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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69


    Thanks! It was a rough day, evening, night but was finally able to get some rest about 2 am. Went back to cancercare this morning and they gave me iv fluids, anti nausea meds and gravol. Feeling alot better now, just tired. And they are going to change up my anti nausea meds with my next infusion. Hoping that does the trick as I was already thinking about quitting all of this and it was only day 1. 😜

    Wishing you all a good day. 😊

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    ange - hope it gets better!!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    ange743 - Glad you're feeling a little better! Don't give up just yet. If you can get the nausea under control, you will get through this!!!! Get some rest.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Day 3 of TC # 2

    Today I just feel shaky and weak. Headache is gone, no real aches and pains from yesterday’s Neulasta yet, No nausea, just weak. I laid down for an hour nap and woke up 2 1/2 hours later 😳

    Ange glad you went for fluids and nausea meds. I hope the switch up in meds next time helps

    LMS sorry to hear about the hair 😞


  • Monkey0299
    Monkey0299 Member Posts: 28

    Day 3 of TC #2

    Very tired, but i think some of that has to do with the steroids. Hoping to sleep tonight. My back really hurt last time fro the neulasta, but that hasn't started yet. Days 4-8 were the worst for me so Im gearing up for tomorrow. I did get a bad rash last round. If i get it again, my MO will reduce the chemo dose 10%. Is it bad I’m hoping for that?

    LMS I am with you on the hair loss. So frustrating while cold capping. I don't have a ton of hair left but am still planning to continue with cold capping. My NO said the shedding might taper off, but I haven't seen any sign of that happening yet. It kind of leaves you in limbo not wanting to shave it off bc you're cold capping . I did go select a wig today. It will be ready on Thursday. They said I could start wearing it even with what hair I have left. Then, if I lose it all, they can refit to wig for me.

    Ange that sounds rough, but iv fluids are amazing.

    Tracy glad you got some rest. I’m going to try to nap right now.


  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    Difficult day today. 3rd AC was Wednesday. Appetite very low. Thank goodness I was able to eat yesterday.

    My husband really good with food suggestions. He’s out getting a quiche to see if I can eat some of that.

    Woke up feeling jittery. Now just feel very weak. Hope I can get some food in me.

    Hope all of you are managing side effects okay. I keep hoping just getting Taxol will be easier. Thankfully only 1 more AC treatment left.

    Love and hugs to you all. Marilyn

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all,

    Over all se in day 2 of AC treatment number 2 has been few, except sever flushing, I didn't have that with the first treatment and I seem to be more tired also, stimulating shot was done at 3pm just waiting for the aches to begin, clariten and ibuprofen taken, hope all have a nice evening and weekend

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190


  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    I couldn't figure out how to get back to text after adding the photo to have this all in one post. That's me in the white pants and the American Cancer Society representative is in the yellow shirt beside me. My mom is the platinum blonde to the left of me. lol It was a fun night. There was a lot of people so I hope I don't get sick. I felt pretty good last night but realized I get tired fairly easily. I also noticed that a lot of clapping makes my hands numb now. Weird. I cut my hair in a short bob yesterday because the ends felt really strange like they'd been over processed.

    I noticed a lot of you get a shot a day or so after your chemo. I don't get one of those. Is it routine or was there something in your lab work that made your oncologist feel you needed it?

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    The Neulasta shot is standard protocol at my oncologist office. It’s meant to boost various blood cells so they don’t bottom out, hopefully preventing Illness.


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hi every one, same here the shot is required at my oncologist office. Looks like a fun night Brilee.

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Day #4 after chemo, up most of the night, no vomiting just bad stomach cramps!! My mouth is so dry feeling, body aches minor today, hope all has a great day!! I could stay in bed all day, but not going to, chemo is working!! Think I’m going to ride around on the farm today check on my cows!! Hugs We got this!!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Bridget, it's standard at my oncologist to get Neulasta to boost white blood cells. My count gets pretty low 7 days out, but then really comes back strong after that because of the shot.

    I got chores done this morning, and I'm resting this afternoon and downing Miralax and Senokot because nothing's happened in 2 days. I need to get a handle on the constipation before it gets painful. Ugh.

  • ik0106
    ik0106 Member Posts: 16

    I had my first treatment yesterday. It was a very long day. My appointment was at 8am but they didnt get the pre-meds started until 10:00am. I started with Prejeda which was an hour long, then I had to wait an hour to make sure I had no reaction until I started Herceptin and from Herceptin I went right into Taxol which took 2 hours because they had to do it in small increments to monitor for reactions. I am cold capping so after I was done with Taxol I had to stay another 3 and a half hours. Despite the long day I am very happy so far, I have no side effects at all. I have been out and about all day today and feeling good!

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    I got some coconut water. According to a video I was watching the young lady's oncologist suggested she pick some up because her blood counts were low before her second treatment. I haven't had a Neulasta shot. I guess they don't do that at Gibbs Cancer Center.

