I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited January 2021


  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited January 2021

    Camille, I hope you're on the mend. Sorry I didn't weigh in sooner, but I never got far enough into BCO for nearly a week (I always save this thread for last).

    Just heard something chilling: WaPo reports that QAnon supporters plan to masquerade as National Guardsmen and infiltrate their ranks on Wed. Others have been seen photographing security details (entrances, fences, etc,) and obtaining maps & diagrams of security measures. This after the FBI began vetting EVERY one of the 20,000 Guardsman posted around the Capitol & WH.

    IMHO, the Inauguration(s)--Biden & Harris--should take place in a couple of undisclosed locations, and the only thing on the Capitol steps should be a Jumbotron showing the ceremonies & speeches.

    And I learned something new tonight: pardons need not be confined to the list released to the public tomorrow--a President can issue "secret" pardons that not even the "pardonee" knows about until a Federal prosecution is attempted. In fact, not only doesn't the Constitution require Presidential pardons be made public, but they don't even have to be in writing. Expect the traitor Congresspeople who gave the riot organizers tours of the Capitol complex on 1/5--even though tours have been suspended since March 2020--and the arrested &/or charged rioters themselves to be pardoned (even though Uncle Scam was advised against it). And some pardons might backfire-accepting a pardon prevents the recipient from "taking the 5th," because their testimony could not incriminate them (at least not Federally). Remember the magic words of invoking the 5th Amendment: "I refuse to answer on the ground that it might tend to incriminate me."

    I bought a couple of MyPillows back in 2014 (on special at Costco), before I knew Mike Lindell was anything other than a MN mfr. doing infomercials. I'd burn them, but my cats love sleeping on them.

  • jelson
    jelson Posts: 623
    edited January 2021

    For our League of Women Voters, I assemble and deliver voter registration packets to our regional office of the Immigration and Naturalization Services to be handed to new citizens after their now parking lot drivethrough naturalizations. I found a great price and bought two boxes of 500 large envelopes from Uline (a privately held American company which offers shipping and other business supplies. Uline was founded in 1980 by Elizabeth and Richard Uihlein) - who I have since learned to be a Republican power couple who are MAJOR MAJOR Trump-backers. Will be finding another supplier for next batches!! a bit of irony there I suppose.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2021

    Kohl’s and Bed Bath & Beyond have announced they are dropping My Pillow from stores and online sales.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    Hi you guys! I have been MIA for so long from here! But for some reason I started looking around, and found all you goils in the Lounge! Appropriately enough!

    And so many familiar names and faces! How fun, it's like coming home... Hah! And miss Cammi! Are you staying out of trouble...? Probably not... ... I read about you losing your friend.... I'm so sorry! It's never easy to lose people we love... so I'm sending a hug from me....

    And no, I'm not either! (staying out of trouble) My latest fall was off the top of the 2-step stool, trying to organize a shelf in the top of a closet! So I stepped "down" but not on the last step... I apparently flailed on top of the end of the bed, onto the wooden board frame.... Now THAT hurt! So I tried to drag the rest of me off the floor, around the bed, and pulled myself up, and I think I just cracked a rib or two... Trying to take stuff, and use those icy-hot patches, and heat.

    No Cammi, I wasn't out in the alley like last time, dancing with that pole at midnight, when I broke my femur... (when I told my Brother he said... "I thought that was a small furry animal!"

    So since I'm probably the oldest one here, that means.... well it must mean something..... But I don't know what yet. I DO drink sometimes... You know what is good? We found little bottles of Margherita's at the grocery store!!! CAYMAN JACK !! Because I don't drink enough, or do we have anyone over, to buy all that stuff you need to make a homemade one!

    I mean I can get into enough trouble, without drinking any more than I do!

    So I'm going over 11 years gals! Time for a toast! See you next time! Heart

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited January 2021


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited January 2021

    Bluegirl, when I want to share an image here, I right click on it, click on 'save image as' at which point it is downloaded (I'm on a laptop), then I come here and click on the little image box (it looks like little mountains in a box) right above where I am typing, click 'browse', then find the image I want and click 'open'. There are probably easier ways to do it, but that's how my images get here.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited January 2021

    It’s been 10 days since I first had covid symptoms. I feel like the virus is finally starting to loosen its grip. I am still in bed all day. Some head congestion I wasn’t really aware I had seems to be breaking up a bit. The fever seems like it may finally be lessening. Dh is doing good and will be out of quarantine on Friday.

