I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    One of the worst features about worrying is that it destroys our ability to concentrate. When we worry, our minds jump here and there and everywhere, and we lose all power of decision. However, when we force ourselves to face the worst and accept it mentally, we then eliminate all these vague imaginings and put ourselves in a position in which we are able to concentrate on our problem. - Willis H. Carrier

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,893
    edited May 2021

    What a powerful quote.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Spookiesmom, I also think that is likely a fairly strong case. Vance has been investigating quite some time and did manage to get the Trump taxes which will be a huge treasure trove of information. If I were Trump and Jr. Eric, and Ivanka I'd be gobbling up criminal lawyer referrals by the dozens while I mopped up all the sweat pouring out. I can't believe we are HERE and that it would result in nothing. It is time for people around the orange thing to wake up before he sucks them up in the undertow. He will toss any and all under the bus, period.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Thinking like a winner means not always having to defeat someone else. It means being able to grow from a situation in which you fail to reach your goal. It involves not demanding perfection from yourself in every single thing you do, but, instead, thinking of yourself as perfect and thus capable of growing. It means reminding yourself that perfection doesn't mean staying the same; it means being able to allow yourself to grow. Thinking as a winner means not coming down on yourself; it means refusing to allow self-repudiating thoughts into your head. It involves pushing out the inclination to evaluate yourself in comparison with others, and giving yourself permission to be the unique person you are. -Wayne Dyer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Biden Goes Full Robin Hood And Says He's Taking Back Trump's Tax Cut For The Rich And Giving It To The Working Class

    President Biden said that he plans on taking Trump's tax cut for the rich back and giving it to working-class people.

    Read more »
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,424
    edited May 2021

    Great memes, everyone! Sorry I've been remiss in not posting here for quite awhile--among "My Favorite Topics" I generally start with the shortest and lighter-hearted threads (drinking & dinner), then move on to Jackie's quotes in "Illinois...", then "Older than 60," "Lumpectomy Lounge," "Crazy Town" (shout-out to its late Mayor Beppy--and where's her successor, Queenmomcat, been lately?) and finally here. Life and other sites have been getting in the way, however, and as a result I rarely make it past the "Older" thread on any given day.

    Must also confess that I've not watched much MSNBC lately, as it's getting scarier & more depressing (the truth always is, alas). I watch CNN for its series & specials ("United Shades of America," "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy," "The Story of Late Night") and HBO for John Oliver, Bill Maher (though his libertarianism can be irritating), and certain specials (like the recent one about opioids & the pharma companies that push them). I get my actual news now from broadcast networks (and their local O&Os), the NYTimes, WaPo, and our local news blog "Block Club Chicago" (staffed with veterans of the Trib, Sun-Times and the old City News Bureau, which was the city's "farm team" for new j-school grads and trained some of the city's most illustrious journalists). It does drive me nuts, though, when people turn to social media for their "news." I forget which think tank did the study of IP addresses of those posting, but it turns out that only 12 accounts are responsible for most of the COVIDiocy and anti-vax disinformation.

    Bob has been frustrated over his Union Health patients who refuse to get vaccinated. Their excuses are distressing: the Black patients say that they'll consider it only if administered solely by people of color because they believe that white people & Black people aren't getting the same vaccines; the white patients--a lot of cops & firefighters--say "it's too controversial." (Idiots don't realize that it's THEY who are creating the "controversy").

    The renaming of things around here continues apace. Lake Shore Drive's proposed metamorphosis into "DuSable Drive" has been tabled for the next month or so. (Mayor Lightfoot is against renaming it--maybe it's the iconic eponymous song? The line "Just slippin' on by on LSD" loses its ironic double entendre if the highway's name is changed; Aliotta, Haynes & Jeremiah must be rolling in their graves at the very thought). Jean-Baptiste Pont du Sable may have been the first non-indigenous person to settle in what became Chicago--but he stayed only a few years before moving to St. Charles, MO. He already has a bridge, park, history museum and the plaza in the city's most famous intersection (on Michigan Ave. at the river, with the Wrigley Bldg. & Trib Tower). If they're going to rename the Drive for anyone, it should be for one of the Pottawatomi or Ojibwe chiefs whose tribes lived here for millennia before DuSable decided to set up temporary shop on the mudflats.

    And the venerable John Marshall Law School, now taken over by the Univ. if IL at Chicago, aka UIC (the city's only publicly-owned law school), has dropped "John Marshall" from its name because that early Chief Justice turns out to have both owned & traded slaves. Here's a thought, though: Douglas Park, because Stephen Douglas was a racist, was renamed Douglass Park in honor of Frederick Douglass. So why not rename the law school for Thurgood Marshall? Doesn't he deserve a fitting memorial?

    I think the moment an indictment is about to come down, Il DuceBag will skedaddle back down to Mar-a-Lago in expectation of Ron DeSatan refusing to allow his extradition to NY.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Consider the trees which allow the birds to perch and fly away

    without either inviting them to stay or desiring them

    never to depart. If your heart can be like this,

    you will be near to the way.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    With you on the idiocy of renaming as well as all of the Reps. stuff going on that is mostly insane. Then again, clinging to an insane orange thing means you can never let go -- but no one seems to extrapolate where that could actually take you. I do know it is mostly about not losing the voters but El Orange is likely to be in jail and maybe a number of the Reps. enablers as well. Guess they are banking on the suppression's and doing what they can to keep alive the conspiracy that El Orange actually won. Talk about insane jokes. I just hope we can all end up laughing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    and if your reading the Gaetz news of the day:

    May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot Matt Gaetz understands the Second Amendment about as well as age-of- consent law.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Incredible how well the shoe fits at times.


