Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    Husband thanks for that useful info. I love that you said " it does not inhibit it. So that means it won't interfere with the metabolism of other drugs."

    Im reading ...does not inhibit it.....does not inhibit it....then I keep going and see... SO THAT MEANS>>>> lol Thank you :)

    I see what you are saying about it maybe different people with liver disease..and people that have breast cancer mets in liver....I have thought about this with many of the drugs..however...I think it can be just as bad because depending how many mets you have or how your liver numbers run..like my Bilirubin always being high etc...I think for someone like me...I would have issues. Also because when I pushed my luck and asked my MO about prescribing the anti malaria drug for prevention of further metastasis the first thing she said was how it is very taxing on the liver and she does not want to tax the liver...so that leads me to believe that even just having mets in there and not technically "Liver Disease"....it would be hard on it.

    There was a person that posted on Joes FB page that their friend or parent died from the liver being over taxed...the fenben was in fact killing all the persons cancer but too fast and the liver could not keep up...so we need to be very careful about how many supplements and drugs and conventional treatment we are putting our liver through...IF we have liver mets (just my opinion)...

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    A study that shows the importance of creatine related to breast cancer and inmune system


  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    JFL.....thank you so much for this precious information! It's great to have clarity and perspective on the how and why of having to rotate for example. It's good to know also that we can take the milk thistle...and what not to take is also as important.

    JFL, can you share where you buy the turkey tails...6grams a day is a lot because is so light...and the stuff is very expensive if bought by the bottle, like I was doing.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Ashwaghanda is great at bedtime. It is a relaxer, a la melatonin. I have only been taking it at night.

    Sonia I was my tiredest after Rads. I finished rads at the end of March and I was very tired for a few months... Felt mostly better by June, but in fact I have JUST lately been feeling 100% normal energy (can stay u past 9 pm if I want!)

    You will bounce back but it takes some time!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Sonia...just last night I was reading the results of a similar study and showed it to my partner...what a coincidence! I guess it will be adding another amino to my daily intake of supplements.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Nicole I have the same concerns regarding further taxing my poor liver that had not dealt with processing medications for most of my adult life...except for the occasional Tylenol....and of course plenty of Cosmopolitans.

    but I would consider the risk if I had no other alternatives...like cancer progressing and chemotherapy no longer working...or TX taxing it even more..

    I might follow in your footsteps if cryoablation works well for you, except I have the ILC type which is unfortunately a whole other kettle of fish. by the way..what are they going to do exactly? Are they going to freeze the cancer cells

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Santa: Thank you for telling me about fatigue. I started to take ashwaganda, I didn't know it was relaxing, it's good to know since I'm having sleep problems. I'll take it at night, thanks!

    Frisky, I think that taking creatine we have to keep in mind that our creatinine levels can rise, it doesn't seem to be harmful but maybe our MO could be confused with that. Anyway, if we have low creatin kinase enzyme, we will not be able to break down creatine ... ugh!

    Have a nice night all of you!❤

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    You too Sonia, I hope you get to rest and feel better in the morning...drink some chamomile tea...that always works for me..

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341

    Frisky (and interested others),

    Cryoablation is a technique whereby the tumors are frozen and left in place to deteriorate. There is some evidence that this triggers the immune system. A recent article (link below) indicated that cryoablation and immunotherapy can be effective with metastatic tumors. It's an alternative to surgery and to microwave ablation (what I had done where they basically fry the tumor).


    From the article: Freezing the tumor locally and allowing it to remain in situ unleashes an array of tumor antigens to be exposed to the immune system, paving the way for the generation of anti-tumor immune responses. However, the immune responses triggered in most cases are insufficient to eradicate the tumors with systemic spread. Therefore, combination of cryoablation and immunotherapy is a new treatment strategy currently being evaluated for its efficacy, notably in patients with metastatic disease.

    Frisky, I, too, have ILC. If there are identifiable lesions, they will do these procedures with ILC as well as with IDC so long as they are accessible and if you find the right interventional radiologist.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    well I do declare BevJen couldn't have been more specific and I love the clarity of what I hear...thank you so much for the information...

    freezing instead of burning and getting an immune response sound more civilized and less painful...I would go for that if my IR thinks I'm a good candidate!

    Now I have something else to look forward to when the buggers get nasty...

    Can this procedure be repeated if necessary I now wonder? Much gratitude coming your way BevJen in anticipation of your knowledgeable answer.

    Nicole..I’m sure this is going to work great for you...

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341


    I don't know for sure that cryoablation can be repeated, but my instincts tell me yes -- because microwave ablation can be repeated, and this seems to be just the flip side of the same coin. At my three month checkup for my single ablated lesion, my IR said that all options are still on the table -- including repeat microwave ablations. I'm sure he'll be thrilled when I next see him and raise cryoablation as a possibility!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    BevJen thanks for providing the answers...I’m gonna get the ball rolling now, before the lesions get too big...have a good night!

