How About A Stage 4 Gallows Humor Thread?
Oh, this is great!
My DH and I love the movie "Moonstruck". Two of our favorite lines (out of many) are:
1. When Loretta is talking to Johnny in the car about his dying mother and she asks, "How near death is she?"
2. Loretta's mother asking about Johnny's mother. "How's the mother?" Loretta's response is "She dying. But I could still hear her big mouth."
Those crack us up every time.
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I think I saved this from Twitter.
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Olma, that is so funny. 😆
I had a few unpleasant moments this week where it was like I realized, again, "oh shit, I have Stage 4 cancer, for real!" This meme helped cheer me up. And now I have the sudden urge to go check on my own neglected vegetable drawer...0 -
lol my fridge is more like the veggie morgue usually
I was happy when I learned frozen vegetables have as much or more nutrients than fresh
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The emojis are a hoot! Definitely time to lay some veges to rest here..
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Just sitting back and enjoying the humor!
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Anybody have recommendations for funny morbid shows or podcasts? I've been listening to a grief podcast called "A Good Cry" and it's SO good. They talk about a lot of sad things but it's also hilarious and not depressing to listen to, at least for me. Most of the guests are comedians who have lost a close family member, sometimes suddenly and sometimes after a long illness. It's really interesting to hear their stories.
I also recently finished the third and final season of "After Life", the Ricky Gervais show where he plays a man mourning the death of his wife from breast cancer. If you like him, British tv and humor, and raunchy topics and language, you might like it! It's funny and awkward and sometimes gross but they also manage to get in a lot of deep thoughts about death and dying, grief, and preparing for death. (there are lots of flashbacks to his wife)0 -
most morbid thing I watch is true crime stories on YouTube. No humor there, unfortunately.
This headline made me laugh just now , seeing continued growth next to breast cancer, what else would we expect from cancer but continued growth? There’s a joke about financial markets and drug companies in there somewhere, too.
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I’ve watched a few episodes of afterlife, it was a little tough but I like Ricky and British TV. My DH couldn’t watch past the 1st minute of the wife on video, so I have to watch alone, which hasn’t been often during Covid.
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I remember watching a few episodes of Afterlife before my diagnosis and bawling my eyes out. DH would never go for it.
I’ve been cleaning out my stuff and have had the opportunity to destroy some super-unflattering photos taken before smart phones. This way they won’t end up in any slide shows at my funeral 🤣 can’t do anything about the digital ones though
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Kikomoon, I have a big fear of unflattering photos at my memorial! DH had better not do that to me!!!
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Lol, Parakeets, I just copied and sent the meme to someone. I also just finished watching the last season of After Life, was crying and crying, yet also deeply appreciated how real and messy that show felt.
I'm going to pick out my obituary photo this weekend, not leaving that up to chance, or to my brother, who seems to love hilariously unflattering photos of me!
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good point about the photos, never thought of it before
Im gonna go photoshop my 64 year old face on my 25 yr old body and make that my obituary photo. Maybe make my own slide show too.
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OLMA61 - you have me AND DH cracking up over here....and he doesn't like talking about these things so that's something!
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If my sister is in charge of the slide show at my memorial, it will be beautiful. I do actually trust my DH, but my sister is one of a kind. She did the most amazing slide show for my mom. She and my dad picked out the music. The last song was Johnny Cash singing, "We'll Meet Again". OK, sorry this isn't humor.
OK, how about this one? I really need to get my car repainted. It's a great car and we both love it, but it's sorely in need of a paint job. It probably won't be cheap, and we want to get our money's worth, so to quote Loretta when she's talking to her fiance (sorry, I couldn't get the little doo-hicky over the "e"), Johnny, in the movie Moonstruck about his dying mother, she asks, "So how near death is she?" We think that line is hilarious and laugh, probably inappropriately over it. So how near death am I? Should I get my car repainted?
That was one heck of a run-on sentence. Sorry about that. The same sister I was talking above teaches copy editing. She'd probably be appalled. Sorry sis!
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Had to renew drivers license. 1st deliemma, organ donor? I said yes, again. Let them figure it out. Next question, 4 or 8 yr renewal? I chose 8, and laughed. Told my DH I wasted $18 today as I should have gone w/ 4 yr renewal.
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Parakeet - I loved the poster. Thanks for putting it up.
I made my own self laugh the other day. Every few months, my TV does strange things and, after having hour long chat with my cable company, I have finally learned to "reboot" many ways.
My TV picture froze. So, I tried everything: I pulled the clip from the back of the DVR and waited 10 seconds. I pressed the diamond shaped button on the front. I turned the set on and off and the DVR on and off and nothing worked.
In my earlier post, I said I have a tee shirt that says "When I'm dead, pull the plug, then plug it back in. See if that works. So, I went to my wall and unplugged the TV and plugged it back in - and IT WORKED!
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amontro, that's a good one. Glad your TV is working again.
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This whole book:
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Here's why.0 -
The inside of the book gets "worse"
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I posted this on another thread:
About 10 years ago, I saw my then primary care doc. He had been aware of my chemo, radiation, scans, treatments, etc.
He opted against my getting an XRay (for something) because, he said: ":I don't want you to glow in the dark."
I have since switched PCPs, but not because of this.
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One of my favorite Sopranos scenes is when uncle Junior spoils the surprise party for Carmelas dad. Best line - “At our age it's surprise enough we are still alive in the morning”. Now I can relate, not because of age.
Also funny when he goes ahead and presses 1 on the phone call, because the 35 cents charge doesn’t matter “It’s over anyhow”
here’s the clip0 -
hey amontro, I unplugged and replugged in our Alexa. She came back to life!
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Love that one, Tina!
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Dancemom -
See, it works! Wait till I tell my kids. (They'll take me seriously and be upset.)
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not sure this is gallows, but...
I just had my first "fill" in my TE. My sister says now she is related to a 1/2 Kardashian.
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not exactly gallows humor but still funny and true
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Oh yeah, Kikomoon, I totally get that!