    Ruth, thanks for your timeline of how covid unfolded for you. I have a feeling I will follow a similar path.

    I am extremely nervous about Inauguration. Trump will be in Maralago able to head to an underground bunker if Armageddon breaks out. I’m not even being dramatic. I wish they didn’t insist on the pomp and circumstance. I hate for us to look back in hindsight and say woulda coulda shoulda. It is causing massive anxiety for everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    So what I was almost saying was..... Hah! I posted, or I THOUGHT i did, to the drinking thread, but I somehow, someway posted it here... ! I moved it back over there, or WHATEVER!

    And yes Divine... I feel the same way, about the pomp & circumstance! I mean WHY! Why would they insist on having a big shin-dig when everything & everyone is in such turmoil?

    Isn't anyone in charge here? I would STILL do the whole thing remotely. damnit!

    And so glad you are feeling a little better.... And how did you Quarantine with your Husband?

    I still cannot find out WTH is going on here in Denver. And the more I read about the vaccine, the more afraid I am. Does anyone else feel this way? Then I read where those who DID get the first injection, are having a hard time finding the 2nd injection! And the first one doesn't work until you get the 2nd? And then they don't work for another week?

    Am I completely misinformed.... again? It's like I'm almost afraid of getting the vaccine's as I am the virus! And I cannot find ANY information about even getting the FIRST shot... even though I am well beyond "elderly".... Hah!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited January 2021

    I am for sure getting the shot when my number comes up. Here, you set up your second appointment when you get your first shot. Maybe we will have a coordinated National plan after TOMORROW. Everyone who can, NEEDS to get a shot to create herd immunity. As both Divine and I can both promise you; you do NOT want to get Covid. Even a 'moderate' case (when you don't end up in the hospital) is nasty.

    I actually want the pomp and ceremony of a 'real' Inauguration. I feel like the terrorists win if they can totally disrupt our traditions and way of life. Not that I am not nervous about tomorrow and the days ahead. It's going to be a long haul to overcome the hatred and division encouraged and stoked in the last four plus years.......but maybe it had to come out into the light of day, instead of hiding in the shadows, in order to be addressed honestly and I hope move forward toward a more perfect union (eternal optimist here).

  • pupmom
    pupmom Posts: 1,032
    edited January 2021



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2021

    Nope, sorry, no underground bunker for him in Palm Beach. Homes here don’t have basements like up north. I’m only 8 feet above sea level. Would be pretty hard to do a basement, and I’m also sure that thought never entered Mrs Posts mind when she had it built.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
    edited January 2021

    It takes at least two weeks to develop immunity after the second dose of vaccine and that is if your immune system is functioning properly. It might take longer in the older population and not everyone will achieve 95% protection. So even with 2 doses under your belt, you will still need to practice mask use and social distancing. Will we require annual boosters of this vaccine? This is yet to be determined.

    I have signed up online for notification when we can get the vaccine but feel that even though we are in group 1B, it will still be a wait.

    I am looking forward to the inauguration. I am hoping that the pomp and circumstance that Biden and Harris are due, while subdued due to the current issues, is still experienced sans crowds and threats.

    I am hoping that Palm Beach does kick the Trumps out of Mar-a-Lago. I cannot imagine having them as neighbors since they will violate every law in existence. Hopefully the community has better lawyers than them. He is not one you can give an inch to since he will abuse it.

    My "red" neighbors are presently in FL where they winter. Love to visit FL but could not live there for multiple reasons including the fact it is a red state. My SIL also lives there and she is another reason I could not live there. Her attitudes mimic those of Melania. Sometimes distance is a blessing when it comes to families. Even my DH thinks she is obnoxious and it is his sister!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited January 2021

    There are bomb shelters/bunkers at Maralago.. I remember reading about them a few years ago. Post had them installed during the Korean War.


    Mar-a-Lago's flag pole and coat-of-arms have drawn attention, but not so much has been said about its Red Scare-era bomb shelters.

    Hidden inside the hedges bordering President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, the shelters now could provide an added sense of security for cabinet members and international leaders joining the president on his Palm Beach weekends.

    In fact, Mar-a-Lago is home to three bomb shelters, along with dozens of bedrooms, more than two dozen bathrooms, two pools and a walkway that runs under South Ocean Boulevard to the beach.

    The bomb shelters are no secret: Cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post, who built Mar-a-Lago in 1927, had the bomb shelters installed during the Korean War. They were mentioned in nearly every Palm Beach Post report on the sale of Mar-a-Lago to Trump in the mid-1980s. And Trump has occasionally spoken of them since.

