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Starting Radiation October 2019



  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    petite1: It's not funny but it is funny that everyone ended up with the same cut. I guess that's the only cut that they were taught.

    I've had three days of better pain. Yay! I had PT this morning. I like the therapist but I also wish they would give me some massage or hot water treatment to go along with the exercises.

    I'm planning on painting my living room, hall and kitchen and changing out the tile in my bathroom. I've been trying to decide on color and style of tile for weeks. I'm so confused and wish someone would just step in and make a decision for me. Dang, I have a hard time trying to pick a matching outfit to wear most days!

    I hope you and mocame are doing well.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    Kamboka, I think at HomeDepot they have people that can help you those choices. It might be Loew's. You bring in a picture and they scan it and use a program where you can see the different colors and tiles in you house.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Petite1 - That's weird and funny at the same time! I would find a new hairdresser too.

    Kamboka - I'm glad you are seeing improvement. Do you think it's from the meds or PT? You are so busy! As far as colors and styles, are you on Pinterest? We have been working on finishing our basement for almost 2 years and I've been looking at different colors schemes and decor for it on Pinterest.

    My husband and I have been away the past 2 weekends so I haven't been around much. Plus work is really busy too, especially since I have stuff to do before I have to quarantine and have surgery the beginning of December. This weekend we went away to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. It was supposed to be a week long trip out-of-state but COVID put an end to that so we just did the weekend and went to an area about 1 hour away. It was a nice and relaxing time.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    mocame: Glad to hear that you had a relaxing anniversary weekend. COVID is putting a hamper on a lot of things that folks had planned. At least you got the weekend. I know you told us this but why do they make you quarantine before surgery. I can see that after the COVID test 24-48 hours before surgery, they would want you to lay low. How long is this quarantine? I can't believe that October is almost over. December will be here soon and you'll finally get that surgery.

    petite1: I finally got smart and realized that I should just buy the tiles and bring them home. I suffered through about an hour of standing and walking to collect about 12 samples. It cost $55 but the lady said I could bring them back within 60 days and get a full refund. I'm getting closer. :)

    Did I also mention that I've got to decide on the paint color for the rest of the house. I went to my neighbors today and saw her color. I will use that but now need to get an accent color to go with it. I need to do one more trip to the paint store for some sample. I swear I have well over 30 samples now.

    I wanted to go vote today but drove by two spots and there were lines. It wasn't long lines but my back and leg jsut hurt so bad. I should have done absentee but now I'm planning on going at 645 am tomorrow to see if I can get in and out quickly.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    mocame, Congratulation on 25 yrs. We have 26 years of being together and 11 years of marriage. We have known each other since we were 12. I did not care for him at 12. He was an obnoxious brat. Sometimes I still see that in him, well, maybe it is frequently. LOL We usually go away to celebrate, but not last year. This year we are planning to, but not to a city or any COVID hot spot. I think it will be a weekend wander.

    Kamboka, One of my friends went to vote yesterday and stood in the line. She said she was determined to get it done. We was going to go today, but found 2 junk stores going out of business. I got a beautiful Stone Mountain leather purse for $0.25. That was my big hit for the day. I also got 6 wine glasses for $0.06 a piece. I also picked up an Adolfo carry on for $1.00 that I used to carry all my treasures.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    petite1: I'm envious of your great finds. Even the thrifty stores here don't seem to have a lot of stuff under a dollar. I used to live near Stone Mountain and remember going there and buying a purse at almost full price. It was very sturdy.

    I started out at 6:45 this morning and went to the polling place close to my house. There was a line already. I then drive a few miles further to the beach. There was a smaller line. When I got there, the volunteer said that from where we were, it would only be about 10 minutes. He was correct. I was in and out in 20 minutes. I was so glad because I had to sit down inside the place for a few minutes to get the blood flowing to my leg before I could vote. I proudly wore my "I voted early" sticker all day.

