Can we talk Sugar/Fresh Fruit and Carbs etc?



  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877
    edited August 2019

    Exbrnxgrl I agree about loving this discussion because we have all really wrestled with this.

    You guys are either gonna chuckle when I say this or just shake your head...but seriously my mom is turning 80years old this year. She smokes over a pack a day for over 65 years she basically eats cookies and ring dings all day. She had a massive heart attack at 45 and and it killed off half her heart she has been running on 1 and 1/2 arteries for 40 years and she still eats and smokes like that. I think she had ring dings for dinner the other night (for those of you that don't know what that it is like cupcakes filled with tons of preservatives ) lol All that and I am the one that gets the Stage IV cancer. I don't think I was mad at that..but I will say I was like WTHECK???!!!!! lol So I get it about your sister Exbrnxgrl. Sorry for her illness so sad and so horrible to pass on that fast.

    LovefromPhilly I am glad you mentioned stress. I am a very emotionally stressed person. I have been trying to deal with that so much since this diagnosis. It's hard sometimes and with this whole move now and dealing with the military (husband) it's been rough. Also not having had slept in my own home for almost 6 months now has been hard but I just keep trying to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel we should have a home again in Sept at our new base. :)

  • sandibeach57
    sandibeach57 Posts: 1,387
    edited August 2019

    Well..fuck. I am going to buy me some ring dings.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877
    edited August 2019

    Sandi...LMBO!!!! Right?!?!? We all (my family) just cannot get over that. It's funny too because I remember once a couple of years ago I had something wrong I was sick or something and my mom says "ya know are the healthiest sick person I know!!! " then she says "stop eating all that organic stuff and go have a big mac!!! " My husband and I were laughing so hard.

    We call her the Energizer Bunny...she just keeps going and going. The WORST diet ever and she's gonna be 80.

  • B-A-P
    B-A-P Posts: 409
    edited August 2019

    I will admit, for a long time I was resentful of all the people who I knew who ate like crap and had the worst lifestyles, and yet , I was the one who ended up with cancer. It seems like it doesn't make sense hey?

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Posts: 2,311
    edited August 2019

    On the other side of the coin I just love eting the things cancer would not order from the menu... cruciferous veggies, deep sea fish, nuts seeds, avocado. furits and above ground veggies.

    Cancer WOULD order ring dings, coke, donuts. Maybe genes explain the rest. So for me making the treats small and occasional is the way I say FU cancer.

    The scientific studies say the things that matter to reduce recurrences are: exercise of 3-6 hours per week, lower BMI, eat <20% fat, and eat whole foods diet favoring plants.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877
    edited August 2019

    I do think a part of it...and maybe a big part is our genes. I mean there are people that never smoked a day in their lives never exposed to asbestos or the like and have lung cancer??? I say genes may play a big part because several years ago I remember hearing on the radio that they had found that lung cancer is a certain gene and if you have that gene there is a high risk you will get lung cancer. I am paraphrasing of course but I am sure you all know what I mean.

    Do I think that cancer definitely likes sugar...soda cakes's a fact but like we all mentioned we know people with horrible diets and they don't have cancer...and even some people on here that do have cancer in this thread eat sugary things maybe they don't do it every single day but they do it a couple of times a week etc and they are still NED so just another example of everyones body and cancer is different.

    Edited to add in:

    Sandi I am still cracking up at your post. LOL my husband was laughing too.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,431
    edited August 2019

    Thanks, Mrs. M. She passed away almost 9 years ago, about 5 months before my own dx. I remember that many, many years before people started using “natural “ deodorants, she stopped using anti-perspirants because they contained aluminum. People thought she was a bit nuts and she always smelled like unwashed clothing. In the end it didn’t matter one bit. She was very intelligent and kind,as well as being a registered nurse and a marriage, family and child counselor.

  • 42young
    42young Posts: 126
    edited August 2019

    Sometimes i feel guilty for my not so healthy lifestyle before diagnosis: i ate carbs, sugars, red meat, drink occasionally, but never smoke or being overweight. However, i see many people have worse lifestyle than me & still being healthy. I just don't get it.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Posts: 1,019
    edited August 2019

    Sandibeach I just laughed so hard that the water I was drinking when I read your post came out of my nose!


