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Starting Radiation October 2019



  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Good morning, ladies. I have a buyer wanting a refund on one of the most expensive purses. Oh well. It is one I like and maybe, once I have it back I will keep it. It is 41 this morning. I wanted to stay in my nice warm bed. LOL

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    It is hard to learn all these platforms. I think that's why I'm slow to post on Ebay. I can barely find the place to post my items.

    I've decided to host our family's reunion here in Jax. I must have been drunk when I did it. :) Anyways, I just sent out 100 email invites and addressing 225 envelopes for those without email addresses. Usually we have between 75 - 150 people that attend. Not sure about with COVID. Most of our activities are outdoorsy.

    I'm also preparing for my garage sale that I'm having on 12/3 and 12/4. I didn't realize how much stuff I have. Also, since I lost the weight, I have tons of clothes but they don't usually sell well. Hope I don't have to bring all that stuff back inside.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Kamboka, Good luck with the garage sale. Wow. That is a big reunion. It is warm and pretty today. I have a dentist appointment and meeting up with a friend, cousin in-law, for lunch. We will probably go to Crystal River and wander along the river walk.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Petite! - That walk sounds wonderful to me! It's been in the 40s as highs here and 20s overnight. But today is supposed to get up to 60 degrees!! Yay! I think a coworker and I are going for a walk at lunch.

    Kamboka - Wow, you have a large family. Do you stay in touch with each other? I have a large family on my mother's side and we would have about that many people. But we're not that close anymore since the family grew that large. I keep in touch with some and usually only see/talk with some of them at funerals.

    I've been selling about 1 item most days. Hoping to get more than that a day but I will take it. Before Q4, I was only selling 2 or 3 a week. Yesterday, I went to my thrift shop at work. They are only open 1 day a week since COVID hit. It was packed! I went right to the electronics section but the pickers/resellers were out in full force! It is a small space and while I was looking at things, one gentleman came and said he was going to squeeze into that space too (it's a very small space). I think he wanted me to leave but I wasn't budging! I looked at a number of items that either weren't good sellers because of what they are or there wasn't hardly any money to be earned because of the price they wanted so I left everything go. Except I had wanted to look at 1 item and I picked it up and put it down and forgot to check it. A younger woman came (after the gentleman left) and wanted in that space too. I left and she went right in and was looking at items. She scurried past me a few minutes later with her arms full of ALL of the items I had been looking at! Including the item I hand put down and forgot to look up! That made me realize 2 things: 1) Never put down anything until you decide you don't want it because it can be snatched by someone else and 2) I'm growing as a seller because I recognized that those items that girl grabbed were items that you can only make any money on if they were free. Progress! They did have a free table outside and I picked up a few of books that I should get about $ 75 or more for.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    mocame, Wow. That sounds like a crowded store. Some of the estate sales and garage sales are like that. I have sent my items down to pay for them and people have grabbed them. The sellers usually say something. My BFF and I were at one group yard sale. She bought an item and someone followed her and made her an offer. She sold it for $10 more than she paid for it. LOL

    Today my BFF and I are going out of area to a shopping center with several chain stores. (I am rural we have Walmart, Dollar General and Bealls). So it is an adventure. I don't usually find any thing in those stores, but I enjoy looking at the clothes and fashion stuff. I will probably pick up some guy stuff for husband, BIL, and nephews, and Brother.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    mocame: Your comment about 'growing' in the business rang true to me as well. At the beginning I was buying up all kinds of stuff that doesn't sell well. Now, I'm trying to be more discriminate. I'll only buy if it's something I want in my house or I think I can get a profit. I'm happy to hear that both of you are getting some sales now. Maybe people see that the stores don't have what they need so they turn to Ebay.

    I try to keep those things I'm interested in with me to the end and then I'll put it back if I change my mind. Most of the estate sales companies now provide either a basket for items or a closet to set you items down. So far, no one has taken my items from the closets.