    Did I mention last week that my ex-husband died? I still think about what a nice conversation we would have had reminiscing about JAX. Also was wondering what my life would have been like had we stayed together. There's good and bad in every relationship.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Petite1 - That's funny that you thought he was an obnoxious brat as a child...and now. LOL. Those were great finds! Nothing is that cheap at our stores. I never seem to hit them just right and now I'm going through my house and giving stuff to the thrift stores so I dont want to be bringing stuff back in! Haha! We dont have cable so I've never seen the show Hoaders until our weekend away. I watched a few episodes and just wanted to drive home and go through my house to get rid of things!

    Kamboka - I'm glad you got to vote and didnt have to wait long. We can only vote at one specific place and cant vote early. I'm not looking forward to standing in line for a long time. I probably will have to do it after work because I wont have enough time before work and not be late.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    mocame, LOL the store was going out of business. It didn't survive the shut down and needs to get rid of everything. When I buy something, then a like item has to go. I have been doing that for years because I use to move so much.

    Kamboka, I am glad you got to vote without waiting so long.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    mocame: sorry you guys don't have early voting. I do like to vote in person as I love the environment surrounding the excitement that everyone has. I don't think I've voted on election day in over 20 or more years. When I'm overseas, it's absentee. I laughed when I read your comment on 'hoarders'. I tell my mom all the time that she's a 'clean' hoarder.

    I've got to go through about 15 boxes of clothes that's been packed away for years. Some of the stuff is new with tags. I have about six different sizes. I was going to wait until I had the surgery but I might do it earlier. My 'play' niece is coming in December for a week or two so I might make that a project for us to do. In fact, there might be some things that she would like to have. I've got about a dozen formal dresses that I might try to sell on Facebook. The other stuff will go to charity.

    Today, I'm getting my floor tiles cleaned and sealed. Friday is the reglazing of the tub and counter. I'm trying not to have debt so I'm draining my savings account. :) I think cancer has given me a new lease on life. I need to enjoy the time I have as I don't know when it might end. Smile

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Kamboka - Can you take some of the clothing to a consignment shop? Then maybe you can get some money back on them? You are so busy!

    For me, after the first time I had cancer, things didn't change too much. My kids were young and I still needed to raise them into responsible adults (we will see how that ends up. LOL.). I did change my eating habits more and what I put into my body but life went on and I was busy. This 2nd time is different. I only had a 1 - 2% chance of getting the cancer back after the first time and it came back. I no longer care about having stuff or saving stuff. Money means less to me. Experiences mean more. Time spent with family and friends mean more. Doing new things and seeing new places mean more...Because I just don't know when I might not get the chance to be able to do or see them again. I am literally going through my house and getting rid of a lot of my stuff and stuff we don't use. That is why COVID has been so frustrating to me. I planned 5 trips in 2020 as part of my "getting to do and see new things" and literally all but 2 were cancelled and those 2 were stressful to go through because of the threat of possibly having to quarantine. So, Kamboka, I totally understand your wanting to enjoy life because you never know when it might end. It puts a new perspective on life.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    mocame: you so eloquently stated what I think I've been feeling. I think I just went straight to your second cancer feeling since I don't have children or a husband to think about. After getting word about the death of my ex-husband, I even accelerated the desire to live to the fullest. I wish I could have done like you with the eating. Eating is my go to--it's my drug. So, you see how hard it is for me to give that up. I don't drink, smoke, etc. I eat when I'm happy, bored, sad, etc. That's why I'm hoping this surgery will help take that desire away. If I can lose weight maybe I'll do more exercise.

