I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418

    I really wasn't going to say anything, but I've been seething all day. Seems FG has rushed to Valdosta, Ga. to do what I do not know. Typically, of course, after a huge devasting storm like Helene when it is safe to do so and the proper arrangements can be made the sitting President may be able to go and interact directly with the Govenor and possibly other dignitaries.

    Whether Pres. Biden would have gone to Ga. who can say for sure, but they DEFINITELY requested FG NOT show up. Perhaps, he felt he needed the exposure of somehow looking presidential, because he certainly could not have offered the help, comfort and aid that the President gives. I know it is likely somewhat childish of me but I'm really ripped about it. My thought on hearing it was how dare that loon appear as though he is the president and able to work with those people. I would imagine it was one of the un-appreciated visits they have ever had. I think I'll need a couple of days to get over this one.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,517

    From Huffington Post:

    Caroline Rose Giuliani, in a heartrending essay, has reflected on the pain inflicted on her and her family since her father, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, went all in on Donald Trump and became the former president’s now-former personal lawyer.

    The filmmaker used her Vanity Fair piece to publicly endorse Democratic nominee Kamala Harris in the 2024 election.

    “As Rudy Giuliani’s daughter, I’m unfortunately well-suited to remind Americans of just how calamitous being associated with Trump can be,” Giuliani wrote in the article published Monday.

    “Watching my dad’s life crumble since he joined forces with Trump has been extraordinarily painful, both on a personal level and because his demise feels linked to a dark force that threatens to once again consume America,” she continued.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,644

    Do you think FG went to GA to throw paper towels (or toilet paper) to the flooded inhabitants like he did in Puerto Rico? Not an ounce of empathy in that corpulent body but an opportunity to be a PR hound yet again at the expense of those in despair. Shame on him.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418

    We are all capable of living lives characterized by great joy.  Within each of us is an amazing human spirit that is strong enough to overcome pain and disappointment and no matter what our current situation happens to be, or what beliefs we may currently harbor about ourselves, we can tap into that inner strength and wisdom and move forward to create more joy.

    Salle Merrill Redfield

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418

    Well Betrayal, you did it. Got me pretty much over my 'funk' at the orange guy's behaviors. I had the same thought — what the hell is he doing — what has he come to offer - paper towels??? So reading your entry I did chuckle a bit about those towels.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418

    As to the other news — the debate. I was able to catch almost all of it and it was a lot like I expected. The two men were cordial, even complimentary at times. Walz had admitted he wasn't a good debater and I do think there is something of an art to it.

    On the other hand, Vance is good at it. That said, he could have won hands down — except most of his debate answers were lies. And he had a couple of super serious instances that were a BIG reveal. I noted his lie about Trump saving ACA and to me that was a big mistake. As well was the moment when Vance tried to come off as being reasonable about abortion and NOT wanting a national ban which was another of his major lies. He said on tape for all to see that was is preference. Lastly, with his lips and nose pressed firmly against FG's underside he is asked by Walz if FG lost the 2020 election and rather than answer truthfully, he punts to he wants to talk about the future. Well, how can you produce a good future for anyone, if you cannot be honest about the past that brought you here. Vance at that moment basically said — if need be in 2024 he will stand behind FG and be faithful to him rather than the integrity and decency of democracy.

    In my book then it was case closed - you lost Vane, smooth as a baby's behind, Vance. I hear people say this morning (and it is probably right) that not much will be changed over this debate. I personally think Walz came off better, but it is generally because of that last answer. I also think because of some those answers that Harris and Walz will benefit from some great "debate" ads.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2

    Poor ole' J.D. — the moderators well aware of what the Haitians are being subjected to chose to not let JD add to it by saying nothing. I can't say I was thrilled with them, but they were right to address this since it is new and JD is throwing his own state and constituency under the bus to kiss FG derriere' by going forward with his lie. You sir, are a real disgrace and deplorable. If you lose (and I hope and pray you will) you will have boldly earned it by your a##kissing ways.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418

    Idiot in Red Hat on parade.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,585

    I didn’t watch the debate but caught a bit of the reviews. I think Vance came across somewhat better than expected due to his Yale education where he had many opportunities and experiences to polish these kinds of presentations. Which is not to say he did better than Walz. Only that we were expecting maybe more of a train wreck from him. One headline said something about finally, both candidates were civil with each other. Well, it’s the media who hypes up the controversy, so they are to blame for the last eight years of total nut-case debates involving FG. The media has done the U.S. no favors and taken us so far away from normalcy.and distorted even every day living to an extent.

