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Starting Chemo June 2017



  • Wordlady
    Wordlady Member Posts: 20
    edited June 2017

    Thanks Kim and HapB! The AC infusion was completely uneventful, a good thing :-) . They didn't give me Benadryl, but I did get Emend, Kytril, and the steroid. The only thing I noticed was some sinus congestion and a slight headache during the Cytoxan, which I was told to expect, and it has mostly cleared now about 1-1/2 hours later. The nurse said they can run the Cytoxan a little slower next time and that may help. I have my Neulasta pod on, which is set to go off tomorrow about 3:30 pm. I have the Zofran and Compazine ready to go if needed, wearing my sea-bands, have ginger tea and ginger hard candies, and drinking lots of water. Since I didn't get any Benadryl I didn't get sleepy, so was glad I took some things to do: a book, my iPod, a journal. I took my iPad also so I could watch something on Netflix but never got around to that. I did a couple of "dot to dot" puzzles in a book my sister-in-law gave me so I could send her a photo of me doing them :-) . But now I definitely am heading for the recliner for most of the rest of today!

    Thanks for all the support and hope everyone else is having a good day.

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    Wordlady Glad to hear it was uneventful! Usually means no problems! Hope you remain feeling good!

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    Wordlady, One down! Glad things went well!

    Sometimes this "BOLD" will not go off. Drives me bonkers.

    I definitely feel better today than Mon/Tues. Walked 2.1 miles this morning and went to my Look Good Feel Better ACS class. I got like $300 worth of free makeup. I'm talking Lancome, Clinique, Estee Lauder, etc. Score! :) Tonight, I am eating pasta. PB crackers, buh-bye!

    Weird...only looks bold to me. Give

  • CurlyN
    CurlyN Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2017

    So much good information here. Thank you all for sharing your tips and tricks as I prepare to begin this treatment. Got my port installed today! In my 34 years this was my first ever surgical procedure and first time getting anesthesia - so I was pretty curious how it would go. It really could not have been easier - enjoyed the good "nap" during the procedure. A little sore tonight but very manageable. Chemo (AC) starts Tuesday assuming my PET scan tomorrow looks good (praying with all my might....) Ready to take this on and get this junk out of my body!!

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2017

    CurlyN.  Glad it went well, praying for good results on your PET!

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    HapB, No mention whatsoever of that regarding the makeup.

    Curly, Great attitude! You can do this. Peace and calm as you await the PET.

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    Tomorrow is the big day! Starting chemo at 9a.m. I'm a little nervous. I think I'm prepared. My husband will accompany me tomorrow but I hope the next 15 I will do on my own after work. Plan to continue working full time. Fingers crossed! Keeping all of you in my thoughts!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2017

    susie,best of luck, suggest a nap in the evening

  • Wendeez414
    Wendeez414 Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2017

    Hello Wordlady!! I hope you are still doing well. It looks like we are having the same treatment and mine begins next Thursday! Sounds like your doing great so I am a tiny bit less nervous.

    Love your suggestions on what to bring with all of the craziness I hadn't really thought of that.


  • Vivianlu8
    Vivianlu8 Member Posts: 113
    edited June 2017

    hello susie i am still working full time too. I didnt have too much side effects. I had my first one on Wednesday and took days off until next monday. It worked good. I have a seroma from the lumpectomy that it is giving me pain and discomfort. The second one is next Wednesday. Good luck for all the women in this C journey.

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    HapB no I wasn't told I couldn't drive, I have my husband today just in case since i don't know how my body will react. My MO told me to try to be as normal as possible.

    Vivian thankfully i have no lingering effects of my Lumpectomy. Glad to hear you are working, gives me hope.

    Thank you all for the encouraging words! On my way now!

  • Wendeez414
    Wendeez414 Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2017

    Hello Wordlady!! I hope you are still doing well. It looks like we are having the same treatment and mine begins next Thursday! Sounds like your doing great so I am a tiny bit less nervous.

    Love your suggestions on what to bring with all of the craziness I hadn't really thought of that.


  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    Susie, You can do it today! I def crashed that first night -- probably all the excitement and emotion. I was told I could not drive myself, so please clarify today for future visits. You want to be wise, but I empower you to keep working and keeping life "normal." We are with you!