    Today, they reglazed my bath tub and counter. It's white and looks so much cleaner. The original was off white with gray veining. It always looked dirty. I also had the handyman come to plant all these flowers that I ordered. I must have a hundred. I just placed them willy nilly. I'll see if they survive. If they do and it doesn't look good, I'll pull them up.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    I forgot to mention that I'm having some stress incontinence at night. I think it's part of this nerve damage. (Dang that taxol). The other day I saw this TV ad about some pants called Innova. Well, I order them and started yesterday. You are supposed to use them for 30 minutes five days a week for three months, then less often. It's electrical currents that make your pelvic muscle contract. It's supposed to strengthen them. We'll see. It was a little costly so I filed through my insurance. I had a clinical note from my doctor saying I had new incontinence so I hope they pay. I'll keep you updated.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    Not sure if you all go to the picture thread. I posted this on Sunday and wanted to share. Sunday was a beautiful clear day.


  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Kamboka - You are so busy! I guess keeping busy is a good thing. I'm too busy right now and it stresses me out because I feel like I never get enough done in a day. I never heard of those pants before. I'm so glad we live in a time when they can actually DO something about these SEs and you don't have to just live with them. I love your picture. So pretty! It looks like you live in a beautiful area.

    Yesterday was a disaster for me. I overslept and didn't have time to work out. I got to work and locked my keys in my car. My husband had to bring my spare set to me later in the day. I made stupid mistakes at work. I accepted a friend request from an elderly lady (89) I know, only to get messaged by "her" trying to get me into a scam. I figured she either was hacked or she was scammed out of money so I had to call her to explain to her what was going on. Unfortunately, but thankfully, her account was hacked and she wasn't scammed out of money. Then I went grocery shopping and couldn't find my credit card. My button on my driver's side window of my car broke and it went up and down when I pushed it. I finally got it to go up and stay there. And I was so tired the rest of the day. I just wanted to go back to bed and stay there.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    Good morning, ladies. I agree. As we have been given a second chance at life, experience and pleasure are important. As I am typing, we had an offer on vacant land we have had on the market for 15 years. It is 1.5 acres in a little town called Inglis. It is across the street from the river and densely wooded. In my mind I have built 100 different houses on it. Everytime we started to do something with it someone would "rain on our parade." At this point in time, I think we should dump it and just move on. If we want to live there, buy an existing house. We did counter the offer and see what happens. I have built 2 homes in my life, one was a custom and the other I picked out a model and made modifications. Like I said I use to move a lot. The real estate market has been very good for me.

    I love the picture!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    Kamboka, Did you mention at one time that you had sleep apnea and oxygen desaturation? Sometimes incontinence occurs with that. Just a thought...

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    mocame: I was tired just reading about everything that happened to you during the day. It does seem like when it rains, it pours. Not sure if that is true or we are just more perceptive about what's going on around us after 1-2 issues. Either way, it's not always fun. Didn't I tell you about when I moved to my house a few months ago, was waiting on the cable guy, and locked myself out of the house? Years ago, I was doing some consulting work at an inner city hospital. I locked my keys in the car. This was a part of town that my car could easily have been stolen. I had to call the locksmith. It took them hours and hours because it was a snowy day and everything got slowed down. Maybe you won't have another crazy day for a while.

    petite1: I do have sleep apnea. I didn't know that. I was just relating it to my nerve damage. After weeks, the spine doctor's nurse got back to me about the muscle weakness. She is recommending the nerve test. I wrote her back and said 'no thanks'. I had that done in January and it's excruciatingly painful.

    I envy you the real estate involvement. At this age, I wished I had bought several properties when I was younger. I have an auntie that has several properties and she gets to collect extra income. They are actually well off so I think it might just be something to keep her busy in her retirement. The inventory is low now so I guess the prices are high. Soon, we'll have more bankruptcies and the prices will come down. If I were selling, I'd do it now. I paid a little more than I wanted to for this house because there was little inventory.

