I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
"A day in the life of Sue the Trump supporter…
Sue gets up at 6 a.m. and fills her coffeepot with water to prepare her morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards.
With her first swallow of coffee, she takes her daily medication. Her medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to insure their safety and that they work as advertised.
All but $10 of her medications are paid for by her employer's medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance - now Sue gets it too.
She prepares her morning breakfast, bacon and eggs. Sue's bacon is safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.
In the shower, Sue reaches for her shampoo. Her bottle is properly labeled with each ingredient and its amount in the total contents because some crybaby liberal fought for her right to know what she was putting on her body and how much it contained.
Sue dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air she breathes is clean because some environmentalist wacko liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air.
She walks to the subway station for her government-subsidized ride to work. It saves her considerable money in parking and transportation fees because some fancy-pants liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
Sue begins her work day. She has a good job with excellent pay, medical benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some lazy liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Sue's employer pays these standards because Sue's employer doesn't want his employees to call the union.
If Sue is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed, she'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some stupid liberal didn't think she should lose her home because of her temporary misfortune.
It's noon and Sue needs to make a bank deposit so she can pay some bills. Sue's deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some godless liberal wanted to protect Sue's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression.
Sue has to pay her Fannie Mae-underwritten mortgage and her below-market federal student loan because some elitist liberal decided that Sue and the government would be better off if she was educated and earned more money over her lifetime.
Sue is home from work. She plans to visit her father this evening at his farm home in the country. She gets in her car for the drive. Her car is among the safest in the world because some America-hating liberal fought for car safety standards.
She arrives at her childhood home. Her generation was the third to live in the house financed by Farmers' Home Administration because bankers didn't want to make rural loans. The house didn't have electricity until some big-government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification.
She is happy to see her father, who is now retired. Her father lives on Social Security and a union pension because some wine-drinking, cheese-eating liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Sue wouldn't have to.
Sue gets back in her car for the ride home, and turns on a radio talk show. The radio host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. He doesn't mention that Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Sue enjoys throughout her day. Sue agrees: "We don't need those big-government liberals ruining our lives! After all, I'm self-made and believe everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have."0 -
Love the "Sue" story and all the other memes. Wonder who cuts her lawn, trims her trees, cleans her house, buses her table at the local restaurant, washes the dishes she ate off at that restaurant and for that fact cooked that meal? Who picks up her trash, paints her nails, cares for her pool, etc. ? Probably not one of her neighbor's or their kids. So what will they do if all the illegals who want to be safe cannot enter the country? All those services she takes for granted will not be filled by anyone she knows or knows of.
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Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another. -Helen Keller
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I am in such strong dislike of this man. I actually try not to hate anyone as I think its sort of toxic, but some people make it one of the most difficult things I do.
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yeah lil ole you🤬🤬
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Do you ever wonder how many of these Southern senators and congressmen have KKK memberships in their past? I do since they are hellbent on preserving white supremacy not only in their states but others as well.
Personally I think if you looked up slimeball in the dictionary, Lindsey's picture would be there.
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I think Miss Lindsey is afraid that someone, who shall not be named, is dangling something over his head. His reversal on all he was claimed to believe about that unnamed person is stunning.
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Graham referred to segregation as 'the good old days' during Barrett's confirmation.
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Liar liar pants on fire.
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Come out of the closet, Missy Lindsey. Fiddley-dee, the left-wing, liberal, socialists won't care if you are gay. Mitch McConnell has his "beard" in Elaine Choi. Am I bad thinking those things? No proof.
To think Graham and McCain were buddies. John must be turning over in his grave. McCain was more right wing than I could ever be but he was a man of honour.
The South is indeed attempting to rise again. I am old enough to remember news coverage of the Selma march. This cannot be allowed to happen again. No one should be threatened, beaten or killed for the right to vote.
