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  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    Betrayal, it can't be easy to see your ds adopt Trump beliefs. What it's come down to is we no longer see our daughters as daughters, our spouses as spouses, our neighbors as neighbors, ect. The current political climate has us first seeing people in our lives as either Democratic or Republican, a liberal or a Trumper. The Trumpers seem to embrace this new reality. They don't realize a man who cares zero about them has divided them from the people who care most about them.

    Your approach is the right one, tho. Giving your son food for thought. Planting seeds of thought. Standing by your own principles and letting him know when you disagree with his views but in a respectful way.

    Of four of my siblings that live close, 3 are staunch Trumpers and one straddles the fence and plays to whatever sibling viewpoint benefits her in the moment. One brother (divorced) is so anti-American woman, he spent thousands of dollars to take a “quest" to find a woman from Yugoslavia or the Ukraine. Yes, there is some company that provides this type of service. Brother is a hospital cafeteria manager and also plays in a band, so he comes in contact with plenty of local women but he wants a submissive woman to bow down to him. Since Trump was elected, this brother has tried bullying me in my own home and I finally had it. Early this year I created stricter boundaries with my siblings and have stuck with them. Even tho it was hard at first, siblings aren't offspring or spouses, so there's less on the line.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020

    I'd say in the case of a 'I can never vote for a Democrat' person, then writing in someone else, or not voting at all, are better alternatives than voting for Trump.

    This is from the BBC. Maybe it will give Catholics some food for thought:

    The Vatican has denied US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo an audience with Pope Francis.The Holy See said the Pontiff does not receive politicians during an election period.The move adds to a diplomatic row following comments by Mr Pompeo about China and the Catholic Church.The Vatican accused Mr Pompeo of trying to use that issue to attract voters in November's US presidential election.In an article earlier this month, Mr Pompeo said the Catholic Church was risking its "moral authority" by renewing an agreement with China regarding the appointment of bishops.Donald Trump receives support from conservative religious movements, including conservative Catholic voters, some of whom think Pope Francis is too liberal.Human rights groups say many Catholics in China are persecuted and driven underground for pledging allegiance to the Pope instead of an official Chinese Catholic association.Despite this, in 2018 the Vatican made a deal with China to have some say over the appointment of Chinese bishops. At the time Pope Francis said he hoped the deal "will allow the wounds of the past to be overcome" and bring about full Catholic unity in China.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    True religion is real living;
    living with all one's soul,
    with all one's goodness and righteousness.
    - Albert Einstein

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020

    And this article from the Atlantic:

    Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters

    Former aides say that in private, the president has spoken with cynicism and contempt about believers.

    In Cohen's recent memoir, Disloyal, he recounts Trump returning from his 2011 meeting with the pastors who laid hands on him and sneering, "Can you believe that bullshit?" But if Trump found their rituals ridiculous, he followed their moneymaking ventures closely. "He was completely familiar with the business dealings of the leadership in many prosperity-gospel churches," the adviser told me.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2020

    Love all Lincoln Project ads.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,734
    edited October 2020

    The Lincoln Project ad was phenomenal. I have only seen it once on TV and wish they would air it more.

    DivineMrsM: I also have siblings that I have had to set boundaries with as well. My one DB is a Jehovah Witness and would love your chauvinistic brother since they seem to believe that women should be handmaidens. I am sure he is a Trumper despite his religious zeal. We have had words about how he treats women and how he could not disrespect me without repercussions. So we meet only when necessary and once I finish settling my mother's estate I am sure that will be the last I see or hear from him. Works for me.

    I would warn your brother that the women he is seeking in the Ukraine/Yugoslavia could be more like Melania that he anticipates. I have taught students from these countries and can honestly say I did not find them to be all meek or mild.

    My other DB has a shrew for a wife and that has also caused a rift in the family with not only me but another DB and DSIL. So I currently only have a good relationship with one DB and his wife. It works for me because there is no chaos or drama.

    I am glad that Pompous Pompeo was not granted an audience with the Pope. I am sure it was politically motivated and not otherwise "pure" in its intent. His arrogancy rubs me the wrong way and I do not view his actions as Christian either. He's a member of the WH bully team and a lousy Secretary of State. I think he views manhandling as a means of diplomacy and I am not sure how many world leaders accept his viewpoint.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited October 2020

    Here's my idea for a t-shirt......keep hearing Biden saying that the other night...


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Ruth -- memes and articles right on.

    A blue-ribbon law enforcement panel created at the direction of President Donald Trump broke a federal open meeting law and must halt its work until it comes into compliance with the statute, a federal judge ruled Thursday.

    U.S. District Judge John Bates said the administration violated the Federal Advisory Committee Act by placing only law-enforcement personnel on the 18-member commission and by holding closed meetings without advance public notice.

    The commission's final report was set to go to Attorney General William Barr later this month, but Bates said no recommendations can be submitted until the panel remedies the legal violations.

    Read more:

    Still the gang who can't shoot straight. Had four yrs. to SEE that they don't know what they are doing and they haven't figured out how you fix that yet.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020

    Just wanted to mention that today is Jimmy Carter's 96th Birthday. Jonathan Alter just published a new biography of him, "His Very Best, Jimmy Carter, a Life". Apparently Rosalynn gave Mr Alter some steamy love letters that Jimmy wrote to her while he was in the Navy! And those made their way into the book.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020


    (shared with my apologies to chickens)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Ruth, that is so funny and you are right -- even if I don't do it, I always think when I'm dropping something in here to share, that it is unfair to the animal or perhaps another person who is a part of the meme with Trump. I know ( most people do ) that some people don't like me, or agree with me on much but overall they are few. A lot of those are actually family members as well. My point is that I think Trump with his mental failings often can say something akin to people not liking him, but I think he really hasn't fully grasped that so very many people actually despise him. He is so NOT good for our government and has done so many destructive things that we don't like.

