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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • arizonaboundgal
    arizonaboundgal Member Posts: 38

    You all are so amazing and inspiring. Although (right now anyway) I was able to escape without needing chemo, I do feel the need to see how my fellow August 2019 surgery warriors are doing! I'm happy to read that most of you are getting some respite in between treatments...feeling decent and somewhat normal even if it's not daily helps keep your head screwed on straight. Well, sort of straight. LOL, that coloring book. F cancer as right! LMS....did I read something about you roller skating?! Anyway, ALL of you hang in're all stars. (())


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi Robin! Thanks for checking in. I did not go roller skating. I took my son to the rink and watched him skate with friends. I have skated with him in the past, but I'm being extra cautious right now. But, I will skate again!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Day 4 of TC #2

    Constipation has resolved. I am tired and sore. Last time, I think the bone pain had kicked in at this point. But, this time it's just mild twinges. Knock on wood! I hope it doesn't get too much worse. I can handle this with OTC pain relievers.

    My husband has been great about taking care of everything this weekend so I can rest. Friends brought meals. I have just been reading and sleeping.

    Sorry I haven't responded to each of you, but I am reading your updates and thinking of you!

  • arizonaboundgal
    arizonaboundgal Member Posts: 38

    Ha ha, LMS....thanks for clarifying that. It probably wouldn't be wise right now. ;) Sorry you're having a crappy weekend. Happy that you have lots of support. What would we do without family/friends?! Take it easy. This too, shall pass.

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52


    LMS love to meet up in a couple of weeks. I am glad you are doing ok on chemo this week

    Mandamaybe - My second AC this Tuesday And I think you start Oct 1 Here is how mine went Day if I ate oatmeal and honey for breakfast Had a part of turkey sandwich for lunch I will do a wrap this time I think this suggested from someone. I ate small things throughout the day for the next couple of days when you feel nausea and. I took nausea meds on a regular basis they had me on a 3 day nausea pill emend then reg nasuea med I drank ginger ale and water. DAY 2 I go back to the chemo chair for 1.5 hour for iv flush. I wear the nulasta shot second night in the arm. Really hot for 2 nights and drank so much water 4 days of steroid pills. 5 day I felt probably the worst. I eat when I take meds keep crackers with you and fruit. And protein. What ever you can nipple on. Bananas worked for me mouth sores on the 6th day. Cold things are better Pudding ,pasta and mashed potatoes easier to eat. It lasted about 5 days get miracle mouthwash from Dr and warm water with baking soda helps. Hard to sleep not sure if it's all the steroids. Bone pain did not start with me tell day 8 for a couple of days. Took reflux meds too. I was ready on nexum so I take twice a day. Bloated last week . You have this and can get through. 4 sessions on Ac for me.

    On the yogurt thing I have eaten some but very bloated last couple of days day 9 and on. Not sure if it dairy or yogurt? Had a smoothie today.

    I hope everyone that had chemo this past week is doing ok. Prayers to you all !!

    TMH love the bad ass bird!! ❤️ I am channeling the bad ass in me But I think I showed mine last week couple of days just irritated easy

    last week was my off week and I had my 27 anniversary!! My husband has been great with the double mass and now chemo. So glad this week I almost felt normal for a couple of days.

    Best wishes to everyone !! 🙏 prayers and hugs to all

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Tracy - It tastes like the liquid inside of a coconut if you've ever had that. I got the Kirkland's organic coconut water. It's not horrible but nothing to write home about either.

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all

    Major taste problems this time around, water taste so bad and forcing it down has become a problem, even flavored seems horrible,just I will persist, tea rom tea bags have been great tho, go figure. Day 5 after chemo tired but it seems to be leaving every day a little more. Can't wait for this heat to break, weather man another hot week. O h well hope everyone has a great day and week 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝

  • mandamaybe
    mandamaybe Member Posts: 21

    Floridaliving - Thank you so much! Tomorrow is the big day (day #1)and I’m really nervous. Any advice or words of experience are so very appreciated!

    Meanwhile the powers that be at work are being assholes and denied my request to work from home today because I technically haven’t started treatment yet (I’m just leaving early to attend chemo class and to get fitted for a flipping wig - no big deal, nothing to see here). Makes me afraid for how “understanding” they are going to be through this whole process.

    I’m also trying to predict & map out how this week and next is going to play out as far as my ability to do any work. Any thoughts from those of you doing biweekly ACT? My oncologist suggested days 5-7 will be the worst and this week may be fine. But cardiac rehab specialist said days 1-4 are the worst fatigue. My job is sedentary but does require brain power...

    Meanwhile, work is so NOT the thing I should be worrying about now. Ugh!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I have developed a bad case of thrush. My mouth is sore, my tongue is coated in white stuff, and my tongue and lips are swollen.

    My tongue is swollen enough that I’m slurring like I’ve had too much to drink, but somehow I missed the dang party. If we have to deal with this, shouldn’t I have gotten to enjoy some shots first? 😊

    Waiting for a call from my MO to see if I have to go visit her or if she’ll just call something in.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    Good luck with your first treatment tomorrow! I’m sorry your work is being a pain in the ass, some people just don’t get it



  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Mandam, hello,

    I have found for me that days 2 thru 6 are my worse days. I was told by my oncologist that the days for me to grocery shop would be two days before and the day of my next chemo, because by then all wbc should bee back to normal. i did feel better last time starting day 7 until the next dose of a.c.. for me the side effects have been minimal except for being so tired this time. Hope all goes well tomorrow 😊😊

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    TMH, sorry to hear about the thrush, hopefully MO will call something in since you know what the problem is. Seems like something new everytime, my taste buds absolutely are revolting water

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    Yep I can’t stand water right now, even with flavoring. I’ve moved on to Gatorade, which I can taste and its ok. The downside is the sugar. I’m allergic to aspartame which is what most of the diet varieties are sweetened with, so sugar it is.