    In a 2007 Esquire profile, then-businessman Trump told writer Tom Junod that three of his properties are equipped with bunkers — Mar-a-Lago, Trump International Golf Club in suburban West Palm Beach and Trump's estate in Westchester, New York. The bomb shelter at the golf course now serves a different purpose.

    "It gave us excellent elevation, and now, when members tee off on the second hole, they're teeing off from the top of a bomb shelter," Trump told Esquire.

    Though the bomb shelters at Mar-a-Lago were used mostly for storage after the president bought the estate in 1985 — former Trump butler Anthony Senecal told The Tampa Bay Timeshe used one as his office, while the others were used for bakery and banquet storage — Trump told Esquire he would pick Mar-a-Lago's bomb shelters over Trump International or Westchester.

    "We did tests, and the foundation is anchored into the coral reef with steel and concrete," Trump said. "That sucker's going nowhere."

    Trump also has access to another bomb shelter in Palm Beach County, one built for President John F. Kennedy to protect him from nuclear fallout should a missile have hit during one of Kennedy's visits to his family's compound in Palm Beach. That bunker, squirreled away in the scrub on Peanut Island just north of West Palm Beach in the Intracoastal Waterway, now is open for tours.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Posts: 900
    edited January 2021

    Rutbro -thank you for the tip on pasting images, I will give it a try next time.

    Wren - "Warmth" follows the migration ( 3 or 4 waves) of blacks from the south to the north and west. It follows a couple of people during each time period, starting in the 1920s or so. Why they left, their hopes/dreams, their life in their new home/community. She is an excellent writer. I look forward to reading "Caste".

    Another book, recommended by one of my brothers is about the take over of the Mahlheur Wildlife Refuge, eastern Oregon, in 2016, by those hoping to start the revolution. "Shadowlands: Fear and Freedom at the Oregon Standoff" -Anthony McCann

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    Peace of mind just can't be bought. Trust me: Even if your conscience doesn't stop you from playing dirty to get what you want, once you get it, it will keep you from enjoying it. As my mother used to say, "A good conscience is God's eye." Which is why I always prefer a loss to an underhanded gain; the one brings pain at the moment, the other for all time.

    Patti LaBelle

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    Well, I would like some of the pomp and circumstance ( done carefully ) and I do think it is important. First, I really do think we just can't be too cowed. I think that would only made those who wish to do bad, more emboldened. There are risks, but it seems to me that thing horrid incident on the 6th. is being taken VERY seriously and the ring leaders in particular are being sought and will be dealt with. These people are around and Trump gave them a lot of permission to come out and cause destruction. I worry like anyone, but it would be a mistake to allow them to take MORE.

    We need to have some normal when possible. It sounds to me like great care has been taken and we cannot have a President who spends four yrs. or more cowering. I do think though that we have to keep pressure on those who are known trouble-makers and who wish to be subversive. I'm not sure we can ever have a President who isn't looking over their shoulder quite a lot now, but we can make it a lot better by finding these people who are bent on destructiveness. Unfortunately Trump took what was special about our system of government and has done serious harm. Long time if ever we get it back -- but we can't cower and hide and show fear -- that was how we were controlled for 4 yrs. and we need to have that yoke taken off of us.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    I hope this is totally true. I have felt that Trump won't have all that much time to keep people on line and in line once he has to find legal help. From all I've heard lately he is not doing too well in this dept. so far. It sounds like he has no impeachment lawyers and that is about to begin, so maybe Giuliani will have to step in although he had a fair role in what caused the impeachment. I guess the worst of it is -- whomever were to take Trump on is taking on a client who is guilty on national news tape spouting the go get em' speech. Not so great to defend -- and then if you may get stiffed for your fees on top of it. No one is standing in like apparently.

    Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot Starting tomorrow, Donald Trump is going to spend the rest of his life in law offices, courtrooms, and prisons.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    Image may contain: 1 person, meme, text that says 'INTRODUCING THE "CRY INTO MY PILLOW" WATERPROOF FOR THOSE RIGHTWING TEARS'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    Image may contain: text that says 'COVID is no joke. One former patient was so brain damaged afterwards he thought he won an election he lost by 7 million votes'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    Image may contain: text that says 'BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan The 4 years of the trump presidency were the longest decades of my life. 10:41 AM Jan 19, 2021 Twitter for Android'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    Blue Girl - I find a picture or meme and click on it and I get a screen with choices. I choose (copy images ) and then go to wherever I want to leave it. Once there I hit CTRL and V and it jumps onto the page. I've done pics for a long time on several older Windows programs, so have done it several different ways -- the Windows 10 has been the easiest of them all.