  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,893
    edited May 2021

    Agreed, if the shoe fits, wear it. Meanwhile it is his disposition that is butt ugly and he is a liar and crook. Since his last name means "cross", he is the cross to bear. How he keeps winning elections is amazing.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,424
    edited May 2021

    People (mostly white) will put up with disgusting behavior and hypocrisy from a candidate so long as (s)he is likely to support their biases and perpetute the societal order that keeps them at the top of the socio-cultural heap. This holds for both the rich and those so poor they don't have a pot to piss in, much less a window to throw it out of--but by God, they have their whiteness, straightness & Christianity.

    Vanity Fair did an analysis today of the hugely wealthy Memphis country-club MAGA set that private-jetted up to DC on Jan. 6 for the "stop the steal" rally. The jet did not go wheels-up again till word came in that the Capitol had been re-secured. And the candidates will swallow whatever shred of pride they may have in order to keep from getting primaried out of their jobs. Anyone, IMHO, who is unable to make a decent living unless they hold public office is manifestly unqualified to hold office....and beneath contempt.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Democrats Immediately Make McConnell And McCarthy Pay For Blocking 1/6 Commission

    The minute that Mitch McConnell successfully blocked the creation of the 1/6 Commission, Democrats started fundraising and pounding on the GOP.

    Read more »

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    I hope the above actually does hold out. I do feel most Democrats would never forget what took place on 1/6 up to and very much including anyone who is trying to "stop" the 1/6 commission at this point in time. McConnell has managed so much, abhorrent as so much of it is -- like dis-allowing M. Garland from even hearings for SC, but he doesn't ( sort of Idiot Orange manlike ) act as though there has been any failure on the part of his party and its' former leader. He just skips over all that and 'leads' from his minority status as though every dream he has will come true. I hope and pray that things keep blowing up where the Reps. are concerned. I worry a bit that we are trying too hard to "show" that the Reps. are not going to play fair.

    It is hard to watch the orange thing and some of his idiot patrol getting much more air time than they deserve even knowing it is more likely to do them in. I'm just anxious for some of them to be on their knees I guess. Why not --- we spent four years on ours and wile I've felt great freedom from every day worries, upsets, and hrs. of anger, since we have Pres. Biden at the helm, I am irked way more than I like.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    No photo description available.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    May be an image of one or more people, people standing, outdoors and text that says 'Select all squares with tourists If there are none, click stop TRUM ۲۹ M MAKE AMERICA RLIMI SKIP'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Maybe since he is still a disaster to the Reps. and mainly mucks it up we will have to put up with him a little longer. Just glad that he now has way less of a voice/platforms then he did before.

    May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Donald Trump has been accused of sexual assault more than two dozen times. So, is anyone really surprised that he's still trying to force himself on us even after we've repeatedly said NO? American News'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    May be an image of one or more people

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    May be a cartoon of 1 person and text that says 'Trump: I want to see Biden in prison. Biden: why does Trump think I would visit him in prison?'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    May be an image of 1 person and text that says '"THEY FILIBUSTERED THE TRUTH." -DAN RATHER OCCUPY DEMOCRATS'

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited May 2021


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    The important thing to remember is that peace comes from within your own heart and mind, not from some outside source, and when you refuse to be disturbed by things about you, life will flood your being with dynamic energy. unattributed

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Ruth, I absolutely love that meme and its very pure truth. I hope those who are shown above as well as those not pictured, have deep, deep regrets for what all of us see as a magnificent error in judgement. Those people are not adults.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited May 2021

    I could not be more disappointed & disturbed. Every time the Republicans have a chance to make a break from Trump, his lies, his encouragement of hatred & prejudice, his purposefully pulling the country apart....the list goes on and on......they, instead, dig their party (and the whole country) deeper and deeper into that despicable and destructive hole. It is utterly appalling, and for what purpose? Since many of profess to be 'Christians' (they are not); they might reflect on a question Jesus asked, "What does it profit you if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?"

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,893
    edited May 2021

    Ruth: I think you have to have a soul to begin with. In their case, there is no loss. WWJD doesn't apply when you are a conservative, white supremacist.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    I think it is all total frustration. How many times we got up to THE point where it seemed like justified and so well earned pay-back and having to stand up for the evil things done was going to happen in a minute amt. of time only to see it all slip away. I think it nags at me now. There is every appearance that things are about to open to the point of those responsible for things like 1/6 or failing the duties of impeachment or any number of things will finally be put in what would seem their rightful place of having a retribution happen for the criminal and or dereliction of duties detailed by sworn oath. I know the wheels of justice grind quite slowly, but there have been well over four yrs. now. I don't know what will come first -- retribution for criminal acts or my ulcer.

    ETA: It was a beautiful thing though ( no matter how many dolts try to "audit it " ) to watch the orange one lost so bigly in the 2020 election -- one of the very safest we ever had.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Guess you could say that is a bit reasonable of those lunatics.

    May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot INSURRECTION SHOCKER: Republicans don't want to investigate the crimes they committed.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Six stages of toast.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,005
    edited May 2021

    Though I might travel afar, I will meet only what I carry with me, for every man and woman is a mirror. We see only ourselves reflected in those around us. Their attitudes and actions are only a reflection of our own. The whole world and its condition has its counter parts within us all. Turn the gaze inward. Correct yourself and your world will change.
    Kirsten Zambucka