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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    To know what you prefer
    instead of humbly saying Amen
    to what the world tells you you ought to prefer,
    is to have kept your soul alive.
    - Robert Louis Stevenson

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020

    And another person said this: It suck that things have come to this. But I honestly do not believe Trump is telling the truth, I feel he only came up with this to create sympathy for himself and in 2 weeks he will get to say that he beat the virus, he wasn't afraid, that he is strong and only he knows how to defeat Covid. A lot of people will fall for it.

    A lot of possibilities here. Does he really have it? Or is it a con game?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    You make some interesting points Glennie, with your piece. I can see where it can benefit Trump. Well, maybe the real surprise is this may be the opening to Trump doing something of a resignation. I've heard Steve Schmidt mention a number of times that Biden's poll numbers are being down-played while Trump's are hyped. I take that to mean that Biden is doing slightly better than the media is portraying. Maybe this is something Trump MIGHT see as an acceptable reason to quit.

    Though he sounds prepared to break every last norm and rule to attain staying in power, our side is working overtime and just as hard to nullify any of his attempts to make that a reality. Many of the Reps ( especially those hoping to maintain their seats in Congress ) are feeling tremendous pressure as Trump goes out and 'blows' it for them almost any time he speaks -- to anyone. Might it be possible that just like Nixon a few people went to him and told him it was over for him and he should find a way to BACK out of all of this. Granted that is a huge, huge stretch for a egomaniac/megalomaniac like Trump, but then again -- in Woodward's book Trump did talk a few months ago in a sane manner with ,it appeared, great understanding of what coivd was and what it could do. He is stupid, in so many cases of how he chooses to do things, but may well be able to see where he is, and the strong sentiment by so many that he should no longer remain in his position. We have heard a frank recitation of many of Trump's plans, but we I think are not well aware of just how our side intends to counteract Trump's plans. The Reps. likely would be much more aware of that. No need to telegraph every move from out side.

    Well, it will be interesting to say the least to see where this all goes. How many others may or may not test positive and what information may or may not come from the WH despite the fact that we cannot trust one word that comes out of Trump's mouth. Definitely will have to await what comes next. Sure has the effect of making us forget so much of the last even two weeks.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited October 2020

    I am deeply skeptical that 45 actually tested positive for COVID. Liars lie and he's king of lies. I suspect the debate and subsequent increase in donations to Biden are behind this.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited October 2020



  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited October 2020

    Do you think that Trump will use this to try to postpone the election?

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,240
    edited October 2020

    He may try, but that's not how the system is set up. If Trump goes on a ventilator, Pence takes the oath and the gov grinds on.

    What will be interesting for the election cycle is who will be the gop candidate? The convention selected Donnie as their candidate, so if he's out of the picture, they need to reconvene asap. They'll most likely pick Pence as next in line, but one of the falling stars could see this as their moment - Chris Christie (although he might have been exposed to Don's COVID too), Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio. More of the same shit-show, but new packaging. And maybe less irresponsible tweeting.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited October 2020

    Probably, Janet. But it won't work. He's not in charge of the election. State and local officials are. And I don't see the majority of the American people agreeing to it. We just want him defeated and gone. Though taking him out feet first would work as well for me.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,240
    edited October 2020

    Same here, Trishyla!

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited October 2020

    I think DT's covid diagnosis is legit. To me it has the ring not of more of his lying habits and manipulations of the news as of how a left field blast to his supreme arrogance, his disgusting braggadocio--that we've witnessed time and again, starting with his and Billy Bush's little chat in the bus--could come and put the kibosh on the plans you know he's had for the crucial up-coming pre-election weeks. You know, the last insane rallies where everyone thumbs their uncovered noses--as does he--at masks and being precautious.

    You just know he's been told time and time again to wear a mask, be careful, etc.--and that he's sniffed and walked right on by.

    Thing is, covid is an even better sniffer. It doesn't care how many pussies he's grabbed, people he's cheated, stiffed, insulted, defamed, verbally insulted, stomped on just because he's Donald Trump, president, a legend in his own mind, and can get away with anything.

    He's gotten away with so much crap thus far, the list is a mile long. At one point last week I heard him breezily say along the lines of, "Oh, I'm okay....I'm kept safe, etc.....No biggie!" as if he's impervious. Who else in this God-forsaken country could get away with pathological lying, insulting just about everything and everybody, and end up with just a few grass stains and rug burns? He's not only gotten away with grabbing the occasional passing pussy, he's pretty much gotten away with grabbing America's. I'm sure that what goes along with that is a druggie, euphoric feeling of invincibility and imperviousness.

    I think his diagnosis is real because only a Class-A narcissistic and arrogantly egotistical human being such a Donald Trump would think he could mix and mingle without the protections and precautions the rest of us "simple humans" have had to live with and abide by.

    I've often prayed that an act of God would come along and knock on Trump's door, wallop him as it's walloped 210,000+ Americans. I don't wish him to perish but, to mix a few metaphors, the wind getting knocked out of those boastful sails of his---nice.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,734
    edited October 2020

    Trishyla and Trill:ThumbsUpThumbsUpThumbsUpThumbsUp May he have to endure what some of those 210,000+ had to suffer.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020

    When you play with fire long enough, you will eventually get burned.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,240
    edited October 2020

    Looks like Typhoid Donnie "shared the love" at the Barrett announcement. How appropriate is that?

