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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • Turkeypoult
    Turkeypoult Member Posts: 27


    Re. Water and aspartame issues, have you tried Propel? It has a different sweetener I prefer the lemon flavor but there are others.


    I have been fortunate insofar as water goes; I did not care for water, but now it tastes really good to me. However, coffee is horrible, and I was a consistent unsweetened coffee drinker all day. Most foods give only a salt taste.

    I have TCHP every 3 weeks. Today is Cycle 2, Day 2. On the last day of Cycle 1 I made a big turkey and dressing dinner so my DH could have leftovers of his favorites on some of those nauseous-can’t bear cooking smell days. (Packets are frozen for him.) I ate with him the first night, but was SO disappointed that all I tasted of the dressing was salt and a little sage.

    I do not have the metallic taste problem, yet.Salty and sweet are pretty much it for me. But not sour. I ruined a piece of fish and fries with malt vinegar. Yuck. So, I pay attention to do what they say: balanced, deliberate choices in every dish and meal. I try to avoid the truly yucky and munch through the nutritious and bland - Oh! And cross off another cycle on the way to enjoying food again.

  • Turkeypoult
    Turkeypoult Member Posts: 27


    Me,too, on the C and T. I am just ahead of you in cycle 2, day 2. I was apprehensive yesterday, but the day was ok. Where on the first time I had pain in my long bones, this time there was a creeping sensation (like restless legs??) in legs and torso. It was helped when I put on a blanket during chemo. The touch of the blanket seemed to counteract the sensations.

    I have kept a journal. Very informal with notes. Now it is coming into play as I can compare cycles. (Now, when did I feel tired? What felt better?)

    Just knowing things will probably improve in 2 days, 1 day, etc. helps.

    I am retired, and every day I think of all of you who have to work and have other obligations. I wish I could hug you all and make it better. My DH is an HR specialist. Ask for a complete policy of the FMLA. It can be a confusing document but it does outline specific duties and entitlements. (I know because I do all his typing.) Be sure your FMLA documen is unabridged. Know your rights.

  • Turkeypoult
    Turkeypoult Member Posts: 27


    I,too, had bad thrush. Helped tremendously by “Miracle Mouthwash”, mentioned elsewhere here, I believe. It is a compounded drug, ordered by my MO. Pricey but really worked. Took during days 5-12. Helped mouth, throat and esophagas.

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all

    Another hot day, I am thankful it's not freezing, but I would like a cool down. Still no energy, but I'm gonna make it my goal to walk my dog 3 times today for at least 3 miles total. Water finally is starting to taste better again. Turkey I will try propel and keep gatorade and it for the next dose, now that I know water will be horrible for the first 4 days after chemo and im thinking veggie trays no way I can smell food cooking anymore during those days, if I do then appetite goes way down, thank goodness for crackers and miralax. Lol

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    i have some nausea this morning took half a zofran, just feel slowed down

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    Welcome to the tasteless club, it sucks. 😆


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    My doctor called in a once daily anti- fungal pill (Diflucan) and the Thrush is already resolving thankfully. Thrush has been an interesting experience.


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    The tasteless/weird taste side effect has been the worst. A close second is the diarrhea. I’m thankful other SEs are minimal. I’m on day 14 post treatment 1 and my hair is falling out pretty rapidly. Trying to baby it until after the weekend (my daughter is a homecoming maid and I would like to not have to worry about my hair while I’m worrying about hers!)

    Yesterday, I was hit with the “what if’s”. It seems everywhere I turned there was a story of someone who passed away from cancer (not necessarily BC). That made the “what if’s” rear its ugly head. Then I read about the amazing women who are years beyond treatment and doing great and I am inspired once more. You ladies inspire me everyday!!

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Angie I got the what ifs also this past weekend, mostly when I was feeling my worse, let it in then let it go, hugs to all

  • FTM
    FTM Member Posts: 24

    We’ve made it through September! Keep strong ladies.

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hi FTM

    October my favorite time of the year

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all,

    What's does pfc stand for.

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    Gamb, I went with the simplest and least messy option. I got freezer blocks appropriately sized for each foot and each hand. Then a gel pack to sit on top of the block on which I will rest my feet and hands. I did not want to fool with actual ice. I got six of the foot sized blocks so I can keep things cold in a cooler. Then maybe can switch out unused block because they would have stayed colder. I’m only going to ice during the hour long infusion. Only thing I need now is cotton gloves so have some protection for my hands. I’ll just wear regular socks on my feet.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I believe PFC = Post Final Chemo

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    The "what ifs" get easier with time. When I had my first diagnosis, they were in my mind constantly for about the first year. Then the times I thought about it got less and less, until I basically only really thought about it when I had doctor visits or scans, etc.

    I guess because I've been dealing with this d*mn disease for so long, I haven't really thought of the "what ifs" this time. I'm just over it and throwing everything and the kitchen sink at it so hopefully I can get off this roller coaster ride.

    It does get easier.



  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Thanks Snaffle and TMH

  • Betann
    Betann Member Posts: 1

    Hello, this is my first post ...I just had my first chemo on 9/24/19

    Stage 2 IDC - post lumpectomy, lymph node removal, have a general feeling of malaise all of the time and skin breaking out - feel very dry from inside out and itchy. Could be a lot worse I’m sure. 3 more tx to go. I’ve read the chemo effects are cumulative. We’ll see what happens with the hair I did the cold cap - skeptical but hopeful that I’ll retain most of it.

