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Treating estrogen responsive cancer naturally



  • Cee67
    Cee67 Posts: 43
    edited November 2014

    I'm having confusion on a few things:

    Lignans: I've read from ladies here who have a naturopath or integrative doctor. I have neither so I pick up tidbits from those who do. Some say to avoid lignans and others say to make sure you get them. Which is it?

    Some say their docs say soy is ok and others say no. Which is it? I'm not a huge soy eater, but I do eat edamame sometimes. It's occasional.

    Red wine: a recent earlier post says we can't drink wine, yet if it's red wine, it falls under the Mediterranean diet. I've read some early pages of this topic and I'm pretty sure the OP or someone soon after her came in touting all the benefits of the Med diet.

    It's frustrating all the contradictory info that's out there.

  • Cee67
    Cee67 Posts: 43
    edited November 2014

    Thank you for those links :) They seem to be pro-flax.

    I've heard flaxseeds can be rancid. I wonder how you tell? I smell them and if there is no odor I keep them in the fridge.

  • flaviarose
    flaviarose Posts: 249
    edited November 2014

    Yes, you can tell if rancid by the smell. I keep mine in the freezer.

  • becca333
    becca333 Posts: 11
    edited December 2014

    I noticed a tiny lump in my right breast while taking a bath in late March of this year (2014).  On 04/07/14 a biopsy of the lump was done and on 04/10/14 I was diagnosed with IDC, Type- Cribriform Tubular, 1cm, Stage1, Grade1, ER+95%, PR+90-95%, HER2- breast cancer, OncotypeDX 8.   Recommendations were mastectomy or lumpectomy with radiation and hormone therapy. Surgery was scheduled for 05/12/14.  The surgeon was leaning towards doing a mastectomy as the tumor was one inch from the center breast bone and very close to the breast wall.  Removal of the tumor would require carving out a portion of the breast wall and removal of three to four inches of skin including the nipple.  I was cheduled to meet with a plastic surgeon to discuss reconstructive surgery options.  After meeting with the plastic surgeon on 04/15/14, knowing nothing about cancer or the type that I had, I had this uneasy uncomfortable feeling inside of me telling me telling me that something wasn't right..  All I knew was that I had IDC, stage1, grade1 breast cancer and that my surgeon was an exceptionally qualified respected breast cancer surgeon at a top rated hospital.  I was told that if I had any questions about anything to call the doctors office.  Over the weekend I went on the internet to research the meaning of a grade1, stage 1 breast  breast cancer.  Then on 04/17/14 I called the surgeons office and asked for a copy of my biopsy pathology reports so that I could learn more about the type of cancer that I had and research the meaning of other terms in the report.   On 04/22/14 I made a second request asking for my pathology reports as I had not yet received them.   On 04/23/14 I finally received my pathology reports and began researching the meanings of its contents.  That same day I also scheduled a second visit with the plastic surgeon because of my unsettled uneasiness with the invasiveness of the surgery proposed including the extensiveness of the reconstruction portion.   Upon returning home from the plastic surgeons office, I decided that I needed to get a second opinion.   How could the removal of a tumor smaller than a #2 pencil eraser-head require such an invasive procedure?   I went on the internet and typed in on google "top breast cancer surgeons and hospitals in America".   Sloan Kettering in NY popped up and I gave them a call.  I was asked to send over my pathology reports and that I would be given a call back the next day with an appointment date and time to meet with a breast surgeon who specialized in the type of cancer that I had.   Long story short, I flew to New York on 04/30/14 and met with Dr. Monica Morrow.  Dr. Morrow did a thoural office examination of both my breasts including the lymph node areas around my neck and arms.  After the examination, Dr. Morrow sat down with me and my husband and explained how she proceeds with her consultations.  In order for us get the most out of the time spent with her, she asked that we save our questions for last.   Dr. Morrow explained that I had IDC, she explained the type of cancer that I had, what exactly it was, what all the numbers and abbreviations meant.  She said that I had a very slow growing cancer and that the type that I had most likely did not invade any of my lymph nodes.   Dr. Morrow said that she was confident of such statement by confirmation of her physical exam done of my lymph node areas.  She also said that she believed my tumor was smaller than reported on my pathology report.  The report stated 1.2cm, the actual tumor size measured 1cm at its longest area.  The total tumor size actually measured .79cm.   Dr. Morrow proved to be right!   After Doctor Morrow finished explaining the pathology report to me and my husband, she explained and described my surgery options, and then gave us her recommendations.  Dr. Morrow recommended a lumpectomy.  She said that surgery would be a 10-20 minute procedure done as an outpatient. I asked when would I be seeing the plastic surgeon.  She looked at me with puzzlement saying "what plastic surgeon".  I then said, won't you be carving out part of my breast wall?   She again looked at me with puzzlement and said "what internet sites have you been reading"!   She said, "you have a teeny tiny tumor, your scar will be less than an inch and not even be seen".   She said, "your breasts will look the same as they did before surgery".   She said, "you will fall asleep before surgery with both of your breasts and wake up after surgery with both of your breasts".  She said, "there's no need for a plastic surgeon".  I could not believe what I was hearing.  I looked at my husband schedule and began to cry, I was in shock!   What if!   The two words kept going through my mind.   I then asked Dr. Morrow how soon could she schedule my surgery.  It was 04/30/14 and I already had surgery scheduled in my home town on 05/12/14.  Dr. Morrow checked her schedule and said that she could arrange to do surgery on 05/15/14.  I then scheduled surgery at Sloan Kettering with Dr. Morrow.   Surgery went just as Dr. Morrow said.  A sentinel node biopsy was also done along with surgery proving no node involvement and clear margins.  I had surgery in the morning and was eating lunch at a New York restaurant in the afternoon.   The next day I was walking in Central Park with my hisband.   No complications what-so-ever!

