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Starting Radiation October 2019



  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    mocame, It is warming up today. New Smyrna is about 2 hours from me on the opposite side of the state. Sales seem to be picking up for me, too.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    mocame: So happy that the new year is bringing sales. You are so smart to work during the weekends. I goof off. maybe when I transition from this assignment in a few weeks, I'll get started with my listings. I swear, I can't walk around in my 'warehouse/exercise' room.

    New Smyrna beach is near Daytona. That's about 1 1/2 from me. We were 82 degrees last weekend but yesterday it was only 60 and breezy. I think we'll be in the low 70s for a few days this week. I love the 60 - 75 range. At least we are not 30, like my colleagues in DC. I hope it warms up a bit more for the south and she can enjoy the trip.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    I went to the Dermatologist to have a precancerous spot frozen and of course, she found a few other spots to freeze. I had a call from the GYN's office and have AV usually found in women taking Arimidex. They called in some antibiotics and said eat more yogurt and make sure the probiotics are for women's health. The AV is not the bad smelling one, that's BV. This one, the symptoms are pain and itching. It has been a busy morning.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    petite1: Seems like everything is happening at once. At least the spots were benign and you don't have BV.

    I had my urology appointment yesterday as I was having some incontinence--I think from the nerve damage. She has me doing a I&O diary today and then I'll have the scope later. Not sure if some of the meds is making this worse.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Petite1 - I'm glad the spots are benign. I had to wait over 6 months to get into a Dermatologist. My appointment isn't until April. I'm glad you could get everything taken care of.

    Kambuka - I haven't heard about the meds having an effect on it but usually I don't find out about a side effect of a med until I experience it. Ugh.

    I've been trying to list 1 or 2 items per day and I've been having almost daily sales since then. Unfortunately, with working full-time, I don't get anything else done and things are starting to get backed up. The COVID cases are so high around here that it's scary. At work they have come out with more restrictions now than we have had so far through this pandemic. My coworker's husband has been sick for 3 weeks and is now in the hospital. People all around me at work and friends have just had it or have it now. Because of that, I can't go out and do much except get groceries. I did go to the thrift shop at work yesterday but within 20 minutes of it opening it got really busy so I left without buying anything...except some free stuff they had sitting outside. I grabbed 2 bags of books that I've already sold before and an embroidered pillow I want to see if it will sell. One of the resellers I watch sells them and this one is in great shape.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    mocame: I'm so jealous of your work thrifty store with all the free and cheap stuff. Not that I could push it out yet. I'm hoping for February to be able to start back on FB and Ebay.

    When I arrived at Mayo the other day, they told me I had to switch out of my cloth mask and use the ones that they provide. That thing had more exit areas than my mask and it tore up half way in the appointment. It's something different every week. The hospital is about the only place that I wear a mask. None of our stores or estate sales require it (except one estate company). I only have three sales to hit this weekend and they don't seem too good but I'll go and see.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Good morning, ladies. I sold the gold from the Dudley's auction and used the money for my grans niece's tuition at UF. She is almost finish with her Master's in microbiology. After this she has 1 course the next and done. Yay.

    mocame, When I was still working, I would list a couple in the morning and list a couple after work. Sometimes I think that was easier then my marathon on Sunday.

    Kamboka, they must think the paper ones are better. I think I heard that somewhere. I get disgusted looking at masks tossed in the parking lots. People can be such slobs.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Good morning. Hope you two had a pleasant weekend.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    petite1: Glad you got good payback for the gold so that you can help your gran niece. Work has been way too busy for me to think about my selling. I still have three consignments at auction houses. I'm not getting much back so I'll go back to Ebay/FB. I'll have another garage sale in March, I think to get rid of some low priced items.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Kamboka, Renninger's antique extravaganza is this weekend. It is in Mount Dora. Look it up. It is probably a long drive for you (it is for me), but usually worth it. It is fun and big over 800 vendors. Many folks go for 3 days. A zillion years ago my Aunt and Uncle used to go, coming from Virginia. They would stay for 3 days. They had an antique store in Troutville, Va. She loved Carnival glass. They are long since deceased, would have been about 122 yrs old. I am going with one of my closest friends and we usually have a great time.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    I've heard of Renninger's! One of the resellers I follow (Nurse Flipper) will be there. She's from Florida too. I don't know enough about those type of items but I'm slowly learning! :)

