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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • Patty66
    Patty66 Member Posts: 45

    Wow Bridget! Congratulations

    Tears were dripping in my coffee cup as I just watched you ringing the bell. Thanks for sharing that and a speedy recovery!

    We do not have a bell in our chemo room but I fully intend on taking one on my last chemo day and make everyone’s ears ring 😁

    Best wishes for the weekend to all!

  • Turkeypoult
    Turkeypoult Member Posts: 27

    Hi, all!

    It has been a bit since I posted, but here I am. TCHP, Cycle 4, end of week 2. The big news of this cycle is a blood transfusion. I tried taking iron (the term “sick as a dog” comes to mind) but finally had a transfusion earlier this week. It seems to be working. More energy for sure.

    Otherwise, diarrhea is the biggest issue. I have now lost 33 lbs. The D usually resolves in week 3. During days 4-8, pain in legs, thighs and arms seems worse. Taste buds have left the building. I am cooking T’giving dinner for my husband and sister - with their help- so that should be fun.

    Someone mentioned coconut oil for hair. I use it after each shower. I don’t know if it helps hair growth, but smelling like a macaroon is a different experience.

    For those of you following the car story, the latest delivery date is Tuesday! Who knows? It might actually come!

    Over the past month I have come to look forward to the light in the middle of the tunnel. I am told that after I finish 6 cycles of TCHP, I will still have some SE’s with the remaining 11 or 12 cycles of HP but I won’t feel as sick. So, cycle 6 ends in mid January, then it will take 6-8 weeks for my blood cell levels to recover, so by March I should be feeling better. This is encouraging and so much better than thinking I have to wait until September for ‘better’.

    That brings my story up to date. I think about you all and pray for us, all, too.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Bridget- I teamed up watching you ring the bell. I’m so happy that so many of us are finishing chemo or moving on to targeted therapies that are hopefully gentler on the system.

    Turkeypoult- sorry you’re still experiencing so many side effects, I hope it gets better with just the HP.

    Hugs to all of us


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    OMG Bridget! I am crying tears of happiness for you!!!

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all, just wanted to say with all the preparations we go thru for thanksgiving, I am pausing to tell each of you how grateful and thankful I am that i found you all. I know we all have plenty to be thankful for and I count us all as blessed to be sharing this road. God bless us all, and Happy Thanksgiving

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    I saw my MO today and everything is looking good. I go back on Monday to get a Zolodex injection to shut my ovaries down and restart Tamoxifen. Once they verify my ovaries have shut down I’ll be switched to an Aromatase Inhibitor. I also see my PS next week to get my first tissue expander fill. I’m excited to be starting next steps.

    Gamb - I am also very grateful to have found this group. Y’all are all wonderful and I think of y’all daily.

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Gamb - I am thankful for you all so very much!! We are all blessed through the good times and bad. You ladies have given me a strength I didn’t know I needed!

    TMH - good luck with the first fill!!! And with the Tamoxifin/Ai.

    I hope everyone is able to enjoy this holiday!!

    Love to you all!!

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Had my 4th TCHP today, just 2 more to go, I haven’t been myself lately side effects pretty rough, labs showed low potassium and phosphorus, gave meds, adjusted some diarrhea meds, felt great after they kicked in, lunch had a blackened chicken wrap, with spicy lime and avocado salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, and sour cream, so good, ate the whole thing, and no Nasty D probably gained back those 6 lbs I lost the past 3 weeks, also NP and Dr, examined me, 2:00 tumor, can’t feel, 3:00 tumor, flat, barely palpable, no swollen lymph nodes felt today!!

    Just wanted to say I’m very Thankful this year for this group, I feel your presence every day, hugs, wishing y’all the best and blessed Thanksgiving ever,

    My three Sons and their spouses have the meal covered for Thursday, except I am preparing mashed potatoes, dressing and gravy, y’all know nobody can do this like Nana!! Lol we are having prep time as usual tomorrow night, 6:00ish Est, you get to watch grands finely chop celery and onions! And break up cornbread and biscuits,

    Sorry for the long post, I’m just very humbled and blessed, to have y’all

    Happy Thanksgiving much love to all

    We got this even when we are not sure!


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Linda, great news!!!! Happy Thanksgiving

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Linda - Awesome news! Makes it feel like this is all worth it. 😊

    It's been a whirlwind couple of days for me. I just got home from 2 nights in the hospital but am feeling ok now. Had Taxol number 1 on Thursday. Felt ok, just super tired. Then on Monday evening I had a fever and weird rash on my sides, so off we went to the ER. I had an elevated white blood cell count so at first they thought I had an infection so started IV antibiotics right away, and steroids for the rash. To make a long story short, I have super power bone marrow as the Dr put it and the combination of my body making white blood cells on its own, and the grastofil injections I take for 8 days every cycle were causing my WBC count to skyrocket (65,000 at one point). And the rash was caused by a delayed allergic reaction to the Taxol, even though I had no issues on treatment day.

