I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
Spiritual wealth can be a pathway to true and lasting happiness because with it, we have a resource to provide for what may be needed. Material wealth may be dependent on many extraneous factors that can sometimes be outside our control. Spiritual wealth can be within our control because it is an "inside job." We are the ones who determine how much or how little we open our hearts and our minds. If we take inventory and find ourselves lacking in spiritual wealth, we have the opportunity to replenish the supply. Within us can be found the necessary tools for building productive and happy lives. We can access the ability to be useful and, thereby, enjoy life, regardless of what may be taking place around us. -John Marks Templeton
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Ruth, love the memes, especially the Peanuts one. The suppression is a bit scary, but hopefully will be well tamped down later. I'm also reading and feeling as well that the Reps. are hurting themselves with the lasts stunt of trying to ditch the commission. Especially McCarthy who in trying to cancel ( opps, did I say Reps. are doing that ) participation by the Reps. He might have had ( though somewhat minor ) some ability to influence his part of 1/6 but he wasn't smart enough to hang in there after orange guy chipped in. He is a wishy-washy mess and I think will hopefully not get near as close to SOTH as he thinks he will. You have to b firm and not quivering jello.
Also, while I do think Pelosi will do the 1/6 commission, we do have a DOJ in Merritt Garland who is deep into prosecuting the days' participants so it is not like there is anything the Reps. can do to stop progress. It is good for news media to play up though. In the end, I do hope ( I'll forever be a bit nervous about politics today ) the Reps. are just putting another nail in their coffins. Media will downplay the loses and expand what looks like wins so that a lot of us will continue to feel a bit un-balanced. I just don't see the Reps. doing themselves much good. It certainly sounds more and more like it is just a question of time ( and not that much ) til' the orange one and possibly a family member or so gets indicted. M. Cohen thought by the end of summer or slightly before. Of course, we want it sooner, but then a lot of us knew it was something that Orange should have experienced long before -- like even before he got in the WH. Still think of all the yrs. he got skipped over for paying taxes with seemingly no one looking at it. He wasn't the only one, of course, I do hope Biden is going to take that away from the VERY well heeled.
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I would think true Republicans, in the John McCain/Bob Dole sense of the word, would be completely horrified by what has happened to their party.
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With global warming, we're likely to get a flood. Especially in beach areas.
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While another flood might be a good idea, shit floats and most Repugnicans meet this criteria.
According to Cindy McCain, she has stated John would be appalled about what has happened to the Repugnican party.
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Ron Johnson is ready for highly assisted living. Locked facility would be best.
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Only the wise person draws from life, and from every stage of it, its true savour, because only he or she feels the beauty, the dignity, and the value of life. The flowers of youth may fade, but the summer, the autumn, and even the winter of human existence, have their majestic grandeur, which the wise person recognizes and glorifies. -Henri Amiel
Wise people are able to give themselves gracefully to seemingly contradictory experiences, because they know that they belong to different seasons of life, all of which are necessary to the whole. Spring and winter, growth and decay, creativity and fallowness, health and sickness, power and impotence, and life and death all belong within the economy of being. -Sam Keen
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Life become a bit busier. I’ve gotten out more lately due to the weather getting nice and more people getting vaccinated. So I don’t post here as often but still read every day. Also, with Biden as President of the United States, the news isn’t quite so jarring. No, we can’t put our guard down, but it’s a relief for things on the political front not to be so intense all day, every day.
I wanted to share that one of the contributors to this thread, JCSLibrarian, received some difficult health news this week, so please keep her in your thoughts.
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Good to see you Divine. Glad you are staying busy and able to enjoy being outdoors a lot more. It is a wonderful thing that most of us here can spend our days not having to be over-esposed to news cycles now. Seems sort of a long time now since I kept the tv on because at ANY moment an orange disaster might be in he making. That said, we do tend to keep the tv running as it tends to keep the animals in the household happier and they are not as affected by outside noises. But we are not paying much attention any more and often have it turned onto something else other than news where it was ALWAYS on the news before.
JCS Librarian you will be deep in my thoughts and supplications to the Universe.
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The absolute truth.
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Another huge truth.
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This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love; the more they give, the more they possess of that precious nourishing love from which flowers and children have their strength and which could help all human beings if they would take it without doubting. Rainer Maria Rilke
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I see Cruz is still loving orange and red. He is despicable and deplorable and just wow -- talk about not an ounce of pride as you grovel with such stupidity at the feet of the orange one and Putin. I hope we are able to rid ourselves of groveling Cruz and a few others like him in the next elections. Can't believe how they have managed to hang on.
Judge Allows Republicans To Audit Fulton County, Georgia Ballots For The Fourth Time
A judge allowed Trump-supporting plaintiffs to audit the absentee ballots in Fulton County, GA. This will be the 4th time that Georgia's 2020 ballots are recounted.
Read more »I hope they are right here as well that the GA "audit" won't go like the one in AZ. I also hope these people are indeed getting heavily on the nerves of those of us who accepted the election. I do hope these Reps. are playing a dangerous game with their 'influence' peddling which will I hope take them down. I do keep hearing that by the end of the yr. indictments will come and even though there will be those who say it is further abuse by our side -- the facts will bear out where the fault lies and that won't be changed by lies. Hopefully if the Reps. don't want to accept politics as we have known it all these many yrs. then let them bow out and go do something else.
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To receive more, we must give out what we receive. . . . For it is by giving that we set in operation the unfailing law of measure for measure. With no thought of receiving, it is impossible to avoid receiving, for the abundance you have given is returned to you in fulfillment of the law.
Baird Spalding0 -
I really like that, Divine. Very cool.
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To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never; in a word to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common--this is to be my symphony.
William Henry Channing0 -
If religion commands universal charity, to love our neighbors as ourselves, to forgive and pray for all our enemies without any reserve; it is because all degrees of love are degrees of happiness, that strengthen and support the Divine life of the soul, and are as necessary to its health and happiness, as proper food is necessary to the health and happiness of the body. -William Law
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I Don't Care About Bipartisanism, I Care About Humanity
For months I've been hearing about pursuing a bipartisan America; about this nation needing to forge a new spirit of political collaboration if we ever hope to bridge the massive divides here. I'm tried of hearing that. We all know how we got here. We've all lived through the past five years. We saw the […]
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Wow, what a powerful message that should be sent to each Repugnican congressman and Senator. For 4 years the only bipartisanship exhibited was by the Democrats. Sad that the Repugnicans have degenerated into fascists.
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Excellent, Illinois!
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Different from the civil and other cases.
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Lock them up and throw away the key!!!!!!!!