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2017

    Susie, Best wishes for a great day.  The Benadryl kicks my butt so I am glad to have a driver.  Chemo brain can occur too so, just be careful to triple check everything when you drive.  :)  Kick Cancers Butt!

  • Kagima3
    Kagima3 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2017

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you Upheld for starting this thread. I figured it was about time I joined in. I started my chemo this past Tuesday 6/20. 4 rounds of AC every two weeks followed by Taxol weekly x 12. I haven't made plans yet to cut my hair, although I did order 2 head scarves. I feel like today I am starting to turn the corner and feel a bit better. I was pretty queasy the first few days but still able to eat. I am taking Zofran for the nausea but have been getting headaches and dizzy from it. Has anyone else experienced this side effect? Also my mouth is quite dry which is most likely from the Cytoxan. Wishing everyone the best on this journey! We will get through.


  • Upheld
    Upheld Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2017

    I had my second TCHP infusion on Tuesday. I also have the jittery, buzzy, unable to concentrate, or rest side effects. I can't decide if it's the steroids, but I stop taking those on Wednesday evening, or if it's the Claritin for the neulasta that's interacting with the Zofran and Compazine that I alternate for nausea. I get up and do some things and then rest and then get up again. It's like I can't keep thoughts easily in my head without concentrating. Is anyone else experiencing the side effects?

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited June 2017

    Kim love the picture!

    I got my PICC today. I don't think we use ports as much up here. Or perhaps cause I had a BMS and immediate Diep they didn't do a port?

    Anyhow wed the 28 will be my first chemo session. I must be the last of this group.

    Someone mentioned there was a forum to find a chemo buddy or is it here?

    Chemo is Ac and t 4 tx each

  • JuliaJazz
    JuliaJazz Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2017

    My first chemo infusion (Taxotere and Cytoxan) went smoothly this afternoon  Three more to go!  We arrived for my one o'clock appointment and the nurse drew blood.  After awhile Dr. Eakle. my oncologist, came in and said they needed to draw it again because my platelets were low  While they did that she called my surgeons office who is a part of the Intercoastal Group and so could access my primary care physicians records for the last 12 years.  It turns out that for all that time I have had  low platelet count, usually ranging between 90 and 100.  Normal platelet count is 140. The second time they too mine it came up to 92.  My white blood cell count (my immune system) was very good. So the doc said we would go ahead.  However, during this first cycle we will watch my platelet count carefully and if it gets too low we may have to adjust the dose or timing or future treatments.

    The funniest thing was that I was icing my hands and feet and the insulated lunch bags that I thought would be waterproof, weren't, so my DH had to clean with paper towels periodically and at the end we wiped the floor with one of their blankets.  They are the right size for my hands and stand up, so I think I will just add a large Ziploc baggie inside them next time and put my hands in that.  The booties I bought for my feet worked well.  

    I feel fine this evening.  I had Varubbi, a very expensive anti-nausea drug and will take Zofran every twelve hours for the first three doses. I will save the Compazine for if I actually feel nauseous.  I will be taking measures to avoid constipation.  Now to make a baked potato for dinner. 

    Tralph.  Good luck to you on Wednesday.

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2017

    Upheld.  I feel the same way this second round, more jittery and feel really scatterbrained.  Can't concentrate very well.

    Praying for you!

  • Upheld
    Upheld Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2017

    Thank you for your prayers sweetie! Do you think it's the Claritin? I haven't been able to take antihistamines normally without feeling weird. I cleaned the house and did loads of laundry today. But couldn't watch TV or read.... I do feel tired now though!

  • MsLin
    MsLin Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2017

    I'm getting ready for AC#3 tomorrow and I have a few things I want to run by you guys. First is I've had this very odd pain on my left side. It's almost where the sentinel node biopsy scar is, but it kind of feels like it's under the expander. If I press on the top of the expander it doesn't hurt, but if I move my shoulder forward it does. I have a feeling that I just have over extended myself the past two weeks cleaning the greenhouses getting ready for the end of school. I do plan on talking with the nurse tomorrow. I'm just concerned that it's a little bit of lymphadema. It doesn't appear to be swollen, just hurts.

