I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    David Brooks on PBS just called DT's acceptance speech a "puddle of nothing."

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2020

    CBS was not complimentary either!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited August 2020

    It hardly matters what SpongeBlob says any more--all I hear is "blah blah blah" in that singsong cadence he uses when trying to read off a teleprompter. I too have been watching only recaps (especially Trevor Noah and Li'l Rel Howrey subbing for Jimmy Kimmel tonight). But I did turn on the sound for Nightline's dueling pundits: Chris Christie spinning so furiously I thought he'd bore a hole in the studio floor; and Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel made the point that anyone who's ever worked at the WH gets a bit of a chill walking through the gates, so momentous is it to have the honor to work where so much of our history--especially the good stuff--has happened. He said to see "the People's House being used to declare 'I'm here and you're not' " was nothing short of a defilement.

    As to what happened to Guilfoyle between her marriage to Newsom and now? Anyone here remember a CBS summer replacement show a few years back called Brain Dead? (Just hearing Jonathan Coulton sing the "Previously on..." recaps was a joy). It was an hour-long dramedy that was more pointed satire than actual horror show. The premise was that insects from outer space invaded the U.S. and crawled into certain politicians' ears while they slept, eating away at their brains and thus turning the pols into Tea Party Republicans. I think that's what may have happened to Guilfoyle.

    My college best friend & sorority sister (Reform Jewish like me) went through some very, very hairy things (including serious drug abuse) after her marriage broke up due to her DH cheating. At one point, she was told she "was riddled with cancer" and when she told a co-worker, the co-worker said to pray for healing. Naively, she asked "how do I pray without a siddur (Jewish prayerbook/order of service)?" The co-worker told her to look up to heaven, raise her hands and start, "Dear Jesus..." She then claims her doctors told her all her cancer was gone, without treatment. So she became "born again.," and joined the 300-member Grammy/Dove-winning Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. I don't at all mind her praying for me--I'll take all the attempts at divine intervention I can get, regardless of belief systems. But when I mentioned I attend my temple's Zoom/YouTube services, she said "Don't go online--go and pray and praise in person." I had to explain that almost all synagogues and Catholic churches here are not holding in-person services. It just hit me that she believes that being "washed in the blood of Jesus" is what makes true-believing churchgoers COVID-immune. Sigh.

    Meanwhile, my recording engineer & his wife way downstate (on their farm in the outskirts of the St. Louis Metro East region, which hit 10% positivity rate today) are Evangelicals who spread "the Word" but don't shove it down anyone's throats. They walk the walk, volunteering at the food bank and holding concerts to build wells in Kenya and for Heifer Int'l. They are among only a handful of liberals remaining in Randolph County. They Zoom into their church on Sundays, rather than go in person because of the COVID danger. They wear their masks in town (when they walk their own property, it's just them) but get ridiculed for it. Maskholes will be maskholes.

    I am convinced the subtext behind the CDCs advice to companies not to try to enforce their own, local and state mask mandates is "these are Trump's people, our people, let them do what they want and if they spread disease, it is what it is."

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020




  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    TULSA...IN SHORTS.....


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020




  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020






  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020






  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Guess she's not with us after all.....


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020



  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020



  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    Scribbled thoughts hearing Trump speak? Oh yes. I literally cannot listen to him for more than 30 seconds. No tuning into the RNC last night for me.

    I love the description, love, of his speech:”puddle of nothing.” Puddle of nothing.

    Oh, the green screen dress! Absolutely perfection!!! Did Melania not remember what happened when Sarah Huckabee wore one to a press conference?

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Divine, I don't know where Melania's head is....she just always and a day will remind me of the female character in Spy vs Spy......(and she surely did on Wednesday in that getup.....)


  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
    edited August 2020

    Trill, you make me laugh and I am in agreement with your comments. Poor Abe, he could probably use the copy of DT's acceptance speech as TP. I cannot stand the cadence DT uses when he speaks from a teleprompter and let's face it extemporaneous speaking is not his forte.

