Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Not a happy camper, markers took another big leap. I started FZ in May, did 4-5 cycles, then quit when I got sick. Started again in August but only added the CBD and quit the milk thistle and Gamma E. Not sure what to do now. I think we will be changing from Xeloda to Verzinio and Faslodex.


  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    hello Sonia, I was so relieved to see you only have a few remaining rads sessions left. It will be over soon and the healing of the skin can start.

    I have been studying the result of clinical trials of the various off-label medications people take while undergoing chemotherapy, and as I suspected, it's not a simple procedure and the results although very positive don't induce a healing, they only prolong the inevitable.

    Here's comprehensive information about using Itraconazole, a powerful anti fungal for example...so I'm deducting that invermectin can't be a one shot deal. Patients end up stop taking these medications because of SE. as long as they take them the cancer recedes, but immediately returns about discontinuation. This might explain why Joe keeps on taking FZ, long after he is cancer free.


  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Goldie: I am sorry that your TMs are higher. I don't have experience with Xeloda, but I have read that these three markers can also be elevated by liver problems not related to cancer, and Xeloda is well known for causing some liver toxicity. I hope your change of tx can bring relief to your liver and lower your markers. I know it's a difficult time, but don't give up on complementary treatments. I send you a big hug❤

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Goldie, I'm so sorry to read about the raising TM and that you will have to move on from xeloda. May you receive many benefits and another long run from the next treatment....

    I’m curious...do you feel any different from a year ago? sometime TM are not reliable

    big hug!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Thanks ladies.

    Sonya, my liver markers are ok.

    Frisky, I don't hardly feel any different than I did 5 years ago. In fact, if we weren't even doing markers, I would probably still be on X as I really have no symptoms. I get pains in my groin area, a little more than before and a bit more frequently, but that's it. No fatigue, no headaches, I'm not limited to anything, walking, housework, etc.

    Just sad.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Goldie, I don’t remember, did you have a pet done recently, and what did it show? If I were in your shoes, I would want a pet confirmation before moving on from a therapy that’s been working well for you.

    My cancer markers have also been going up, but except for the mets in the livers, I feel as good as before.

    In my case, because I have ILC, I suspect that the lesions where always there, but have grown enough to be detected...

  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184

    Jane McClelland posted thistoday onmy Repurposed Drugs FB group:

    The drug Repertaxin may be a way of targeting this rogue CXCR2 receptor in breast cancer. I was recently investigating this drug for prostate cancer. Here is some info on its use in combination with chemo for gastric cancer: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/26847910/


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Frisky, I had CT scans in July when I was sick with that e coli for 2 months, and everything was clear/clean. No cancer showing in my organs.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    In that case, I would ask your MO to wait till the next scan to change treatment...if you think you're okay with the wait...TM are known to be unreliable...

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341


    I would ask your onc to get you a PET scan or, even better, and MRI of your abdomen. I was diagnosed with liver mets in May. They didn't really show up on my CT scan, my PET saw a little "wrinkle" in the anterior part of my R lobe, and it wasn't until I had the MRI that they really showed up (I had 6 -- one was a 2 cm and the rest were subcentimeter.) I would want more testing for sure.

    Just my thoughts.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    mystical city: When I did IV C during chemo at first, I got artemesinin IVs prior to C IV (same day). But about half way through chemo, the USA made compounding artemesinin for IV illegal. So after that I took it orally in a liquid suspension the morning of my IV C.

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952


    Just catching up. My DH and I are at the balloon festival in Albuquerque with my son and his family. It is amazing. The grandkds have so much energy I'd like to bottle that up and save it.


    So glad you like your new MO. Did they initially determine you were Her2 negative by FSH? Mine was her2 positive initially but determined Her2 negative by FSH. I've read that people with low Her2 might benefit from the drugs women get for Her2 positive which opens up a lot more options.


    So glad you are almost done with your rads. What will be next for you?


    Good luck with your blood tests. Love the tee shirt for Nicole!


    Sorry to hear about your wife. I hope they can get her cancer back under control.


    So glad you pooped. Lol.

    I hope i didn't miss anyone.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Frisky, because my TM's have been rising for the last 2 years, I keep telling him, "lets wait and see", but they continue to rise. Really they have been rising since it all began in 2014. I guess I feel that it's just the inevitable happening!

    Bev, I had CT scans in July, showed nothing. I will ask about PET scan.

    I am just so so sad. Trying to be strong. My husband doesn't know how to handle it, so mostly he just "hides", goes outside to do stuff, does stuff for our business. As for me, I am trying to hide my feelings and don't want to burden my brothers or my kids. And now I have to go visiting for a week in Ohio.

    I'll be fine, just have to get through this.

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952

    Sorry Goldie. I missed that your TMs went up. A pet scan is a good suggestion. We’re all here for you no matter what. There are a lot more good options. I’ve read a lot of good things about verizenio.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Simone, new MO was looking at a genetic profile done 3years ago when they took samples from my spine during a kaphoplasty operation, and noticed that they had found 1 her2 receptor.

    At the time it didn't matter, but now, MSK is trying to get FDA approval for Kadcyla to be used on patients with even 1 proven Her2 receptor.