    The other thing is my hands. I'm pretty sure the start of neuropathy is setting in. The skin on my thumbs and index fingers, on the palm side, is killing me. It kind of feels like when I have dry winter skin, but it's not rough like that. I chose not to ice my hands and feet because it was a pain in the rear to set all of that up. I will say my feet hurt too, but I've been going like mad this week and haven't made the best shoe choices. I will talk to the nurse about this one too. She asked about it last time, but I didn't have any pain. This makes me sad because I also teach floral design and don't even have a desire to arrange the leftover flowers in the cooler because my hands hurt

  • KimPossible818
    KimPossible818 Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2017

    Kagima (Lisa), Welcome. Glad you joined us. I have the same chemo regimen. Just one down for me, too. Yes, we are going to totally do this!

    Tpralph, I have heard of PICC, but I really don't know what that is. My port has seemed to calm down the last couple of days. When they accessed it for the first chemo, it felt bruised a few days after. Assume that will be the case each time. I also assume this is where you find your chemo buddy. We are hear for you! You can totally do it. I think the anticipation was crazy leading up to the first one, now that I look back. (Like it was so long We are here for you!

    Upheld, Sorry about these new SEs. My 2nd treatment isn't until Friday, but I will be on the lookout for such. I had my labs drawn yesterday. They said they like to do that the first time, mid cycle. My WBCs are super low, which they expected. They said they should rebound in a couple of days -- that's why we get Neulasta. They thought I otherwise looked and did great for my first treatment. I had a weird headache yesterday, which I had not been having, but I think I didn't hydrate nearly enough. I got a bit turned off to water! Crazy! I am sipping on peach-flavored seltzer water this morning, because juice is not appealing to me at this time.

    It seems like today my mouth is not as dry - it's been C-R-A-Z-Y! But, my appetite is good, and I am thankful that is back to a level I can enjoy.

    MsLin, Since I just had LX, I cannot comment, but anything you are concerned about do not hesitate to ask your care team. I keep hearing that is the most important thing we can do as we are being treated. (I'm not icing either...walking by faith with this one.) Having said that, I had a pain in my side (intestines) yesterday, much of the day, but I KNOW it was because I had not hydrated properly. Seems all good today. I guess because I had had that before, I felt it wasn't "cancer-related."

    Julia, Sounds like things are going well so far! I only took anti-nausea meds 3x. I was worried about constipation, but for some reason when I eat bananas, they are like natural laxatives to me! Always has been that way! Glad I know this. :) My nurse yesterday it was perfectly ok to take the Senna beyond what the chart says, too. So, I may carry that through a couple of extra days than what the chart says. Just think, by the time we figure out what works best, it will be over! :) I am 5% done with total chemo and 25% done with A&C. See the positive spin on this?! Ha.

    My BFF since elementary school is coming to visit Monday from GA for the week. I am SO excited. We will have a blast. My DH has to leave town Monday for 4 days, and while I know I would be fine, I am just taking advantage of those who want to "take care of me." Glad to know I will be on the rebound week, though my nurse did say you can have an icky day out of the blue that may not fit a pattern. She also advised to walk 20-30 mins at least 4x a week, because that will help stave off fatigue later.

  • JuliaJazz
    JuliaJazz Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2017

    My best to all this morning.  I am sorry I don't have the mental clarity to reply to each one of you.  I always reply if I think I have something important to add that others have not said.I slept well last night.  We will see what happens when the Neulasta starts to kick in tonight but I am feeling fine today.  

    KimPossible thanks for the banana tip.  I bought some prunes but I will get some bananas too.  I have some Miralax for when I decide to go off the Senna. Hope your white blood count goes up quickly. Have a wonderful time with your BFF.