    I'm computer illiterate so finally something that didn't take me yrs. to learn.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited January 2021

    Well, I love and admire the bravado of those of you who want the pomp and circumstance! I am just whimpy old anxiety ridden scaredy pants! So I will hold on to my hat and hop on for the ride.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Don Winslow @donwinslow 。ㅇ° Trump will leave office (we hope) with an an all time low 38% approval rating. My question is: What the hell are these 38% approving of?! 400,00 dead? An An armed insurrection? 1:25 PM Jan 17, 2021 Twitter Web App'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    Divine -- thank you for saying that. We are all VERY scared and more so since we watched Trump put kids in cages and all the other horrors. The last ( more something of a culmination ) encouraging people to destroy our houses of government and the people in them. I think Pres. Biden does not want all of us to live in fear -- something Trump has used constantly as a means of control, and he certainly doesn't either. So, the time to start is now. I think he is being mindful and careful -- and we have to have some faith and confidence.

    I also think that most of those who would do harm ( or try to ) likely would wait for a time when a lot of the attention has died down. I'm actually a little more concerned for other state houses and government offices. Ones where they may not be able to have a really elaborate set-up. All of the government will have to be alert for some time -- not just Washington. I think we will get our President and while I want him to have and be a success, there are those who are in line with him should he not be able to carry out duties. Thinking not of harm, but illnesses. WE are going to be okay.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited January 2021

    Unless maybe you want to count Kim Jong Un falling in love with him. Pssst, I'm not sure Kim Jong really meant it though.

    Image may contain: text that says 'When I ask a Trump supporter to name Trump's accomplishments in office, they say "he pulled out of the Iran Deal and the Paris Accord." That's not an accomplishment. Trump never built a single thing, he only tore down what Obama built. He couldn't even build his stupid wall. He let a pandemic ravage us, the economy is worse than ever, and we are totally divided as a nation. Donald Trump, good riddance. CALL TO ACTIVISM'

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited January 2021


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited January 2021

    Pence, McConnell To Skip Trump Departure Ceremony For Biden Inauguration Events

    By Hayley Miller (Huffington Post)

    The country's top Republicans will skip President Donald Trump's departure ceremony in Maryland on Wednesday in favor of attending inaugural activities with President-elect Joe Biden, according to multiple reports.

    Vice President Mike Pence is not expected to be present at the Trump send-off at Joint Base Andrews but will attend Biden's inauguration ceremony, reported The Washington Post and CNN.

    Sources close to Pence told the outlets it would be logistically challenging for Pence to attend both events. Trump's departure ceremony is scheduled for 8 a.m. at the military base, which is located about 11 miles southeast of Capitol Hill, where Biden is set to be sworn into office several hours later.

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) have accepted Biden's invitation to attend Mass at a church in Washington around 8:45 a.m., Axios reported. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) are also expected to join.

    Trump has fallen out of favor with some Republicans after he inspired hundreds of his followers to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6., resulting in violence that left at least five people dead.

    Leading up to the Capitol riot, Trump repeatedly lied that Democrats had "rigged" the election against him and that voter fraud was rampant. The Justice Department and election officials nationwide have rejected those claims.

    Trump also called on Pence to overturn the election results during the joint congressional session to certify the electoral votes ― a gathering that was interrupted for several hours as pro-Trump rioters attacked the Capitol.

    "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution," Trump tweeted after his supporters breached the Capitol, sending the seat of the U.S. government into lockdown. "USA demands the truth!"

    During a speech from the Senate floor Tuesday, McConnell said Trump had "provoked" the Capitol riot, shedding new light on his thoughts as the Senate's impeachment trial approaches.

    "The mob was fed lies," McConnell said. "They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like."

    Trump has reportedly requested a military-style sendoff featuring a military band and a red carpet lined with military personnel. He has opted not to attend Biden's inauguration, making him the first president in over 150 years to skip an incoming president's swearing-in ceremony.

    Anthony Scaramucci, who briefly served as White House communications director in 2017 before becoming an outspoken Trump critic, told CNN that he had received an invitation to the president's departure ceremony but did not plan to attend. He told the outlet that his invitation suggested the White House was seeking to beef up attendance.

    John Kelly, Trump's former White House chief of staff, has also reportedly declined an invitation to the send-off.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited January 2021


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited January 2021
