Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer
Classical music is not only good for the soul, but actually healing--Masaru Emoto wrote a book about it and showed what classical music did vs. heavy rock on water crystal formation. The Moldau by Smetana is supposed to be especially good for the lymphatic system. Here is more info:
Internationally acclaimed water researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto has discovered why certain music has healing benefits: Music with the appropriate rhythm, tempo, tone, and melody can correct distorted frequencies within our cells, assisting our health and healing.
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good to know Mysticalcity...I will look that up and listen to the music...thanks
The piece is easily found on youtube....interesting composition...I will read about the experiment....
I love what he has to say about the Blue Danube...
I'm going to listen to that one next..but I have to say except for Salomé...I’ve never been crazy about Strauss...he’s too predictable....0 -
As for the saunas, both traditional and infrared can provide benefits. The infrared are specifically indicated for cancer in some instances. However, keep in mind that they don't penetrate deep into visceral organs. They *may* help bone mets or lymph node mets close to the surface of the skin but will not change the temperature in one's liver or lungs, for example. Our bodies have the temperatures of our internal organs tightly regulated and heavily protected. As for traditional saunas, I understand that they may benefit us because one sweats out hormones (such as estrogen) and toxins. More of an indirect benefit but a benefit no less. I have always had an interest in both infrared and traditional but have never had the opportunity to try infrared.
Simone, I never heard that drinking too much water could dilute the effect of Ibrance! That is a bit disturbing. Is that now common knowledge? I took it years ago so there may be newer data out.
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Ref Water...hrmmm...and they told me 50 oz a day wasn't a lot....maybe it was too much. Now with Xeloda they want me to do like 80oz....thats 5 - 16oz bottles....im gonna float away....
Someone recently told me that plain un-flavored seltzer water has sodium and causes kidney stones??? Anyone hear this? My bottle says 0 sodium...she said it was sodium in the carbonation process...????
JFL...I didn't know that inferred sauna cannot help with liver mets...hrmmm.....interesting...here I was basically crushed because I cannot go in a sauna because of the Xeloda
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Re water with Ibrance -- what Simone said is really interesting. I didn't read all of the way through the documentation on the drug, figuring I was going to take it anyway and didn't want to get some of the SEs that I didn't know about just because I read about them -- guess I missed the water thing. In fact, the NP at my MO's office encouraged me to drink more water when I said I was tired and also constipated. Wow. Someone better educate the medical professionals as well!!!!!
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jane asked everyone to share this link. Her starve cancer page won't let her paste it and several other groups also..
+++ not sure the above link will work1 FB wouldn't let me cut and paste!
and then there's this, which if it's true, a lot of people are going to die. It's from BC an interactive support group on fb
not sure which of the above links will work, wont' let me paste it either. If this link doesn't work I will try and paste the entire article
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Snooky I posted that in the Jane thread
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Re water. My instructions that the cancer center provided to me stated to drink 2-3 quarts which is 64-96 ounces of fluid a day (non caffeinated). When I asked why, the reply was it would impact the effectiveness of ibrance. I thought I read that in my ibrance documents but I can't find it now.
I normally have no issues with drinking that much unless I sit in the sauna and sweat.
Best thing would be to ask your MO.
I'm going to take a break from the boards for awhile. I have some other issues going on. Good luck with your scans and new treatments.
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Powder Keg: FDA bowed to industry for decades as alarms were sounded over talc...
Those of you with children....watch out asbestos in talc powder...
Interesting...my mother bathing me and sprinkling talcum powder are some of my most treasured memories I have as an infant toddler....
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Frisky I remember shaking that "baby" all over my sons bottoms too. Scary
to think that I might have been doing them harm
What do you think about the above link I posted? about the FDA banning all those vitamins/anti-oxidents? Is that possible? (its the second link) Sure hope I'm over-reacting.
I very glad that doxil has been treating you good.
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Frisky, you are in my prayers.
I sure hope that claim of FDA banning those supplements / otc's is bogus.
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Husband, I sure hope so too. They have done the same in other countries.
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Snooky1954 I certainly hope that list of supplements being banned by FDA isn't true--I've been taking a couple of those on the list. . . .:(
This may have been addressed here before-- but is anyone doing this combo??? If so how much of each of the 3--doxycycline, azithromycin and vitamin c are you taking??
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Hi all,
throughout the years I have used at least 3/4 of the supplements on that list...especially the d-ribose that saved me out of cachexia state..
I checked a few items on amazon and they are still on sale, but I wouldn't be surprise if they pull them off at some point....
I'm finally back home! I was at MSK for five hours!! All the fresh bread was gone at the italian delicatessen, so I came home and made myself something delicious and quick!
