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August 2019 surgery support group



  • Kkmay
    Kkmay Member Posts: 89

    Thank you ladies ❤️

    We are at the hospital now. The did a cbc and platelets are at 68. Is it Ok to have surgery at thia level

  • sagelady
    sagelady Member Posts: 8

    Tmh... you’ll be fine... see you on the recovery side.

    POD3... feel fine when just sitting or standing. It’s the getting up and down that gets my attention. Trying not to do the pain meds ( constipation) . Using Ducolax. 2 drains putting out about 25cc each a day.

    Sleeping in recliner so I stay on my back. Implant on mastectomy side still rather “ deformed”. They say it will straighten itself out after a few weeks. Swelling and sutures and such... hope so.

    That’s about it for now... prayers for all the August sisters 🙏


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Thinking positive thoughts today for Peggy814, kkmay's mom and tmh0921. You can get through this!!!

    All is well here. Still dealing with a little tightness and soreness here. But, I'm sleeping and eating well. I'm sleeping in the bed with pillows on my side to keep me from moving, and several pillows for my head to keep me propped up at an angle. It seems to be working okay so far.

    I'm only on one Tylenol every 4 or 5 hours. Drainage is light pink to light yellowish, but still getting 20-25 ml a day out of 2 drains, and about 40-45 ml a day out of one drain. That one's gonna be my stubborn one that sticks around awhile! But, the amount is getting less and less each day, so everything is moving in the right direction.

    I did have to take a stool softener yesterday, but my system seems to be working okay today.

    First follow-up is Wednesday, and I hope my drains will come out sometime next week. I'm looking forward to being able to drive my son to school or run to the grocery store in a couple of weeks. Maybe I'll get a week or two of "normalcy" before I start the next stage of treatment.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Surgery went well , More soreness than actual pain. I'll be here overnight and hopefully go home tomorrow.

    I'll post more details then

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Glad surgery went well, Tracy.

    Good luck tomorrow, okjoan.

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203


    Glad surgery went well. Hope you have a good night and get some rest.


  • okjoan
    okjoan Member Posts: 7

    Thank you. I'm a little nervous, but I know it will be fine.

  • notdefined
    notdefined Member Posts: 267

    Good luck tomorrow okjoan!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    we’ll be thinking about you during surgery okjoan

    Hope your recovery goes well

  • arizonaboundgal
    arizonaboundgal Member Posts: 38

    Great to hear from you, Tmh! Rest up, now.

    Okjoan….Thinking of you. You'll do great.

  • sagelady
    sagelady Member Posts: 8

    Hope all when well today okjoan. let us know how your feeling !

    How's the recovery going Tmh and LMS ? hope you are progressing well.


  • OnTarget
    OnTarget Member Posts: 124

    Good luck to all of you having surgery this month! I had mine in May 2019 and I feel great! The surgery was easy-peasy since I was sleeping through it. It was painful after waking up, but once they got me leveled out and put me on Tramadol I was much better. My back hurt more than anything weirdly enough.

    It hurt much less than I expected. I mainly used Tylenol and Ibuprofen with Tramadol a few times. There is was a fast, searing pain, mainly in my sternum, that would come from certain movements, but generally it was fine. I was pretty sleepy and slept a lot for the first few weeks. I also walked 1-3 miles a day.

    Some of the fills hurt, so if you get tissue expanders, I'd recommend going easy on the fills after the first one or two. The nurses will tell you that "tissue expanders hurt", and that isn't really accurate for me. They hurt at first and hurt until they fill up a bit and after the skin relaxes from the fill.

    For what to buy- these are the things that helped me most:

    *Wedge pillow

    *Little travel pillows from Walmart (they're $3 or $4)- I got 4 and could have used more

    *I did NOT use my body pillows even though I'm a side sleeper. It hurt to sleep on my side- it still does actually.

    *Cushion for my chest in the car. I also slept with it to keep the cats off my chest. It was very reassuring. I still drive with it.

    *Halls throat drops for after the surgery. Sore throat was awful until I used these.

