also stated that some tumors grow on taxol if it is taken first. KitKat, did your tumor shrink on Taxol? Did you notice any signs of the chemo working?

  • margun
    margun Posts: 385

    mncteach- which one the Ac or taxol you found easier to handle . The Ac was tough on me and I could not really work and was like a rug during 1st 8 days.

    It seems however I am the only one on this siteto have such rough experience with Ac.

  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Posts: 241

    Margun—So far Taxol was worse, but I don’t actually know it was the Taxol or the steroids to prevent a reaction. AC was tough so don’t think you are a wimp or anything. Many people don’t work through chemo, but I didn’t feel like I had much of an option, I was out of sick time and almost out of FMLA time too. It was difficult

  • Kkmay
    Kkmay Posts: 89

    Margun -my mom feels the same during AC, specifically during days 5-8. Her worst SE during AC is fatigue and low appetite. She lost about 25 pounds since starting chemo.Today is day 7 Post AC# 4 and she is soooo tired. We’re currently in the ER of the cancer center to take some IVs so she can feel better.

  • margun
    margun Posts: 385

    please, to ladies who went through Ac and taxol. I am still on Ac which is tough but I was hoping that taxol could ne lighter. So far I had one response telling that taxol was even worse.

    If anyone had lighter experience with taxol please mention it. It will be so encouraging for ladies that are having bad Ac experience. Thank

  • loiswb
    loiswb Posts: 86

    Margun, have you asked on any of the other boards? Since this thread is for Starting Chemo February 2019, not too many people have had time to get through the first round of treatment and move to the next medication/set of treatments. I would also trust the staff at your center. Almost everyone at mine seems to be somewhat encouraging that the Taxol is not as bad, so I am trying to be optimistic. The hurdle of every single week for 12 weeks is daunting enough! Hang in there. 

  • Amf5484
    Amf5484 Posts: 15

    hi everyone, wondering how long everyone stays on the steroids after chemo? My MO wanted me to stay on them a little longer to help my appetite, has anyone else heard of thator tried it? Thanks!

  • Hey Amf,

    My original schedule was dexamethasone 8mg Twice a day 1 day prior (16mg), then I get dexa in IV the day of Tx, then 8mg twice a day the day following (16mg), then 8 mg total for the next 2d. It was more for nausea prevention I was told. Since that was not an issue for me, the last 2 days of 8mg has been dropped in my case.

    Steroids can help with appetite, so I see why your MO is recommending this. It seems reasonable, if you tolerate the steroids OK. Take early in the day so you can actually sleep that night ;)



  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Posts: 241

    Amf5484-- I took extra steroids to help with nausea and appetite. Worked very well for me!

  • LizzieAG
    LizzieAG Posts: 32

    Hi February and March (!!oops!!) Ladies,

    Sorry to hear some are suffering with SE, hoping for an easy next round for all... my first two AC were like night and day, the first was awful with serious nausea and vomiting for a full week and barely any eating, and round 2 I felt almost entirely normal. I went back to my office for the first time today since beginning chemo (i was there for about a week and a half post surgery). Also my first day wearing my wig outside and for a full day. I pretty much hate it and am sure all could tell but it was not as bad as I feared it would be. Slightly uncomfortable and will be hard to handle come summer, but some of the people who do not know me well in the office commented on my new haircut so I suppose it did the trick! I am gearing up for round 3 on Friday... so hard to predict how I will feel and what I will be able to do but I am hoping to continue to feel well. The patch they gave me for nausea seems to have worked a lot better than pills so will stick with that, and keeping a full stomach and lots of walks seems to have helped. I also have been going to a weekly Y4C class (yoga for cancer). I would highly recommend if there is one in your area, it has been so helpful.... goodnight everyone hope all get sleep tonight!

    ** meant for the March group but same thoughts apply to all of you in Feb group!!!!!!

  • Kkmay: yes, the tumor has shrunk. It’s not as prominent as it was. Sometimes I have a hard time finding it.

    I have buzzed my hair to short short because I was tired of going through that emotional trauma everyday. I don’t notice the hair coming out as much. It’s still a shock when looking in the mirror. Still not sure if I’ll get a wig or just wear scarfs.

    Going to a look good feel better course this month. I’m hoping it will help with my emotional state as I seem to feel depressed more lately.

  • Just got back from my Nadir visit following my third treatment (last Tuesday). Halfway mark! I fared much better this round. I stayed on anti-nausea meds from Wednesday - Saturday every 6 hours. I think this was key since last time I waited too long and never recovered from nausea until I got a booster at my nadir visit. Thursday PM-Saturday mid-day were the worst with Friday night being the worst, I semi-fasted eating bland foods and good, easy to digest protein. My oncologist told me I'm bionic! Not sure about that but definately following the same protocol next round! I also started taking Claritin on Tuesday and will continue through Thursday, my aches and pains from the Neulasta is minimal! I'm hoping it's not just a one time thing because I feel better after this treatment than I have from the last two!

    Here's hoping the rest of you are also faring welll as we make our way on this journey!