It's freezing cold in Manhattan....thank you all for your support...now I will wait till my mo looks at the scan...they won't post the results otherwise....but she's busy gallivanting and cavorting in San Antonio...
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Frisky Praying your waiting is easy and the results are excellent
The above link talks about anti-organic inflammatorys that most of us know about. But thought I'd post it anyway. For me, the more I read it, the more it sinks in.
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Nichole, This may interest you. As a matter of fact this whole website is full of thought provoking info. It's the Weston A Price Foundation.
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excellent article full of useful information...thanks Snooky!!
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I think these supplements are being banned for *compounding* (making IVs or topical creams). Early in my treatment, I got artesunate (artemesinin) via IV a few times prior to my IVC, and then it was banned.... (It's on this list.)
I suspect this is not going to affect pill-form supplements...
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Great article Mysticalcity...I wonder why researchers don’t ask patients to try those innocuous treatments that have great healing potential...I would undoubtedly subject myself to that type of testing...it would make it possible to advance at a faster pace...
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Dear Snooky, yes, all these components are well known and we use them too. My Sandra and I get green tea and curcumin (1 tea spoon) "tea" with ginger (1 tea spoon), cloves (some 5-10), black pepper (ground fresh, 1 tea spoon), and drop of cacao butter every morning. It boosts you immensely. Sometimes I add cinnamon too. I boil the it for some 10-15 minutes, so all ingredients dissolve well and become more bio-available. I got this recipe from https://stephanieseban.com/ (how incredible is her story, find it and read it, it is crazy!) when Sandra got ill, and modified it a bit by reading around. Actually I have a very good feeling about this "mixture". And when I say "I have a good feeling", I think it helps us a lot against this disease. So mainly I have "a very good feeling" about this curcumin "tea", CBD/CBDA, and fish oil with vitD. Everything else that we use - I posted the list earlier... well, I am not so sure about their impact. Green/Black tea is a actually a default here every morning, everyone I know drinks it. Cayenne peppers, we use them too in our cuisine as I like cooking Asian food very much (there's a lot of very very healthy Asian food), but other spicy peppers also.
Dear Frisky, dear Nicole, all the best for you scan results. Again, I believe they will be very exciting!
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Saulius, that is one hell of a powerful tea concoction you got there....I'm tempted to try it, but what does it taste like? Is it drinkable? How much water do you use with the amount of spices as described? Thanks
As far as the results of the pet goes, I find myself surprisingly calm...like it has nothing to do with me...I think it’s because of my overall lack of aches and pains...except for the fatigue and skin eruption caused by the chemo, I’m feeling fine..
The biggest problem as I see it is the liver...I hope those lesions are under control...
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I too will join in a prayer for good scans.
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Thanks Goldie, what's going on with you? Did you actually start with the new treatment? How's is it going?
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Frisky i sit here waiting to get my nuclear injection with a day full of scans.. as I read your posts...lol I hope and pray your scans come back with everything reduced!!
Thanks for the article Snooky
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Good luck Nicole...I hope you get through quickly at the hospital, and the results are likewise excellent!
Throughout last night and into the morning I've been detoxing and getting the radioactive sht out of my body...drinking lots of liquids...I've been mixing cranberry juice with seltzer water and it's quite tasty...
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Frisky, I have not started the new treatment, waiting to get the go ahead and $0 payment from the manufacture. Submitted tax information yesterday. And of course it's the end of the year, so thousands are trying to resubmit for 2020.
I always hate getting that nuclear crap shot into my body. I too like to delete my cranberry juice, as it's too sweet for me. Always just used water, but seltzer sounds good too.
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Dear Frisky, ups, I forgot to add water:)P I use the above mentioned amount with 300-400 ml of water, and that makes 2 portions x150-200 ml. If you make it for yourself only, divide amounts by two. Cocoa butter can be replaced by drop of coconut oil. These fats along with pepper are used for better curcumin/ginger/clove absorption (bio-availability). Taste... well, I simply love all these spices, so the combination is also nice, having all flavors of the East:) Drink it warm (40-50 degrees). We do this since the day Sandra got ill, and "I have a very good feeling about it"... Hugs, Saulius
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Goldie I use the unsweetened one and used a little stevia to deal with the bitterness...mixed with seltzer it works for me..
.Okay....I'm going into the kitchen now and I'll be making Saulius and Sondra's healing potion...you all wait for the reviews to come out...
Hold your horses... 5 more minutes to go...I have to say it looks mighty powerful and thick! Had to use Irish butter because I had run out of coconut oil...
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Goldie...you crack me up...I posted above BEFORE I saw your post...