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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Hey all, hope everyone is doing well. When I'm reading that some of you fine ladies are gearing up for your final chemo, I'm super happy for you but a little sad for me, as I'm only on 4 of 8 tomorrow. 😐 Last AC though, so I'm happy about that! Then onto 4 Paclitaxel every 2 weeks. I can't wait until I can say I'm at my last one. (It'll be January 2 assuming I stay on schedule) 😜

    As my Doctor told me yesterday, and I pass it on to all of you - You're doing fabulous! 😊

  • Patty66
    Patty66 Member Posts: 45

    Hi y’all,

    Thank you all for the lovely welcome into the group and the info about the fasting! 3 cheers to all the upcoming finalists!!!

    My chemo 4 is next week Tuesday and I still have 2 more after that (last one December 27th if all goes “well”) so the rest of us (who are not calling “last one” quite yet) can count them down together, right?

    Jealousy: me, too! But I try to remind myself of how mindless I was running through my life before this - wasting so much precious time on meaningless things I thought I had to do.Maybe at least we gain a new perspective and have a chance to make a new and better plan...

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    I just left my MOs office. The last TC infusion went well, and I got to ring the bell.

    I have labs next week, and the week after I have labs and an appointment with my MO to see if I'm in menopause (based on night sweats, etc. we think I am) so we can plan the next steps for hormone blockers.

    I've been advised to relax and rest and let my body recover over the next couple of months.

    Patty, I think even those who are having our last infusions will be here a while and we’ll be here to count down and celebrate with those of you who have more to go

    Hugs to everyone


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    congrats TMH!!!!!!!!!! The first of us, may the force be with God bless you

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Congrats Tracy! 😊

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Ok just asking anybody get any exercise today? I got mine in, also no nasty D today, I’m super pumped, managed a Kroger visit, and stayed out of the bed,,

    It’s the little things!!

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    Congratulations Tracy!!

    Bit of another setback for me today. Went in for 2nd Taxol treatment. Yesterday’s labs showed a major spike in my liver enzymes. And they would not administer chemo with me in this state.

    They did more labs which showed some improvement from yesterday. I provided a stool sample for another C diff test and cultures. And got a bag of fluids since I was there.

    We have no idea what caused the spike. Could be a reaction to Taxol even though that was 2 weeks ago. Otherwise no clue. There’s nothing to do but go with the flow. Hopefully I’ll be okay for next week.


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Tracy - Yay!!!!!!!!

    Maggie - I walked at work again today. The diarrhea has shredded me and we’re headed out of town tomorrow. I just started my Immodium hoping it shuts the D down!

    I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling envious although I don’t waste much time doing so. I’m glad at least I know I have cancer now and maybe not walking around unaware. It’s all in perspective

  • ACchaos
    ACchaos Member Posts: 42

    omg, I’m so jealous of normal life right now. It’s hard not to be with our restrictions. I’m just trying to stay positive and remember this is temporary. And trying to reflect, etc. etc. while wildly jealous of course.

    Has anyone else transitioned from AC to taxol? I have my last AC next week and am trying to brace for new SE’s and what that will mean.

    On the bright side? Almost halfway done!!!

  • FTM
    FTM Member Posts: 24

    Congrats Tracy. I’m sure ringing that bell felt amazing.

    Your turn tomorrow LMS! Wishing you all the best!

    Sorry to hear about your spike in liver enzymes Marilyn. Hope they improve quickly.

    Angie, hope the Imodium works and you have a good trip out of town.

    Glad you are continuing with your exercise and feeling good Maggie.

    Thinking of you all

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570
    • AcChaos, I have my first taxol infusion tomorrow, I will post how it goes. I walked today, I got 5 miles today, but I walk at least 2 miles everyday, on bad days the 2 miles takes all day with smaller walks
  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    I came home after chemo and we grabbed the kids, went to eat (before my taste buds abandon ship again), and went grocery shopping. I avoided the bed, so I'm counting that as exercise for today.

    I've been walking daily, and I do feel better when I'm active and don't stay in's just harder some days than others.


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Great job ladies, we do what we can, when we can, take as we go, one day at a time, Hugs and positive Vibes, whatever tomorrow brings we will deal with, I’m humbled, blessed, and very grateful, for the good days, and this group,,

    Good night pleasant dreams,

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Good morning fellow warriors! I am in the chair. Labs were "fabulous" according to my nurse. Taxotere is done. Cytoxan is going now. Can't wait to ring the bell and then get home and start my recovery and then the next phase of healing.

    Thank you all for the good wishes!

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Congrats Lms, super excited for you!!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Can't wait to see all of you ring the bell, too!!!


  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Congratulations LMS! How exciting. 😊

    I just finished round 4 of 8 today, so I'm halfway there. Done the AC, on to Paclitaxel next treatment.

    Hope everyone is having a good day! 😁

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Love it Lms!!! What a beautiful smile!!!

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Congrats LMS!!!!

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all had my echo this morning, my heart is good, yay taxol went great.

    My taxol iinfusion is dose dense , i had premeds that were steroid, benadryl, and pepcid, no anti nausea meds was given in the pre meds. Mo said I can take nausea meds at home if needed and pepcid and she also said the first week to watch for any allergic reactions. It took 3 hours for the taxol infusion I held frozen bottles of water and I had cold socks for my feet, I had no problems. And got my Neulasta

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Whooo Hoooo LMS!!!! Looking good!

    Gamb - glad everything went well! Hopefully Taxol will be kinder!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    congratulations Leah!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    I hope all of you going on to taxol find the side effects to be better than AC.



  • Patty66
    Patty66 Member Posts: 45

    Congratulations Tracy & LMS!!! (Did not miss any other combatants finishing I hope - sorry I am still trying to learn everyone’s name...)

    The photo with the bell is dynamite!

    Ufortunately, our chemo room at the OB/Gyn-oncology office does not have one. I will suggest it to them - this moment deserves a big bang!

    Have a great Friday!


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all so far day 2 after first taxol has been good, other than an upset stomach I feel good, doing without the steroids is also a plus. Mo said to expect day 3 and 4 might be the roughest with joint and muscle pain and possible mouth problems, so i am prepared, no problems so far with neuropathy. Hope everyone has a great day

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    I can’t help but be very concerned about these complications I’ve had causing me to miss two cycles of Taxol. We don’t know what caused my liver enzymes to spike. And all the lovely IV antibiotics have caused an ongoing diarrhea that I still can’t get rid of. All in all I feel like I’m off track big time.

    There is nothing for me to do but trust my doctors. I’m just along for the ride. But these last two weeks have been very disconcerting. It’s hard not to worry. And here I thought that Taxol would be easier. Not so far!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    Have they tested you for CDiff? Too many antibiotics can kill the bacteria in your colon Causing bad Diahrea. You’ll need probiotics for it

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Snaffle, I hope it all gets better soon,,hang in there, hopefully when you resume taxol it will be better

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    I’ve been checked twice for C diff. I’m also taking probiotics

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Congratulations LMS!! 🥳