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  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    Human nature being what it is, of course Trump has people hoping, wishing, praying for his demise. The man has said and done despicable things to others.

    It's not like anyone is taking a weapon to Trump. If his life is in peril, it is due to his own actions or inactions. As an adult, he must accept responsibility for that. Uh, it's not like he wasn't continually warned.

    History buffs know Eleanor Roosevelt, one of the most popular U.S. First Ladies, did not get along with her mother-in-law, Sara, a domineering figure. FDR, an only child, never had a home separate from his mother; she ruled the roost.

    When Sara died, Eleanor is quoted as saying, "It is truly a tragedy of life to have spent 35 years with someone and upon her death, not to give it a second thought."

    Look, if someone like Eleanor Roosevelt can feel nothing towards the death of her own MIL, we are allowed to claim our feelings towards Trump.

    (I love Eleanor's quote because it shows that a well-admired woman of great stature was human. Also, I have a complicated relationship with my mother in law and felt guilt-free about it after learning of Eleanor's relationship with Sara.)

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2020


    prez asking if he will die.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,734
    edited October 2020

    Okay, so I really admired Eleanor Roosevelt before but this admission makes her a heroine in my eyes. I admire her honesty so I want to be the first to say what I am thinking. "It is truly a tragedy of life to have spent nearly 4 years with someone and upon his (possible) death, not to give it a second thought." I do not wish him dead but if it were to occur, I would not even skip a beat in my daily routine.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    So this I think sort of makes it official:

    Trump's Condition Is Reportedly More Dire Than White House Admits

    White House sources are saying that Trump's condition is direr than being released to the media, as the president has asked if he is going to die.

    Read more »

    Trump Had To Be Given Oxygen Before He Went To Walter Reed

    All of the video of Trump walking to the helicopter and going into Walter Reed was shot after Trump was given supplemental oxygen.

    Read more »

    And they did talk about the two health versions we hear.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Divine and Betrayal:

    I couldn't agree more. My first MIL hated me. I think it was one of those your not good enough for my son things. I wasn't smart enough and yrs. later I guess since we divorced I wasn't forgiving enough either. So after me, he went on to marry and divorce Peggy, Sara, Mary and he passed away while still married to his last wife Ann. I eventually forgave my first MIL. I realized later that if your marrying that many times ( I'm still with my second husband ) it is not you, it's him. So, I blessed his mother for being stuck with him which I was not.

    So like both of you I will hardly skip a beat should Trump not make it through. He had far more warning likely than some people since he was privy to the latest and best advice from the scientists and Dr.'s. Too bad he apparently was sure he knew more than they did. Had he even tried some I might have a small shred of forgiveness that might be touched at some point but his actions were always willful and completely un-concerned and un-caring. I still think of him as just barely qualifying as human since so much seems to have been left out of this specimen of a person.

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited October 2020


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited October 2020

    Puerto Rico sending...


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020


    I think this touches a bit on your entry. Seems Trump reheared part of his video first with someone else. I'm thinking mainly of his mention that he couldn't be locked up in the WH living quarters'bedroom. So he gets locked up in the hospital. Who is this joker trying to kid??

    Trump Calls Rudy, Tells Him "I'm Going to Beat This"

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    President Donald Trump phoned Rudy Giuliani from his hospital bed Saturday afternoon to declare he feels so healthy, "I could get out of here right now. ... I am the president of the United States. I can't lock myself in a room. ... I had to confront [the virus] so the American people stopped being afraid of it so we could deal with it responsibly. We have made tremendous progress on treating this disease. Fatality rates are very low compared to [the beginning]."image

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Trump 'Likely To Be Under Treatment For A Considerable Amount Of Time' After COVID Infection

    It now seems clear that Donald Trump has more underlying health conditions than the American people have previously known.

    Read more »

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Post-Debate Poll Shows Biden With Solid Leads In Pennsylvania And Florida

    New polling released Saturday served as a reminder that the election is just a month away, and Joe Biden is still leading the race.