  • olma61
    olma61 Posts: 1,036
    edited August 2019

    Santabarbarian - I am with you on this - "Cancer WOULD order ring dings, coke, donuts." I know conventional medicine scoffs at the 'sugar feeds cancer' theory. And, I know that the cells are going to convert whatever we eat into what they need, eventually. But why make it easy with tons of instant glucose being shoveled in? I'm not going to be 100% perfect all the time, but life is fine and there are plenty delicious things to eat without donuts, ring dings and sugary soda (which I never drank anyway).

    Like I said above, I have other reasons to limit sugar and simple carbs but if it helps delay progression too, all the better. May not help but cannot hurt.

    Some breast cancers are genetic but not all. Cancers caused by BRCA for example and who knows, there may be other genetic factors that are not known yet. I have no known family history and I have one branch of the family who all had extraordinary longevity. I do have one great uncle who died of lung cancer in his 80s, which doctors tell me is not related to a genetic cause for breast cancer. So for me, I believe the cause is environmental or some other disease process. I actually have a theory about why I may have developed cancer but I'll save that for another time. : D I try not to feel guilty about any past behavior or circumstances, whether or not my "theory" is correct.

    I did my best with what I was given. Things happen and we don't really know why. I could beat myself up for whatever I did or did not do and I might be totally wrong about those things contributing to my cancer. I will continue to make my best effort to do helpful things that are under my control, without beating myself up for not being perfect or not knowing everything.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Posts: 3,063
    edited August 2019

    SandiBeach, I'm still laughing!

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Posts: 3,063
    edited August 2019

    Anybody want some?


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2019

    Nicole, that's some crazy story about your mom, her health, her lifestyle & her diet!!! The randomness of this disease makes no sense. But good for her for keeping on keeping on!

  • BevJen
    BevJen Posts: 2,341
    edited August 2019

    Nicole, I'm right there with you about mothers. My mother died in 2016 at age 92. When we were growing up, she used to bribe my brother and me with ice cream sundaes galore. Her own eating throughout her life was absolutely terrible -- I mean terrible. She slathered butter on everything, would eat homemade whipped cream that she made all the time, would go to the bakery and buy huge, whipped cream stuff. And she ate red meat, hot dogs, salami, and pepperoni to beat the band. She was a diabetic from age 65 on, and she never managed it well. But did she ever get cancer? No. She did have dementia in her later years, and eventually, her body just wore out.

    Unfortunately, I haven't always had the best eating habits either. But I try not to imitate my mom in her eating habits, although now I'm wondering if I should, given that she made it to her 90s!


  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Posts: 2,997
    edited August 2019

    Although both are influenced by over-weight and sugar, there is a long-recognized inverse relationship between being susceptible to cancer vs Alzheimer's Disease. I hope we all beat cancer, and live a long time with no Alzheimer's

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,431
    edited August 2019


    A Long Island gal! Of course you know about Ring Dings. Do they still make Yodels? I grew up in the Bronx and am a Queens College graduate, but I've lived in CA for more than 30 years. There are some similar looking snack cakes here. They look sickeningly sweet and, as an adult, I would never dream of eating them.

    When I treat myself, it's high quality, real ingredients with no added preservatives etc. And let's be honest, it tastes a million times better than the commercially processed stuff. Life is too short to eat cheap treats

  • JFL
    JFL Posts: 1,373
    edited August 2019

    NicoleRod, your mom's story is hilarious!! Some people are just invincible.

    I think there are a lot of environmental unknowns causing our cancer. More than we know. And sometimes, there may simply be perfect storms or freak instances. It sucks.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Posts: 857
    edited August 2019

    JFL, on perfect storms or freak instances, I'm going with random shitty luck.