    My son had given me a subscription to Acorn TV and it has been a blessing this week. I was able to escape living in the totalitarian regime of DT, listening to his lying rhetoric and that of those dunces he calls children. I like the comparison of Melania to the Spy vs Spy especially since she was raised in a Communist country. She is an opportunistic parasite of the first order.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Betrayal, I had Acorn and loved it...watched (twice!) A Place to Call Home (think that's the name...)--great Aussie series. And the lead character---Sarah--was so good I found her on another Acorn series where she is a lawyer....can't think of the name but when I entered her name there it came up, as did another one where she is the love interest-- sort of--of a private detective fellow...Both were good but I liked A Place the best.....I would have kept Acorn but just got Amazon Prime and I have Netflix and said two at a time is enough for me.....those streamers plus eagle cam watching and some eagle FB groups have kept me sane these months...now I'm watching cars and other items being restored on various series....earlier it was binging on Hoarders series....and coming away feeling like a positive neatnik! Lol!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2020
    Dan Rather
    23m ·

    The lies flew like a fertilizer spreader in a windstorm.
    The flood lights illuminating the White House backdrop couldn't outshine the darkness of a broken historical precedent.
    The packed, maskless crowd mocked the reality of a murderous virus engulfing the nation.

    Last night's culmination of the Republican Convention was pure Donald Trump, even if he remained largely tethered to his teleprompter. It was a grievance-filled exercise in mass gaslighting. It reinforced my previously-stated belief that the Trump re-election campaign is based on the rather hard-to-swallow idea that only Donald Trump can save America from Donald Trump's America. But we know many of his legions of fervid supporters believe this framing of the national moment to make perfect sense. He is their savior, no matter what he has wrought.

    As to how this speech and convention played to the rest of America, I am reminded often of a favorite line I heard long ago about prognostication: those who live by the crystal ball end up eating a lot of broken glass. Did last night help the president's re-election prospects? Did it hurt them? Will it all be forgotten with the next tweet or earth-shaking event? No one really knows.

    What is clear is that, at least for now, the Trump campaign and the man who leads it, has settled on some specific lines of attack. Gone seems to be "sleepy Joe Biden." Now it is "Trojan Horse Joe Biden," a captive of the socialist left. Nevermind Biden's own decades-long record in government and nevermind that the demonization by the president and his enablers of the left wing of the Democratic Party is based on exaggerations, distortions and many outright lies.

    President Trump has the political instincts to know he is losing. Yes he preached a lot of fear last night, but I suspect he also is afraid. He cannot allow reality to intervene into the conversation, because by almost any measure of our personal, civic, social, or economic health, America is struggling. That is why packing his supporters onto the White House lawn was so important. He needed a show, even if it ended up being deadly to those who attended and the others they might infect.

    Against this gaudy pageantry of last night we have shuttered schools, mass unemployment, staggering death tolls, and a combustible social justice movement. Of that list, Donald Trump only wishes to talk about the final one. Months of protests, mostly peaceful but some violent, have given him what he yearns for, and even many of his opponents worry about: an opening. Donald Trump has long played on racist tropes, biases, and deeply-ingrained, history-laden fears of Black and brown people. I am old enough to have seen this "law and order" line of attack used before by politicians and work many times,, although it's been a long time since I have seen it employed so blatantly.

    Will it work? Now well into the 21st century? It will with some. It will backfire with others. Who those are, what their numbers will be, and whether they will vote all hangs in a balance of uncertainty.

    And it is into this cauldron of the unknowable that this campaign will play out. The polls in a week or two might provide a more robust snapshot. But we have also seen how events can come out of nowhere to change narratives and news cycles. However, despite all that is going on, we have seen the race be remarkably steady in recent months. Donald Trump appears to be losing, and there is the potential that he could receive a stinging defeat. But many suspect the polls to tighten, and almost everyone, in both campaigns, thinks Donald Trump can win. What that would do for the continuation of American democracy is another question.

    Ultimately, this will be decided at the ballot box. We will see who votes, and for whom. And in retrospect we may be able to answer the question of what to make of last night in the larger arc of the story of this nation.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited August 2020

    So this is the right-wing maskholes' real message: "everyone's gonna get COVID anyway, so we're just fine with giving it to you sooner."

    And anyone banging their heads against the wall over newscasters referring to the guy who video-ed and interviewed Kyle Rittenhouse as an "independent journalist?" Ferpity's sake, did they not see the "Daily Caller" chyron onscreen--and do they not know Daily Caller is a notorious alt-right web outlet???