    When I do my auctions, I try to go to auction houses that don't special in what I want as they sometimes have the item but because no one knows that or cares, I can sometimes get the item cheaper. For example, I get lots of coins in auctions selling other things and not just coins.

    petite1: Sounds like fun to have a shopping day with your friend. I hope you had a nice lunch that went along with the shopping trip.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Kamboka, My shopping did not go as planned. I couldn't find what I wanted for gifts, but I found a few articles of clothing for myself. Saturday we are going to the seafood festival in Yankeetown. Vendors set up along the main road and I usually find some treasures. There are a couple community yard sales we will hit while we are there. I also will check the Crystal River mall for the gifts I want to get. Rural King is the main store. It was a nice mall 25 years ago with Sears, JC Penny's, chain jewelry stores, shoe store, clothing shops, but all gone, now. Sad

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    It so weird that most malls are gone. I remember their heyday. I've got five estate sales tomorrow. I actually don't like shopping in stores as it requires so much walking and in the past, my back was hurting and I'd be in so much pain. I can do the walking now but since we are having our Thrifty Gifty Green Christmas Exchange, I only need to talk to my estate sales. I did note about three neighborhood yard sales for tomorrow. If I have time, I'll hit some of them. I'm leaving very early Sunday to go to my mom's for the week. I still have to work three days while I'm there.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    At my mom's house in TN. Drove about six hours today to go to my dad's grave to clean it and place flowers. The sun was out and it was a nice drive. Mom got to see an old friend that she hadn't seen in years since she moved after dad died. A nice day all around.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    I picked up a few things from the vendors at the festival. I lost one of my packages I was mailing Monday. It did not make it to the post office, so I am hoping to find it some where in the house. I went ahead and sent the person a refund. I have looked every place that I could pick of.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Petite1 - I hope you find it! I have had to move almost all of my inventory I had been storing in my daughter's room since she is home now for Thanksgiving break and will be home again in 2 weeks. I'm hoping I remember where I put stuff if it sells.

    Kamboka - I hope you have a great time with your mom.

    My sales dropped off to zero now. I'm hearing that from other sellers too so I'm hoping people are just waiting for Black Friday to shop. I'm at my highest amount of inventory I have ever had so far and I want these things to go!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    mocame, I still haven't found it. I have checked drawers, boxes, my pockets, under the bed, my purses and the purses for sale. The buyer seems understanding and has bought from me before. I have until the 27th to cancel the label.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Hope you have a great day with family and friends.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    I hope both of you had a great Thanksgiving! I have been so busy between working full-time, Thanksgiving, Christmas, ebay, and my kids being home for a week that my head is spinning. My sales have picked up but I wish it was still more than it is. I sold 5 things over the weekend. Last Wednesday, the thrift shop at work had a Fill A Bag for $5.00 sales and I stuffed that bag and I am excited for what I got. I just don't have time to list anything.

    Petite - Did you find it in time to ship?

    Kamboka - How was your time with your mom?

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    mocame, Everything has shipped and I found the missing watch and it has shipped. Still trying to sell all those purses, but I am in the profit mode. Every time I think well this hasn't sold, maybe I will keep it, it sells. That sounds like a good sale. I am going to one on Thursday, after my PCP appointment. I am hoping for some good stuff.

    Kamboka, How was Thanksgiving?