    So I get to take a 3 day break from needles, have cream for rash, and am back home. Will have a new medication that's normally used for asthma to take prior to next Taxol treatment to hopefully prevent another reaction.

    I hope you are all doing well. Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the US. 😊

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Happy Thanksgiving you guys!!

  • Patty66
    Patty66 Member Posts: 45


    Hope the turkeys are suitable for all tastebuds. We are only going to cook our turkey dinner on Saturday as we are in Germany and the kids still have school, soccer, the whole nine yards till Friday...

    Sending virtual hug

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Today, and every day, I am thankful for your support. I hope you all are having a wonderful day!

  • Dottybird
    Dottybird Member Posts: 25

    Happy Black Friday everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! My taste buds are still MIA, but am sure they will return... eventually...

    Ange743 and those still doing chemo, hang in there! Next year will be our year.

    As for me, chemo is a gift that keeps on giving. My eyes have been watering since my last chemo. I have used drops and warm compresses, but no luck. It is hard to work or do anything. My MO said that docetaxel can cause your tear ducts to be blocked. Sometimes so extreme it requires surgery. Blech! I have an appointment with the eye doctor on Monday.

    Tuesday I was planning on returning full time to the office, where I told no one about my cancer. Being bald (wearing a wig or scarf) will be obvious enough, hopefully I won't also have gross tearing, goopy eyes without lashes. Sad

    Has everyone been telling their co-workers or avoiding it or something in between? During chemo, since I took public transportation, I tried to come in on quiet days and sat in less occupied areas to avoid germs.

    Have a great weekend and take care!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I had watery eyes after TC 3 & 4. It finally resolved this week (3 1/2 weeks after chemo 4).

    I didn’t tell anyone at work except my boss until my LOA for surgery in August. Then I only told my immediate group and select leadership.

    As time has passed, word has spread and most people now know. It’s fine, I’ve worked at the same company for 25 years, they know I’m a private person. I’ve had respectful offers of help and inquiries as to how I’m doing but nothing intrusive.


  • Patty66
    Patty66 Member Posts: 45

    Hi Gals,

    Just wanted to say: celebration with turkey over here today... 3 out of 4 months of chemo done. Last infusion in 27 days. No more red devil after that 👹 (of course, he’s been an awesome brother in arms for this battle).

    Hoping each one of you still in the race to the finish is getting close, too, and feels encouraged!


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    I hope everyone in the US is enjoying their Thanksgiving holiday! I was able to taste most dishes but not the turkey. Go figure.

    I’ve had a weepy eye off an on but now my eyes are really dry feeling. At this point, I look at myself as one big science experiment!

    Some of my co-workers know about my cancer but I will present at a big meeting next week where a lot more people will figure it out. I’m just going to get up and say my peace and get to the work stuff.

    I’ve really had a good, long, productive weekend with lots of rest in between. I’m looking forward to getting chemo treatment #5 behind me on the 10th and the side effects really past me by Christmas. Light is beginning to shine at the end of the tunnel

  • Dottybird
    Dottybird Member Posts: 25

    Thank you Tracy and Angie. It is good to know I am not alone and I like the science experiment notion - it fits! Not sure why my MO went to worst case scenario with more doctors and surgery instead of just saying to wait a little longer and see if it goes away. She does like to remind me that I am high risk for recurrence and mets Everytime I see her (in case I forgot...), so maybe that is just her style.

    BTW, is it me being more aware of them or are there many more metastatic breast cancer commercials on TV now? I change the channel each time they appear.

    Thanks for the work insight. We will see. I just don't want to be the Cancer Girl, or pitied, or anything like that. I have a big office with a lot of teleworkers so people might not even notice.

    My PDMX is in February. I am doing DIEP reconstruction. PS told me to gain weight over the holidays. 😁 They never tell you that! It is a long time away but I am sure it will be here soon.

    Bridget, I looked into Livestrong at my local Y and they don't have it. They thought it was a good idea though and want to join.

    Hope you all are well!

  • Monkey0299
    Monkey0299 Member Posts: 28

    Dottybird, Angie and Tracy,

    I am having the same tearing eye issue from the taxotere. It is driving me insane. I have an appointment scheduled with an ophthalmologist on 12/16. I am hoping it resolves by then, but at least I’ll have an appointment on the books in case it doesn't.

