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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • Glad everyone’s treatments seemed to go somewhat smoothly today.

    My second TC infusion today went a little better and quicker than the first. I am cold capping. I’m losing a ton of hair, but plan to continue cold capping to try to prevent the small chance of permanent hair loss from taxotere. I had a migraine the whole time the first time while I cold capped, but my MO prescribed meds today which kept the migraine down to a manageable headache. Huge improvement for me!

    I am planning on getting a wig to see me through either no hair or scraggly hair, but I’m also considering the baseball cap with a ponytail for everyday. Has anyone gotten one they liked? If so, where did you guys get it?

    Also, has anyone else on taxotere gotten dark lines on their skin where the taxotere went into the iv? My MO said it’s vein damage from taxotere. I hope I don't get one from each treatment. Kind of seems like an aggressive drug. If I have any more whacky reactions this time around, my MO said he'd reduce my dose by 10% next time. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    I’ll be very happy to wrap up the steroids tomorrow. I don't like how I feel on them at all.

    Hope everyone has minimal SEs and is able to sleep

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519


    That vein damage is why I wanted a port. I have no lymph nodes on my left, so all needle sticks have to go on the right. Vein damage bothered me. I hope you don’t have more.


  • Tracy,

    Are you having 4 TC infusions? The didn't give me the option of a port for my 4, or even mention the possibility of vein damage (and I have terrible veins).

    The majority of useful information I’ve received from this process has come from this board. I’m grateful for this board but disappointed that I can’t count on my medical providers to tell me everything I should know up front. I learn stuff here, go back to them with questions and you guys have never steered me wrong.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519


    Yes, I'm doing 4 TC and my doctor offered a port or to use my veins. She expressed concern about vein damage, so I opted for a port.


    ** Edited to add that I’ve had 16 total nodes removed on my left side and my right is the only viable option for IVs. I definitely didn’t want those veins damaged

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    Day 2 of TC # 2

    Side effects are minimal, very mild headache, mild facial flushing, tired, and taste buds already acting up.

    Otherwise, things are actually a little better than the last infusion. It could be because I didn’t need the massive bag of steroids in my pre-meds this time since I’m tolerating Taxotere with no bad reactions.

    Hope everyone else’s side effects are mild and/or manageable.


  • Del13
    Del13 Posts: 180

    Day 2 after my first chemo treatment, let’s just say my body aches!! I’m going to stay positive whatever side effects I have!! Tomorrow night is pink out night at the high school football game, my grandson is starting quarterback, just a sophomore, he has been wearing pink socks since my diagnosis, I’m going to push through this and hopefully I get to go watch tomorrow night!! I maybe in the car hugging a trash can,but will do my best, just rambling y’all, all have a great day, We got this!!

  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    Maggie that sounds great, my second a,c infusion went well today, my grandson is on cross country team he has a meet this Saturday, but it's a lots of traveling time so I won t go, but I will try to go to the ones closer to home. He is 8th grade and on the highschool cross country team. He loves it and he loves to run. Hope all are having a good day.

  • kv99
    kv99 Posts: 11

    Day 3 after having first TCHP monday - feeling achy, shaky, significantly tired, and all around just weird, like a terrible hangover that won’t go away.

    I joined everyone on the gelato train yesterday. Felt so good

    Tracy, glad this round is more manageable so far. Maggie, have fun at your grandson’s game! Monkey, I hope SEs are better for you this week.

  • Made it through my first AC treatment today. Pretty uneventful so far, just tired. Hoping it stays that way, but if it doesn't I have lots of meds to hopefully help. 😜 Cancer nurses are amazing people! 😊 Feel well everyone.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    I agree, Cancer nurses ARE amazing people!

  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    Hey all

    Well starting to see more hair loss, hopefully i can wait for the good week to have it burred, if not, my son will be cutting it sooner

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    I’m sorry Gamb, I think the hair loss hits us hard

  • Day 1 of TC #2

    My dad was with me this time for my treatment. Another lady who was cold capping showed up (I was alone last time). It was her first treatment, same protocol, so we will be together the next 2 sessions. She's a sweetie. She did not have all the information that I got from this board, so I gave her a crash course while we were sitting there. Also, a husband and wife were there part of the time and they told us so many stories and made the treatment time fly by. It's nice to have other company.

    No issues at all during the infusion and the cold cap didn't hurt as much this time when they were dropping the temperature down at the beginning. Because they dripped everything at full speed, I was out of there in less than 5 and a half hours (2 of those hours are just cold capping, no meds at all). Nice!