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    I'm glad to hear that sales are going well. My mom and I drove six hours on Sunday to Biloxi to the casino--that was part of my mom's birthday gift. Then we drove seven hours to Jax. My work is super busy since that new omicron was discovered. I work in the southern Africa region. It was non-stop today since I was off on Monday. Mom and I are also trying to get my yardsale stuff ready. This is my first one in a long time. Where do you advertise these sales? In fact, I have three hours of calls on Friday and mom said she'd be okay to handle most of it. I will take my computer outside and have my headset on. Only in one hour do I have to lead the call. The weather should be in the 70s and sunny. I'm hoping to get a lot of this stuff gone.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Kamboka - I advertise my yard sale on Facebook (on the local yard sale FB pages), and Craigslist. Also the big place right now is on The Yard Sale Treasure Map app that you can place on your phone that will show you where local yard/garage sales are and show them to you on a map. I haven't done that yet, though but I hear great things about it.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    mocame: Thanks for the tip about the new app. I did manage to get it on FB and Craigslist. I've got to get my signs up early tomorrow. I'd do it tonight but afraid someone will steal them. We have staged them but need to move the tables outside of the garage. My work has had me in 8 calls today plus trying to do all the things associated with the calls. what a week! I so hope next week is quieter. My mom has been a great help with staging my sale.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    I just went to the Yardsale app and my sale was already there. Maybe it got automatically posted from Nextdoor neighbor. I so hope I can get rid of some things so I don't have to bring them back in.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Good! I hope your yard sale goes well!

    I had a sale yesterday on ebay. I printed my shipping label and when I went to weigh the package again to double-check, it showed my package was in a higher weight/price! I was in a hurry to get to work so I voided that label and printed another one at the higher rate. But now I paid twice for the same package. When I went to the post office, they weighed it for me and it was the lower weight/price! Ugh! This is the 2nd time my scale messed up but this time I actually printed the label. Sometimes it would show a weight on the scale and I would zero it out only for it to go back on...and there was nothing on or around the scale. Now I have to wait and see if USPS will give me a refund. If not, I just paid over half the $ of the sale in shipping fees. :(

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    mocame: I think I overpay all the time on Ebay as I just do estimates. Hope you can get your refund. I opened up a package from Ebay on Thursday for a Lladro. The seller had not wrapped it well and it was broken. I just sent it back but it was a piece I really wanted.

    Our garage sale went really well. My poor mom had to man the booth for about three hours by herself on Friday as I had three hours of back to back calls. We made about $450 on Friday and $200 today. The most expensive thing I had was an antique chair for $40. I had loads of clothes and got rid of about 25% of them. At the end, I was just charging a dollar for nice clothes. I just didn't want to have to pack them all up again. I have one box for the charity store and the others, I'll save for my next sale.

    After our sale ended at 1230, we headed out to three estate sales. We have two to hit on Sunday.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Wow, you ladies have been busy. My HOA won't let anyone do yard sales, but you can do estate sales through a professional company. I took a load to the thrift store the other day. All the junk that was store under the bed is gone. They maybe getting a load of Vera Bradley purses, if they don't hurry up and sell. I went to an estate sale on Thursday and bought a lot of silver jewelry. I don't usually do well with it, but I got it at a good price. It should carry me through December.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    I had some items at the auction house and it wasn't great. My Dooney Bourke unused bag sold for only $5. Three of my Lladros did not sell at all. Maybe it's the economy or d/t it being near Christmas. I'll start again next year with the auctions.

    Mom and I hit three estate sales on Saturday and two on Sunday. I think we spend back half our proceeds from the garage sale but we got some really nice things. One house was from a Russian artist. Everything in her house was either self-created works or nice unique artsy things. We stayed there a long time and got lots of stuff. I'll have to send a photo of one of the unique pieces that I purchased when I get my phone to download.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    Here are two of my treasure from the artsy house.



  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Kamboka, Those are so cool and unique. I love Dooney purses. I would have scooped that up in a heart beat. I went to an estate sale on Thursday and bought a bunch of silver jewelry. I went back on Saturday and bought more. I got better deals on what I bought on Saturday. Most I will try to sell before Christmas, as they will make nice gifts. I have a lot of Ross Simons bracelets. They have real gemstones and nicely made. I did not get too much vintage items, which I prefer, but generally people don't buy vintage for gifts, they buy it for themselves or to resell.