    Read more »

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020


    Image may contain: text that says 'So if Trump doesn't make it will they lower the Confederate Flag to half mast?"'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Matt Stehman @MattStehman COVID19 is the only thing Trump has ever acquired in life by actually earning it'

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Very good boy Spookie and:

    Image may contain: text that says 'It's interesting listening the folks who hoped for the worst when Hillary got pneumonia and who did cartwheels everytime RBG coughed, now demanding for Trump what he's never shown others: COMPASSION! American News X'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'DeAnna Lorraine @DeAnna4... 2h Does anyone else find it odd that no prominent Democrats have had the virus but the list of Republicans goes on and on? 15.1K 8,732 17K Mrs. Dread @MissesDread Replying to @DeAnna4Congress "Does anyone else find it odd that the people who listened to doctors didn't get it, but a bunch of science-denying morons did?" NO.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Hounddog1971 @houndinater Please don't lose sight of the fact that the man who is now getting the best healthcare in America has lawyers in court trying to take yours away. 4:42 PM 10/2/20 Twitter for iPhone'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor and nature, text that says 'LEFT RIGHT With the possibility he may have to take over Trump's activities this weekend, White House aides are frantically teaching Mike Pence how to play golf. @hoarsewhisperer satire'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says '"The man has spent years at war with reality: living in delusions, perpetuating fantasies, imagining hoaxes, constructing conspiracies, accruing debt, rewriting history constantly as self-serving myth. At some point, reality was going to get personal in return." -Andrew Sullivan CALL TOACTIVISM'

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited October 2020

    He looks so ancient and frail and weird here without the orange makeup and radiating-orange hair...looks like his dad....he said he chose to go to WR as opposed to staying "upstairs" at the WH ..... so now he's upstairs at's so used to spinning everything to the positive (HIS positive, that is!) he sorta gets lost in directing his comments here imo....I was struck by how shallowly he's breathing throughout...THAT does not sound good to me....


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,865
    edited October 2020

    I keep waiting to hear that Rudy has tested positive......but maybe vampires are immune? Barr is refusing to quarantine, so....fingers crossed.....


    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited October 2020

    IllinoisLady...again ugh! I can't stand this man!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Anderson_ @Nick_Anderson_ Can you imagine the outcry if a governor of Texas announced there would only be one one location per county to buy guns? #VoterSuppressionInTexas 8:10 AM 02 Oct 20 Twitter for Android | View Tweet activity'

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited October 2020

    It is so nice to come here to be with sane people. I don’t do Facebook, but NextDoor is full of people (at least where I live in Texas) bashing democrats and ADORING Trump.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,734
    edited October 2020

    Do you think he left the orange face off so people would pity him and think he is really ill? We know he is sick but he's not in WR for that ailment. The next 10-14 days may change his attitude towards this disease. Chris Christy was hospitalized as well due to underlying asthma and obesity. He's another turd. Hope Rudy gets to joint them and maybe Barr as well. They could play poker and ket drumpf win so they stay in his good graces. What a bunch of losers.

    Edited because I am the world's worse typist. Duh.

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502
    edited October 2020

    I'm still torn between thinking he is really sick and may at some point have to relinquish control. Or that he is really not that bad off but needed to redirect people from his taxes, his dropping poll numbers, his horrible debate and props to the proud boys among other things. I still think he will spin his illness as he is SO healthy and strong that he beat Covid and it's still the snowflake Dems that are blowing it out of proportion

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502
    edited October 2020

    SmileWishing the president a speedy recofefe. He's in hypocritical condition. David Aubin

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    You are a child of the universe, "fearfully and wonderfully made."
    In the history of creation, there has never been anyone like you.
    Accept this reality about yourself—that you are a special, unique
    human being who has a place on this earth that no one else can fill.

    Acknowledge yourself as a glorious expression of your loving Creator.
    This healthy self-love will form the foundation of a joyful and
    satisfying life. Then, as you love and accept yourself, your inner
    light will shine outward to bless and heal your fellow human beings.

    Douglas Bloch

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited October 2020

    Dogmom: I'm pretty much on your side of the page. Drumph usually has the opposite of what he says be far closer to the truth -- so when he says he is fine/recovering well, and has the WR Dr.'s say pretty much the same, I can't really buy it. I read a piece on the way here that said close inspection did show Drumph signing a blank paper while he was "working" at WR.

    All of us know that he does little actual work as his underling back-side bootlickers always take care of that while he messes around in the WH living quarters watching tv or doing his orange combover before finally turning up in the ofc./official areas. We are being spoon fed a semi-mild symptom person who is going to come roaring out WR better than ever. I'm sure you all read as I did the pieces that spoke about the fact that he was given a choice on Friday -- walk out to the helicopter ( Marine 1 ) to go to WR or face the possibility that you may have to do so by wheelchair transport or worse.

    He is still being his usual reality tv self and making everything about the SHOW that he wants. So as you pointed out per David Aubin, "wishing him a speedy recofefe.