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Elderberry: Thank you for voicing my thoughts about Lindsey. Not a recent thought either. Nothing against gays either since I am liberal in my thinking and do not feel the need to sit in judgment on those who are not of my persuasion. McCain is definitely a whirling dervish in his grave given his old friend's antics and lack of the honor he possessed. I just watched a Netflix film called The Best of Enemies and considering it reflects segregation in Durham in 1971, nothing much has changed in 50 years as far as the the white Southern need to be superior. Christians, not.
Don't think much of Elaine Choi since I think she is also an opportunist like Melania and Mitch deserves nothing better.
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Loved all the latest memes and entries. I just read a piece ( not about L. Graham ) but about John McCain. The gist of it was how McCain was not at all bothered about the remarks Trump made about him ( he bad mouthed McCain because he was captured ) because he thought not only did he not have one ounce of respect for Trump, but he thought he was an idiot as well. As you all talked about Graham and McCain being friends that is what came to mind. Of course, were McCain still around their would not have been a reason no doubt, for Graham to feel the need to pursue Trump and kiss is ugly ring with such delight. Who knows what happened for sure with Graham but apparently he has no idea he is so transparent to so many. He is not the only Reps. so affected.
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The Republican Party Is Literally Shrinking And Dying Right Before Our Eyes
A new analysis of voter file information found that the Republican Party's backbone is people over 75, and that group is becoming a smaller share of the electorate.
Read more »So hope this is true, but I've thought that possible from other things I've read. Truth is though -- unless we get to keep the House and Senate in '22 ( hopefully even beyond ) I'll worry. These things above may sound right, but it sounds more to me like we have to work on solving some of the suppression going on and also work hard on dumping that filibuster.
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Good one, Ruth! I concur that there is something ultra-sleazy about Elaine Chao...not just her husbend. Read a long article awhile back on the career arc of Moscow Mitch--he started as a Democrat, but learned on what side his bread is buttered. Just as with every GOP leader after McCain died (and a few--ahem--St. Ronnie--ahem), his ideology is determined by moistening his index finger and holding it up to see which way the wind is blowing.
Saw a documentary last night on PBS' P.O.V. series, called "The Neutral Ground." Set in New Orleans, it chronicled the long and arduous legal and political journey between the NOLA city council voting solidly to take down the city's Confederate monuments and the nearly two years before the first one was removed in the dark of night by order of mayor Mitch Landrieu. The backstory was the city's (and the South's) history of slavery, then Reconstruction, then Northern politicians chickening out and abandoning the movement to the racists who had patrolled for and murdered & tortured runaway slaves (and even newly-free Black people).
The degree of gaslighting and revisionist history it depicts on the part of those nostalgic for all things CSA is staggering: they denied that slaves were first kidnapped (the term used was "rescued from primitive savage Africa") and then mistreated in any way; and--despite Confederate leaders' own literal written words to the contrary, that slavery & white supremacy were not the causes of the Civil War, but rather "states' rights" (to make it legal to own people as property). The parallel between that and the majority opinion in last week's SCOTUS decision upholding Arizona's de facto racist voting restrictions--that the states know best how to run their elections--is downright chilling. And one of those monuments that nostalgic white Confederacy-cosplayers wanted to preserve was the "Liberty Place Monument," erected by the White League, with a plaque literally proclaiming & lauding "white supremacy." (Good on Landrieu for, before he was finally able to find workmen willing to dismantle it, making sure it was hidden between the ass-end of a parking garage and a floodwall by an abandoned industrial site at thr river end of Iberville St. ). And seeing a poster for--and a marching scene led by--Shirley Temple as "The Littlest Rebel," romanticizing the Confederacy & casting slave-owners as victims, I wanted to puke. (I can never hear "The Good Ship Lollipop" the same way again).
The documentary is a painful reminder of how whiteness prevails in America (not just the South) and why it's amazing that not every Black person harbors justified anger & resentment against white people.
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You have choice. You can select joy over despair. You can select happiness over tears. You can select action over apathy. You can select growth over stagnation. You can select you. And you can select life. And it's time that people tell you you're not at the mercy of forces greater than yourself. You, indeed, are the greatest force for you. Now, you can't do it for me, but you can do it for you. -Leo Buscaglia
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I think she just made the case.
