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  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited September 2020

    Plus his kids love to kill critically endangered species! This is a family of psychopaths. Devil

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,239
    edited September 2020


  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,731
    edited September 2020

    Yes, I would love to see that perp walk. Like the POTUS, he lies out of both sides of his mouth. But like dt supporters, it is all about the money. Can they take Mr. Pillow Man and the Goya "Gas" man with them? I would sleep on a rock before I would purchase a pillow from that guy and I no longer buy Goya products.

    dt's children are all about killing off endangered species so they can display a "dead trophy head" on their walls. dtj participates in controlled hunts as it is to get his specimens and that is not hunting, that is out and out killing, like an arcade game shoot but with a guarantee to get a "winner". A friend's husband is a hunter and he defined it as "killing to eat" not solely for a trophy head.

    Heads look best on the animals they were intended to adorn.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited September 2020

    So totally with you on that last sentence of yours Betrayal. We use to drive by a house along the highway that had some deer in a pen. Being ignorant at the time, I thought oh wow !!! Those poor deer were likely hurt some way and he took them in to care for them while they recover. When I grew up here deer had not ( at least not many at all ) migrated here as yet. What few there were still far away enough from here that no one ever saw any.

    A shock to the system to find he was raising them to sell to someone with land being offered to people when they wished to hunt say we say. Ever afterward driving by the house I gritted my teeth and hoped never to see anyone in the yard. Had I ever encountered someone outside I'm not sure what I might have stopped and said. I'm sure I would have gotten in a whole lot of trouble.

    My mother ( despite being in the army my dad had no desire to touch a gun ) was the hunter in our family. We were a family of four living on $70.00 a month and it was only Mom's hunting that provided enough meat for us ( usually wild rabbits and some squirrels ) to have meat every night if desired. Later on, when my Dad was able to secure a better job my Mom no longer had to go out hunting. So, in general I don't buy the 'have to eat' recitation these days of hunters. Few of the people I know here fit that category and those that do often get food from the food banks where deer meat may turn up due to animals being hit on the highway and taken immediately for processing and afterwards to food banks.

  • erento
    erento Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2020

    So they played the Pelosi hair salon video in a loop at the WH press conference. When Trump got elected, did any one of you thought it would be THIS bad? I sure couldn't even dream the discourse to stoop this low. It just goes to show how fragile our democracies are, how dependent we are on the good will of individuals within the systems and how destructive the worst of human nature can be. If it weren't for his enablers, sycophants and the allure of money, power, fame and self-interest, this would have all remained on the pages of Onion.

    Vaccine by Nov 1? Wow, doesn't sound like a political stunt at all! And they stopped caring about appearances a long time ago.

    The past 4 years have been surreal to say the least, I can't imagine how the next 4 will be if Trump is re-elected, and I fear he will cheat his way in. Mathematically and legally he has no chance of winning, but his cronies may just find a way.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited September 2020

    As to the vaccine and the fact it sounds like Trump is going to force it out one way or the other I'd likely not take that chance, but as in so many things -- what does Trump have to lose. He is ( some polls show some tightening ) not doing well in any of the polls so far -- at least in states that will play a role in the EC end of things. His desperation to BEST Biden has allowed his mind and mouth to roam freely and continues to cause issues for him. This last being voting twice -- which of course, all Democrats should get to do as well. If he keeps it up he will finish himself off pretty good I would say. I know there are people who will vote for him no matter what he does and says but I'm not convinced there are all that many left who can.

    To date -- there are somewhere in the neighborhood ( sickening thought actually ) of 187,000 people who will not be able to vote for anyone from any party -- but almost all of them have families. Who can tell how that will go. Also, some structures will change -- but there again, who knows if that will be enough ( Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and others ) to change a lot of the last minute cheating and disinformation. Our own government is withholding information as to the Russian meddling so another factor to consider.

    I still think though that the will and determination of the people to rid the U.S. and ourselves of Trump and his deadbeat freeloading, money grubbing family, plus all the enablers is VERY strong and I think Biden is going to be the sane voice of reason while Trump goes mad trying to one-up and make himself shine like a new penny. Who knows -- the strain may make one of those mini-strokes a major one. Enablers are helping big time in hopes that none of them go to jail along with Trump -- so there are somewhat equal needs on both sides for a desired outcome. I think there are a lot more people on the Democratic side and I won't lose hope that in the end the predictions that we can make it through will come true this time. Biden is not Hillary -- and at the same time, plenty of Reps. are no longer okay with Trump.

  • erento
    erento Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2020

    I hope so, IllinoisLady! His win the first time around was a fluke, a statistical improbability. Surely too improbable flukes can't happen twice in a row? But then I compare it to 2018 midterms and things have deteriorated quite a bit in two years, anyone half-decent with half a brain either got fired or left so the first line of defence against major corruption is gone.

    I've been listening to a lot of historical podcasts recently, esp medieval European history. One of the historians said what fascinated her about this period was the raw power at an individual level and how it manifested itself and influenced direction of countries and individual lives, as opposed to modern times where raw power is diluted through institutions and complexity of multiple systems, even in undemocratic countries. Then I thought well, that is how Trump's raw power, lunacy and personality traits is single-handedly shaping/destroying so many lives. Probably North Korea is not too far behind, but it doesn't compare with the far-reaching influence that US has. As an example, I truly believe we wouldn't have a global pandemic if POTUS was not Trump.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited September 2020

    I agree that if someone else were POTUS and the CDC field office remained in China, the virus likely would have been contained there.



