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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'ALLEFTS RIGHT Trumpkin. Orange on the outside, hollow on the inside, and needs to be thrown out in November. Satire.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'W.A.P. 2 Weak Ass President'

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Brilliant parody, Pupmom!

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited September 2020

    ChiSandy, thanks. I got that from another site, but there are now multiple parodies about the Lake Travis MAGAt insanity!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,333
    edited September 2020

    Great meme! “This guy/person" is actor and activist George Takei from Star Trek. You may remember him as Mr. Sulu.


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020

    Fingers crossed.......legs rossed.......arms crossed.....eyes crossed.....


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020

    Can't stop laughing......


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020

    .......and laughing......


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020

    .....and laughing.......


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020

    ........and laughing......


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020

    .....and not laughing......


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2020

    Wow - I have been away from these boards for a few years.....just retired and so glad I found you.

    Hi Spookie! Hi Chevy! Hi everyone I haven't met before!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020

    Hi Shellshine -- welcome or welcome back I guess I should say. Nice to meet you too.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited September 2020

    Hi Shellshine!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020

    Smeak Peek from Axios

    House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy is privately encouraging voting by mail and warned President Trump the party could be "screwed" by his fight against mail-in voting, Alayna reports.

    • "We could lose based on that," McCarthy (R-Calif.) told me at a diner in Salt Lake City last week, during a campaign swing that began in the Pacific Northwest.

    McCarthy said the party can't afford for Republicans to sit home, afraid of getting COVID-19, while Democrats flood the field with mail-in ballots.

    • McCarthy is particularly worried about deterring senior citizens.

    McCarthy said he's spent hours telling Trump that this preoccupation will hurt the president's own re-election, as well as Republicans running for Congress.

    • "I tried to show him ... you know who is most afraid of COVID? Seniors. And if they're not going to go vote, period, we're screwed," McCarthy told me.

    Trump trashes mail voting in part because he sees the messaging as good cover if he loses to Joe Biden in November, sources close to the president's re-election campaign tell Axios.

    • Last week, Trump even encouraged supporters in North Carolina to violate the law and vote twice — through the mail and in-person — to test the process.

    The backdrop: I traveled with McCarthy last week as he campaigned and raised money for candidates in Oregon and Utah. At every stop, he told Republicans to vote by any means necessary.

    • He told donors in both states the story of Republican Mike Garcia's knockout win in May's special election for California's 25th district, the seat that former Democratic Rep. Katie Hill carried by 9 points in 2018.
    • "It was a seat everyone thought was unwinnable, but we won it," McCarthy told donors at a winery in Oregon.
    • McCarthy attributed the win in part to the twist in which California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, mandated late that all ballots be cast by mail to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, avoiding the obstacles of same-day voter registration.

    Between the lines: McCarthy says he agrees with Trump that there's a difference between absentee voting, in which voters request a ballot, and vote-by-mail programs, where jurisdictions automatically send ballots to registered voters.

    • McCarthy sees vote by mail as particularly problematic in states that don't have the infrastructure to handle such ballots on a massive scale.
    • But he said most Americans don't get the distinction.

    Reality check: There's no evidence that voting by mail is plagued by fraud. Trump himself voted by mail in Florida last month.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited September 2020

    Trump is so stupid that he'd 'cut off his nose to spite his face', as my grandmother used to say.

    *encouraging tightly packed rallies-makes his own supporters sick......maybe dead

    *deriding the wearing of masks will only be listened to by his supports-see above for results

    * discouraging voting by mail- who will listen to that? His supporters......the democrats I know would crawl naked over rusty nails to vote (although we are going to vote early, which we can do without having to give a reason, inside of mailing in our votes......just so Trump's minions can't mess with them).

    Normally a science tee shirt wouldn't be political; but since nothing about this year is normal, here's one I'm thinking of purchasing:


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020

    They have skinny brains too:

    4. Republicans to vote on skinny bill

    As Congress remains deadlocked on new stimulus funding, Senate Republicans are preparing to pass their own slimmed-down version of a bill this week — without Democrats, Alayna reports.

    Why it matters: Several weeks have now passed since key relief programs from the CARES Act expired and millions of Americans continue to struggle under the enormous weight of the pandemic.

    • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he's skeptical Congress can reach a deal before November because "the cooperative spirit we had in March and April has dissipated as we've moved closer and closer to the election."
    • The price tag being discussed could fall between $500 billion–$700 billion, sources familiar with the talks say — far short of the $2.2 trillion Democrats demand.

    Driving the news: Nearly every morning during recess, Senate Republicans had a call with the White House's top negotiators, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, to discuss the status of the stimulus talks and where the vastly opinionated conference can find common ground.