    I've been so busy with getting the kids back to college, year-end bookkeeping, working, working on healthier eating and general life that I haven't had much time to list on Ebay and my sales have shown it. Also, we had snow and then ice here. It is currently 11 degrees outside, and they are talking about a Nor'easter this Sunday into Monday. Ugh.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Good morning. It was cold this morning and the power went off. We went back to bed to snuggle up. The black cat came with us and behaved. (for a change) Now I am moving slowly. Going back for a nap does that to me. It is 48 and going to 70. I hope I get energized.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    Funny how we Floridians talk about being so cold when it's in the 40s. I turn on the heat in the morning before I shower and some nights have to have the AC on to cool off the room to sleep. Schizophrenic!

    I'll have to look up Renninger's. I know you will have so much fun. I think there are about 10 estate sales this week. I'll try to hit a few on Saturday and some on Sunday. I like to go on the last day when it's 50% off. I wish we were like Orlando as they do 75% days. Can't wait to see what goodies you end up with.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Good morning. I am feeling more like myself and should be able to get some stuff done. I have one thing to ship, need to go to the bank and the post office is next to it. Husband wants to do date day, later. I hope I am feeling up to it.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    petite1: Did I miss you saying why you were feeling bad? Was it a cold? I hope you were able to get all your tasks done today.

    I had reached out to a new auctioneer but he came back saying that he could only take 20 items. I need to get rid of about 150.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Do either of you send out offers on ebay? Because I haven't been listing, I heard that sending out offers will help ebay's algorithm keep your sales higher up in the listings and create sales. I've tried it a few times and it hasn't worked for me.

    Both kids are officially back at college and our puppy is lonely already. :) We are expected to get snow/ice/rain this Sunday into Monday. Fun times... NOT! :)

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    mocame: Both my mom and brother in TN/NC are expecting snow on Sunday. Hopefully it will melt quickly and they don't have to drive anywhere.

    Did you all hear about the new law that will require Ebay to report anyone making over $600. Won't that effect us? Not really will affect me this year since I only made about $100 last year. I am planning to get back involved so not sure what this new ruling will do.

    I decided to 'purge' my hot tub today. I put the foaming cleaner in and didn't realize the water was too low in the tub for the jets. Well, water was shooting out 20 feet. My lovely red and brown floor rug got completely soaked. The stuff must have some bleach as the red started running. I don't have a drain on my patio so had to use my wet vac to try to suck up the water. then I tried to put new water to flush out the soap but that was just more work and a wetter carpet. I worry that the carpet will mildew since even though I tried to vacuum it, it's still so slushy. I was so pissed and tired that I had that happen. This hot tub is causing me so many problems and I can't get the particles out so I can enjoy it. I finally got the thing drained so tomorrow, I need to refill and chlorinate again.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Kamboka, Just felt aching and tired. I woke up feeling good and then went back to bed and felt bad. Joints mostly. No problem today, but the rain woke me up.

    mocame, When I had all those purses, I sent out offers to the "watchers". Some bought.

    The antiques extravaganza was a monster. There were people from all over the planet, vendors and buyers. I picked up a few things, but no treasure. It was 36 degrees when I left the house and about 70 when I got there. I dressed in layers. There was coastal flood warnings for this morning. After the sun comes up, I will check with my waterfront friends to see if they had any problems. My BFF's significant other just bought a new car. Hopefully it is high and dry.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    We didn't have the thunderstorms that they said but we had some rain this morning. It stopped at about 1000. I then took off to two estate sales that were about 25 miles away. I found a few things but nothing exciting. At least the sun had come out as I started my trip and I was done by 1230.

    petite1: Are the achy joints from the AI and weather or covid/flu? So far, the anastrozole has not caused any joint pains like my letrozole did. My mom said she was just dragging after a day of so of a mild cold. I think she might have gotten covid but that means she would now have the nature immunity.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Well, I didn't get a single sale from all of the offers I sent out. I think most of my watchers are sellers and/or old buyers that forgot to unwatch my item because I lost a lot of watchers after I put the offers out.