    Upon my post-op visit 10 days later, Dr. Morrow recommended a OncotypeDX test be done of which the test results would take 10 days or so to get back.   An appointment was then scheduled for a visit with a medical oncologist who would determine my treatment plan going forward.  The earliest that I could be seen with medical oncologist was on 06/23/14.  During the time wait I was able to do extensive research on cancer.  How did I get cancer in the first place?   What was causing my estrogen and progesterone levels to be so high?  And, how could I lower them?   By the time I met with the medical oncologist I was more knowledgeable on the subject than most.   For my treatment plan the medical oncologist recommended 25 sessions of radiation therapy with 5 session boost, and 5 years of anastrozole hormone therapy.  My oncotypeDX test came back with a score of 8 which eliminated need for chemotherapy from the treatment plan.  From what I researched regarding the type of cancer that I had, (Cribriform tubular), which is a very rare slow growing cancer of which only 3-6% of all breast cancers are.   The treatment plan recommendation to me was not necessary and not of any great benefit.   I therefore refused both radiation and hormone therapy.  

    Over the following several months I continued to research cancer on my free time.  I decided to detox my body by eating right and exercising more.  As I continued to research estrogen and how to test for ones estrogen level, I came across articles on testing PH levels.  It was at that same time that I noticed a small lump in the same spot as the tumor that was removed.  It couldn't be a recurring tumor, could it?   It probably was just scar tissue.  But what if it wasn't scar tissue.  I continued reading article after article. The articles that I read claimed that all cancer patients have acidic PH balances.   Was that true?  Did I have an acidic PH balance?  I immediately drove to the drug store to buy PH urine testing trips to test my PH balance.  To my surprise, my PH level tested acidic at 6.00.   Ok then, what do I do to become alkaline?  I typed on goolge search "how to become alkaline" and began reading.   While reading I discovered in article after article that cancer exists only in acidic PH environments.   The articles stated that cancer cannot exist in an alkaline PH state.   Cancer can only grow and exist in an acidic state.  I also learned that acidic PH levels are low in oxygen and that alkaline levels are high in oxygen.   I learned that cancer can only develop, grow and exist in low oxygen environments and cannot develop, grow or exist in high oxygen environments.   What was more interesting was I learned that people having overly high acidic PH levels require as much as double the amount of estrogen to exert the acidic effects in their bodies.  Thus giving explanation to my high levels of estrogen.  So with all that information how can I become alkaline and stay alkaline?   I typed in on google search "cancer and alkaline PH balance".   There I found articles on baking soda for immediately bringing a person PH balance back to an alkaline state.   Just one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water daily will keep a persons alkaline balance where it should be so to prevent cancer.  And not only prevent cancer from occurring, but also prevent reoccurrences of cancer from happening.   Along with the claims were claims made that cancer patients with tumors who took one teaspoon of baking soda with water daily eliminated their tumors in six weeks.   I then began taking one teaspoon of baking sofa with a glass of water daily.   it was day three of me doing the baking soda regimen when I noticed that the lump felt larger.  I called my surgeon in New York and made an appointment to see my family doctor.   My family doctor examined the lump and suggested that I have an ultrasound done.  While driving home from the doctors office I began to second guess the decisions that I made by refusing radiation therapy.  I thought about the baking soda regimen wishing that it were more than three days of me being alkaline.   I could immediately do the ultrasound, do a biopsy and remove the lump.  Or I could wait for 51/2 weeks while continuing with the baking soda regimen.  How would I ever know id the baking soda actually worked or not unless I tried it.  So I decided to wait and continue with taking one teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water daily, all the while feeling for the lump everyday.  Some days I thought that the lump felt smaller, then other days it seems the same size.  On the fifth week I went in for my ultrasound.   The ultrasound was done on a Thursday and revealed a suspicious tumor most likely malignant of which was followed up and confirmed by a mammogram.   A biopsy was scheduled for the following Tuesday.  Over the weekend I continued feeling for the lump.  The lump was there on Thursday, as I took a picture of the lump on the ultrasound screen with my iphone.  I felt the lump on Friday and on Saturday.  On Sunday though, I no longer could feel the lump.  I went in for the biopsy with my husband on Tuesday.   The biopsy instruments were neatly lined up on the table in preparation for the biopsy surgery.  The doctor placed a warm gob of gel on the area where the lump was previously seen and moved back and forth to locate the lump.   No lump or tumor could be found.  The ultrasound showed the markers from the previous lumpectomy, but the area of where the tumor was removed was clear as can be.   No tumor, no scar tissue, no nothing.   I couldn't believe it!   Again I was in shock.    