    • Most GOP senators, particularly those in competitive re-election races, agree that they need to do something to cushion the economic blow of the pandemic, despite largely disagreeing on what legislation should like.
    • The conference has decided that they can get behind a narrow, scaled back package that addresses only the key issues with widespread GOP support, including more money for schools, widespread liability protections and restructured unemployment benefits.
    • "We have a focused, targeted solution that we hope the House would pass," Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said Tuesday.

    Between the lines: Many Senate Republicans privately expect this effort will fail but see the expected vote as a maneuver to put Democrats, who passed their $3 trillion HEROES Act in May, on defense.

    • "They would like to change the conversation and highlight the immediate needs in a skinny bill and force Democrats to essentially shoot it down," a Senate GOP aide told Axios.

    The other side: "Republicans may call their proposal 'skinny,' but it would be more appropriate to call it 'emaciated,'" Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wrote in a letter to Senate Democrats on Thursday, saying Republicans "are trying to 'check the box' and give the appearance of action rather than actually meet the truly profound needs of the American people."

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020

    Shells!! Good to see you again!!! Chevy should be along soon, the early bird may have to shovel some snow😂😂

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020

    Well --someone said that many of the Trump boats went down to the wake of the much larger boats. That means that Reps. aren't even kind, understanding and respectful of each other -- they will just dump smaller people/boats down the low end /bottom of the lake and never even ask if you need a life raft. I called that a bit inhumane but they have a heck of a teacher in the orange man they all wanted to celebrate. I wonder how many boat owners have regrets now -- hmmm will they be too busy to vote as they try and recover their boat losses.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020

    There was a parade on the intercostal here off Clearwater a few weeks ago. Lots of boats, didn’t hear of many incidents. Maybe Marine Patrol and Coast Guard was watching for dummies. Heard there will be another parade off Jupiter. Now that should bring out his dummies, just up the beach from West Palm.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020

    Something that needs to be remembered, especially this time.

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -Plato NOLABELS.ORG'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020

    Trump Has A Paranoid Breakdown And Accuses Democrats Of Running A Disinformation Campaign Against Him

    Trump is letting his paranoia flag fly as he is accusing Democrats of running a misinformation campaign against him.

    Read more »

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020
    Heather Cox Richardson
    26m ·

    September 6, 2020 (Sunday)

    Earlier this week, New York Times columnist Farhad Manjoo warned that American democracy is ending. He pointed to political violence on the streets, the pandemic, unemployment, racial polarization, and natural disasters, all of which are destabilizing the country, and noted that Republicans appear to have abandoned democracy in favor of a cult-like support for Donald Trump. They are wedded to a narrative based in lies, as the president dismantles our non-partisan civil service and replaces it with a gang of cronies loyal only to him.

    He is right to be worried.

    Just the past few days have demonstrated that key aspects of democracy are under attack.

    Democracy depends on the rule of law. Today, we learned that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who rose to become a Cabinet official thanks to his prolific fundraising for the Republican Party, apparently managed to raise as much money as he did because he pressured employees at his business, New Breed Logistics, to make campaign contributions that he later reimbursed through bonuses. Such a scheme is illegal. A spokesman said that Dejoy "believes that he has always followed campaign fundraising laws and regulations," but records show that many of DeJoy's employees only contributed money to political campaigns when they worked for him.

    Democracy depends on equality before the law. But Black and brown people seem to receive summary justice at the hands of certain law enforcement officers, rather than being accorded the right to a trial before a jury of their peers. In a democracy, voters elect representatives who make laws that express the will of the community. "Law enforcement officers" stop people who are breaking those laws, and deliver them to our court system, where they can tell their side of the story and either be convicted of breaking the law, or acquitted. When police can kill people without that process, justice becomes arbitrary, depending on who holds power.

    Democracy depends on reality-based policy. Increasingly it is clear that the Trump administration is more concerned about creating a narrative to hold power than it is in facts. Today, Trump tweeted that "Our Economy and Jobs are doing really well," when we are in a recession (defined as two quarters of negative growth) and unemployment remains at 8.4%.

    This weekend, the drive to create a narrative led to a new low as the government launched an attempt to control how we understand our history. On Friday, the administration instructed federal agencies to end training on "critical race theory," which is a scary-sounding term for the idea that, over time, our laws have discriminated against Black and brown people, and that we should work to get rid of that discriminatory pattern.

    Today, Trump tweeted that the U.S. Department of Education will investigate whether California schools are using curriculum based on the 1619 Project from the New York Times, which argues that American history should center on the date of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans to Chesapeake shores. Anyone using such curriculum, he said, would lose funding. Government interference in teaching our history echoes the techniques of dictatorships. It is unprecedented in America.