    *I did not like the mastectomy shirts I got. They hold the drains up on your stomach, which is uncomfortable and made me look weirdly shaped with my flat chest. I liked the ones you can put on your waist. I had no issues going out in public with them, they just look like two little pink pockets, and I left them hanging outside my clothes, or sometimes covered a bit with my t-shirt.

    *I enjoyed having drain holders for the shower. You can use a landyard, but I liked the holder made for it.

    *I really didn't need button downs after the first few days. I went around in stretchy T-shirts, and they were great. Soft, easy to put on, looked pretty normal other than the flat chest.

    Unless you are staying in the hospital for more than one night, I don't think you need the plethora of things people suggest. No robes- you aren't going anywhere, you're just sleeping.

    I had no problem putting my regular tennis shoes on to go home- I didn't bend over though, just slipped my feet in.

    I liked having clean wash cloths, towels, and sheets every day the first week, so DH did a lot of laundry.

    It is hard to get out of bed at first. My abs hurt under my breasts, so the abs hurt to use. I ended up grabbing one leg behind the knee, and used a little rocking motion, and used the leg to lift me up. Or just ask someone for help.

    I did have a lift chair and it was great. Not necessary, but nice.

    The tissue expanders look really weird at first, but look better as they fill up.

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203

    Okay, not sure this is appropriate, but I need to vent and I know that thisgroup understands. I just got a call that I need cardiac clearance for surgery Thursday after a flagged ekg yesterday. I see a Dr. In about an hour.

    I had an echocardiogram in February to get cleared for chemo, given gallons of blood and been through 4 months of chemo , lost my hair, eyebrows, eye lashes and 20 pounds from being sad, just to get here...AND I HAVE HAD IT. Yeah, my heart is beating out of my chest now after going through all this. Like surgery would not be stressful enough! I am over all this and one of the biggest events is in 48 hours....I just want to scream!

    To the warriors who have been through surgery already, Thank you all for sharing your experience and for removing fear from the equation. Please forgive my momentary self indulgence .

  • notdefined
    notdefined Member Posts: 267

    Laurencl-Vent away! I would be frustrated too. What warranted the EKG? I was surprised that I didn't have to do another echo after finishing chemo. Hope it all goes well, and that surgery can go on as planned.

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    laurenc- I hope all will be good and you go forward as planned.

    As it goes for echo before surgery, notdefined, it is requested for me as well and I think is requested for all who received taxol and herceptin,because herceptin May affect heart.

    My surgery is scheduled on August 19th, the same day as you. I am anxious but also ready to go over this step as well. Good luck to all of us

  • prehistoricmom
    prehistoricmom Member Posts: 57

    Hi all, grateful to have found this forum & to read others' stories! Put me on the list, too: Lump Lt 8/16 and SNB the day before. Like & trust my BS, not so much my RO who seemed to think I wasn't taking it seriously enough? 3 wks before dx, husband wants a separation, 1 day before biopsy, 16yo son doesn't want me in his life anymore--much worse than BC dx--both have Aspergers. In some ways, easier to do this w/o them as I don't have to explain & reassure constantly.

    SIL had BMX this year so got a lot of good info & reassurance from her ❤️

    TMH thanks for the list, I had not thought of stool softener!💩

  • prehistoricmom
    prehistoricmom Member Posts: 57

    Laurencl not self indulgent! Better out than in. An old friend told me I am on the isle of DONE and I think you might be living there, too. In the COMPLETELY THROUGH suburb. xoxo

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203

    Had another ekg and the Dr. wanted another echocardiogram (and since he was in a full service medical facility, they could do it there and he asked the tech to do it today and she did). At first the office said they couldn’t (and I started to cry), but the Dr. helped. After the test I was told I would be cleared (by the front desk) and yep, cried again. This last minute ...stuff.. is on my last nerve!


    I don’t even remember the last time I had a EKG . I don’t think my Primary has given me one in years(and the cardiologist is in the same hospital system and could find no record of one). I remember my old Primary gave me one around 15 years ago. The Cardiologist said that they probably didn’t give me One because they didn’t think I needed one. My BS ordered the echocardiogram prior to starting chemo (because it’s a REAL test and actually tells you something maybe?) and did not order an EKG then. They called Friday to say I had to have one and it came back funky...Which set in motion today’s circus!