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    It may be that ashwagandha can affect different people differently. It is known to help sleep problems but also to produce energy. I haven't found that it makes me sleepy at all and quite the opposite, it gives me MAJOR amounts of energy - more than I have had in years. I am cautious about increasing the dose so that I do not have too much energy. A problem I never thought I would have. It can get the thyroid working better and resolve low level hypothyroidism. In that respect, it is somewhat of an upper, at least partially. It is an adaptogen and it fosters good kinds of "growth" within the body. It helps one's body turn off the processes that should not be going on (cortisol release from stress, inflammation, etc.) so that the body can return to what it should be doing - repairing itself, regenerating blood cells and growing in other respects. Apparently, it is very good for fertility due to this "growth" concept and the ability to manage corisol. Given that it is an adaptogen, it makes sense that it would help with both energy and sleeping. Helping to keep cortisol in check may also contribute to ashwagandha helping with sleep. I haven't noticed it helping me at all with my lifetime insomnia though.

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Frisky, here is the turkey tail I take. I buy a bottle with a 60-day supply but it only lasts 10 days now that I am at the optimal dose used in the clinical trial. It is expensive and I have to buy a lot of bottles. However, if it helps me, then I will pay. Much less than the cost of traditional medical care.

    Turkey Tail Capsules - Host Defense Mushrooms

    Supplement Facts

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Yeah..I’m familiar with host defense...that’s what I was taking also...you’re right though...getting hemoglobin levels up is very important, it will help me feel better and have more of a normal life. Thank for the info JFL..I appreciate it!

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Thanks for the milk thistle info, Frisky. I really know nothing about milk thistle. I spend so much time researching supplements but I have never looked into milk thistle in any amount of detail. I would love an option to buy turkey tail in bulk to bring down costs and constant repurchase of bottles. However, I do feel a lot of comfort using the actual brand and supplement used in the trials. Formulations can vary so much.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I’m going to contact their sales rep and see if they can offer us a better deal...since we’ll be repeat customers...plus the free publicity and the good will...we have nothing to lose...I’ll keep you posted...

    Right now I have only the wild ones left that I found in the woods...

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952

    Hi JFL,

    I also take host defense but only 2 right before bed. I must have missed it but what was the optimal dose in the clinical trial?

  • mike3121
    mike3121 Member Posts: 280

    Yndorian1, I put my wife in the hospital with a failing kidney due to creatine supplement I was giving her. Her kidney functions went back to normal a few days after she stopped the creatine supplements. I am desperate to get my wife out of her frail state so she can have chemo again. She's also taking FenBen; what else is left for her.

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Simone, there was a small trial testing for immune activity (specifically breast cancer-fighting immune activity) in turkey tail supplements in breast cancer patients. Fungi Perfecti Host Defense supplements were used in this trial. 3g, 6g and 9g per day were tested, and were administered in two doses per day. 12g may have also been tested for safety but not necessarily for immune activity. 3g, 6g and 9g were all found to stimulate immune activity in the trial. For some reason, 6g stimulated natural killer cells (NKCs) more than 9g. It makes sense that 6g would stimulate immune activity more than 3g because it is a higher dose. However, researchers were not sure why 6g stimulated NKCs more than 9g. There are ongoing trials now testing turkey tail as an actual treatment for breast cancer, which have been going on since 2012 or so. University of Washington, in conjunction with Bastyr University (a naturopathic college) are conducting the trials, which are funded by the National Institutes of Health. Tidbits of information have been released and were positive. I look forward to broad results being published at some point.

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952

    That is really interesting. I was taking it because the neuropathic DOC said it would help my immune system. I had no idea it was so powerful. So you take 12 pills a day? That would get expensive. I wonder if that can be pulsed.

  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,040

    Dear Sonia, did you do your blood WBC tests after radiation? Low counts might be the reason you feel weak. If you have a chance, check them - we had to do it after radiation.

    Dear BevJen and Nicole: cryoablation, same as thermoablation and cyebrknife can be done many times but for sure you have to recover between them because it is a surgery.

  • olma61
    olma61 Member Posts: 1,026

    JFL and Simone, I might be misunderstanding your posts but..the turkey tail label says 2 capsules contain 1 gram of turkey tail and the trial doses were in milligrams? Or grams?

  • wildplaces
    wildplaces Member Posts: 544


    Do you know how Coenzyme Q10 interferes with atorvastatin in cancer treatment? I am looking for a mechanism - I know CoQ10 is used as supplement in people who get myalgias with statins with various reliability. I can dig a bit more just wondering if they had something...