    Democracy depends on free and fair suffrage. The White House is trying to undermine our trust in the electoral system by claiming that mail-in ballots can be manipulated and will usher in fraud. While Trump has been arguing this for a while, last week Attorney General William Barr, a Trump loyalist, also chimed in, offering a false story that the Justice Department had indicted a Texas man for filling out 1700 absentee ballots. In fact, in 2017, one man was convicted of forging one woman's signature on a mail-in ballot in a Dallas City Council race. Because mail-in ballots have security barcodes and require signatures to be matched to a registration form, the rate of ballot fraud is vanishingly small: there have been 491 prosecutions in all U.S. nationwide elections from 2000 to 2012, when billions of ballots were cast.

    Interestingly, an intelligence briefing from the Department of Homeland Security released Friday says that Russia is spreading false statements identical to those Trump and Barr are spreading. The bulletin says that Russian actors "are likely to promote allegations of corruption, system failure, and foreign malign interference to sow distrust in Democratic institutions and election outcomes." They are spreading these claims through state-controlled media, fake websites, and social media trolls.

    At the same time, we know that the Republicans are launching attempts to suppress Democratic votes. Last Wednesday, we learned that Georgia has likely removed 200,000 voters from the rolls for no reason. In December 2019, the Georgia Secretary of State said officials had removed 313,243 names from the rolls in an act of routine maintenance because they were inactive and the voters had moved, but nonpartisan experts found that 63.3% of those voters had not, in fact, moved. They were purged from the rolls in error.

    And, in what was perhaps an accident, in South Carolina, voters' sample ballots did not include Democratic candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, although they did include the candidates for the Green, Alliance, and Libertarian parties. When The Post and Courier newspaper called their attention to the oversight, the State Election Commission, which is a Republican-majority body appointed by a staunch Trump supporter, updated the ballots.

    Democracy depends on the legitimacy of (at least) two political parties. Opposition parties enable voters unhappy with whichever group of leaders is in power to articulate their positions without undermining the government itself. They also watch leaders carefully, forcing them to combat corruption within their ranks.

    This administration has sought to delegitimize Democrats as "socialists" and "radicals" who are not legitimate political players. Just today, Trump tweeted: "The Democrats, together with the corrupt Fake News Media, have launched a massive Disinformation Campaign the likes of which has never been seen before."

    For its part, the Republican Party has essentially become the Trump Party, not only in ideology and loyalty but in finances. Yesterday we learned that Trump and the Republican National Committee have spent close to $60 million from campaign contributors on Trump's legal bills. Matthew Sanderson, a campaign finance lawyer for Republican presidential candidates, told the New York Times, "Vindicating President Trump's personal interests is now so intertwined with the interests of the Republican Party they are one and the same — and that includes the legal fights the party is paying for now."

    The administration has refused to answer to Democrats in Congress, ignoring subpoenas with the argument that Congress has no power to investigate the executive branch, despite precedent for such oversight going all the way back to George Washington's administration. Just last week, a federal appeals court said that Congress has no power to enforce a subpoena because there is no law that gives it the authority to do so. This essentially voids a subpoena the House issued last year to former White House counsel Don McGahn, demanding he testify about his dealings with Trump over the investigation into the ties of the Trump campaign to Russia. (The decision will likely be challenged.)

    On September 4, U.S. Postal Service police officers refused Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) entry to one USPS facility in Opa-Locka, Florida and another in Miami. Although she followed the procedures she had followed in the past, this time the local officials told her that the national USPS leadership had told them to bar her entry. "Ensuring only authorized parties enter nonpublic areas of USPS facilities is part of a Postal Police officer's normal duties, said Postal Inspector Eric Manuel. Wasserman Schultz is a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

    And finally, democracy depends on the peaceful transition of power. Trump has repeatedly suggested that he will not leave office because the Democrats are going to cheat.

    So we should definitely worry.

    But should we despair? Absolutely not.

    Convincing people the game is over is one of the key ways dictators take power. Scholars warn never to consent in advance to what you anticipate an autocrat will demand. If democracy were already gone, there would be no need for Trump and his people to lie and cheat and try to steal this election.

    And I would certainly not be writing this letter.

    Americans are coming together from all different political positions to fight this attack on our democracy, and we have been in similar positions before. In 1858, Abraham Lincoln spoke under similar circumstances, and noted that Americans who disagreed on almost everything else could still agree to defend their country, just as we are now. Ordinary Americans "rose each fighting, grasping whatever he could first reach---a scythe---a pitchfork-- a chopping axe, or a butcher's cleaver," he said. And "when the storm shall be past," the world "shall find us still Americans; no less devoted to the continued Union and prosperity of the country than heretofore."