    I hate to say welcome, but welcome. We all understand this struggle. I am so sorry for your family struggles. Teenagers can be “fun” can a spouse! You are right about the constant reassuring and also trying to act okay and strong. Liking and trusting your Dr. is key and these boards are super helpful.

    Thank you for letting me rant. Keep the faith Warriors!

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203


    LOVE the Isle of DONE and stealing the phrase for future reference! Yes, we live in the same suburb

  • Kkmay
    Kkmay Member Posts: 89

    Hi ladies

    Unfortunately mom has not gotten surgery yet. It was delayed because of low WBC and low platelets. Her counts are dropping everyday and she has slight fever. Could it be because of the chemo? Her last chemo was on the 21st.

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203


    I’m learning that the unexpected is the norm! I hope she is stable soon and surgery can take place

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,743

    Welcome, prehistoricmom! We're sorry you find yourself here, but we certainly hope you find the support you need within this community!

    The Mods

  • okjoan
    okjoan Member Posts: 7

    Good morning ladies. Surgery went well yesterday. I had to have some additional pain meds in recovery, but otherwise my norcon has stayed on top of it since. I want to switch over to Advil, but that 6 hour mark approaches and the pain sneaks in. Eventually...

    I'm feeling pretty good. Sleep was in 1-2 blocks last night, but I feel rested, sort of.

    I have my post-OP next Wednesday so I will find out my pathology then.

    Right now I'm focused on rest and getting off the norcon. I want to work a shift at school on Friday for schedule pick-up. Hopefully I will be able to do it.

    Thank you for the thoughts and support.

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198

    Thank you ladies for your post surgery information. It really helps calm my nerves. Tomorrow will be here soon and I'm terrified but know it has to be done.

    Laurencl, I'm so sorry things aren't going easier for you. I had an EKG the week they did all my scans and I've had 2 echocardiograms because of Herceptin.

    I'm still waiting for a call to find out what time I have to be at the hospital tomorrow. The node testing is 730 and they have surgery scheduled for 8.

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    Dawn-I will be thinking of you tomorrow and I hope you have successful surgery and speedy recovery. I undersatand well that are terrified. Mine is on 19 and I already get anxious but as you said we have to go over this step as well and let's hope everything ends well. Are you coming back the same day or staying overnight. I am staying overnight.

    I am 13 days post taxol but I bled today as well as a few days ago a bit more intense than during Taxol and always from right nostril. Is this normal

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    ladies doing mastectomy - was it suggested to you that mastectomy may eliminate the necessity of the radiation

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198

    Hi Margun, thank you for your kind words. I am staying overnight at the hospital. If I had a lumpectomy it would have been outpatient.

    I had bloody noses while on AC and Taxol. I haven't experienced any bleeding post Taxol though everyone is different. I think by halfway through Taxol the bleeding was on a daily basis. Maybe you should call the ON nurse just to make sure it's not an issue.

  • ucfknights
    ucfknights Member Posts: 91

    my mom’s surgeon said the BMX will be outpatient. My mom’s is the 19th and i miss already stressed to the max.. i even have chest pains and I’m not the one going through it. We had MRI Monday and tomorrow is for the results. How accurate is the MRI after chemo prior to surgery?

  • margun
    margun Member Posts: 385

    hi Dawn- you had no bleeding at all after last treatment? Until the 7 th day of post taxol I did not worry at all because it was within regular 1 week cycle but today after 13 days I got a bit worried . It is stopped now thankfully.

    Did you have any herceptin after taxol was finished and when you start it after the surgery,? Mine will be 11 days after the surgery.

  • DawnS1962
    DawnS1962 Member Posts: 198

    Margun, my nose hairs have grown back and my nose stopped running within a week after I finished Taxol. The nose bleeds stopped then also.

    I had Herceptin a week after I finished Taxol. My next one won't be till after I meet MO on 8/28. He's going on vacation and also we don't know if I'll be on Herceptin or Kadcyla till the results of my pathology report next week.