I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
Never too old to learn what comes easy for the young ones.
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I did not get to finish the book before I had to return it to the library, but I highly recommend "Rebel Cinderella: Rose Pastor Stokes: Sweatshop immigrant, Aristocrat's Wife, Socialist Crusader" - Adam Hochschild. At age 11 rolling cigars 1890 Cleveland. As an adult when an obnoxious politician challenged her to take off her gloves and show her calluses, she challenged him to drop his pants and show his calluses.
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If money laundering is the only household chore your family is known for doing, then there really is no difference between your family and that of a drug lord. The latter don't lie about their college transcripts nor their taxes either.
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Trill -- good for you. I was getting ready to put that in. The Trump's probably wouldn't get that -- but I think it is perfect and hope it turns out perfectly true. Glug, glug, glug.
Even Trump's Boats Are Sinking As Texas Trump Boat Parade Ends In Disaster
A Trump boat parade in Texas resulted in multiple boats sinking and being in distress on Lake Travis.
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The photos of those insane water wakes say it all: not only don't the Trump flotilla sailors think the law applies to Dear Leader (nor by extension, to them), apparently neither do the laws of nature. The parade's organizers warned the slower boats to stay in the back of the line, but nobody there factored in that wakes created by speedboats don't exactly dissipate. And I'm pretty sure that it was not an orderly "parade," and that many skippers were drunk off their asses as well. Water conditions on Lake Travis were described as "calm" before the parade, and weather remained calm. Idiots.
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Opinion: Trump feigns regret for one American death to incite his supporters to action
No conscious human being was surprised that this past week a former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official revealed that dirty Don Trump is responsible for pouring "fuel on the fire of domestic extremism." Tearing America apart through overt divisiveness is Trump's only means of achieving his goal of officially becoming dictator. It is fair …
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Pure Gold -- no reference to you know who. !!!
Sat, Sep 5th, 2020Sat, Sep 5th, 2020 by Jason Easley
Biden's Week Gets Even Better As Osama Bin Laden's Niece Endorses Trump
As Trump is insulting US veterans and troops, he has picked the endorsement of Osama Bin Laden's niece who claims that only Trump can prevent another 9/11.
The New York Post reported:
"ISIS proliferated under the Obama/Biden administration, leading to them coming to Europe. Trump has shown he protects America and us by extension from foreign threats by obliterating terrorists at the root and before they get a chance to strike," bin Ladin, 33, told The Post in her first-ever interview."I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this man's resolve," she said. "He must be reelected … It's vital for the future of not only America, but western civilization as a whole."
Bin Laden's niece whose part of the family spells their last name differently, does not follow in the footsteps of her uncle, but on a week where Trump has had to deny that he had a stroke, got outed for called fallen US troops losers, and now his biggest endorsement of the week is from the niece of the mastermind of the worst terrorist attack on US soil, things seem to be getting worse for Trump by the second.
As Joe Biden is being endorsed by more members of Trump's own party daily, Donald Trump is fighting with the ghost of John McCain and seeing the names Trump and Bin Laden used together in headlines.
Donald Trump has had one of the worst weeks in campaign history, as things only get better for Joe Biden.
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I 'm putting this in this way so you can open it yourself to see the "man with the orange ear ". Maybe I'll continue to think of him like that. It is one of those the second I 'noticed' it, I just couldn't quit looking. Also horrified that he is trying still to take a deceased person to task and as the article mentions while he is already in deep do-do for the last few days of his need to call the military losers and suckers. This man was and is hopeless bet we all knew that long time ago.
Trump Attacks Deceased John McCain Over Bombshell Atlantic Story
Trump sought to push back on the explosive new reporting, and he took the opportunity to attack John McCain again.
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Orange ear was a magnet once you noticed it. Why would you only apply make-up to the lobe? He is a nutter and needs to stop denigrating John McCain. He is not fit to lick McCain's shoes.
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Like the inveterate--and veteran--coward and bully that he is, Trump's attacks on dead service folks and McCain make perfect sense in his universe: they can't fight back.
That boaters-for-Trump photo reminds me of a scene in Jaws: overloaded boatloads of drunken idiots who've heard of the reward for anyone who can kill the mean ole shark and are careering about and acting foolishly out on the water while poor exasperated Sheriff Roy Scheider looks on, pulling out his hair. I haven't seen the movie in a long time but I think Richard Dreyfus (marine biologist) (only sane one in the bunch) (ignored, of course) shakes his head and throws up his hands and prophesies while giving this sickish, miserable giggle, "They're all gonna die!"
DT's Saturday tweets....the first one I could swear was written by one of his people: no capricious, meaningless capitalizations; a coherence Trump's--er--writing all too often lacks; low-caliber us vs. them claims; no explosive ending. (But he did squeeze in a "slimeball.")
The second one is so Trump. You could almost see him nod regretfully at the relatively tame first one he submitted to and then lose it, grab up his phone and bang his finger down on those letters. There are the capitalizations, the all-caps, the ho-hum grammar, the fiery tone....(which, to me, seems to have lost its heat.)
(And I think that many things in the Steele dossier have been sussed out and found valid, although the sun may have set on the pee tapes....)
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Have Cindy McCain and Meaghan McCain come out and publicly endorsed Biden? I lose track a little. If not THEY NEED TO. For the sake of their husband/father's legacy, THEY NEED TO. Cut through the bs and tell the public you will not be voting Trump.
