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Bras 101: The Great Post-Exchange Debate



  • val61
    val61 Posts: 969

    Almost other sports bras came's the rundown.....

    Bendon Action Underwire:  less compression than the "Max Out ", less padded straps, still offered support.   Ran quite small in the cups....wires didn't fit around the implants....will exchange for size 

    Bendon Flex Out Technical Support: isn't an underwire, but does have this flexible wire-thing than runs under and around the cups......seemed about as supportive as the other.....also ran quite small in the cups.....will exchange for size

    Body by Wacoal T-Back:  I was looking for a less structured sports bra with this one....something for pilates....would fit the bill, but the inside wires pushed against my implants.....potential for pushing them laterally, so I'm defnitely not going back THERE!....could be because the cups are too small.....will probably try a bigger size....

    So......I was 3 for 3 with the sports bras......hopefully I'll save you some time with my trials!

  • Kristinka
    Kristinka Posts: 223

    Val, you are just too boobalicious for these sports bras!  Bet you never thought that would happen before this adventure...

  • Lilah
    Lilah Posts: 2,631

    Val -- you are so right!  I literally bought from Her Room about 20 mins before I saw your post about the sale at Bare Necessities.  I think I'll try your way next time: research HR, buy BN :)

    BTW, ladies, there are a bunch of Freya bras on sale at the Bare Necessities site ... wow they are SO gorgeous.  I am going to have to talk to my PS about this lifetime ban on wired bras.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Posts: 6,028

    Val:  How did the Bendon bras run in band?  True to band size?

  • juliempw
    juliempw Posts: 191
    Binnie, Interesting information, where did you get the info?  Thanks for sharing.  I've mentioned before that when I wear a tight band, I am a little more numb by the end of the day which has made me wonder about proper circulation.  This is why I haven't been wearing a bra at night.  I'm not willing to let gravity take over during the day but I do think I need the circulation at night.Val, All this time I was so sure I was a 32 but when I measured myself this time I made sure the tape measure was straight along my back which decreased the measurement just a little.  So now i have to go shopping AGAIN!  Since you're my size why don't you go shopping for me and send me the bras.  :-) Julie 
  • Estepp
    Estepp Posts: 2,966

    By these measurements... I am a 36A

    Sometimes I wonder if being under 5ft tall changes things in measurements? It changes things in all other clothing no matter WHAT fitters and associates tell you.

    I have a 28 inch inseam... and I am under 5ft... I CANNOT shop petite. I look like I am wearing high waters...

    Who knows..

    I find that my implants are so wide that a D cup feels better.. so I buy a 34D.. In Natori.. the 34 band is WAY tight... But this might be LE. ( I am sure it is)

    I found it funny I needed an A

  • m-star
    m-star Posts: 340

    thanks Deborah and Goldiknox~that device looks great!

    Will run it past my PS and see that it's suitable for after my exchange. I think i'd prefer a seamless sport bra though if at all possible.

    That video was really interesting Deborah.Looks like the guy/girl holding the implants love4d prodding and poking it! LOL

  • waldo
    waldo Posts: 145

    Does BN still have a sale?  What is the code,if so.

  • waldo
    waldo Posts: 145

    Hey Binney, thanks for the info-

  • Estepp
    Estepp Posts: 2,966

    Binny, I just saw your post too.

    I hav worn underwire even to be for about 6 months now.. my bra band is tight too.. by then end of the day.. I was NUTS with it. I always wear a wide band .. so that was ok.

    Well, I do have trunkleLE. In the back though. I thought, for about 6 months, I had back fat It made sense to me as I had gained weight with treatments. WELL, that "back fat" was lymph fluid trapped.

    OH how I wish I had known all this before.. I wish our doctors would know this stuff too. My PS told me TOO wear underwire after my second exchange so that I would build scar tissue under the falling foob....:(.. He did not know..

    Heck, my own BS told me I would not get LE even though I had a mast.. full node removal.. and rads....... because I was thin. ( I think I have worn that story

  • val61
    val61 Posts: 969

    Julie - my personal shopping service is always available, my dear......maybe I really SHOULD start a business.....seriously, though, I have been thinking that my area could use a fru-fru bra boutique.....I could partner with the ps's in town to help bc patients.....just one of many thoughts running through my head when I think of my soon-to-be-empty house......Cry

    Kristen - too true!  

    Waldo - that sale was over yesterday, but I'll keep you posted....BN always seems to have some sort of special going on.....HR not so much....

    Laura - I've discovered that their suggestions for finding your band size work for us recon gals, but definitely not for cup size!  I think we'd all be A's if we followed their recommendations.....and there's NO WAY that you're an A cup, girl!  You're just a tall tata in a tiny tata bodySmile

    Ladies .....since there's been so much discussion of LE and bras, I decided to add some info on my original post.....

  • Estepp
    Estepp Posts: 2,966

    Val ... a thought

    Maybe you should make a disclaimer when talking of underwire and even bras period...  that if the chance of LE is high ( full node dissection, rads....) you should bring this up to your physician BEFORE taking the bra advice given here. Just in case someone like me shows up ( uneducated on  LE at the time). What do you think ?

  • val61
    val61 Posts: 969

    Laura - just added that to my original post this morning - in bold, no less - maybe I should move it to the top?