  • Great to hear you’re feeling good, Gonnabeatthis! I had my 3rd round of tchp today - So halfway mark for me, too. Hope you continue to feel well!!

    I have been lucky this far to have escaped any real fatigue. However, my MO told me not to count on that for long. Anyone have the experience of not having much fatigue through all 6 rounds of tchp?

  • Paloma1211, Good luck. Hope you continue to experience the fatigue!

  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Posts: 241

    I am home and resting from taxol #2. Less steroids this time so no steroid SE and was able to sleep through most of the infusion. Feeling ok. They gave me an extra long lasting anti nausea med in my pre meds so hopefully no repeat of last time. Hope everyone is doing well with minimum SE!

  • Kathy03
    Kathy03 Posts: 44

    Gonnabeatthis and Paloma ... I'm a little ahead of you. I have round 4 of TCH tomorrow. I also did better with round 3 than round 2. My “bad week" (the first week or so after infusion) wasn't as severe with the pain and fatigue, and I bounced back faster and had almost 2 decent weeks with manageable SEs and mostly normal activities. I'm hoping round 4 is the same! Though I have been more tired the past few days, so I suspect the cumulative effect of the chemo may be hitting me. You can check with me in 1-2 weeks to see how I'm doing with fatigue. Congrats on your halfway point

    I have had more mouth and tongue sores the last 2 treatments, so I'm going to try sucking on ice during the taxotere infusion this time. Thanks to those who mentioned that!

    Hope everyone is doing well, and getting through whatever phase you're in with minimal SE's! I'm back in the chair tomorrow, #4 out of 6. It's nice to be on the back half of this.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Posts: 2,311

    Paloma, I did not do HP, just TC. I maintained energy till chemo #5 and 6, at which point it was the anemia that got me....

  • Kkmay
    Kkmay Posts: 89

    Hi Ladies!

    Hope you are doing well!

    I was wondering did anyone experience food aversions on chemo? My mom used to love having eggs for breakfast. Now, she can’t stand even looking at them. Even their sight are making her nauseous.

    Furthermore, she always smells steak in the living room, although nothing is cooked! no steak is cooked!

    She is TNBC

  • Kathy03, good luck with round 4, l’ll be looking for how it went for you!

    KKmay, yes! I can’t drink coffee at all - and I love coffee! There are other foods that don’t taste good either and I usually figure it out after a bite or two. Some give me heartburn, some (coffee) make me nauseous at the sight or smell. I’m hoping that after treatment it goes back to normal! In some respects it’s been good, anything too sweet or greasy makes me sick so I’m definately eating better. Good luck to your mom! Has she tried oatmeal?

  • Kkmay
    Kkmay Posts: 89

    Yes! She has been mostly eating oatmeal and fruits for breakfast. I think this is the effect of the AC. I don’t think other types of chemo are that harsh on appetite from what I read. She is overweight and lost about 25 pounds since starting chemo (a favorable SE???).

    She will start weekly taxol/carbo after tomorrow (Sunday). Hopefully, it will have less SEs and less effects on appetite.

  • I’m on TCHP, my appetite has been affected but not constantly (other than. Coffee and sugar and greasy foods).

  • Good luck today, Kathy03! I hope this day goes smoothly. You’re over the hump & headed toward the finish line. Looking forward to seeing you there. The ice during taxotere worked wonders for my mouth. I hope it works for you, too.

    Regarding my appetite during tchp, it’s also up and down. Most things don’t taste bad, per se, they just don’t taste particularly good. Like things I know I love are just less delicious and food overall is less appealing. However, I’m maintaining my weight, and that is what my nutritionist told me was most important - they just want us to remain stable.

    I’m having a bed day today. Feeling mostly well, but taking advantage of a quiet day to rest and enjoy it. Hope you all have a peaceful and SE free weekend. :

  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Posts: 241

    Kkmay— yes, my likes and dislikes of food changed and continues to change. I wish I could say I lost weight ( I certainly could stand to) but the steroids they gave me to help with nausea made me eat too... so same weight.

  • Kkmay
    Kkmay Posts: 89

    Hi Ladies!

    Today my mom started her first Taxol/carbo. She is having flu-like symptoms likesneezing and runny nose. Hopefully, SEs don’t get any worse.

  • s3k5
    s3k5 Posts: 411

    Kkmay, I started Taxol last week and had severe flu like symptoms. The onco nurse said it was normal and as weeks go by, this SE will go away. Hope your mom feels better in a day or two (I did).

  • Pinky24
    Pinky24 Posts: 10

    Hope everyone is doing well this week. I had my final AC treatment on Thursday - yay! Today is Sunday, and I’m actually feeling good. After I got out of the shower today I listened to Christina Aguilera ‘s “Fighter” and couldn’t stop crying - I was just overwhelmed with joy at finishing this stage of treatment. I’m scheduled for scans on May 1 and 2, then meet with my surgeon on May 10th to plan for BMX with no reconstruction, most likely followed by radiation. I know I still have a ways to go, but I really feel like the worst is behind me and it’s such a relief. Right now I can’t wait for surgery, and I also can’t wait for my hair to grow back. Let’s get this show on the road!!