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020

    Hi Shellshine!

    A friend sent's a joke but....amazing how much it sounds just like Trump! He's this ignorant!

    **Donald meets the Pope**

    Donald took a quick trip to Rome to show his concern for the Pope. After
    their meeting, Donald gave a few remarks.

    "I met with Pope Francis today. He's a really great pope - great, great
    pope. You know he's the leader of the Catholic Church - big church.

    "I couldn't believe it when he told me how many Catholics there are. Way
    more than I thought. They have churches all over the world; some are very,
    very close (so close) to my hotels and golf courses.

    "He tells me he's elected for life, probably copying that Xi guy in China.
    Fantastic idea, though. Fantastic.

    "It turns out the pope is a lot like me, you never see him with his wife.

    "He told me he's infallible. I said that's great, you'll never have to worry
    about breaking a hip.

    "And he told me about a Mary Magdalene, beautiful girl, beautiful.
    Apparently a hooker. I asked him for her number. Didn't catch his answer.
    I'm told he said it in Latin. I give the guy credit because he doesn't look

    "He took me into the Sistine Chapel. Beautiful ceiling. Not the usual white
    stucco stuff. I don't think too many people even know about this place. The
    paintings are great, I'm telling you. Lots of colors.

    "The Pope (great guy, by the way, knows more about the Bible than almost
    anybody - we got along great, I think he really likes me) told me the whole
    thing was painted by this young Italian. I think his name is Mike Langelo.

    "At least that's what Francis (we're great friends) called him, I think.
    Trust me, we're going to hear more about this guy. He's really artistic, and
    everybody tells me I have the greatest eye for the best art. It's natural,
    just like my incredible understanding of science. All the renowned
    scientists say they can't believe it.

    "I told Frank I'd like to buy some of Mike's art. I asked if Mike's done
    anything on velvet. He'll check (great guy). I'll hang his stuff at
    Mar-a-Lago or Trump Tower. This Mike guy needs more exposure. He's too much
    with the churches. He could paint my presidential portrait on the Capitol
    Dome. Or maybe a mural on my big, beautiful border wall; but just on our

    "When we left, the pope gave me a bible. Huge book. (Huge.) I told him I
    have the full set. You get one for free every time you take a porn star to a
    hotel room.

    "Unbelievable. Just heard. The lamestream media is at it again. Fake news.
    (Fake news.) I saw something on TV. They claim Mike the painter died 450
    years ago. Sad. I've already got people looking into this and you won't
    believe what they're finding."

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2020

    HEY SHELLS!!! Whatcha been doin"? Me and my DH are still doing okay... he had his 3 pacemaker installed the end of last year, and is doing good! He thinks he is having trouble remembering stuff... but that's what I'm here for... right?

    I'm finishing up cleaning up my gardens today... supposed to be getting some sort of blizzard they say.... WHAT??? It's been so dang hot, and up to 90 again today?? And then something about 50's tomorrow, down to below freezing? Yep! This HAS to go along with the rest of this year, right?

    Just riding the tidal waves of this political fiasco, like all the rest of you are... Trying not to cry, or get too mad at all that is happening.... Just unbelievable.... never saw anything like this past year.... Can't believe that some reality show hack took charge of America. Only because he is a Republican.... that USED to mean GRAND OLD PARTY..... and look what happened!

    I don't know what I am.... But you know that I would vote for the most honest, qualified, candidate, no matter WHAT party they attached themselves to. I am so ashamed of what this clown has done to America! I'm just scared... Like when I was little and my Dad was in Japan, after the war ended, and him cleaning up the streets after we dropped the Atomic bombs! I was so afraid of Hitler & Germany, and this all seems so familiar!

    We are divided! Just like when they built the Berlin Wall in Germany! Separated families ....... and....... oh well.... just makes me sad and mad all at the same time. I'm too old for this crap... right?

    Okay, I'm done... Just wish I could go back to sleep, pull the covers up over my head, and wake up when the orange blob is no longer around.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited September 2020

    There are some things that we never should compromise, especially our ethics and our values. But such a compromise means that we're making a decision to do something that directly contradicts what we know to be ethical. Compromise can be one of the most powerful tools available to us in our quest to lead a full life, as long as we can learn to recognize when compromise is appropriate. Compromise means that our happiness isn't tied to a certain outcome or course of action, which frees us up to be ourselves, and to let others in our lives be themselves, too. -Tom Walsh