    It's now been over six weeks since the no need biopsy event.   I continue on the one teaspoon of baking soda and water regimen and have been in an alkaline balance everyday for over almost three months.  I've never felt better or happier than I am at this moment.

    All I can say is that this is what happened to me.  It's hard to believe that something a little as baking soda can bring ones PH balance back to a normal alkaline balance not to mentioned dissolve tumors or dissolve what ever it was that I had resembling a malignant tumor.  

    My prayers go out to all of those who have cancer or have experienced cancer.  My hope are that the information can help others as it helped me.

    God bless,


  • Ladybird-dancer
    Ladybird-dancer Posts: 119
    edited December 2014


    Thank you so much for posting this uplifting story.

    I'll get on to the baking soda straight away!

  • Ladybird-dancer
    Ladybird-dancer Posts: 119
    edited December 2014


    How do you level the pros and cons of eating milk products with BC and Budwig?

    I chose not to do the Budwig as it seemed madness to me to eat cheese made from milk which is contra-indicated for all women with BC.

    Do you have some inside info that I am not aware of?

  • becca333
    becca333 Posts: 11
    edited December 2014


    I highly recommend that you purchase some PH testing strips at your local drug store or purchase them on online.  Several sites advertise them and they are relatively inexpensive.    Test your urine several times throughout the day as you will  be surprised to see that it does fluctuate.  You will want to keep your alkaline in the 7.5-8.0 range.  Anything higher than that can also be damaging to your system.   Try the baking soda regimen, as it t can't hurt you.   The brand of baking soda that I use is "Arm & Hammer".   It's the same old brand that I've used in my baking and has sat in my cupboard for years.    Give it the full six weeks to work.  Hopefully you too will experience the same results as I did.   Who would have ever thought that something as simple and inexpensive as baking soda would be an agent so valuable and powerful to regulate ones PH balance.   I'm still amazed by it all..................

    Let me know your results, I'll keep you in my prayers.


  • becca333
    becca333 Posts: 11
    edited December 2014


    I hope that you experience the same results as I did!   Smile


  • pipers_dream
    pipers_dream Posts: 187
    edited December 2014

    I had heard of the baking soda thing and wasn't sure what I thought but decided to try it anyway b/c it sure doens't cost anything. After 3 days I could not digest my food b/c it had neutralized my stomach acid, which tends to be low anyway. It also occurred to me that it probably doesn't go any further in your body than your stomach but hard to say. Instead, I've been juicing fruits and veggies, which tend to have an alk effect on the body, and strangely enough, since they are acid, citrus and vinegar will do the same. My holistic doc wants me to take some vinegar in water 3x/day, tho I tend to slack on that. Even so, my pH has been reading very good lately and the doc said it is possible to get too alkaline.

