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Starting Radiation April 2017



  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2017

    I've never had a negative thought through all of my BC journey. I've felt bad, sad, frustrated but I was never negative. My DH was concerned about my depression escalating after my DBMX. He's asked me several times. "Are you ok? No depression?" I've never blamed God. I've never asked why me? I've got a lot of nevers and tons of positive thinking. Keep your Spirits up and your negative thinking low. We can do this! We are here for each other and we should never give up!

    I love you all to the moon and back! To the top of the Universe and beyond!

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2017

    Hmmmm, how about a thread for the Power of Positive Thinking?

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038
    edited May 2017

    Wench - Yes! That's it. Why don't you start the new thread?It can be a place to share inspiring quotes, poems, uplifting messages, etc. or anything positivethat we want it to be. Stories of hope and inspiration. The possibilities are limitless. You inspire me.

    6cats - I love what you wrote about not letting fear live rent free in your brain

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2017

    Okay, here we go

    Topic: Positive Thinking after Radiation.

    Everyone is welcome
  • Connie1230
    Connie1230 Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2017

    I've had what I call my pity party moments. But through it all, I have realized how fortunate I am. I have triple negative BC which is more likely to come back in the first 5 years but very unlikely to come back after that. I have been offered the opportunity to participate in a medical trial which, if I'm in the lucky 50%, and if the drug is a success will reduce my chances of it ever coming back. That won't start until July. I'm 67 years old so retired with a very supportive husband. But above all else, I have 3 sons, 3 dils and 7 healthy grandchildren. I can deal with my BC a lot better than I couldd deal with a critically ill child or grandchild.

    I've cried, been depressed, and had some bad days. My chemo seemed to last FOREVER as I ended up missing 7 treatments due to high fevers and low platelet counts. So that lasted 2 months longer than planned and I wondered if it would ever end. I am going to have to miss my oldest granchild's graduation due to radiation schedule. Since he's halfway across the country, and on a Friday night, we can't get there in time. I have only seen two grandchildren since last summer because the RO was adamant that I needed to stay away from children, particularly the youngest 2. When they come in June, I will be on my last week of radiation and I worry about how much energy I will have by then. Since they're 2 and 4, I know I'm going to need energy.

    But I also know of a sister of a good friend who is going thru lung cancer at 59, having chemo and radiation at the same time, is raising the 3 young children of her son who died 1 1/2 years ago. She's had every side effect in the book and I honestly don't know how she is managing. We do what we have to do I guess and muddle though as best we can but I don't know that I could handle that.

    So I am thankful for the position I am in. So,far,I have had 5'of 32 radiation treatments with no side effects yet. While I hope this continues, I don't necessarily expect it to

  • letsgogolf
    letsgogolf Member Posts: 65
    edited May 2017

    Connie1230 I was just reading your post and have a question. You say that you should stay away from small children during treatments. My sister told me something similar. Her RO said that she should stay away from children and pregnant women during radiation. Did they explain this to you? I ask because nobody has told me this. Of course, they did not tell me not to have blood pressures or needle sticks in my left arm until I asked. I wonder what else I am unaware of???

  • LAW193
    LAW193 Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2017

    I'm trying to figure out how serious it would be to miss one treatment. My grandmother died last night in chicago (I'm in Boston) and the funeral is Tuesday and I'm upset that I can't go. I was thinking if I flew Monday night and went to the funeral and returned Tuesday night that i would only miss one day of radiation assuming no flights are cancelled or delayed or I don't get bumped by the airline...

    Everyone would understand if I can't go but it is making me sad. I've been trying to decide all morning if this is worth asking the radiation oncologist about. Of course since it is Sunday that would mean calling and having them page the RO on call. Or I could wait til tomorrow to ask but that doesn't leave me any time to plan really. So I'm asking here - what is your impression of the risk of missing one or two sessions?

    Oh and I was emphatically assure that there is no risk to being around babies when getting external radiation, only brachytherapy or other types of internal radiation.

  • Connie1230
    Connie1230 Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2017

    letsgogolf, it was during chemo that they didn't want me around small children. The reason was that it was winter, my grandchildren go to daycare where it seems like they're constantly picking up a runny nose or something and she didn't want me exposed to their germs. Likewise, grocery stores, crowded stores or restaurants were on the list of places to stay away from. I felt like if she could put me in a bubble, she would have.

    No one told me about the blood pressure or needle sticks either. It was the nurse who was taking my blood pressure who ended up telling me that.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    LAW193 - I would hope that missing one session would not interfere. If it were me, I would go the funeral.

  • letsgogolf
    letsgogolf Member Posts: 65
    edited May 2017

    LAW193 I don't believe it is any big deal to miss a treatment or a few treatments. I have a friend who missed 4 days of treatments last week because of skin issues. She had only completed 12 . I think they will just add the missed treatments onto the the end.