    I am curious what your doctor says today, Dottybird. I need an implant revision surgery this spring so I would prefer not to have tear duct surgery as well. I’ll be 3 weeks PFC on Wednesday.

    Hope everyone is doing well.


  • Patty66
    Patty66 Member Posts: 45

    Hi Everyone,

    Heading straight into TAC 5 tomorrow morning- hoping for less disgusting taste in my mouth thereafter, less of a red face, fatigue, depression and allover malaise but it will probably be the same as before again...

    My kids and I made a calendar counting down the days till last chemo end of this month. A nice little moment when I get to cut off another paper circle from the chain hanging in our kitchen.

    Hope we can all soon talk about chemo in the past tense!

    Love, over and out

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Saw my MO today and got my first Zolodex injection to shut down my ovaries. I also started Tamoxifen again this last Friday. In 3 months, assuming that the Zoladex puts me the rest of the way into menopause, I'll switch from Tamoxifen to an Aromatase Inhibitor.

    The needle for the Zoladex was HUGE! The nurse had me hold ice over the injection site for 10 minutes before injection, and I didn't feel it, but the thing looked like a railroad spike LOL

    Hugs to everyone!


  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    Headed into week 5 of Taxol. This chemo is treating me very well. Fatigue is the main side effect. Some diarrhea too. But managed easily. December will have 5 treatment weeks. If I stay on track that will leave only 3 treatments remaining in January. I feel like December will go by fast. I just hope there are no more surprises that delay treatment.

    Our Thanksgiving was very quiet. Just the two of us. My neighbor is hosting us this Friday for a Thanksgiving dinner because they had an army on Thanksgiving and I’m really avoiding crowds. A really generous thing to do for us.

    I think of you all daily and pray for all of us each night. I hope chemo is treating each of you as kindly as possible.


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Patty - I hear ya on hoping the taste thing gets better. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that, until chemo is behind me for good, I just need to assume I won’t be able to taste anything or have a weird taste in my mouth for almost two weeks. I did find that popping Lemonhead candy every once in a while cleanses that palate and give me a little reprieve. I love the paper chain idea!!

    Tracy - Yowza!! That needle would have freaked me out! Hope all goes well with the Zoladex!

    Marily - Glad to heat Taxol is being kinder to you. You deserve a break for sure! Enjoy your Thanksgiving with the neighbors.

    This is the week that my tastebuds come back so I had a piece of chocolate cake to test the waters. Mmmm mmm good!

    Here’s to better days, ladies!! We’re all going to get there!

  • Dottybird
    Dottybird Member Posts: 25

    Hi all- I went to the eye doctor and he said my tear ducts are not blocked, the watering is just a fun side effect. It has lessened a lot as I reach the 3 week mark. The skin around my eyes is dry from all tear drying so the Doctor gave me a special lotion from Bausch & Laumb. He also mentioned continued use of a warm compress to keep the pores open as my lashes regrow (I lost every other one...).

    Jodi, hope your eyes feel better!

    I have heard about those needles! That would be one perk of an oopherectomy, no giant needles.

    Best wishes all, my taste buds are coming back, woo hoo!

  • Patty66
    Patty66 Member Posts: 45

    Sitting in the chemo chair just now 😷

    Tracy, thanks so much for sharing all your experiences with the follow-up treatments. As surely many of us will have a similar regiment it is very helpful to know what to expect. Do you have SEs? How do you feel with these meds? Were you already in menopause before? Just asking cause I was right in the middle of it when all this started and now wondering if they will give me the same treatment

    Thank you for your prayers, Marily! Will join you.

    Angie, thanks for rhe lemonhead tip, will try...

    Best wishes to all of you!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Turkeypoult - Did the car get delivered? I hope so and that you were able to enjoy the moment. I hope you're doing better. Sounds like you've been having a rough time.

    Tracy - Keep us updated on how your hormonal therapy is going. I'm not sure when they'll start mine (they are pushing me to do rads, but I'm probably not going to), but thanks for the warning about the needle. I hate needles, so I'll be sure to close my eyes the whole time!!! I see my Onc on the 19th, so I'm hoping she'll get me scheduled in soon after, maybe first week of January?

    AngieB - I feel like one big science experiment, too! Hopefully a successful one....

    Linda - That's great news! I hope that made Thanksgiving even sweeter for you.

    Ange743 - Wow! That's some reaction! I'm glad you're okay and hope they've figured out how to make the rest of your treatments go smoothly.

    Patty66 - It's a great feeling to be done. You're getting there! So close!!!