    Goldie Dear, I know it's hard, but try to not worry so much till you get the results from a pet scan. You might be worrying for nothing, and stress contributes to inflammation, something you need to minimize and keep under control.

    When I worry, I tell myself that since I’m doing already everything I can to stay alive, and since I have no symptoms, only SE from the treatment, I have to simply take one day at the time and trust that everything will be all right.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    My gosh there is so much conflicting data on like almost every med that I researching tol take to block pathways...Frist Vitamin E, Curcumin etc (most of you know there are more)..now I just read on a FB group that taking Lortadine (Claritan) for too long can actually promote tumor growth...I have been taking Claritan for years..so now Im like wow should I stop??? It's just all so confusing it really makes me think maybe this is why doctors don't even try to recommend this stuff....because there is always some research contridicting what is suppose to be "good" for killing our cancer...im sure that is wrong...but I mean its just getting frustrating.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311


    You are right there is a lot of conflicting advice. To me the solution is to get your "final" answers from one highly skilled medical source. Someone who has deep knowledge of both the nutriitional & off-label aspects of all these supplements/ drugs, as well as the chemo drugs. I chose Dr Block as this person. Some of what he told me conflicted w my MO. But my MO was NOT an expert in the supplements, and hadn't been giving them to all his patients for 30 years, whereas Dr Block is an MO too, AND one who is extremely experienced in the use of supplements and complimentary therapies and had a lot of clinical data in their use in his oncology practice.

    Not every source is equal!! Some people give blanket prohibitions. Some people are misinformed. I hear advice that differs from what I was told, but I trust Dr Block and stick to his program. (There are a few things, like metformin, that are very well known to be helpful, and yet people on this site have doctors who say "no metformin." Well, I think they are wrong!)

    Everything I have heard is that Claritin is, if anything, anti-cancer. I have not studied up on it specifically but there have been many posts on the breaking research thread by Lumpie showing certain antihistamines including claritin are a big help.

    Facebook posts may be misinformed. Many people on this site are misinfomed! It helps me to have one expert I can ask whose knowledge is vast in cancer, treatment, supplements, and complimentary medicine. I let him be the "final judge."

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Hi, I miss all you guys. But I can hardly concentrate to type. My fatigue is extreme. Bad headaches and other things. Saw ONC this past Fri. told her all my systems then I said and I gained 10 pounds in last three weeks. She said yep sounds like thyroid to me. Had my Endo call in blood tests so they could be done with my normal blood draw.

    Find out results today. About Zeloda, my script was written for 3000 peer day. But I just started with 2000 (if you remember my insurance issues) to make the script stretch. The third cycle I upped it by 500 to 2500 per day. Then I decided I'd do 7on 7off. Shewa fine with this.

    I'm actually talking about my Nurse Practioner. Shes a doll. Reg ONC is all Standard of Care and won't deviate from it.

    I temporily stopped Fenben since all these other systoms showed up Nurse said if it isn't thyroid that we're going to have to get you "in" (hospital?} and run some tests.

    So hopefullu it's thyroid.

    Hope to post more regularly soon.

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555

    snooky , good luck with results.

    Nicol , some of the things are not said to be bad by anybody ever so you can start with them - like curcumin in normal doses for example.

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Snooky, glad to hear about you. I hope all your problems are because of your thyroid ( It feels strange to wish your thyroid to malfunction, I wish you had no problems at all, but at least the thyroid problem would be solved with a pill, I think) Sending a big hug to you.

    Nicole, I think Santa has given you reasonable advice ... Listening to all the opposite opinions is like going crazy ...

    Well, 31/33 rads done today. When I finish and heal, I will have a new round of bone scans, mammography and CT, but I estimate it won't be before a month or two, so I have time for 4 weeks of fenben... (in case it makes a difference)

    Goldie, I send you a big (and smooth) hug

    Have a nice day all of you!🌹

  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,040

    Dear Goldie, what does your MO say about these TMs? I mean, your last scan showed nothing, so maybe there's some other explanation, something else affecting them? You really should ask for a PET but if it shows nothing, like CT, they better go and re-calibrate their equipment...

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Hi all. Well, I didn't luck out. It's not my thyroid, my numbers are fine. But before I consent to a lot of testing (although I'd love to have a Pet scan) I'm going to embark on the most intense fungal cleaning that I've done so far. I have to follow my gut on this.

    My thinking is this: In five months, Taxol, (an anti-fungal) my breast tumor had shrunk by third quarters. My bone mets were starting to shrink and disappear. ( would have agreed to three more months if the neurapathy in my leg hadn't gotten so bad) Then right in the middle of that my T10 was radiated and it worked. It did't appear on my last bone scan. And I'd been doing a lot of Fenben since May. My TM markers were dropping fast. On just 6/7 cycles of Zeloda my ONC thinks it's working. My furmur in my left leg almost never hurts anymore and the cancer on my breast is clearing up.

    My fungal infection is still here although not as bad. I don't think that my body is clearing the dead cells fast enough. Dead fungal cells emit 80 toxins into your body. My last two CT scans showed that my colon was packed.