We all know Captain Sullenberger,
Capt. 'Sully' Sullenberger slams reported Trump comments on war dead: 'No respect for the office he holds'
“For the first time in American history, a president has repeatedly shown utter and vulgar contempt and disrespect for those who have served and died serving our country," the former pilot wrote. "While I am not surprised, I am disgusted by the current occupant of the Oval Office."
Sullenberger argued that Trump has shown himself to be "completely unfit for and to have no respect for the office he holds."
Sullenberger also spoke out against Trump leading up to the 2018 midterm elections and endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in February.
The former pilot wrote in 2018 that he had been a registered Republican for the majority of his adult life but has "always voted as an American."
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"He cannot understand selflessness because he is selfish. He cannot conceive of courage because he is a coward. He cannot feel duty because he is disloyal," the pilot wrote.
Sullenberger concluded by calling for Trump to be voted out in November.
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Have Cindy McCain and Meaghan McCain come out and publicly endorsed Biden? I lose track a little. If not THEY NEED TO. For the sake of their husband/father's legacy, THEY NEED TO. Cut through the bs and tell the public you will not be voting Trump and you will vote Biden!
We all know Captain Sullenberger
Capt. 'Sully' Sullenberger slams reported Trump comments on war dead: 'No respect for the office he holds'
"For the first time in American history, a president has repeatedly shown utter and vulgar contempt and disrespect for those who have served and died serving our country," the former pilot wrote. "While I am not surprised, I am disgusted by the current occupant of the Oval Office."
Sullenberger argued that Trump has shown himself to be "completely unfit for and to have no respect for the office he holds."
Sullenberger also spoke out against Trump leading up to the 2018 midterm elections and endorsedDemocratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in February.
The former pilot wrote in 2018 that he had been a registered Republican for the majority of his adult life but has "always voted as an American."
The bestselling author said in his Twitter thread this week that, in his view, Trump has failed to uphold his oath is because "he cannot comprehend the concept of service above self."
"He cannot understand selflessness because he is selfish. He cannot conceive of courage because he is a coward. He cannot feel duty because he is disloyal," the pilot wrote.
Sullenberger concluded by calling for Trump to be voted out in November.
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I've spent the last 3 years grieving over what Trump has done to our country and just when I was starting to get hopeful about the next election the pandemic hit. Poor America, we are in deep shit right now. I'm just praying that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are elected and we can start healing.
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A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.
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Love the battle of Lake Travis -- and it about says it all.
Trill -- one of the things that stood out to me in the fist tweet was where it mentioned Obiden. That said, and to some degree I would say Trump hates both Obama and Biden, this morning I heard that Michael Cohen's book is set for release this upcoming week. I'll be waiting with baited breath because Rachel Maddow always has herself and those in her office I'm sure reading and finding parts we should hear. Some people have indicated I think that they don't trust or wouldn't trust what Cohen says. Not sure why -- he has been telling on himself for some time now. Trump definitely in my book helped him to make this possible. Cohen ( others have done it ) dedicated himself to Trump and to that degree perverted his law degree, but people can change and get a lesson about what ethics and morals are. I personally feel like Cohen did. I would most definitely purchase his book. He chose to redeem himself.
Worried still, but I also still believe much of what we hear is colored by 'news' that sells and the elements of truth or un-truth is often stretched. It will be dicey. I still think/hope there are more of us than them.
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Sing to tune of Edmund Fitzgerald
The water was cold, but hot images told
Of the beautiful women he'd fondled.
At twelve o'clock high, with two yachts racing by,
Came the Wreck of Ship Magadonald!0 -
Opinion: Why The Coronavirus Is Not An Excuse For Trump's Failing Economy
The narrative Trump and his Republican allies have been weaving about his managing of the U.S. economy is that he had presided over, if not himself built, the strongest economy in the nation's history and that it was only slowed by the coronavirus outbreak, which was not his fault. He can't be held responsible for …
Continue reading "Opinion: Why The Coronavirus Is Not An Excuse For Trump's Failing Economy"
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I think more perhaps that he is cornered. Whatever set him off into a case of nerves a short while back -- he cannot get loose of it. He has to challenge everything that is said about himself by anyone and out-talk them. Well, he never realizes he makes it worse rather then better, so it never stops and neither does he. He is tormented by himself
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Along with his mini-strokes. Where is a major when you need one.
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This came from Blue Dem Warriors and the suthor said he was not sure this happened but it was a great story anyway. I AGREE.
Actually it looks doctored a bit -- but BDW is right. It is a great anyhow.
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Shoutout to Sunflowers.
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Who cares. It is still funny!
Just saw a clip where an older guy on Ohio says that "Trump walks on water" and an older female says he has kept those promises that "others let him keep". Wonder what they were drinking or thinking (obviously they are not thinking about what will happen to SS and Medicare for which both appear eligible or medical insurance for pre-existing conditions either)?
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I think this person just said a mouthful.
This guy said a mouthful. "Defenders are now REDUCED" to certain claims. A nutshell item. Trump is not much and yet keeps getting REDUCED. Lets hope he is reduced right out of the Oval Office when he and his defenders are reduced to almost Nothing.
By the way, I too wonder why these people praising Trump just refuse to SEE that he is trying his best to rob them blind -- and they have a bulls-eye on them and have no idea.