    I have to get my kid to do his homework and then take him to soccer practice, so I'll catch up on all of your posts tonight or tomorrow!!!!

    Good luck tomorrow ik0106 and SazzleD!!!

  • I wanted to participate in this one. Mom's starting her frist IV Chemo tomorrow. The previous one (almost 11 years ago) was Tamoxifen so it was oral. Back then she had some menopause-like symptoms but nothing that deemed her throwing around pots and pans or anything like that. This time, we have read everything we can find and boy! we got scared. There are sites that say. "(this chemotherapy product) will cause death" or a definite hair loss or definite vomiting.

    I would love for medical pages to be forced to have some sort of medical degree or certification so that no idiot can post stuff and scare people like this. I know that chemo is toxic and the end- ANY medication could cause death. that's why they are not called "candy".

    She's nervous, Im scared. the Chemotherapy oncologist said to us that remission IS definitely possible. Still mom is somewhat defeated and she has already touched again the subject: "if I loose the battle" and there are times when all I want to do is go to sleep and pretend this is all a nightmare. Im sorry for the rant. I can't discuss this with my family. Mom needs all my positivitiy and my sister sucks seriously sucks at being there for me.

  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    Hi MexicanMary,

    Yes breast cancer is scary and the internet can just add to that.. I read and made myself so anxiety stricken. I found this site and boy was it a godsend. Look and read the various topics I thunk it will help you some with your fear. Anxiety meds are your friend, I didn't want them at first but I am so glad and grateful my regular Dr saw the need. Rant anytime we are here for you.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    welcome MexicanMary

    Let us know what chemo your mom is taking and I’ll add you to our list. You’re more than welcome to participate here. Ask questions, share experiences, and vent when needed 😊


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519


    Glad today’s treatment went well, and you had company to pass the time. Hoping for minimal side effects for you.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    Good luck with your first treatment tomorrow ik0106, SazzleD, and MexicanMary.

    Check in if you can and let us know how it goes.


  • Welcome Mexican Mary!!

    I’m so glad to read about everyone doing daily life things after treatment. That was so important for me to read when I got on here and it will be inspiring to others joining us. That sense of normalcy in an unusual situation is what I wanted the most (that and to not get sick).

    I’m getting fitted for my wig tomorrow. I’m excited and will be relieved to have it on hand when that time comes. Still no hair loss yet but it’s still early. I have long, thick, curly hair so not having to blow it dry and straighten it will be one less tiring thing I have to worry about when undergoing treatments.

    I hope everyone has a peaceful night!

  • So much for all the great anti nausea meds, have been sick twice now after trying to eat, and this sucks. Not sure if the medication I took about 30 minutes before being sick got absorbed before then or not. UGH! 😐

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    ugghh sorry Ange

    If it keeps up call your MO they have other meds that may work better

    ((( Hugs)))


  • Thanks Tracy...I'm hoping I'm over the worst of it and can keep some more meds down. But I plan to call my nurse in the morning to see what can be changed or added.

  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    Good morning all,

    Yep I'm up early, the hair itching is really irritating so it will come off today. Steroids have me a little hyper, but I feel good other wise, half way thru a.c.,, and just knowing it's doing it's job is a relief. I still get scared, but I try not to let my mind go there, hard to do sometimes. My oldest son has been great, he lives closer than my youngest one, glad I have him close.

  • Ding, dong the diarrhea's gone! *Does a happy dance* So at day 9 I feel fairly normal. I still have a bit of the strange feeling in my mouth but it's definitely getting better. I worked a FULL day yesterday and only had diarrhea once first thing yesterday morning. My head still itches but no hair loss yet. I woke up with my grand baby on my mind so I hope my son brings him to the Pink Out game tonight. I have a little nasal congestion and slight headache but I think it's seasonal allergies. I didn't start having those until the last couple of years so I haven't quite got the hang of differentiating between allergy and oncoming cold.

    Love hearing that my fellow TC ladies are doing well with the last treatment! I won't lie, my next treatment isn't until October 11th and I caught myself tearing up when talking about it with my mom because she plans to go with me next time. I felt pretty good for about 3 days after my first one but days 4-8 were... less than pleasant. It's encouraging to know it may not be as bad as all that.

    The best way I know how to describe that feeling in my mouth is to compare it to eating a slice of pizza when it's too hot and you burn the roof of your mouth and tongue with the cheese. The day after that when you try to eat it feels off and you can't quite taste some foods. Others taste off.