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Welcome Betann, we had chemo the same day!!

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Thanks, Gamb and Tracy!

    When I was diagnosed, all of my future disappeared. I had nothing to look forward to. Now that I have my first treatment behind me, I find myself being cheerful and looking forward to things again. I guess I just don’t want the rug to be pulled out from under me again. None of us do. But I will push these blues out of the way and keep living a joyful life! I’m decorating for fall this weekend

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Dotty - My employer only has 8 employees so he doesn't fall under or have to abide by FMLA or ADA. He could fire me at any time for any reason and there's absolutely nothing I could do about it. Luckily, he's worked pretty well with me so far. I do wish he'd let me work from home though.

    Maggie - I was a big, whiny baby around day 7 after my last treatment so don't beat yourself up over having to take a knee.

    ACchoas - I thought it was strange that some things I could taste fine and others not at all. I tried eating some buttered toast and had to look down to make sure I actually took a bite because I couldn't taste it at all. The applesauce was good though.

    I'm at day 13 and my hair is starting to shed. I got a good giggle over where my hair decided to fall out first. It was all in my undies when I went to the bathroom this morning.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Welcome to the group Betann!

    What chemo protocol are you on? I'll add you to our list.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    I tried applesauce the other day and couldn't stomach more than a spoonful.

    The only things that work for me right now are spicy or M&Ms - still taste great.

    On the other hand, one of my favorites - a Chick-Fil-A sandwich basically tastes like cardboard :(


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Bridget - That's the first place my hair started to shed, too! My leg hair went next (although I do have some still). Then the underarms. Now, I'm losing some eyebrows and eyelashes, but just a few. Since I'm cold capping, I still have a lot of hair on my head, but I have a huge bald spot on top and the itchiness is so annoying with no relief in sight. Sorry you don't get to use FMLA, but I'm glad you are getting SOME cooperation from your employer.

    AngieB92 - I felt the same way when I was diagnosed. But, once we had a game plan for treatment, I started giving myself a future of a few years. Now, I'm hoping for 10 years of health. I can't seem to look beyond that just yet, but it's an improvement. I've also started planning a bit for the future. We love to travel and I'm planning our next two trips (Tennessee next year, Japan the year after). I know the what ifs will always be there, but looking forward to a point when it's not a daily thought like it is now.

    Betann - Welcome! I'm cold capping and so is Monkey0299.

    Tracy and Maggie - Thanks for all the positive comments. I really needed to hear them this week!

    Gamb - October is my favorite, too, even though it's still 90 degrees here!

    Turkeypoult - Glad you are feeling okay so far this time.

    ACchaos - I'm with you and the others on the tasteless thing right now. I can taste salt and sweet, but only slightly. Almost everything is bland, but tastes fine to everyone else. So, whatever seems like it might taste good, I eat. Pretty much the only stuff that actually ends up tasting good, though, is fruit, yogurt and smoothies. Oh, and almond butter. And I'm totally craving chocolate, but there's none in the house.

    ange743 - I hope you're doing better after a rough few days.

    Dottybird - Thanks for checking in!

    Hang in there, Snaffle!

    Thinking of you today, mandamaybe....

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Day 6 of TC #2

    The unbelievable exhaustion has lifted. I'm still really tired, but it's manageable. The bone pain is still mild. My taste buds are fried, but grateful for a good appetite and no nausea. Losing lots of hair all over my body, but the hair on my head, except for a huge spot on my crown, is still hanging on (cold cap). My head itches all the time, though. I had some weird prickly sensations in my toes and balls of my feet the first couple of days, but that's resolved. I don't think I was as diligent with icing this time around because I was socializing too much. I'm going to do better next time.

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    i rediscovered Jello, I am hoping to make it thru the tastelesness next time with jello, jello water, jello jk and more pudding hope everyone has a nice evening, I'm feeling better this evening also LMS tired but better. Hair on my head itches like crazy also, loved the lint roller idea and I do take it over my head to the itchy

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    Really frightened today when I took a shower. I clipped both my toenails and fingernails afterwards. The exertion hadmy heart pounding. To finish up drying off and getting dressed, I had to sit and rest numerous times. My heart continued to pound in my chest well after I was done.

    Now I know I’m at a low point in my blood count cycle. Could low blood counts cause this? Of course my worst fear is that the Adriamycin has caused heart damage already. Could that have happened this quickly?

    Of course I will bring this up at my MO appointment prior to treatment next Wednesday. And I know I am fatigued by treatment too. Anyone else get this heart pounding after just mild exertion?


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    It could absolutely be low blood counts. Are you hydrated? When’s your next MO visit?


  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    Next MO appointment is Oct 9th prior to last AC treatment.

    It’s good to know the low blood counts could cause this. I know I’m at a low point post last treatment. Counts will be coming up at the end of this week.

    I will watch my hydration too. I think I’m ok. But Miralax has given me diarrhea for last couple of days.


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Snaffle 53, contact your dr in the am please, it may not be anything, but you dr needs to know this!! Hugs lady

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    Okay, I will. I’ll admit that it shook me up a bit. I’m okay now. Ate a good dinner too. But, I will call in tomorrow.