    We are getting down to the last month before election. I do not have any kind of read on how this will go. In 2016, I had a foreboding. Still, a tiny part of me allowed for a glimmer of hope at that time, but it was not meant to be. Then in 2020, I was holding out on the idea that there were more who saw FG’s destruction and wanted him out. Biden prevailed, yet we continue to have election deniers. This election, we have many Republican defectors who plan to vote Democrat. Is it enough? Are the unions enough? Women? Other minorities? Can we prevail? At one point in my life, I believed a loving God would make sure the right outcome was reached. I do not hold those convictions these days.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,585
  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,585
  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,585
  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,195

    Vance is very capable of being articulate and polite, even when lying, and I find that very frightening as I think it may fool some into thinking he’s not too bad. One of his Yale classmates called him a shape shifter and I agree. I also believe that is very dangerous because he can appear conventional when it suits him but he still fully intends to carry out a democracy destroying agenda. Do not sell his intelligence mixed with his disgusting agenda short. He will fool many, too many perhaps, into thinking that he is the normal to balance trump’s madness. IMO, he is potentially far worse than trump. He is less thin skinned and ego driven than trump and that’s the danger… with his own evil agenda.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,585

    It gets confusing. FG says he loves the uneducated. Yet he selects Vance with his Ivy League education as VP. Many people voted for FG because he did not have the political background that someone like Obama had. It made them believe anyone could be president regardless of education. Voters in the so called middle or “fly by” states got tired of the educated elites on the east and west coasts trying to run the country. Will they now turn around and accept Vance? He’s a creep and disliked by many but is he disliked by enough who will not vote for him and instead vote for Harris/ Walz?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418

    I've already said to someone (email friend) that this will be a nail-biter. I do think most people know who they are going to vote for by now and if they are saying they have to hear more —well, I think they may actually be saying they are not sure if they are going to vote.

    FG is just out to lunch nuts in his last couple of rallies —saying that there should be one day where the police are allowed and can do anything all day long to whomever they want with impunity. I do think this sort of horror will get worse. FG is bound to be riled every time he hears any little thing negative to him and positive to Kamala or the Democrats. He is being eaten alive and will grab anything even remotely looking like a lifeline.

    So as to the election, I do not think that all that many minds will be changed by this VP debate. Mainly because I do think most have already decided. Vance was good and yes polished, and he certainly had a great physical appearance. Lying (I detest lying and done knowingly as in a debate is really hard to digest) so I pretty much cancelled out anything I might have felt for that.

    I am and have taken to heart what I heard maybe three months ago, about polls. The indication as I read it was that if a poll says you are three ahead, you are probably more like four or five and by the same token, if you are two behind it might be three or four. So, to that degree I've been thinking positive in the sense that VP Harris has come up pretty good in the polls, but in addition has raised money in incredible numbers, has registered sooo many new voters (if they all vote ) has a marvelous ground game (and I've heard that FG has almost no ground game at all) and I do think people have more confidence in her and more willingness to want to go forward. They are tired of chaos and I do think VP Harris is viewed as someone who can lead confidently with stature and keep up in the world at large. No one will laugh at her on the world stage as they did with FG.

    But, of course I have a but and I'm fairly certain the media is going to do all it can to keep from tipping us off. We are (for them) much better kept afraid and a little in the dark. So, we are all going to be left to worry and fret and stew. I can't say I actually worry or get that nervous till election day when their comes that time — where you know everything will now come to a head. That's basket case time for me. I won't fall apart but nothing much will make sense to me till there is some sort of answer for us. The waiting is hard — the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,644
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,644
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,644
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418

    Judge Tanya Chutkan released Wednesday a redacted version of special counsel Jack Smith’s lengthy brief detailing evidence in the election interference against former President Donald Trump.