  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2017

    LAW193 - I think missing a treatment or even 2 would be OK. The clinic is close Monday May 22nd for a stat holiday here so no treatments that day for me.

    letsgogolf - No one ever mentioned to me either about no blood draws or blood pressure on my surgical side where I had the SNB. I had a PICC in my other arm! The chemo nurse mentioned it about 4 months in....

  • ilsunrise
    ilsunrise Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2017

    LAW193 - you should go to the funeral. You will regret it if you don't. I missed a week of rads after only 4 treatments. I needed to go home to see my Mom because her health was really declining. I talked to my RO before I left and explained the situation. I initially was hoping to only miss one day....but she ended up passing away they day after I arrived in town. So, I missed the next week because then I had to plan a funeral.....My RO had told me that if I didn't miss too many treatments, they would just tack on the missed ones at the end of my normal schedule. So, I missed 5 treatments and did not have to start over.

  • ilsunrise
    ilsunrise Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2017

    For anyone having pain from the radiation burns, you could try the new mixture I mentioned earlier in this thread. Mix half Alocane ( with the cream you are using to moisturize your breast/underarm area. I use TriDerma radiation cream with aloe and alantoin ( It has helped me with some of the pain.

  • LAW193
    LAW193 Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2017

    Thank you all. I am going to the funeral. I spoke to my RO and it's okay, I'm just going to miss one day and it will be tacked on at the end. I wish I had flown in last week for her 95th birthday but I was a little in denial about how little time she had left and I wanted to get radiation started/done asap. ILSunrise, I am sorry to hear about your mom. It's not easy dealing with things that are already hard on top of cancer treatments.

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038
    edited May 2017

    LAW93 - no, it's not easy at all. You've made the right decision you were suppose to make. Sympathies and safe travels

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2017

    LAW193, I'm so sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. You're doing the right thing. Safe travels 🙏🙏

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401
    edited May 2017

    LAW193 - let me add my condolences. My grandmother was such an influence on me. I'm glad you made the decision to go. Safe travels!


  • rlk58
    rlk58 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2017

    My radiation oncologist said there is no problem if you miss a treatment-you just add it on at the end.There is no danger in being around people after radiation. I start tomorrow for 7 weeks


  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2017

    Rhonda, wishing you the best as you start your treatments. Keep your head up and take it one day at a time. We are all here for you.

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038
    edited May 2017

    Rhonda - best of luck on your first day. I hope it goes well for you.

  • scaredashell07
    scaredashell07 Member Posts: 143
    edited May 2017

    law123-condolences on your grandmothers passing. Glad You're going to the funeral.

    Thanks for all the posts about being "scared as hell"!

    I am dealing with a sick mother and two small children so I'm busy and it's actually distracting me. I am thankful for this group. I will be visiting the group created. I coikd ise all the positives vibes possible.

    Rhonda good luck on your treatments.

  • Connie1230
    Connie1230 Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2017

    law123, glad you're going to the funeral. Many condolences

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    Law - Deepest sympathies on your loss.

    Rhonda - Good luck on your treatments

    scared - drop in this topic (or the Rads May 2017 topic) anytime. I went into rads "scared as hell" but came through OK. You can do this!

    Healing thoughts and gentle hugs to all.

  • Bdagal
    Bdagal Member Posts: 29
    edited May 2017

    Hi ladies!! I'm done! Yay!!!! Yesterday was my last treatment! I finally get to go home tomorrow! Haven't seen my family since April 4! There was no bell for me to ring here which was a bit of a bummer! I didn't fare too badly as far as side effects....I am kinda itchy and have like a heat rash but not unbearable. Fatigue every now and again.

    Best of luck to all of you still continuing on this journey!!! Sending love and hugs! X

  • Ruby3813
    Ruby3813 Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2017

    Congrats, Bdagal !! Back to Bermuda now? Don't forget us! :-)

  • LAW193
    LAW193 Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2017

    Thank you to CeliaC, letsgogolf, bravepoint, ILSunrise, Butterfly1234, WenchLori, Tappermom383, rlk58, scaredashell07, and Connie1230 for your answers and condolences. I really appreciate the thoughts and support

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401
    edited May 2017

    Safe travels back to Bermuda, Bdagirl. Please stay in touch as we"ll be wondering how you are.


  • bravepoint
    bravepoint Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2017

    Bdagal - So happy to hear you are done and can go back home. Good luck to you!

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038
    edited May 2017

    Bdagal - congrats and safe travels. Keep in touch with us

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    Bdagal - Adding my congrats on being done. Your skin sounds about what mine was like at the end - no burn, yay! Imagine it will be wonderful being back home after so many weeks away and especially in light of the fact that Bermuda weather will be far better than Boston. Safe travels.