Yes, doing things like a big insurrection to overthrow the government looks like holy hell and therefore the people who did it or aided and abetted it are indeed horrible people. Bravo for getting this one right.
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True confession: I not only really do hate/detest those people, I whisper the incantation 'Die, Die!" whenever I see their faces. 😈👹☠
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To MTG (moron): Honey, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck. It won't take a commission to make them look horrible, just look at the videos from that day. There in is the proff that they are horrible people. Does she ever utter a word/sentence/phrase that is worth hearing? NOT!
I'm with you Ruth. Should we convene a coven or act like the witches in Macbeth?
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By the pricking of my thumbs, I'm in for the Birnham Wood coven.
BTW, if you haven't already seen "Scotland, PA", I highly recommend it. It's MacBeth set in 1970's America, with Christopher Walken. So good!
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Though not a superstitious person in general, I do have a difficult time wishing death on anyone (being stage IV I wouldn’t want those bad vibes coming back to me) but if something bad happens to one of those despicable individuals I will not feel bad or shed a single tear. I’m sure there’s a role for me in the coven 😉.
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Count me in the coven
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Count me in the coven as well.
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I'm with you on that one. I do think what we send out can at times find its way back, but like you, if the worst should happen to MTG and others like her, there is no way I could feel at all bad in any way. I do believe in karmic justice as well as legal justice, but sometimes the waiting for it is difficult. I always feel it should be almost as immediate as the distress I'm sure many of us feel over what so many of the white supremacists/extreme rt. wingers ( especially those in Congress ) and the orange fool do. Hoping to see some of that justice take place soon.
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Likely this has about the chance of a snowball in hell, but it will really be good for the orange grifter and his money grabs off the less than bright hangars-on.
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I'm superstitious, so I try not to even feel schadenfreude (much less wish death on anyone--except you-know-who when he was still in the WH). I have a potentially fatal eye cancer, so I don't want fate to boomerang on me.
I read a NYT article last night about COVID in the SW VA/NW TN area of the Appalachians (Johnston & Bristol). Few people are vaccinated, and the vast majority of people get all their "information" from right-wing media (cable, radio, social). They believe that all hospitals are making money hand over fist by listing flu and all cardiac deaths as COVID "so they can get kickbacks from the Federal Gov't." They consider the pandemic a hoax--even some of them till their dying breath. And most of the few who got vaccinated did so only because their employers mandated it--they still don't believe it works or that COVID is a problem. They believe conspiracy theorists and their snake-handling-tongues-speaking pastors, because they will go to great lenghts to seek out anything that assures them they have an absolute right to do whatever they want and only what they want.
A few years ago, I read a Malcolm Gladwell book (I forget whether it was What the Dog Saw, The Tipping Point, or Outliers) that explains that ignorant, insular, simplistic almost infantile mindset in Appalachia (and it's mostly ethnic, dating back to the first Scots-Irish immigrants who settled there in the 18th century). They have a tribalistic culture--which also explains the notorious inter-family feuds--in which only God (via their pastors) can tell them what to do and that any perceived personal slight constitutes "disrespect" for which the penalty is death without benefit of a trial.
Remember Tiffany, the "Pennsyltucky" hillbilly character in Orange is the New Black, who came from that part of VA? The backstory of how she became a Federal inmate was when she went to an abortion clinic and believed she was condescended to by a staffer. She explained to her boyfriend, "she disrespected me, so she has to die," and shot up the clinic, becoming the darling of "pro-lifers" who funded her futile legal defense and made her one of their own. Later, she perceived that protagonist inmate--wealthy WASP Piper--was mocking her, and so she repeated that phrase before beating Piper up, with the fight backfiring and causing Piper to knock out all Tiffany's teeth.
If that makes me an urban elitist, so be it.
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Didn't Tiffany get a brand new set of teeth after her run-in with Piper? Her rotted-out meth teeth? (I haven't watched in a while, so I may have the wrong character.)