    And I am still constipated. These dead cells are not leaving my body. My last salt water flush, two weeks ago, was totally different than any other I had done. It went on and on for hours, never close to becoming clear. I finally took an antidiarrheal to stop it.

    The program that I"m using is this, it's put together by Global Healing, a site that I thrust.

    So, I imagine I'll worse before better. But that's ok.

    I'll keep you informed. I'm sorry that I haven't joined in on all the victorys that I've seen on this thread. There's just so much confusion in my brain. I hope that you all understand.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky, I'm glad you have a plan. Detoxing is always good and we should all do it regularly. I hope it makes you feel better, and bring forth new strength and vitality.

    Sonia, I'm thinking about you as you go through the last couple sessions of radiations,

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Snooky, your plan is excellent. Consider oregano oil for candidiasis, if you can tolerate it, I have seen results very soon. I also recommend sodium thiosulfate (remember that Ted recommended it?) It is not toxic at all and helps clean mycotoxins, I am taking it.

    Fenben action is like Taxol action but less toxic. Good luck with that detox!

    Frisky: thank you for thinking about me. It is the worse part of the rads tx, my arm hurts a lot, today my MO told me it is inflammation in the nerves, I hope it won't be permanent...

    Today I saw one of my hospital chemo friends, she is 40 years old. Her first scan after treatment shows a nodule in her lung... That happened so fast! So sad... f#@ing cancer!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Sonia, my right arm was out of commission and in pain for a while. I could not control it especially when I reached up to pick something. Nor could I grasp things safely without the fear of spilling them.

    I did acupuncture that was very successful with other painful areas, such as my lower back, but not my arm. I also got no help from the various doctors I talked to at the hospital about the problem.

    I discovered, by chance, that when I took magnesium all the problems magically disappeared, and reappeared later on during the day. So, I now take 400mg of magnesium citrate 2 to 3 times @day, without problems, such as diarrhea.

    Another weird coincidence was when I noticed that an area in my right hand between my thumb and index finger had thickened and was numb. I got tired of the situation, hand creams creams didn't do much, so I took a foot file and started sanding down the rough patch of thick skin..

    well...lo and behold...I recovered full sensation in my right hand as well. Maybe, these remedies can work for you as well....I hope so!

    How much sodium thiosulfate do you take? Is there a specific protocol?

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Frisky: yes, magnesium. You're right (you're always right LOL). I will take it again from tomorrow because I will no longer have to go to the hospital every day, and be thinking about having the bathroom nearby ... 😊 I can also rub my arm with magnesium oil. Had not thought of that ...

    Did you have breast and nodes surgery or was your arm pain due bone issues?

    Thiosulphate: I bought it in the form of fine crystals the size of a grain of rice. It can be taken 1 grain in a glass of water twice a day. I fill a 2-liter bottle and add 5/6 grain and drink that water during the day. If you don't get the crystals you can use the dechlorinating liquid that is used for fish tanks. It is the same product. You have to reduce it at 10%, and take 1 tea spoon in 1 glass of water. The most serious thing that can happen if you exceed the dose is a little diarrhea. It is useful to help purify the liver and kidneys of chemo waste. And it is very cheap!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Sonia, I didn't have breast surgery or nodes involvement...I had MBC in the bones when first diagnosed.

    I'm not sure what the pain in my arm means...it could be cancer acting up, but I find it strange that cancer would responds to magnesium.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Sonia....thanks for the encouragement. This following course I'd been looking at for last couple of years but the expense. Well, I'm beyond worrying about money. Follow all the links and read the articles, if you have time and let me know what you think. HUGS


    I just keep thinking about Suzanne Summers. She had breast cancer and did the surgery and radiation. Years late she and her husband had to move because of the California fires. Well, there new house was full of back mold. Her husband got sick and so did she.

    She told of being in the hospital with doctors telling her their tests showed cancer through out her body. They said she had to have immediate hard core chemo. She refused. She told of six days laying in the hospital with doctors telling her she would die soon.

    Well, I don't know how they found it but her body was totally infested with systemic FUNGUS. No cancer anywhere.

    So I decided it was time for me to get serious. In two weeks if I don't notice a difference, I do what the doctors want.

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Snooky, I don't know those colon cleansing pills, I hope they work. I believe that everything you do to clean your system of fungi will be good for your health. Candida "drives the immune system crazy and depletes it" Don't forget to cleanse your liver and kidneys. In my experience, liver flushes (with olive oil, lemmon, etc) are more effective than just Epsom Salt flushes to clean the intestinal tract from biofilms. Another way to keep bad fungi under controll is taking good fungi. There is a rural veterinarian from Uruguay who has cured cancer people with a mushroom-based formula that only he knows (of course he does not want to share it because it provides $$$) but I suspect it is based on the trichoderma fungus... I need to investigate more about that... Trichoderma is widely used in organic crops to controll other fungi.

    Frisky: It doesn't seem strange to me that magnesium controls pain ... if it "calms the sympathetic nervous system" that means less adrenaline (less inflammation), more endorphins (more pain relief) I guess ...