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    Kim and HapB Yesterday went very well. I arrived a few minutes early and was taken back to the infusion center area. I must say I wasn't fond of the lack of privacy. Since I got my cancer diagnosis I have been very upbeat and trying to help my husband realize this is just a speed bump not a road block for me. He worries more than I do, he has cried more than I have. Well as we walked through yesterday there were patients laying in the fetal position, very pale, looking like death to be honest. Luckily the lady(same chemo plan as me for BC but on her last treatment) across from me was in her 70's and she was very positive and helpful. There were curtains that divided the areas but those were only pulled when giving meds. Every time they would ask for your name and date of birth, I think that's a HIPAA violation since everyone could hear. So that really was my only complaint! The chemo went without a hitch. I felt fine when leaving. No dizziness. My husband had to run errands so we did that and went wig shopping, ate some lunch then I came home and took a 2 hour nap. After the nap I felt a little nauseous so I took Zofran. Today I'm going to try to drink lots of water but I'm really sick of water I feel bogged down by it. Do you think sweet tea would be Ok? And I'm going to try to snack more throughout the day. I should've ate like a pig before starting this because I weigh 121 and they fear I'm going to lose a lot. HOPE that doesn't happen.

    I must share the funniest part of the orientation yesterday. The nurse was going over the side effects and what to do and what not to do. First 24 hours I would urinate red. Ok I can deal with that. Then she said I must contain all my bodily secretions and no one else is. Well I don't usually have other people helping me with that area. And the nurse says " I mean if you have sex he must wear a condom, he cannot come into any contact with your secretions due to possibility of chemo meds being in them." My husband's face was priceless! We have 4 kids, 5 grandkids and he had vasectomy so he thought those days were over! So off to Wal-Mart we went to buy Boost for me to get my daily nutrition and condoms for him. He couldn't look at the cashier!

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    Have any of you had chemo on Friday and told to come back Monday for your Neulasta? They said it must be given 24 to 72 hours after chemo so Monday would be fine. I tried looking it up on here and they do have a Neulasta On Pro which goes off automatically in 26 hours, im going to ask about that on monday. I just dont feel comfortable waiting that long for the shot.

  • hhuey
    hhuey Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2017

    Susie17 I have been getting the Neulasta on body auto injector put on my belly before leaving for home after my treatment. Maybe ask about that so you do not have to go back shortly after each treatment. It will auto inject you 27 hours after your treatment right in your own home then you take it off and you are done. No trips back until next treatment day.

    Just wondering who else is getting their 3rd AC treatment this upcoming Friday the 30th and who will go in to get weekly taxol treatments after that with Herceptin for her2+

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2017

    Upheld.  I'm not sure.  Perhaps it's the cumulative affect from last chemo on top of this round.  I can tell you that a mind is a terrible thing to waste and my mind/brain felt like it couldn't slow down, stop or take a rest.  I've been taking Claritin (non drowsy) for the last several years every other day for allergies/vertigo issues and it never bothered me before.  Have you previously taken Claritin?  Today I feel a bit better.  ((hugs))

  • moodyblues
    moodyblues Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2017

    Susie.  I have the Neulasta applicator applied to my abdomen before I leave the chemo center.  It is a wonderful little contraption!

  • cyg267
    cyg267 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2017

    Hello Everyone,

    This is my first post - I wanted to thank people for sharing their experiences since it helped me prepare mentally and organizationally for this journey. I'm having neoadjuvant chemo : 4 rounds of AC every 2 weeks and then 12 weeks of taxol every week. I had my first infusion on Friday (no port) and while it was nerve-wracking before it started, suppose it wasn't too bad. Now I'm waiting for the neulasta shot to go off "sometime in 27 hours". I had goals of taking walks outside if I could, but it's been so humid in PA! Running around after my 4 and 6 year old girls have helped me to stop waiting around for side effects to kick in, but it's hard to stop thinking about it when people constantly ask me how ask I feel.

    One difference in what I've seen so far is my MO did not recommend taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen for joint pain because it might mask fevers. She prescribed tramadol. Also I have teeth prone to cavities. When my dentist found out about the chemo, he immediately insisted on prescribing prevadent and brushing after every meal. He says he sees a lot of patients with cavities after chemo because of the dry mouth. Hope these tips help someone as much as allyour previous posts have helped me!

    I'm also curious on how my signature comes out after my post - it was hard for me to edit in that tiny box!

  • susie_2017
    susie_2017 Member Posts: 142
    edited June 2017

    Am I the only one getting my chemo(A&C) every 3 weeks apart? Then every week for Taxol. Total of 24 weeks. I seem to be seeing some of you saying every other week.