  • JFL
    JFL Posts: 1,373
    edited August 2019

    MountainMia, yes, that too!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877
    edited August 2019

    Exbrnxgl yes Long Island and yes, they still make yodels. LOL My husband is a Marine and not from NY when we first were married and he went on one of his deployments I mailed him and the Marines a few boxes of Devil Dogs (if you remember those) LOL because Marines are also nicknamed Devil Dogs. They thought it was cute. I am with you about cheap treats I usually have the high quality ones or something that I would bake myself.

    Bev..yea but with my mom it's also not just sweets she eats anything...after her heart attack she was still eating Liver and Onions (GROSS!!!) liver is like the fattiest meat Ive heard. She eats hot dogs, all meats, just anything and she weighs 105lbs. Yea mom is something else. :)

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877
    edited August 2019

    I am curious about something don't know if any of you know.... I see there are people that do the Keto Diet with BC..I am confused though as to why that would be good considering it's high fat and lots of meats?? Anyone know?

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Posts: 2,311
    edited August 2019

    Most people who do keto for cancer do a more vegetarian/pescatarian version of keto.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877
    edited August 2019

    I am assuming then they also do not take MCT's as I was reading that MCT oil is bad for the liver..but coconut oil is not.

  • olma61
    olma61 Posts: 1,036
    edited August 2019

    No MCT oil for me. I do eat meat though, a few times a week. I buy grass fed beef and uncured grass fed bacon. I eat a lot of salmon, too. I do eat dairy like full fat yogurt or cottage cheese at breakfast every day and half and half in my coffee which I thought might be bad, but when I talked to the nutritionist at the hospital she didn't think dairy had anything to do with cancer - her reason for recommending a lower fat diet is due to concerns about cholesterol and heart disease. Again, I try to buy high quality, organic products when possible. The cottage cheese I buy is Good Culture which is cultured just like yogurt.

    I was a vegetarian for many years when I was younger - I even went through pregnancy and breast feeding as a vegetarian. But I reverted to eating meat eventually, I was too busy to create balanced meals and get enough protein for myself and family just sticking to vegetarianism -- even without being completely vegan.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877
    edited August 2019

    Olma you should try the BEEF good tastes like regular pork bacon it is at Whole Foods. I quit all pork when I was diagnosed with staged 4 because I was having salami and soppressata and cheeses every weekend with wine. I had to stop the pork.

    The thing about dairy for me is I notice it causes inflammation. My sinus cavities become swollen inside and my post nasal drip is so bad if I have dairy on a daily basis. I haven't quit it completely I do have it when I have coffee half and half maybe 2 times a week and when I have a soft serve sunday once a week but that is pretty much it.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,431
    edited August 2019


    Thanks for the good memories.Devil dogs are delicious when frozen! I hope those Marines enjoyed every bite 😊.

  • olma61
    olma61 Posts: 1,036
    edited August 2019

    Thanks for another good suggestion, Nicole! ThumbsUp

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877
    edited August 2019

    Olma I mentioned to you (I believe in another thread) but can't remember which one about ORGAIN Plant based protein powder...well don't get it now...ughhh its always something...

    This really stinks because I LOVED THIS STUFF and what really bothers me is that I cannot find anything showing the company addressed this issue!!! :(

    I will cross post if I can find where I mentioned to you about the powder.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Posts: 2,877
    edited August 2019

    I also wanted to mention about the BRACA thing...I too am BRACA negative and no one in my family has breast cancer. Aside from my weekend of processed meats, bacon and salamis and sharp cheeses..during the week I at very healthy...lots of veggies and grilled chicken, wild rice etc. I wasn't vegan or vegatarian but I ate about 90% organic too. So I was a little shocked that I had gotten cancer. If I had to contribute it to food...then thats where I would say the excessive salami's and cheeses were the culprit since my diet during the week was good. Otherwise I think I am starting to believe that I got the cancer and the role the food choices played were more of fueling it not so much the cause of it. This is just my guess though....only God knows the real reason.

    In any event I am trying to cut carbs down not out..but down and sugar and dairy down a lot but not completely out.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Posts: 2,311
    edited August 2019

    Nicole: for protein powder, my integrative MO recommended organic whey protein isolate. It's a form of dairy protein that is ok re cancer. It's a powder you can toss in a smoothie.