    Chutkan wrote there is “no support” for Trump’s attorneys’ accusations that the government is driven by “bad-faith partisan bias,” ordering Smith’s 165-page brief on presidential immunity to be filed on the public docket. For weeks, Trump’s attorneys have argued Smith should not be allowed to file the motion, which they claimed would do little more than allow prosecutors to make their case in the “court of public opinion” ahead of the election.

    I'll be waiting to hear what may come out about this. As stated, FG and his attorneys were very much against this and it is easy to see why but Judge Chutkan has always been wholesomely efficient and fair and it should have been very expected. It is just another thing for FG to use if he loses so he can state this was a 'cause' and that once again the Democrats stole an election from him.

    Who actually with the long history of FG and the many many who 'defraud' him nearly constantly story that he keeps telling has much care or any sympathy at all. Then again, he is getting so sort of "mentally impaired" how much longer will he himself be able to whine and complain till everyone is thoroughly tired of it. Anyway, I think there may be things to learn.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,644

    The bottom line is: the voters will determine the outcome of this election. So encourage everyone you know who supports your viewpoint to vote and ignore those who don't. As Doris Day sang, Que Sera, Sera.

    Still feel that Vance is a colossal phony, feel that his book has little if any literary value and it has raised questions as to its true reflection of the characters he wrote about. Any man who has changed his surname 3 times has serious identity issues and just because he is a Harvard grad doesn't mean he was top of the class, even Harvard graduates bottom feeders. He is a social climber and will walk on anyone he feels may help him attain the pinnacle of his desires, thus he is dangerous and not to be taken lightly.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,195

    Vance will be whatever it takes to further his agenda. He, a Yale not Harvard Law grad, actually is far more frightening than trump because he is much smarter and less of a narcissist.
    I doubt I will ever pillory his book since it gave me valuable insights into my ex husband and in laws which were spot on and as a memoir, it was well written even if one didn’t like what he wrote. People have made many comments about the book which are untrue so I suspect they never read it (including but not limited to that couch nonsense) . He had a very troubled childhood and confusing relationships with his parents and the name changes resulted from a lot of that. In his position, I might have done the same. Look, I find the guy abhorrent and his shape shifting, well noted by people who know him, is scary but I can’t condemn everything he ever did in his life. While his book did garner some criticism at the time it was published, it was generally well received as it was a memoir of his life and his reflections on that early life. This was his truth and although I have no love for him, I won’t retroactively go back and condemn everything he ever did just because of what he has become.

    He may well be the person to be more scared of than trump. I can get behind condemning him for that!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,644
    edited October 3

    We can agree to disagree as usual so nothing much has changed on this forum. However, while the book may have been his truth, it seems he has trouble with that concept so I don't believe much of what he says now or then.

    I am sure his shape shifting has been part of his persona long before he became a candidate and probably could be traced back to when he decided to reflect on his early life. So truth or dare? No need to respond. It's really of no consequence.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 286

    Just put up our Harris sign. Guy who brought it said many have been stolen. He'll bring another as we are on a "good corner." Sad…

    Our Democratic Club plans to be at our polling place when early voting opens on Oct. 8th. At least in AZ we are allowed to bring each other a cup of coffee. It will be a nail biter here for Pres. although Kari Lake will lose her Senate bid.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 3

    I detest Vance and have no actual views on the book as I didn't read it. I suppose I should be glad, but there are people I just get negative vibes from and I will say THAT doesn't happen that often but FG was one of these and Vance gave me the 'creeps' too. I have always found if I paid attention to what I felt and steered clear I ended up happy for having done so — so for me, book or no book I just don't like the guy.

    If I can share positive feelings with someone I'm generally happy even though there could be things that would likely never bring us together as real friends. I actually do have a number of Reps. friends in this tiny town, but we don't really socialize unless we find we end up somewhere together even it only Walmart. We talk and exchange light banter — because they don't creep me out.

    I do think the guy is dangerous and for the exact reason that he is intelligent, knows law and has worked to polish himself pretty well. He will be a true snake in the grass. I do think he has a lot of FG attributes but many are mild compared to the load FG carries. The fact that Vance can carry himself well makes those things easier to camouflage. He is and will continue to be a dangerous guy with no compunction about things he thinks need doing to benefit himself. I presume he feels one way or the other he will get to the top.