    I wanna scream, too, when I hear people like Tim Scott, Ben Carson, and Nikki Haley insist that because they succeeded despite being people of color, America is not racist. They remind me of the older women attorneys I encountered when I was a newly-minted lawyer back in the 1970s. Their attitude was "I made it against all odds, therefore there are no 'odds' to be overcome, so stop complaining and cowgirl-up;" or for me to say that since I was never personally a victim of anti-Semitism, it doesn't exist. What part of "exceptions to the rule" do these people not understand?

    Oh, and gonna wear my "Yo Semite" T-shirt to online temple tonight.

  • erento
    erento Posts: 187
    edited August 2020

    I'm afraid the riots will play into Trump's hand, despite his disregard for law, he's selling himself as law & order president and his base is lapping it all up. Dems need to address this strongly and quickly. They seem to be making some of the 2016 mistakes again and this time they're not even in power.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
    edited August 2020

    Love Dan Rather who doesn't split hairs when he dissects an event.

    Hated Melania's dress. Could not decide if she was dressed as a pistachio or a pea soup advertisement. Wonder how much that ugly outfit cost?

    Trill: I am just recently into my second subscription to Acorn so I will look for the series you have cited. This has been my birthday gift from my DS and DDIL for the past 2 years and it is a gift that does not require a wall, need to be dusted or require a designated space. I can watch on my laptop at my convenience which is the best. I am a mystery fan so I am working my way through what is available and just finished a Welsh, Swedish and then a Dutch series. They have a great selection which ranges from cop procedural mysteries to comedic mystery such as Agatha Raisin (funny and loved the outfits). I have watched a few Aussie series to date and this week I am in to Jack Irish. I love learning new Aussie and British words such as "dunny" which is an Aussie word for the toilet. LOL. I am seeing repeats of actors from one series to another and that is pleasing because they are good in their roles. With the Aussies, it is sometimes the aboriginal peoples and that is great because they deserve the screen time.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Posts: 1,418
    edited August 2020


    The Perfectly Logical Case for Donald Trump by Alexandra Petri

    To make America great again, again, you must vote for Donald Trump!

    If you think things are bad now under Donald Trump, vote for Donald Trump, who will fix things. The chaos will continue unless you vote for Donald Trump, who will bring needed change by serving another term as president.

    Any bad things happening now were sent by Joe Biden, from the future. Do not be fooled by the fact that they are happening in the present, when Donald Trump is president. They are not happening now; they are a preview of what will happen when Joe Biden is president.

    Joe Biden wants to destroy the suburbs; he wants, also, to put America's great workers into houses and basements, where he will force unwanted government assistance on them. Joe Biden has controlled all of government for the past 47 years but, confusingly, he has never gotten through any of the radical policies he really wanted — until now, when he assuredly will. His first act will be to get rid of hamburgers and make cows illegal.

    Joe Biden is 40 feet tall, made of wood, hollow and filled with socialists. Joe Biden is also a puppet whose strings are pulled by China, and he would be a pushover to them, unlike Donald Trump, whom John Bolton remembered telling Chinese President Xi Jinping to "go ahead" building concentration camps for Uighurs because it was "exactly the right thing to do." Joe Biden wants to defund the police, which is why he is advocating not defunding the police.

    Most of all, Joe Biden wants to destroy America's greatness. (Greatness is what we have right now, under Donald Trump, but also don't have yet, but will definitely have in the future.) Joe Biden will never create jobs, the way Donald Trump has, by first presiding over the loss of millions of them.

    Under Donald Trump, America has never been safer. It has also never been more dangerous. We must elect Donald Trump to make us safe again, which he has already made us, never more than we are now, although we also aren't, and won't be, unless we elect him! If you see.

    Donald Trump supports law and order, except the Hatch Act, which he doesn't think Americans care about. He was briefly impeached, but it was a big misunderstanding and doesn't indicate anything about his respect for rule of law, which is absolute. Also, impeachment is illegal (not many people know this), so the most respectful thing is to resist it and call it illegitimate. The fact that impeachment seems to be included in the Constitution is another paradox from the Joe Biden timeline, to be ignored.