    Anyone else find that they're overly emotional? I caught myself wanting to cry because I felt so bad and this morning I wanna cry because I feel so good. lol Maybe it's the Lupron shots. ;)

    I discussed the port with my oncologist before my treatments. She said she didn't think I'd need one unless there was a problem accessing my veins. I got stuck 4 times before they were able to get my IV in last time. I have a nasty bruise in one of the spots where they tried to stick me but the vein they actually used looks great now. I also had lymph nodes removed on one side I'm limited to just my right arm. I opted not to go with the port because my incision from my mastectomy hadn't healed completely and I was worried about another possible area to get infected.

    TGIF! I hope you ladies have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend!

  • Del13
    Del13 Posts: 180

    Day 3 after my 1st chemo, I feel pretty good today!! Im sure the walking and gallons of water helped to get through the achy body yesterday!! I keep reminding my self that I’m not really sick, it’s chemo kicking butt on the nasty cancer cells, positive attitude, positive vibes, have a great day ladies, We got this!!

    One day at a time!!!

  • ACchaos - I hope you feel better soon!

    kps918 - Welcome, Kristi! Stick around, we'll help each other through this.

    Tracy - Awesome coloring book!

    Snaffle - I hope you find that balance this time. I had bad constipation last time, so I've been taking Miralax and Senokot in the hopes I can keep things moving. It's tough to figure it out. All we can do is try.

    ACchaos & Snaffle - I do icing on my hands, feet and mouth during my Taxotere treatment. I start 15 minutes before and keep it going at least 15 minutes after the drip is done. It's tough to do it longer than that. But, knock on wood, seems to be working pretty well.

    Monkey0299 - I'm glad your 2nd TC went okay. I shed a decent amount of hair yesterday and today, probably from all the pushing and tugging of the cold cap. I am sure I will lose a lot more over the next 2 months, but hoping to keep some bangs and hair in the back, so I can just wear a scarf or soft beanie to cover the thin spots. I'm not sure where to get a cap with a ponytail - maybe Amazon or a wig shop? My surgeon insisted I get a port, even before I met with the oncologist to get the treatment plan. So, even though only 4 treatments and the port is a bit annoying, I'm glad I got it.

    Maggie007 - Hope you make it to the game tonight and feel well during it!

    Gamb - Glad your infusion went well and that you have some help nearby. :)

    MexicanMary - Welcome and keep just being there for your mom. Hopefully she just needs more time to work through the diagnosis and treatment. It's tough to wrap your brain around it all. Just be positive and supportive, but also take care of yourself so you can keep helping your mom.

    ange743 - I hope you get that nausea under control today! Thinking of you....

    Brilee76 - So glad you're starting to feel more normal today! That's always a good feeling. A little bit of normalcy before the next infusion. I'm dreading the next week of feeling like crap once these steroids wear off and the Neulasta kicks in, but knowing that I get that bit of time were I feel 80-85% normal gives me something to look forward to.

  • Day 2 of TC #2

    I'm tired. I just shed a ton of hair. I now have a big bald spot on top of my head. Switching to wearing scarves full-time. Not giving up on the cold capping, but was hoping to avoid obvious bald spots and just have to deal with super thin hair. Oh well...

    Off to rest a bit while the steroids have eased off.

  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    Hey all

    Just had my hair buzzed down to 1/4 inch, I'm thinking I'll let the rest just fall out in its on. I'll see, don't know if it's a good idea, might need to go down to an 1/8 inch, don't think ill shave it, but who knows, feels a whole lot cooler and I look more like my

  • Del13
    Del13 Posts: 180

    Lms hair will grow back, go see your hairstylist, they can help transform what you have in a very cute style,, you got this girl, I own a salon, doing hair for 40 plus years, most stylist will be glad to do it for free!! It’s so much easier on you when you take control and ease into the look, I had my first chemo Tuesday going get my third new haircut!! Not doing this for me but my grandkids,, hair is hair, you are just as beautiful without it!!

    Hugs!! You got this

  • Thanks, Maggie007. I am scared to touch my hair, it's so dry and just falling out like crazy. I don't have a hairstylist. I just go to an inexpensive chain haircut place, and I don't know if I'd be totally secure with how they handle my fragile hair. It's fairly short at this point anyways.

    I just ordered some cute scarves from Amazon. I keep reminding myself it's only temporary! As we all know, it's just a bit of a shock when it first happens. I was just hoping it would be more of a gradual shedding with the cold capping. I'm just going to keep on keeping on with the plan. Hubby is coming home early today, so we'll do some cuddling in front of the TV and that will make things so much better!