    He sees these things as good, even wanted by some, but most of us hate these things. Who wants pollutants to actually be allowed, or our right to sue for damages destroyed. Only someone heartless and cruel, forgetting that he is likely more well at his age because of these things.

    I think he would call people like former Pres. Carter, along with our military a sucker and loser. Trump just simply cannot love. If you did you would want to help the planet, not harm it, and help people and not harm them. Take care of our natural resources. We detest him because we may know some of the descriptions of his mental aberrations but we cannot feel them and most importantly can't be guided by them. They are as foreign as can be.

    On another subject, I read earlier that during Trump's rally last night in Minnesota that he mentioned that Biden wasn't going to show for the other debates. That is not true and we know it. The article said ( it was in Raw Story that doesn't c and p for me and I can't get a proper link w/o bitly ) that some of his people ( I can understand why ) were looking for reasons for him not to do the other precedential debates.

    He didn't want to do the one he did and then he did such a hideous job of it. He claims that he did great and loved it, but he always paints an opposite picture of the reality. He didn't want to be there and he has much to lose and knows he did. He likely hopes to shift into figuring out haw to depress turn-out for Democrats and steal the election by whatever means. I'm convinced he has no appetite at all for any more debates.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    A little hot on the language here but:

    Image may contain: text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot "Shut the fuck up, you spray-tanned crap manatee. It's not your turn to fucking speak." There. Was that so hard, Chris Wallace?'

    I have mixed feelings about Wallace. Often he seems to have been good one on one with Trump but I really thought he was kinder ( even if he called him out way more often than Biden ) to Trump since he kept reassuring him that he would like the next question, etc. Wallace often cut off Biden's answers which I didn't like. Even if the two minutes was up -- he could have finished once or twice seeing as how Trump was butting in constantly. My view is that when you work for Fox you can go all the way with your insistences and chastisements. I think Wallace was taking care of Trump part of the time and Fox too.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, meme, text that says '"HELLO VLAD, CAN YOU COME AND PICK UP YOUR CHILD? HE'S SHIT EVERYWHERE'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    The silver spoon kids really don't get it:

    Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'Eric Trump @EricTrump 5h When was the last time Biden donated his salary back to the federal government? Asking for a friend... 39.1K 고 20.4K 72.8K Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich 2h when was the last time Biden had to shut down his charity and be forbidden from operating another one and also take a class in "how not to steal" because he was caught diverting money raised in the name of children with cancer. asking for a friend'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Trump is just a broke-ass tax cheat with 5 kids by 3 different baby mommas living in public housing. Amirite? American@NewsX News American'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'I CAN'T WAIT TO BE A PROUD CONFEDERATE LIKE DAD! Bro we are in a dead racoon'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'A "sucker" is someone who supported him in 2016. A "loser" is someone who still does.'

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900
    edited October 2020

    Betrayal - I looked up those Vervet Monkeys. I wonder if that is where Margaret Atwood got her idea for those Crakers in "Snowman".

    Ruthbro -loved the picture of a chicken imbedded in Trump's hair. He is a coward, I think that is why he is so mean.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,734
    edited October 2020

    BlueGirl: Not familiar with the Crakers in "Snowman" so I will have to defer to you on that topic. They are quite entertaining but very good at theft and destruction. We were warned to not leave a door or window open because they would redecorate our room in record time. So as the woman was trying to retrieve her sneakers, the monkey's partner was stealing her socks and she was running in two different directions without much success. They are really cute though.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020

    For those who have friends/family on the fence, or happy that their candidate didn't get the nomination:


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,240
    edited October 2020


  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502
    edited October 2020

    IllinoisLady- I laughed out loud at the sperm one and just posted it on my radical leftist FB group. Thank you

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020

    Hope Hicks has tested positive for Covid & the President is being re-tested.......if I revealed my 'thoughts and prayers', the Secret Service would be knocking on my door.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020

    Someone shared this on Facebook:

    Joe Biden is a stutterer. Like many others, he has overcome the disability by understanding it and exercising extraordinary perseverance and discipline. If you know and love a stutterer and you watched the presidential debate last night, within minutes it became obvious what was going on. Abusive tone of voice, rapid fire interruptions, zigzagging change of topic, personal insult and humiliation, and family pain are all tripwires that scramble a stutterer's ability to speak. There was nothing unplanned or spontaneous in the President's strategy. The bastards did not prep him to attack Joe. They prepped him to attack Joe's disability hoping that by triggering his stuttering they might deceive an audience unfamiliar with the disability into thinking that Joe was stupid, weak, uncertain, confused, or lost to dimentia.
    If you have ever gotten in the face of a bully on the playground protecting a stutterer that you love, the game being played last night was nakedly and painfully obvious. If you watched with glee while it happened, then you haven't made much progress since the playground.
    However, the stutterer that I love taught me early on that he did not so much need my protection. He fought back by owning and integrating his disability into who he is. He learned how to stand his ground as master of perseverance, knowledge, and empathy. Without his example, I would not have recognized the game that was being played last night. I would not have been able to recognize the subtle but intense struggle against the disability that Joe was winning at the same time he was struggling to advance his positions on the issues in the midst of a rhetorical shit storm.
    But, like the stutterer that I know, Joe didn't need any help on the playground. I was proud of him.
    The President flushed his family fortune down a gold-plated toilet and somehow wants us to believe that he is the poor victim of mean people. Then he tries, and fails, to beat up a kid with a disability on the playground.
    I'm done with this, guys. I want my country back. Thanks, Joe.