    Also how do they sit on milk thistle and ER positive disease?? Doses? My understanding is that the plant can be oestrogenic but the seeds are not - this is on the S Komen site. Certainly used in hepatitis & liver disease down under - but at high doses in late disease it can elevate bilirubin/liver enzymes. Also used in various topicalgels for radiodermatitis.

    Thank you 🙂🐣🌷

  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Saulius, I had blood tests during rads, my levels were normal (all in the lower part of the normal, but it is not different from what it was before) just my platelets came out a bit low, maybe now that I finish rads they are even lower. If it is, I only can wait for them to rise. I am taking liquid chlorophyll because it apparently helps build blood. I hope it works. Thank you

    Mike, I'm sorry about your wife. How many grams of creatine did she take per day? I know that many grams can affect kidney function. I've had kidney problems in the past so I'm going be cautious, no more than 3 grams a day seems to be a safe dose. I hope she get well soon!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    Bev thanks for posting that I was sleeping and just saw all this :)

    Frisky...I do know that the IR & my MO wanted me to go into a trial that uses and Immunotherapy drug after I have the cyro..however, right now almost all immunotherapy trials are for triple negative bc...however she said she could possibly get me in because I have that 1 gene that is in TNBC..but..getting in can take weeks or month or more and we can't wait for that....not now..but in the future if I get stable we can go into one of those. I did not ask the IR if it can be repeated, hopefully it can I am just hoping he gets them all right now. :)

    Oh 1 more thing about Cryo important to note...the IR said if the tumors go over 3cm...to 4cm they cannot do cryo.... he said I am at 2 and 3....so we have to do it now....

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555

    Yandorian , I don't think you should feel unable to vent because someone is worse than you are; if to follow this logic nobody will ever be able to complaint about being not well because there would always be someone worse off! I am sorry you feel so bad... It seems that it becomes catch 22 - when something gets us down one feels poorly - one does not have strength and capacity to think what to take/do to improve things, does not move - one becomes worse and so on.. What about baby steps - may be some nutritious food which in low volume can have enough good components - green smoothie ( with banana of course!), nuts with honey , porridge for fiber and calories? I know smoothie is yucky - just force it down quickly . Getting out walking evening it is just 10 minutes and then all other times just sleep ... I am guilty myself in not sleeping when my body needs it - does not do me any good... Would not it be nice if we had someone who would organise it all for us , take us for walks and tell us to sleep after...

    My friend taken creatine for muscle mass but he did it for body building purposes- he says it works.

    Frisky , could it be by any chance Lglutamine and Dribose because when I made a search for Lribose it came up with not much while D-ribose came up with a lot of results for muscle ,performance etc - what tallies up with our purpose ?

    Yandorian , If you pm me your address it eou6ld be an honour for me to order it for you


    They take foreign cards, don't they ? I think with all the multitude of supplements if one finds something with a good credible feedback first hand as we have from Frisky it would be shame not to get it - in our money it is not much.

    In fact even if you do not PM me your address due to feeling conscious or shy tengo una idea. 😉

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Thanks Nicole, I went back to read what you posted after the meetings with your IR and the having to deal with these lesions before they get too big stuck in my mind.

    I think you're in good hands...they considered the various options and came up with the best plan for you.

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Creatine helps with strength and muscle mass. For the most part it improves anaerobic performance (short energy bursts, not long endurance ) so that you can work out harder and build more muscle. So, its not anabolic in and of itself. It also has an immediate effect in terms of resulting in more water retention in the muscles, so it pumps them up. That improves leverage, and in turn improves strength.

    I found it was hard on my stomach, caused cramping, so I eventually quit using it. But, I am prone to that. They say it is most effective when taken with a simple sugar, to increase uptake in the muscles. There are also forms that are supposed to be more easily absorbed, but they cost significantly more than just the ordinary creatine monohydrate.

    On the subject of creatine causing kidney failure, I understand that is a mistaken diagnosis. Kidney function is often gauged by creatinine clearance via a blood test. Creatine and creatinine are related compounds. Too high of creatinine levels, and kidney malfunction is presumed. Taking the supplement creatine will increase creatinine levels and result in a false positive for kidney disease. So its hard to sort out whether creatine is causing kidney problems, or just giving a false positive. At least back when I was taking it, I believe the research pointed towards it being a false positive. I think Mike's experience may support that, as its hard to believe the creatine damaged her kidneys and yet they recovered so quickly. It more likely the creatine enhanced her creatinine levels and as soon as she quit taking it, the enhanced creatinine was excreted and her blood test went back to normal levels.

    That's my 2 cents on the subject.

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952

    Hi Mike,

    Have you checked into contacting a Integrative MO? I am not sure where you are located but maybe they could get her healthy enough to take low dose chemo. Dr Block in Chicago does phone consults. I've seen a lot of Good comments on Dr Mark Rosenberg in Florida. I don't know if Dr Rosenberg does phone consults.