How About A Stage 4 Gallows Humor Thread?



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372

    Tina, my friend! Good to “see” you. I rarely have problems sleeping and I sleep like a log except for some nocturnal trips to the loo. For as much as I’d like to see clearer patterns emerging in our understanding of bc, it still remains a crazy mystery in too many ways. Well, that’s not very humorous, is it? Hope all is well with you.

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Posts: 812

    parakeetsrule - great question ! I take Ibrance in the am but perhaps I should take it in the evening ?! Ugh.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    Well, based on my current insomnia, I should live forever! LOL!

  • LI77
    LI77 Posts: 68

    Me too, sunshine99! Lol. I have awful insomnia (I’m blaming Letrozole), and I take my Ibrance before bedtime. I should be invincible!

  • LI77
    LI77 Posts: 68

    I was just thinking that it would be awesomely funny to go to a psychic just to mess with them. Ask them questions like “should I have another child? Should I go back to school? What does my future hold for me?”

  • seeq
    seeq Posts: 1,193

    li77 - that is too funny; I've thought about that and wondered if I'd somehow give it away. Wouldn't it be a shock if they advised against it, alluding to medical conditions/risks.

  • nopink2019
    nopink2019 Posts: 384

    li77- great idea! Let us know what they say. I might try it, but the wig might give me away.

    As common, cant fix diagnosis. Im now on Halaven & bald

  • LI77
    LI77 Posts: 68


    Is this too much? 😂

  • nopink2019
    nopink2019 Posts: 384


    This seems to capture my attitude most of the time

  • amontro
    amontro Posts: 185

    Sorry, I don't have a picture. But what about:


    Still love you guys!


  • nkb
    nkb Posts: 1,561

    Caught up with several pages and many are laugh out Loud!! thank you so much for the contributions.

  • Anna - i am so very sorry to hear about your friend. thank you for sharing your loss with us, i'll wish a good thought for her.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 407

    amontro, that must make us de novo people prodigies!

  • tina2
    tina2 Posts: 758


  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,442

    Tina - saw that in today's paper & laughed out loud!!! Thanks for posting.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    tina2, that's a good one!!!

  • amontro
    amontro Posts: 185

    I love keeping this thread going.

    Have you heard this one? "Check your boobs. Mine tried to kill me!"

  • LOL!

  • cowgal
    cowgal Posts: 625

    Now that’s funny!!

  • I am bald & no eyebrows from eribulin. So many wrinkles on my forehead that sometimes I draw one eyebrow on half an inch higher than the other.😉

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 407

    The people with Pink ribbons and clipboards were out on corners in Sept, I suppose in preparation for oct. I used a line in read here somewhere, and said to the young man who jumped in my path smiling and telling me about breast cancer "I already gave" as I pointed at my no-boob side. Guy didn't notice my action, just the "I already gave" part, and with his big grin said a loud enthusiastic "THANKS!".

  • amontro
    amontro Posts: 185

    I have a couple of additions:

    A tee-shirt of a woman running, says "I'm exercising so I can look good for my funeral".

    I saw this sign in a movie: "Danger - Formaldehyde can cause cancer".

    It's too late for me.

  • Ooh, I'm going remember that one for future reference, dancemom! I also consider my monthlys copays for treatment as a donation to the cause. Lol.


  • sondraf
    sondraf Posts: 1,707

    I turned on The Weather Channel last week to watch the hurricane coverage. From the UK I have to use a streaming service, so you never know who is streaming it from where (apparently there was a flash flood warning issued for San Bernadino Cty and Las Vegas). You forget about tv adverts but the first one I caught was an ad for Kisqali.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    Thanks for the morning laughs! I updated my blog this morning with my thoughts on Pink-tober. I can't wait to go to the grocery store and to be asked if I want to contribute to breast cancer awareness. Actually, most of the checkers know me and my story, so I don't think they'll ask. Maybe if they do, I can just say, "Sorry - my monthly med just cost $14,000." (They don't have to know that the insurance covers it.)

    sondra, that's funny you got weather from San Bernardino and Las Vegas. I'm in San Diego and get those flash flood warnings.


  • amontro, thanks for the idea. I don't like "thanks I already gve" because it doesn't get the message across. I think I'll start using "Too late for me, I'm more aware than I hope you ever are."

  • tina2 - i kind of can't believe what i'm reading in your post. i haven't been online for a while, thought i'd catch up before doing a bit of research & decided to start with our awesome dark humour thread. and what do i find? this post speaking directly to the topic i was going to research: how to manage arimidex se's which come on hard in the afternoon. circadian rhythms indeed! i've managed clinical depression most of my life and it has always been on an afternoon schedule, why not this as well!! wow, thank you for sharing. this is the last place i would have thought to find this topic, but then i keep having what i feel are almost magic connections and answers with the community here. you all are incredible. thanks again.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Posts: 6,640

    In my case, if I was asked if I wanted to donate to breast cancer awareness, I could also show my mastectomy side and take off my wig as I am also permanently bald. I also have a big scar on my head when I had a 10 cm cancerous met cut out of my brain. I personally like the scar, not so much the permanent baldness. I could let them know I already donated my ability to work, my hair and my breast.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Posts: 6,640

    Looks like a nice day today, I do have my Herceptin which is nice as it is noisy beside, across the hall and below me. They sometimes don't stay past noon. Expecting water will intermittently be shut off as the empty units will be done up. I think I am the only resident who has been here a couple of years. I will walk to the hospital along the bus route, taking the cane as well. Feel more secure with that.

    Will be eating about an hour before I leave, having a bit of pasta for the carb, an egg, 1/2 cup baked beans and 1/4 cup of beefless ground as well as spinach. I did try the vegan pork bites and they were good though I think I will precook those. I paired them with two eggs yesterday with a spoonful of mayo, steak seasoning and salt. Was a good dinner overall.