    Thankfully, we only got about 2 inches of snow, then freezing rain, and then plain rain. But now the temperatures are decreasing and at 5:30AM, already hit the high for the day. It's currently 36 degrees. We have Wind Advisories out for most of the day and temperatures will drop and things will freeze.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Kamboka, the joints began having problems when I started taking anastrozole. Just an SE, but weather makes it worse and of course the Lupus is always there. It is worse in the cooler weather.

    mocame, My sales were pretty good, but I mostly do auctions. I only have 1 buy it now on. It has been there forever. I did all of the purses buy it now. Boy am I glad they are gone. It was taking up too much space.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    I went through my warehouse room to straighten up today. I have about 20 purses to try to sell that are not in my pile of better bags to either auction or sell later. I have a lot of coach bags and vintage whiting and davis. They are so cute. I exhausted myself cleaning the room and didn't have the energy to take any pictures to try to post.

    petite1 it sounds like you are saying you only do the 'buy now' and not the bidding. I have only done the bidding feature so might look into it.

    I've got to get rid of all this stuff as i'm having lots of company in July for our family reunion and I need the room back as a bedroom.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Kamboka, just the opposite. I do mostly auctions and rarely buy it now. It is fun to watch when there is a bidding war going on. I do like the vintage purses. All the ones I had in the big purse lot were modern and most never used. She was a QVC fan. Those Whiting & Davis should do very well on ebay. Ebay has some type of program for authentication of high dollar bags. I haven't checked into it, yet.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    I do only Buy It Now. I get more sales that way than when I did auctions because you may be waiting for certain buyers for your item and a 7 day auction may not be enough time for someone to notice the item and bid on it. On the items I sell, things tend to go for less money if they were sold on auction. But very highly desirable items should work on auctions. I don't have a lot of things that will go that quick or cause a bidding war.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    Thanks for the advise. Maybe this weekend I can take some photos and get started.

    Last night I was able to watch the rocket take off from Cape Canaveral. It was really cool to see that bright light which is hours away. The night was perfectly clear and only stars. My sister alerted me so I've asked her to let me know the next time it goes off. It was 9pm but I heard some kids down the street getting excited with the sight too. I guess we never stop being a kid, at heart.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Kamboka, That's so cool. We usually can't see it, though husband thought he could, In the old days we use to hear the sonic boom when it was landing, but they don't have that kind of craft any more. In the very old days, I was seeing a *#%**@#** man that lived in Titusville, directly across from the Cape. Not only could you see it, you could feel it. LOL Don't want to remember that time.

  • mocame
    mocame Member Posts: 569

    Kamboka - That is neat! I wish we had something like that here.

    My parents arrived in Florida yesterday. They will be there for 3 weeks. We had another small snow storm yesterday and right now the temperature is 9 degrees. 0 degree windchill. I took our dog outside to do his business and kept encouraging him to get done quickly!!

    Despite listing something every day, I've only sold one item this week and it was a low dollar amount. I've heard other people are slow too so I'm assuming it's the January slow-up people talk about. I did great the first 2 weeks.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Good morning. It is a little warmer today, but another cold front comes in this weekend. I did a little junking and found 2 Dooney & Bourke purses for $27 for both. They are keepers and not for sale. I also found a Catamore gold filled brooch and a Sterling silver charm bracelet. They will go on ebay sometime. Today, I am working on the business taxes which is a big pain, just gathering everything up to go to the CPA.

  • kamboka
    kamboka Member Posts: 1,091

    mocame: I hope your parents went south in FL. I think tomorrow will be the coldest day so far this season. We are heading for a high of 46! Then it goes back to 60s next week. I will have to venture out tomorrow for my weekend estate sales. I have three that I plan to visit.

    I had two old colleagues reach out to me and we haven't spoken in over a year. I need to call them this weekend. The hard part is that I want to catch up but I had talking on the phone.

    petite1: I have a few D&B bags that I need to sell. I've also got several Coach. The thing with me and bags is that I keep one until it tears up. It is alwasy black so it goes with everything and has to have about five separate compartmetns and a cross shoulder strap. It's hard to find a bag like that nowadays.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Good morning. The taxes are not going well. This will be a bad year. I am getting too old for this. Maybe next year we will drop the LLC and home office. I will talk with the CPA.

    Kamboka, Low of 39 and high of 53 with clouds and possible showers. I think I will just take pictures for ebay listings and maybe read a book.