    I still have many Vera Bradley purses from last month. I have the wallets and change purses down to $2 and the purses at $5 and $6. I have 4 of the leather ones left. One I really dislike, one I will probably keep and use, two I have mixed feelings about. If they don't sell by the end of the month, I will take them to Goodwill or one of the other thrift stores.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Kamboka - Those are beautiful! Sounds like you had a good yard sale. I never make that much money on mine.

    Petite1 - Sounds like you hit a good sale.

    I have been selling 1 or 2 items most days of the week right now and I haven't been listing much because I haven't had time. The last 2 items I listed sold in less than 3 days. I went to my thrift store at work yesterday to just buy a vintage cookbook. Came out with 5 cookbooks for a total of $4.50. I'm hoping to make at least $30 profit on the one cookbook and will lot the rest together and hopefully get $15-$20 for those. THEN I hear the lady that runs the shop tell her workers that Christmas was over and everything Christmas is now FREE! They boxed everything up and put them outside and I got a tree skirt for a small Christmas tree at home, 2 Christmas tapestry throws (one I gave to my SIL and the other one is brand new and I will sell), an Onesco figurine, a glass poinsettia dish, 2 clear glass carolers, another figurine, a set of 4 Christmas China teacups, and a whole bunch of Christmas cards. And I they were still bringing boxes of stuff out but I was already running late getting back to work so I couldn't look more.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    mocame, That sounds like a fabulous thrift shop. I am glad you found some treasures. So far I have sold 3 pieces of jewelry out of the lot. Some I listed Make Offer and the rest auction.

    My husband is sick. These days it is scary, as I don't know if it is COVID, a cold or flu. He is a bad patient and won't even take over the counter medication unless I force him, He had to sleep sitting up in order to breathe.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    mocame: wow, you have a great thrift store at work. I'm surprised they were giving up on Christmas sales this early. Their loss is your gain. You must live close to a post office with so many sales. It take me 30-40 minutes to get back and forth to the PO. I'm happy you are getting some sales.

    petite1: Sorry to hear about your husband. After I had pneumonia with CA treatment, I had to have O2 for almost two months. It was so hard to breath. I think it's in the husband handbook to be bad patients!

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Petite1 - That's great that you sold 3 already. I'm sorry your husband is so sick. I will be praying for him. I hope he is willing to go to the doctor and find out what is wrong. Hopefully it's not COVID. COVID is pretty bad here right now that my family is considering cancelling our Christmas gathering. Our hospitals are full and it is worse now than it was last year. It's scary. The best man in our wedding came down with it. He eats healthy, is in great shape and competes in triathlons on a regular basis. He has been battling COVID for 3 weeks, has pneumonia and a blood clot in his lung. He told my husband this week that he thinks he might now be starting to improve.

    Kamboka - The post office in my town is about a 5 to 7 minute drive from my house. There is also a US post office on our property at work so that is where I usually ship my packages from. By car, it's about .75 mile away from my office. When it's nice and I have a lightweight package, I can walk there but normally I drive. I have to change my shipping label with ebay depending on which post office I plan on shipping my packages out of. I found that out pretty quickly.

    Since I work at a retirement community, the thrift shop has mostly vintage items. It is where I get most of my things to sell outside of my personal items. I think they are being pressured by management (mostly my boss, I think. She considers this stuff to be all junk) to keep it more organized and have wider walkways so I think they are getting rid of stuff they don't consider worth much. I've been picking up a number of things for free. I just sold a book that I got for free and I have a number of items to list (Baby bullet, vintage tablecloth & napkins, cassette tapes, a hand painted/etched plate from Italy, and other books.

    I know you both love glassware, jewelry, purses, etc. I've been watching a reseller that goes by the name Nurse Flipper on Youtube. I have learned so much from her and yet still have so much to learn. She puts out videos showing her shopping and buying items at thrifts stores and auctions and she does so well! Right now, I'm watching one of her videos showing her buying items from a live auction and I'm amazed at what she gets and how much they all go for. You probably know most of this stuff but you should check her out.