  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited September 2020


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited September 2020


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited September 2020
  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited September 2020

    62 days to election. I think the debates are going to be important. I'm nervous about them but I also think Biden is not rattled by Trump at all. This is what I like about Joe. He is such a political veteran and he knows politics the way Trump does not. If Biden can come out of the debates looking good it will help with the swing voters. Although as they say, are there any swing voters? implying that people have already made their minds up.

    I'm also hoping Joe's Pennsylvania roots help him win the state.

    And that Dr. Jill Biden being an educator helps win more votes from teachers. I know it gives her some important cred with them that she has a doctorate in education.

    And who knows what the October surprises will bring. On October 30 of 2016, there was the big fbi search of Hillary’s assistant claiming she used the laptop of her pervert husband, Anthony Weiner, to send thousands of emails to Clinton and that swayed some people.

    Today the thought came to me that it’s like one of those reality shows. You can win all the competitions but if you don’t come through big and unscathed in the final round, you’ll lose and be voted off the island. Yes, that’s what our presidential election seems like it boils down to.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020

    Meliania has just been busted for using private email for gov business.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2020

    lock HER up.....privileged BITCH!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited September 2020



  • erento
    erento Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2020

    "Suckers" and "losers". Not onion! And not shocking anymore

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    So the WH's COVID plan, per unqualified virus czar Scott Atlas? Let the virus burn through unabated--as we're seeing with DT's crowded maskless superspreader rallies--and then, as an October or Election Eve "surprise" announce that vaccine trials are halted due to "necessity" and the vaccines rushed to market. (So "if you want to live, vote for Trump and you'll get vaccinated;" if he loses, the virus will still super-spread and he will blame Biden for halting any rush to market). We will definitely get vaccinated--in fact as a doctor, Bob will be mandated to and I'm higher-risk. But I'd rather be able to hunker down long enough for the trials to reach their natural conclusion (proof of efficacy) and get vaccinated with something proven to work.

    Flu shots Sep. 15, of course, no matter what.

    Biden was compassionate, articulate and brilliant in Kenosha today--sans teleprompter, wearing a mask the whole time.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020

    Sandy, I'm with you 100% on waiting for the vaccine to go through the process and hunker down and mask in the meantime. In fact, I don't think I'm EVER gonna go out into a crowded scene sans mask from now on......

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited September 2020


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,408
    edited September 2020

    Really thought provoking article. Scary & sad.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited September 2020

    Trump Calls Americans Who Died In Wars Losers And Suckers

    Trump refused to visit Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in 2018 and described Americans who gave up their lives in wars as losers and suckers.

    Read more »

    Tonight I was busy with a phone call when Rachel Maddow came on. After I finished the phone call went to living rm. and found that Rachel had given over a huge block of time to this story. Apparently she was really flummoxed over it - almost speechless. She could not truly understand how anyone military or otherwise could make so many of the remarks that Trump did and has including his treatment of John McCain before and after his passing. Trump did see McCain as a loser and did not want any honor to be given him. I think it is hard for most people who look on the service that people willingly give as so honorable and selfless, to be able to comprehend a person who would only see losers and suckers. That is all Trump thought about them with no understanding that they gave of themselves so it would be hopefully far, far better for others. Narcissism to the nth. degree going on here.

    Now I'm wondering just how long might this coverage go on. May be interesting to watch Morning Joe tomorrow. He can get 'worked' up and truly let it all go. I'm surprised though when over some of the times he doesn't. Still , it seems to be this story may hang in there for a while.

    Just a small aside. I did buy the book Melania and Me. I did have considerations since I really worried ( even though I knew it would be likely not a flattering tell ) that I'd have to wade through a lot of fluff. I haven't read a lot but so far the book doesn't seem to be too full of fluff stuff. That is good because I don't buy too many and I'd be irritated that I didn't wait for some of the others soon to make an appearance that I'm sure I'll want to read.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited September 2020

    And since I am one myself:

    Image may contain: text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot I like presidents who don't disrespect veterans.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'John Fugelsang @JohnFugelsang Fake billionaire with fake tan, fake hair & fake teeth, who ripped off Americans with a fake online U & spread fake racist smear about a fake birth certificate to a fake news channel of fake blondes & this week tweets fake poll #'s to fake bot followers decries fake stuff. Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is. Truth doesn't matter to them, they only have their hatred & agenda. This includes fake books, which come out about me all the time, alwa...'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'According to an article by Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic, In a 2018, Trump asked that wounded veterans not appear in his military parade because people would be uncomfortable in the presence of amputees. "Nobody wants to see that," he said. Donald Trump is a coward. CALL TO ACTIVISM'

    Donald Trump doesn't want to see that. It reminds him of what he is not and will never be. A brave human being who will uphold, to the very best of his ability, an oath to the Constitution and all the people who believe in it. He cannot do that and never could. He only believes in himself and only does that to enhance himself and his position -- whatever that is, any day, hour or few minutes. He has no idea that people do not see life just the way he does and if they don't -- then they are way LESS than him. I do not feel sad for him at all. I and people like the above person have a REAL life which Trump knows nothing about -- the flavor, the richness, the hurts, the losses and triumphs. None of that whether negative or positive is available to him.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'STUDENTS Students For Trump TRUMP @TrumpStudents President @realDonaldTrump tours what Biden will do to America. Trump did'

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Of course Trump is denying he dissed veterans, calling the Atlantic article "fake news" and contending the unnamed DOD accusers "failures" as the reason for their remaining anonymous. Well, guess what happens not just to whistleblowers in general but to anyone in gov't who gets identified as revealing unflattering facts about him? Duh. Of course they're staying anonymous if they don't want to be fired.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020

    Wonder what Tammy Duckworth? will have to say.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,667
    edited September 2020

    Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. -Leo Buscaglia

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,860
    edited September 2020


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020


    knew she’d have something to say.