  • Estepp
    Estepp Posts: 2,966

    LOL.. I see that.. good job!

    Yes, then there are the morons like me, that will not even see it in bold. The top of the page would work better for the mentally challenged as myself.


  • val61
    val61 Posts: 969

    I think we're ALL a bit mentally challenged after all the anesthesia we've least I speak for myself......and the tamox certainly doesn't help, either.....

  • val61
    val61 Posts: 969

    Julie - I should add.....regarding your new bra size.....that it will sadly make it harder to find size is hard enough, and you're a cup bigger, so it may be tough.....I'll gladly share the ones that I really love, though.  Just let me know....

  • waldo
    waldo Posts: 145

    mentally challenged is an understatement!  Tamox, anesthesia, stress you name it but where any of us are lacking in the grey matter- we make up for it with our bodacious foobs! LOL!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Posts: 6,028

    Julie:  What is your new and improved size which would be difficult to find????

  • tamgam
    tamgam Posts: 83

    Waldo- you crack me up!  I really want to have some input on this thread.  Am finally meeting with PS 2morrow!  Exchange talks begin. Then my questions will start rolling in.  Prepare yourself !  I am so over these TEs!  Lots of hugs ladies!

  • waldo
    waldo Posts: 145

    Tam, you are going to love having the TE's gone. The implants are so much better to look at, feel and are 100% more comfortable!!! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Posts: 6,028

    Something I heard about on the news recently:

    See if one is in your area for a proper fitting...

  • Lilah
    Lilah Posts: 2,631

    Cool Deborah -- thanks for the link!

  • tamgam
    tamgam Posts: 83

    girls- i have mixed emotions today.  my PS INSISTS that after exchange I will heal beautifully without any bra at all- never if i choose.  I have good cleavage even with TEs so he really thinks no really supportive bra is necessary. He feels that the implants WILL NOT SAG! He is really a perfectionist and I trust him but still not sure what to do.  Val makes a great case for full support but I am also in heaven thinking I never need to buy an expensive bra again (I see lots more shoes in my future!)

    Am I a fool if I trust his medical advise-?

    he has been spot on so far! I do look very natural in clothing even with the turtle shells I have right now. TEs are annoying but look darn good.  I feel very blessed, but to bra or not to bra?

  • val61
    val61 Posts: 969

    Deborah - There's an Intimacy Boutique in Dallas!!!!   I feel a field trip coming on.......wait.....aren't you supposed to STOP me from buying more bras?.......not contribute to my delinquency?     Loved the line in the video......"bras....your breast friends"........

    I'll speak up for Julie.....(hope you don't mind)......suffice it to say that her ribcage and upper chest measurements are exactly the same as mine....but she has 50cc larger implants, so probably a cup larger....Wink

    Tamgam - first of all, welcome to the thread!  Can you tell us a little bit about you.....TE size and type (short, medium, or full height) and what type of implants your ps is planning to use?   Deborah and I could go into all sorts of reasons for bras at length....but it's pretty much all there in my initial post.  I'll wait to hear your info before I give you my impression......Deborah, feel free to chime in!

  • Sandy3170
    Sandy3170 Posts: 16

    There is one Intimasy Store in Atlanta, as well.  They were the first that many years ago started with the "revolucionary idea" of profesional fitting  The store is very expensive; howeve,r i read in their twittert that today, June 24, they start their annual sale.. so great oportunity.

    My only concern is that they  do not mention anything about having experience with recontructed breast. When in the Norstrom site it says very clear that their profesional fitting staff has the necesary knowledge to fit reconstructed breast, and help with mastectomy implants.

  • Lilah
    Lilah Posts: 2,631

    OK I got my first ever delivery of bras (I ordered two) from Her Room and so far so good!  I got a wireless Bali bra that feels supportive (wireless but has a nice band under the breast) and also got this very cool "Slimpressions" bra -- it's one you have to step into (no hooks, no metal of any kind) and it fits REALLY well and is very supportive.  Feels like I'm wearing a snug, thick leotard.  It will definitely do the trick for me to sleep in at night.

    Here are links to both in case others are interested in wireless bras that look nice and support well:

    Bali Passion for Comfort Wirefree Bra (currently on sale at Her Room for $24)

    Slimpressions Short Control Bralette

  • val61
    val61 Posts: 969

    Hey, Lilah!  Those bras look pretty darn comfy! 

    Sandy - Good point about experience with recon.....the Nordstrom fitters are awesome, though, aren't they?  I'd still be willing to make the short drive over there.....anything to feed my bra addiction!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Posts: 6,028

    Val:  Get help.  Help is just a phone call away.

  • tamgam
    tamgam Posts: 83


    Thanks for the welcome.  I have been an avid reader for months but since I still have TEs I do not have much input.  I have Mentor TEs- 650 ccs, Moderate height.  My PS will exchange with 700cc Mentor smooth round silicone implants.  I have not needed any rads or chemo so I have healthy breast skin.  I have good cleavage with the TEs so he seems to think the exchange will be a cake walk.  Again, his opinion is that the implants will defy gravity and a bra is an optional accessory.  I am pretty confused so I will go on "listening in" on your thread and hopefully make a decision.  Exchange for me is just a few weeks away!


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