    Notre Dame president has COVID-19 after going to SCOTUS pick event

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Miriandra VERY. I too find it hard to believe that Trump does not have covid. As Trill said -- he has been working VERY hard on how he plans to WIN. It is easy to see his using a covid dx. but I think it also sounds like too many people are in on this FIX. Also, there are more people to test and that means even more to PLAY along. It is not impossible, but at the same time I think about how many things have not worked out. How many of the Trump lawsuits fell through for him, and how many of the things Barr tried to do for Trump did not work out. These people can't seem to accomplish things in a way that helps them and terminates the efforts of others to stop them. That coupled with how bad they need to come out ahead and yet they keep losing. In the end -- seems to me they are not smart enough to really put off such a scam as this one. And lastly, even admitting you have covid must be a super come down for the strongest, bravest, best equated, most dedicated and best Oval Ofc person ever. I have trouble believing Trump would cop to it. We will see how it goes and see who was around that may turn up positive for covid as well. Ms. Barrett....hate to be so mean, but I wish you a very positive test while the kids in your family get fortunate and don't fall heir to the same fate.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    I'm so tired of Mark Meadows & others who have lied, divided, maligned & bamboozled coming out to media & doing everything but repenting. They've all forfeited any right to sit in any of these offices. It's the height of social & moral irresponsibility.

    — Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II (@RevDrBarber) October 2, 2020

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited October 2020

    Much as I'd like to see Trump suffer from some of the harsher covid symptoms, such as fever or shortness of breath, I'm sadistic enough to hope they remain mild.

    When I was a kid I always hated that in-between time when mom insisted I keep getting milk-toast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and remain in bed because I wasn't quite "out of the woods."

    I picture Donald this way:

    Holed up in the White House (hopefully he still hates it), not feeling badly enough to want to crawl into bed but not good enough to joke about it.

    A bit jamming his cocky mouth. (What a fate for a guy used to getting high on the gas emitted from his own nether regions--I mean his mouth.)

    Constrained by rules--2-week confinement.

    Held down by, of all things--SCIENCE!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2020

    You’re too kind Trill. Not what I wish at all. Maybe a month in ICU, with a so-so ventiator, then a few months of very very slow recovery. And the same for the trophy wife.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited October 2020

    Spookie's-- Yeah, I can see that.....that's a pretty picture... He does have those underlying factors that we know about and maybe others we don' you might get your wish. I love the "so-so ventilator" ---aaagggghhhhhh!

    And, oh, yeah--his nurse eats nails and is a rip-roaring Democrat!

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited October 2020

    I wouldn't put anything past Trump. He may very well be lying about having Covid-19 based on all the reasons already mentioned. But one thing that makes me think he really does have it and that he's in a worse condition than they are letting on is that he is not Tweeting. He is the mad Tweeter. He can't help himself. I don't know how long it takes for the symptoms to worsen, but there hasn't been a Tweet from him in 14 hours.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2020

    You know, I felt like a weight was lifted this morning when I saw the news...! I thought well, it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy... But the more news I read, and the comments, I'm kind of with Glennie! What if this IS just another lie.... another offhanded grab for his beloved publicity, and a sure-win back into the white-house!

    And yes... "Karma".... but I wouldn't put another lie past him.... I can only hope we as a nation can just one day be over this nightmare that is happening. Whatever it takes.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited October 2020

    JACK5IE-- The little blue Twitter bird is deliriously happy!



    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited October 2020


  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,734
    edited October 2020

    As far as the "so-so" ventilator, could it be one that Vlad sold to the US for premium dollars and then it did not work?

    If he is lying, then he has revealed his penchant for mistruths to the entire world leaders who are offering sympathy and how will that increase his credibility in any future negotiations? They already think he is a doofus. If he touts the hydoxychloroquine and bleach as a cure, then we know he has lied.

    I am with Trill in hoping he gets Nurse Ratched and that she is a rip (RIP) Democrat. At least she would still be honoring her oath.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    As for me, I wish him to be quite sick. Not that I enjoy wishing things on people, yet for once I do believe he, of all people, he so deserves it and I think he should get a heavy dose of reality so that he can't possibility LIE to himself. I also think he could not watch all the news that has come out and not tweet something.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'AWWW... DID SOMEBODY CATCH THE LIBERAL HOAX?'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'John lester @johnmlester Replying @AngrierWHStaff Looks like RBG successfully argued her first hearing with the lord 01 Oct20 Twitter for Android'

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020

    If he hasn't tweeted in 14 hours, he might be actually sick.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, table and indoor, text that says 'Danny Wallace @dannywallace You lose all sense of taste with Covid so how long has he had it Hഹnാ'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Jason o. Gilbert @gilbertjasono Trump says he doesn't believe in Socialism but he's about to get tens of thousands of dollars worth of public healthcare that he only paid $750 for'