    Tomorrow the painter comes to start. Can you believe it that I'm only 75% sure of what colors I want? :)

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Kamboka & Petite1 - It's funny you all are talking about real estate. We were looking at a property yesterday that would have fit us well...About 10 to 15 years ago. My husband needs a bigger building for his business. He has been using our garage and he has needed a bigger building for years but can't find anything nearby. My husband saw this listing yesterday and it would work but it comes with 10 acres of land (too much work at our age), a house that, although part has recently been remodeled, still needs some work, and is above what we can afford to go into debt for especially at our age. It definitely is a sellers market.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    Hi, Ladies. The contract fell through. He found out what it would cost to clear it and backed out. Oh well. It is a sellers market, but what goes up, will come down. After the foreclosure and eviction COVID-19 hold opens back up, the market will be flooding I am afraid. That will drive the market down.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    petite1: sorry the deal fell through. It's still a hot market so maybe you'll get a new offer soon. I've been trying to sell some furniture and Facebook has changed the layout. I'm thinking folks can't navigate it so I'm not getting any hits. I don't want to lose too much but I need to make some room in my garage. After awhile I'll have to just send them to a Charity.

    mocame: Everyday that I'm outside trying to do something to the yard, I think about the extra work for me. It's not really my age, but the condition of my body, that is slowing me down. :( It's so hard to get the perfect package. If it's the right building, the propoerty is wrong or vice versa.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    Good morning, ladies. Sunrise over the pool cage.


  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    Nothing like sunrises and sunsets!

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Beautiful picture, Petite1! Living across from an open field, we get spectacular sunsets. It's one of the reasons I don't want to ever move from here.

    I've been working a little extra at work trying to get ahead before I have my surgery in December. November and December starts our busy time due to budget and end-of-year stuff. Being in finance/accounting, we can't take off much around the holidays. I had to turn down a cheap trip to NC to the beach between Christmas and New Year because of that. I would still be on lifting restrictions then anyway so I wouldn't be able to even lift my suitcase. LOL.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    Hi, Ladies. It is a little cooler today. i opened the house up this morning and aired the house out. It was very pleasant.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    It was a wonderfully crisp day, especially this morning at 645 when I headed to PT. I met up with a colleague who is here visiting her parents and we went to Micklers beach and did a little walk. It was a quiet beach.

    mocame: too bad you have to give up the trip to the beach. I was told that if I get my surgery I'll have similar restricts for a month. The problme will be that I forget it and lift sometime inadvertently.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    Good morning. I had to wear a hoodie to do my morning walk. Many people enjoying the weather and walking.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    I bought treats for Halloween, not knowing what the community was doing. It started raining just as the sun when down. No kids so I'm stuck with treats. Luckily, I didn't get candy but got 100 calorie packs of pringles and goldfish. Now, if I can just have one a day. :)

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,086

    I'm happy to say that at 8:00 I got my first trick or treaters and the last at 9:00. I only had 10 so I gave everyone double treats. One kid had the cuties costume. I think he made it. He was a ghost in all white sacks with black trim. On his head he had a white gallon bucket with a face painted on it. I guess that was the best mask ever.

    Today, I ordered a medium pizza to be delivered. The fellow came with two. I questioned him and said I'd only ordered one. He said maybe it was a special. I started eating it but thought the meat was fairly bland. I wrapped up the rest of that one and the whole other one for the freezer. Twenty minutes later, the fellow returns with another pizza. He said they got it mixed up so he delivered the one I was supposed to have. Now I have three pizzas in the freezer!

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 567

    Kamboka - Haha! That is so funny! Well, if there is another hurricane, power outage, or another lockdown, you won't starve! LOL!

    We live on a busy road with no sidewalk, and no shoulder, so we don't get any trick-or-treaters. Our trick-or-treat night was canceled in our area due to the heavy rain from the hurricane that went past us on Thursday. They rescheduled it for tonight but today but right now the temperatures are in the 30's but gusty winds making it feel like it's in the 20's. Opening the windows and wearing hoodies sounds really good right now and I would love to just drive down to you two and enjoy the warmth! Happy The only good part of it that I see is that my hot flashes happen less often when it's this cold. Haha.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,314

    Hi, ladies. We didn't have kids. I think several homes had special parties and the kids went then. Jim has been happy to eat the candy. I did have 3 pieces. Kamboka that is great about the pizza. mocame, it was 44 this morning, but warmed to 71.