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    TMH - Sorry about the thrush! Hope you can get it cleared up soon. It’s bad enough not to be able to taste anything but to have thrush on top of that is the worst!

    Mandamaybe - Sorry work folks are being jackasses!!

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    hey all, I know this is way down the line, but I was thinking ahead a little. Does anyone know how long ports stay in after chemo is over?

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    mandamaybe - Sorry about the work worries. I know how hard it is to have your diagnosis and treatment on your mind while also concerned about making a living. My boss also turned down my request to work from home even though I commute 45 minutes each way.

    Tracy - Sorry about the thrush. 😩 I hope it passes quickly!

  • Dottybird
    Dottybird Member Posts: 25

    Bridget, under the Family and Medical Health Leave Act ( I might be missing a word in the title), your work is obligated to allow you to work from home, take time off as needed, and not be jerks about it. I would check with HR. My problem is I live in DC and take public transit everyday and we do not have assigned desks so it is germ city during cold and flu season.

    Since fatigue was my big issue last time, this time MO wants me to take 1 Dex/day for longer time. She also said if I avoid water 2-3 hours after chemo, the taste might be less severe. I wanted that stuff out as soon as possible. My head itches like crazy. I don't know why I thought all the hair just fell out at once. Nope, I have tons of little prickly hairs...

    As a special "treat" the day after chemo, I have a transvaginal ultrasound. It sounds like fun. I found out I have BRCA2 right before chemo and need to decide on DMX and oophorectomy or imaging every 6 months. I was perfectly hat with my frankenboob, so I am not sure what to do. I am not having any kids, but am hesitant to have oophorectomy. Anyone have one?

    Best wishes all!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I think it varies by oncologist. I’ve heard of people getting them out the same week as the last treatment, and others waiting a few months

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Hope everyone is doing well. Day 1-4 were not good here, but today is the first day I feel like I can get out of bed, shower and eat, so that's a good thing. Day 1-4 I just slept all day, no energy for a shower or desire to eat. I think I may have took more meds than I should have, as I felt pretty spaced out when I was awake, and vision was blurry. Going to talk to the nurse about that, as I don't want to be vomiting, but don't want to be a zombie either. Hope we can find a decent medium. I have no idea how some people can work through this. I definitely can't. I'm lucky my kids are teenagers so they have been fending for themselves a lot the last while. Hubby has been a great help too. Not sure where I'd be without them. I wish everyone a feel good day. 😊

  • Monkey0299
    Monkey0299 Member Posts: 28


    I developed thrush last chemo, and an antifungal liquid was called in. For me, it worked very quickly. Hope you have similar results.


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Day #6 after chemo, spent most of the day in bed, feel like poo, kinda pissed at myself because I couldn’t work through it, this is so not me, sorry ladies, I got to vent, taking meds and feeling bad is just not me, I have no right to feel this way, I am very blessed, and should be grateful even on my bad days!!

    Tomorrow is a new day

    One day at a time

    Hugs ladies!!!we got this

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    Everyone reacts differently and if there was ever a time to put yourself first now is it. There is no shame in resting and recovering. I took a LOA day today myself because of the Thrush that blindsided me.

    We are strong even when we need to rest.



  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Tracy, thank you,

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    This chemo is not for the weak. I am grateful for each day I get through without major complications. Reflux and constipation have been my biggest issues so far. Thankfully, manageable. I am so grateful when I can get into bed each night. My hope is the next day will be easier. Thank goodness there are only 4 AC treatments. I'm getting more and more worn down. Only the last treatment left now.

    Got my icing supplies ordered for Taxol treatments. I thought I would get an extra week break. But no. Two weeks after the last AC treatment, the once a week Taxol begins. I hope they are easier. I'm just pooped.

    I wish I could be more supportive to the rest of you. I struggle daily with tears. This is no picnic.


  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    Gee, I can’t even spell my name right.


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Cancer is definitely a mind game!! Good night ladies sweet dreams, every side effect we have proves the chemo is working, positive vibes, our bad storm will produce the brightness rainbow!!

    We got this!!!


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I think all of us just being here and sharing our experiences is being supportive. Ultimately we are all here to share with each other what no one else can understand, and to feel like we aren't alone in this fight.



  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Love all the positive support here. I was feeling a bit down today and reading your messages really helped.

    I'm more exhausted than last time, but at least the bone pain is milder. I'm going to try to get a good night's sleep and hope for a slightly better today tomorrow. I'll check in then.

    Sweet dreams to you all!

  • ACchaos
    ACchaos Member Posts: 42

    It took a while to come on, but man, I'm hating not being able to taste anything. I made dinner tonight and commented how bland it seemed, and the whole family looked at me like I was nuts. Turns out it was just me! The super flavorful peli peli chicken was apparently delicious. Sigh. How is it that I can taste the damn prune juice, but not the stuff I want to taste?

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Snaffle what did you get for the Taxol treatments? I got the booties with the ice packs and extras still trying to figure out what I need for my hands and how long I need to keep them cold. I had asked the nurse at oncology, but she didn't go into detail. I wonder if jersey clothes will protect hands from the ice or maybe to thick