    Maggie, I had bad stomach cramps too. They finally went away around day 9. I wanna ride around the farm with you!

    ik0106, Sorry your treatment took so long. They say the first one is the longest. I hope you stay SE free!

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Brilee I love coconut water, I purchase this brand I will try to post a pic, wouldn’t let me it’s BAI has lots of flavors, my go to is coconut pineapple, it helps me to break up the plain water,

  • ACchaos
    ACchaos Member Posts: 42

    re: cryotherapy, the study reads as 15 min before and after with a ice change at 45 min.

    the nurse I was talking to said the violinist was going for a few hours after each infusion. Which seems like a bit much.

    Days 2-5 have been pretty good. Constipation has set in which has been uncomfortable. I've been boosting fiber intake and taking laxatives to minimal effect. Otherwise, though *knock on wood* fatigue has been the biggest problem. I've slept a ridiculous amount. No hair changes yet. But I wasn't expecting them for another infusion or two. Giving myself the zarxio shots has been interesting but luckily no problem so far

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Almost to the end of the month, ladies!!!

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Maggie - Coconut Pineapple sounds delicious! Now I want to look for flavors! I just got a 12 pack at Costco.

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Brilee - what a great picture! Glad you had a good time!

    I’m now Day 11 post Treatment 1 and my taste buds are slowly coming back. I’m still feeling really good. My hair is still there with a few strands coming out ever so often. My wig was finished Friday and it looks better (healthier) than my real hair!

    I had a random lump come up on my calf (about 1 1/2” below my knee) that feels like a pump knot. I don’t remember hitting it but it wouldn’t surprise me if I kicked myself in the middle of the night. Anyway, I worried it was a blood clot so had an ultrasound and there wasn’t any sign of infection or deep vein thrombosis. Also no sign of subcutaneous blood clot but the ER doctor wanted to give me a script for blood thinners. 😳 I told him I would have to talk to my oncologist first. Holy cow!

    Otherwise, I’m doing well and hope you all are too!!

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Good Morning

    A Beautiful Day in Kentucky!!


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hi Maggie,

    I agree a beautiful day in Kentucky, I'm in Kentucky also, lol small world

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all

    Over all side effects this time are bearable. So far my Neulasta shot has not hurt me as bad, now that makes me wonder if it's working, just accept I'm not hurting and be glad, but still. Water has become not so great, been flavoring it with what I can and forcing it down. Hope all have a great day.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Pretty picture, Maggie007!

    I'm still constipated and feeling achy and tired, but not as bad as the same time last treatment. I'm just going to rest today and hope tomorrow is better.

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Day 5 after first chemo, I feel almost good today!! Lol if that’s possible, riding my stationary bike, had my son move it outside on my covered porch, love the outdoors, just trying to do what I can

    Y’all have a great Day!! We have got this

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all, I just touched a hot pan with my hand that the lymph nodes were taken from the arm, now in a panic, ugh, no skin broke, looks ok, knew I should have had just soup

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    amazing how fast I forgot about being cautious, stupid mistake that could cause big problem, I hope it doesn't

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Hope your ok!!, Silvadene cream works wonders,,

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Thanks Maggie, mostly just scared me to think of the possibility of causing lymphdema, so much to remember, I need to do better than that

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Maggie - sorry to hear about the stomach cramps, riding around the farm sounds fun! The pictures are beautiful

    Ik0106 - Sorry your treatment was so long, I hope your side effects are minimal

    ACchaos - constipation is no joke, been dealing with it this round too.

    Gamb - I've been missing the majority of lymph nodes on my left side for almost 20 years, and have had cuts, burns, insect bites, etc. without issue. Just make sure you keep it clean to avoid infection

    Bridget - how much like coconut does coconut water taste? I'd like to try it, but I'm not a big coconut fan (except in candy lol)

    Angie - glad your asking your oncologist about blood thinners. That seems like a drastic step if they didn't actually find anything warranting it.

    LMS - I'm with you on constipated and tired.

    Overall, this treatment has been ok. I was tired and weak Friday (day 3), but was better yesterday. I decided to chaperone my son's marching competition yesterday. I overestimated my capabilities. I felt decent, but there was a lot of walking in the heat. Luckily the dads who do props for the band let me ride the golf cart rather than walk and it all worked out well.

    I have the Neulasta aches under control (no pain) with alternating Claritin and Zyrtec every 12 hours. No nausea either treatment, I do have that burned mouth feeling and no taste buds. I don't have mouth sores, just feels like I've slightly burned my mouth. I'm just resting today.

    I hope everyone has a great day.


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    TMH thanks for the information on the lymphedema, makes me breathe a little easier, I wish I could go with out the nausea treatment, I think it adds to the constipation and the tiredness, not there tho, I get nausea until day 6 so meds it is.