  • Ladybird-dancer
    Ladybird-dancer Posts: 119
    edited December 2014

    Just about to drink my first glass of 1 teaspoon of Bicarb in water before breakfast...........Here goes Smile

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Posts: 626
    edited December 2014

    Have 100% EP tumor. In previous years I had flare up of pain in fibrocystic breasts due to drinking soy milk so I quit it and all soy products. Have lost my appetite since Dx and so was putting protein powder in my oatmeal as there is only so much fish I can eat. Looked at the jar last night and it says contains milk and soy! It's 100% whey from GNC. Not sure if it is soy and dairy based or just might have some in it. Any suggestions

    As a side note I gave up wheat a month ago. Joint pain ans IBS are gone!

  • yoga_girl
    yoga_girl Posts: 80
    edited December 2014


    Options: vegetable protein powder or egg protein power without whey, gluten or soy.  Most are available at your local 'independent' health food stores or on-line (not found at GNC).  Some are available in your local grocery stores (who have a large selection or dept of organic products);_ylt=ArYOfSNppakmQAn3S79rBSabvZx4?p=protein+powder%2C+no+soy+no+whey&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-250&fp=1


  • Ladybird-dancer
    Ladybird-dancer Posts: 119
    edited December 2014

    Hi Chloesmom

    I agree with yoga girl. You could also try MAP tablets from Dr Reinwald. These are Short branched Amino Acid pills - pure protein and vegan. There are also many other sources of these sorts of tablets.....generally speaking weightlifters use them to add on muscle.

    Good luck :-)

  • Ladybird-dancer
    Ladybird-dancer Posts: 119
    edited December 2014

    Here's the link:

    Just click at the top for an English translation.

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Posts: 626
    edited December 2014

    wonderful! I am looking to improve my diet and since I am not eating much don't want to get a deficiency

  • Ladybird-dancer
    Ladybird-dancer Posts: 119
    edited December 2014

    Chloesmom - You need to eat my dear! Why are you not eating?

  • nancydrew8
    nancydrew8 Posts: 46
    edited December 2014

    I was first diagnosed in October, 1991; stage I, lumpectomy/radiation. I stopped eating meat, except for chicken, stopped all dairy except an occasional ice cream/cheese. Used Soy milk exclusively; less tofu as I didn't much care for the taste; all organic/non-GMO/unsweetened soy milk in my tea and flaxseed- seeds, oil and capsules......every day. I was cancer free for 23 years.

    I was diagnosed with a primary in the same breast on Nov. 5 - Hormone receptive Her2-; surgery on November 12, BDM, no reconstruction. If this cancer takes me down the road for another 20 years, I probably won't even remember my name.

    During the past 5 years I gained 30 pounds and stopped exercising regularly. (Lots of estrogen in those fat cells) I've already lost 15 and will continue with the weight loss. Will get back on the treadmill every day after surgery.

    I keep hearing about soy and GMO as though we have no other choices; organic soy is non-gmo and perfectly safe and beneficial to consume...especially for breast cancer; as is flaxseed. There is bountiful amounts of scientific literature available to support this finding. Yes....Gerson supported flaxseed as does the Burwig protocol

    I now eat a plant-based diet, filter my water through Berkey filtration; green juice every morning and fruit smoothies for lunch. I only consume organic and have eliminated and replaced all toxic cleansers and personal products with non-toxic products. These are the culprits (xenoestrogens) that play havoc with our system. Our system can't tell the difference between the industrial estrogens and what circulates normally in our system.

    I also take 100 billion raw probiotics every morning with a glass of filtered water. The sooner/faster food travels through your digestive system, the more you eliminate toxins from your system. Read up on the benefits of probiotics as it relates to breast cancer.

    Of course, this is my personal routine and may not be acceptable and/or suitable to others.


  • Manu14
    Manu14 Posts: 36
    edited December 2014

    Nancydrew8 . . . I found your information interesting an had to smile to myself when I read about your Berkey water filtration. I was beginning to think I was the only one who had one. Usually people's eyes glaze over when I mention it. For my probiotics I make my own homemade 18 hr. yogurt using grassfed cow milk and eat some every morning. Although I do eat some well-sourced fish, the rest of my diet is plant-based

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Posts: 626
    edited December 2014

    I have lostmy appetite with the stress of all the upcoming surgery. Last year my brother passed away from lung cancer and I was his caregiver. Over the last 6 weeks of his life I lost 10 lbs. but put it back on and then some in the months following when the pendulum swung the other way and I dove into boxes of cookies with the stress of straightening out his estate.

    Food looks like plastic to me at the moment, but it will get better after the dust settles after I get through the next week with surgery In the meantime I'm trying to focus on getting quality food in my body to promote optimal healing.