    Dottybird - I change the channel on those commercials, too. My reminder is in the mirror every day. That's enough. I want to try to get back to some normalcy and not think about "C" so much!

    Jodi - Congrats on being done!!!!!!!! I hope your eye issue resolves soon.

    Marily - I'm glad Taxol is treating you better than AC did. Enjoy your second Thanksgiving!!!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    All is well with me. I'm three and a half weeks PFC. My taste buds are about 80% back. My energy level is getting a lot better. I am still having some swelling in my feet and chest on and off. It's mild, but annoying. I'm going to give it another week and call it in if it doesn't resolve, just to be sure. I've read that it might continue for months. But, better safe than sorry. I got some mild neuropathy in my feet, but it has already improved a lot. Thankfully, my hands and fingers are fine.

    Still doing weekly physical therapy for range of motion in my right arm. I've got it up to 165 degrees! Not far to go. It's improved a lot!

    Next up is the ovarian suppression shot and taking the daily AI. I hope SE's are mild. I already feel so damaged by the DMX and chemo. I'm ready to heal my body. I know I won't feel or look the same, but I am looking forward to feeling better and finding my new normal.

    We celebrated my final chemo and taste buds returning with a sushi lunch a few days ago. We've also planned a family vacation to Disneyland for next year. I may not feel awesome at that point, but I'm going to go and make the most of it!!!

  • ACchaos
    ACchaos Member Posts: 42

    *hugs to everyone. And extra congrats to the bell ringers!

    What a crazy last few weeks. My stepfather passed away unexpectedly. Fortunately, I was able to go be supportive to my mom with a heavy duty mask on. There was some serious paranoia as I sat in the ER, thinking about how this was like the worst place I could be for a few hours.

    Then I had my fourth AC, which unfortunately bottomed out my WBC, so I had a delay on starting Taxol for an extra week. I also caught a cold, which felt like such a normal thing. Weird to embrace the normalcy of getting a cold, but it was kind of a moment of calm.

    Anyway, after the delay, I start Taxol today. I had an appt with my oncologist today an am a little apprehensive about side effects to be. But I'm armed with an extra large bottle of Tylenol for after and ice pack socks and bottles of frozen water for during.

    I've got four Taxol cycles to go. I'm counting down to the last infusion. And then getting my port removed. And then the reconstruction. By my count, it'll be almost a year from diagnosis to return to completing all the treatments and surgeries. Whew.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    Do you have SEs? This is my third time on Tamoxifen. I took it in 2000 after my initial DX, and started taking it again in 2016 after being DX with ADH (pre-cancerous). Tamoxifen hasn't been terrible. My main side effects have always been weight gain, hot flashes, and achy joints. I've never been on Zoladex or an AI before, so I'll keep ya'll posted on how the SEs for those are. I feel like I've already had most of the anticipated SEs after going through chemo....

    How do you feel with these meds? So far, so good. Just a little achy, and my hot flashes have increased. But then again, this was happening during chemo so it may be the meds or it may still be SEs from the Chemo.

    Were you already in menopause before? No I wasn't. I was on Tamoxifen, but still having periods every 28 days like clockwork. I missed my period when I had my mastectomy in Auugust, which I understand is quite common, and it showed up a month late - on my first day of chemo (arrgghhh LOL) in September. I did not have a period in October or November, which is most likely due to chemo. They tested my hormones before giving me the Zoladex, and they were (and I quote) "All over the place". They will recheck my hormones in 3 months to confirm that I have moved into menopause, then I'll move from Tamoxifen to the AI. From what I understand you need to be in menopause (naturally or chemically induced) to take the AI, thus the need for me to take the Zoladex.

    To be honest, I'm not thrilled taking Tamoxifen. I was taking Tamoxifen when my current tumor developed, and it's highly ER+ (95%) and PR+ (68%). I'm not sure that I metabolize it as I should. For this reason I don't trust Tamoxifen, and I'm more than ready to move on to the AI. My MO has me on Tamoxifen in the interim because she feels it's better than not taking hormone therapy at all.

    I'll definitely keep everyone posted on my experiences with SEs so we can all compare notes! It's been really helpful to me to see what the rest of us are experiencing as we've moved through our journeys.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    <Waving> Hi ACchaos!

    I'm happy to see you've moved on from AC to Taxol. I hope it's kinder with regards to SEs.

    I'm sorry to hear about your stepfather, but glad you were in a place to be there for your mom. I've had a cold for the last couple of weeks, and I too was like "oh, what a normal thing! I have a cold LOL" After dealing with surgery and chemo, a cold was a walk in the park.