    Donald Trump is a crusader against nepotism, corruption and the abuse of power for personal gain, wherever it may lurk. The fact that four of the main speechmakers on the four nights of the convention were his children was simply because they were literally the best people in America. He despises people who profit from public office, and the times when he has urged people to stay at Trump properties were just because he gives and gives without thinking of himself. We will see his tax returns very soon.

    Elect him and nobody will be canceled, except those of whom Donald Trump disapproves, but that is okay because they did something bad. He is not racist and his appeals contain no dog whistles, but you are racist for thinking so.

    In conclusion, Donald Trump has accomplished more than any other president, ever, in his single term, including some accomplishments that did not even happen during his term, like his landmark achievement, the Veterans Choice Bill, passed in 2014 under President Barack Obama. There is no pandemic to speak of, or to put on a mask for; if there ever was one, it was someone else's fault; also, Joe Biden did not take it seriously, unlike Donald Trump, who does, and is continuing to, at his large unmasked gatherings of supporters breathing and shouting together. Donald Trump does not look at America and see thousands of people needlessly dying and millions losing their jobs — this is what Joe Biden sees. Donald Trump sees greatness!

    Donald Trump has made America great again, and he will make it great again, again, if reelected, but right now, Joe Biden and the Democrats are ruining America and filling it with chaos. So don't you think it's time for a change?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    edited August 2020


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    ananda, wow, just wow. The perfectly logical case total sense to me.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    I catch Jim Gaffigan's humor, which I love, on CBS's Sunday Morning. If any of you watch him, you will love the twitter storm he started towards the end of Trump's speech last night......

    From HuffPost:

    Comic Jim Gaffigan Lights Up Twitter With Some Tough Talk For Trump Loyalists


    Comic Jim Gaffigan launched into a different kind of routine on Thursday evening, using his Twitter account to not only criticize President Donald Trump, but to also call out those who still support him.

    The normally clean comic even dropped a few F-bombs.Comic Jim Gaffigan launched into a different kind of routine on Thursday evening, using his Twitter account to not only criticize President Donald Trump, but to also call out those who still support him.

    As Trump neared the end of his marathon acceptance speech during the Republican National Convention at the White House, Gaffigan was just getting warmed up

    Gaffigan: excuse me while I treat myself to confronting some asshole trolls...

    Then, for a little more than an hour, Gaffigan tore into the president and his loyalists, starting with this one:

    G: Look Trumpers I get it. As a kid I was a cubs fan and I know you stick by your team no matter what but he's a traitor and a con man who doesn't care about you. Deep down you know it. I'm sure you enjoy pissing people off but you know Trump is a liar and a criminal.

    Early on, Gaffigan responded to the inevitable "stick to comedy" types as well as those hoping to "cancel" him for sharing his views:

    G: By the way you can't be against Cancel Culture and tell people to stay out of politics. You know that time you did a job and didn't get paid? That's trump and you know it.

    to those of you who think Im destroying my career wake up. if trump gets elected, the economy will never come back.

    Gaffigan, who is known for having a largely clean act, dropped a few F-bombs into his takedown and a few more in his replies to angry supporters of the president. One was aimed at former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz, who attacked Biden over his faith in an RNC speech this week, calling the former vice president "Catholic in name only" because he supports a woman's right to choose.

    Gaffigan, a Catholic himself, fired back:

    G: Fuck Lou Holtz. Biden is Catholic in name only? Compared to who? How many abortions did trump pay for? How many women has he raped? How many times did pull the shit he did in Ukraine. Wake up. He's a crook and a con man.

    "No need to curse, tho," replied his wife Jeannie Gaffigan, who also serves as his co-writer and producer.

    "Okay fine," Gaffigan wrote back.

    He wrapped up with a volley of tweets, including these:

    G: Remember everything Trump accuses the Democrats of he's guilt of. Dont let the socialist name calling distract you from the fact he is a fascist who has no belief in law.You know Trump just creates enemies. You know you can't trust him. You know he been incompetent during this crisis. You know all those people didn't need to die. Trump talks about the Space Program and you can't safely go to a movie. Wake up.