  • Carynbrit
    Carynbrit Posts: 6
    edited December 2014

    Where do I start? Starting from scratch here.... am looking to avoid the chemicals/toxins in hormone therapy which is being pushed pretty much. (not started it and do not want to!) Want to heal from within as much as possible.. a bit overwhelmed with all the info.. hence my 'where do i start..' or where should i start?


  • caralex
    caralex Posts: 5
    edited December 2014

    Same here, Carynbrit. I'm starting radiation on Thursday. The medical oncologist has already assumed I'll be starting a five YEAR (!) course of Tamoxifen after that's finished. I told her I didn't want to take it, but wanted to try a less toxic, natural, plant-based way of keeping estrogen at bay. Unfortunately, she wasn't impressed, and tried to insist it was a matter of survival!! And here I am with a stage 1, grade 1 tumour, successfully removed! A tumour that was as near to benign as a tumour can be. I'm doing plenty of research and found an amazing study on the effectiveness of flaxseeds. You may be interested in reading it, if you haven't already done so:


  • Lucy2014
    Lucy2014 Posts: 4
    edited December 2014

    Make sure the bicarbonate soda is aluminium free!

    Since diagnosed in Sept 14, I have put myself in such a diet that I have not had my periods (I am 49. 8 y.o)

    Does this mean that I don't produce estrogens anymore?

    I take DIM and try to avoid food with estrogenic activity. I was surprised to find out yesterday that the milk thistle I was taking 3 times a day had this activity.... :(

  • nancydrew8
    nancydrew8 Posts: 46
    edited December 2014

    Manu, my Berkey is the best investment I've ever made. I will eat fish, as well, as long as it's wild. Trader Joe's has frozen wild salmon that is very delicious and once in a while I'll have that. Your yogurt will certainly do the's such an ancient food. I pick up my raw probiotics at my local healthfood store and it's refrigerated. My flaxseed oil is refrigerated, as well.

    My feeling about all these lifestyle changes is that it offers no guarantees and each one on its own might not impact our health, but I can't help thinking that eating clean and green won't cumulatively benefit our health. We should do all we can that's in our control.............the rest is scripted.


  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Posts: 626
    edited December 2014

    Flax or no Flax. Yogurt or no dairy?

    I'm confused & couldn't pull up the article in flax. Have been taking fish oil and burp fish all day long even when I freeze capsules. Much prefer flax but am not sure of safety

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Posts: 1,748
    edited December 2014

    Krill oil is burpless compared to fish oil.......

  • kimag
    kimag Posts: 22
    edited December 2014

    I have started my flaxseed again, I used take it on regular bases, then got confused with all the info about soy and flax and stopped it... but now more and more tests show its benefits for prevention or inhibiting tumor grow, there is not much study done on humans, the one cited was very small and still encouraging but if rats and mice benefit why not humans :)

  • Aromath
    Aromath Posts: 15
    edited December 2014

    Hi Becca333,

    My BC was similar to yours, excepting the size of tumor, mine was 2cm, 98 % ER and 95% PR, Her 2 negative
    and same Oncotype scor. I had a lumpectomy in June 2013 followed by 33 rads but
    declined the hormonal therapy. I have the same problem as you, I feel like I
    have another huge lump near to surgery site, bigger than the tumor itself, I
    had investigated but they say it is scar tissue, to me is like a new lump and
    still firm. I have a couple of questions for you. I started from yesterday to
    take baking soda with water, but before I measured my PH level, and my eyes
    were staring at the PH strip as it was probably somewhere between 3 to 4, which
    is very very low, I drunk a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda
    before bed last night and in this morning I measured again my PH urine, and it
    showed somewhere between 7 to 8.

    My questions to you are:

    1. Is it ok to drink baking soda sometime before bed or it has be during the day, I am thinking about my kidney,
    is hard for the kidney if I take it before bed?

    2. Does baking soda interfere with your stomach acidity, does not slow down the digestion? or do you avoid certain food, like meat, soy, or flax seeds, caffeine, certain foods or fruits that are to acidic....etc.

    3. Are you menopausal, I am not but my doctors induced mine and feel like this is helping a bit but probably is not enough.


  • Lily55
    Lily55 Posts: 1,748
    edited December 2014

    What should urine be number wise?

  • yoga_girl
    yoga_girl Posts: 80
    edited December 2014

    Urine test strips - where they are located;_ylt=Ato1UztJxs6JKC.7d397rbqbvZx4?p=urine+test+strips%2C+where+to+buy&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-901&fp=1

    drug stores, pharmacies, health food stores, internet


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