    Trump budding up with dictators is RADICAL. Trump interfering with the justice department is RADICAL. Trump pandering to the police and army (I gave 3 raises) is RADICAL.I dont give a fuck if anyone thinks this is virtue signaling or whatever. We need to wake up. We need to call trump the con man and thief that he is.

    Heading to bed but remember - If you want to sound crazy please tell me about THE DEEP STATE. - To sound stupid please be against CANCEL CULTURE but then accuse anyone with an opinion of Virtue signaling. - Trump Derangement Syndrome is meant to distract from the con of Don

    The tweetstorm caused his name to trend on Twitter as people took notice:


    Craig Rosnieki:

    "So, Craig, what will you remember most about Donald Trump's #RepublicanNationalConvention speech?" Jim Gaffigan telling Karen to f*ck off.
  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2020


    hehehehe guess the dog park was right.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    Thumbs up, Spookie!

    I love this:

    Biden Campaign Snatches 'Keep America Great' Domain Name, Fills It With Trump's Broken Promises

    The Democrat's campaign recently learned the web domain was available and snagged it.

    After trolling Republicans throughout their convention, the Biden campaign has pulled its final act of the week: acquiring the web domain KeepAmericaGreat.com.

    When Trump launched his reelection campaign last year, he rolled out the "Keep America Great" as its official new slogan with great fanfare. But the Biden campaign recently learned the web domain was available and snagged it.

    The site now lays out a top-to-bottom rebuke to the Trump administration, including his handling of coronavirus. "Promises Made, Promises Kept Broken," the site's home page screams. "Trump isn't looking for a second term," it charges. "He's looking for a do-over."

    link to whole article: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/27/biden-domain-trump-403941

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
    edited August 2020

    Love Jim Gaffigan's tweets, especially his message to Karen. Obviously she drank the koolaid or inhaled the drugs borrowed from the DEA stash. We need more people to stand up to DT.

    Good for Biden getting his hands on Keep America Great domain name. The truth shall set you free.

  • everymoment
    everymoment Posts: 6,656
    edited August 2020

    Divine, thanks, I've already sent the Keep america great web page to many

  • trishyla
    trishyla Posts: 698
    edited August 2020
    You guys rock. All the great links and memes are what's keeping sane (ish). That and Brian Williams counting down the days left until election day. Otherwise I'd have gone off the deep end by now. Thanks.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2020

    These are not my words but I completely agree. 💙

    Just a note for my right leaning family and friends from my left leaning self as we near voting day:

    They say w...e want to disband police departments (and that we hate the police): we don't, that's a lie. We want to weed out racism and unnecessary police brutality and for those who abuse their power to be held accountable.

    They say we want to release all prisoners: we don't, that's a lie. We want to weed out racism and ensure the punishments match the crimes and to deprivatize prisons.

    They say we want open borders: we don't, that's a lie. We want asylum seekers to be given their chance to seek asylum. We want to help people who are coming from unimaginable terror and poverty help to give them the chances we have. We want to ensure children aren't separated from their parents and that nobody is kept in cages. But we do want proper vetting.

    They say we want to take away your guns: we don't, that's a lie. We want logical gun control to help prevent mass shootings.

    They say we want to wage a war on Christianity and Christian values: we don't, that's a lie. We want people of all religions to be able to practice and worship freely.

    They say we want to get everything for free: we don't, that's a lie. We want to work hard and make sure that healthcare and education are affordable for all.

    They say we want a war against traditional marriage: we don't, that's a lie. We want people of all sexual orientations to be able to love freely, no matter who you love.

    They say we want to destroy or rewrite history: we don't, that's a lie. We want to recognize the ugly parts of our past and do everything we can to say "that's not okay, let's not honor those aggressors, let's not let those things happen again".

    They say we want to take away your constitutional rights: we don't, that's a lie. We choose to believe science and wear masks and try to prevent the spread of this disease.

    They say we hate America: we don't, that's a lie. We just recognize our faults and want us to do better, be better.

    Stop with the us vs. them. Stop with the straw man arguments. Stop with the fake news. Stop with fox news. Our position is one of empathy, compassion and logic. Stop believing the hype. Stop with the division. Just because we want equality for all doesn't mean we want to take anything away from you.

    I just posted this on FaceBook. My SIL sent it to me.