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Starting/declining hormone therapy Nov, Dec, Jan 2018



  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited December 2019

    Aw your poor neck--tell Ari no head butting on your neck!

    I have a few updates on my own oddities:

    Cardiac CT scan came back as expected, no calcifications. I mean, my score is zero and you can't get a better score than that! I did ask if that CT would show any radiation damage and the answer was no. Next up in tracking down the cause of that heart rate spiking (or ruling things out) is the stress test at the end of January.

    The re-excision got everything, no further action there. It's a fairly ugly incision, took 8 stitches but I heal well and my term is good with the knife so I think it will end up looking not awful.

    My MO's PA is checking with the genetic counselor to see if that FH gene the path report from my arm mentioned is one that was checked. The report I got from the company who did the genetic testing doesn't provide details, it just says something like "of the five million genes we tested, nothing popped hot" or words to that effect. So zero details.

    The scan of my remaining ovary was fine (go ovary!).

    The scan of my kidneys showed . . . "probably a benign tumor." So yeah. My doctor's ordered a CT scan with and without contrast dye, now I get to wait for insurance to approve it. The kind of tumor the radiologist thinks it is looks pretty similar to cancerous tumors. Best to get that checked out too.

    And now I'm off to visit my stepmother and that side of the family--hugs to all of you wonderful people <3

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2019

    glad you are home Spoonie! Sending healing thoughts.

    Edj3 good news on the cardiac front, I too have a kidney cyst they are following, see the urologist next week. I think they are just more careful with us now. Hope all goes well

  • Yogatyme
    Yogatyme Member Posts: 1,793
    edited December 2019

    yikes, Spoonie!! That swelling is truly remarkable. I am always amazed at how our bodies respond to trauma.... a good friend refers to it as assaults on our bodies and certainly immediately post op it feels like an assault. Hoping you have a good recovery.

  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 215
    edited December 2019

    Spoonie- Yikes, that swelling and bruising Looks pretty painful! I hope the meds are controlling your pain and you can rest!!! Hoping you continue through recovery with no complications 😁

    Bennybear- so sorry you have more upcoming tests and worries. It just doesn’t end does it.

    Edj3-So glad the cardiac CT was good! Hopefully you will get answers from the stress test and solve this issue! Yay for good margins on the re-excision, and yay for the remaining ovary. Hopefully you will get approval soon for the scan on the kidney. I am truly sorry you are having to go through this testing.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625
    edited December 2019

    YAY for your mom supervising recovery, Spoonie! Glad she's there to give you hugs and be a help. Sending good wishes for smooth recovery. We all agree that you are amazing, and we all care, and we all are sending you spoons and love and cyberhugs.

  • GreenHarbor
    GreenHarbor Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2019

    Spoonie, I’m so glad that you used a valuable spoon to update us! I hope your recovery is an easy one. You are in my heart always. Bennybear and edj3, I’m glad you both checked in as well and updated us. Hugs to all!

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited December 2019

    I've got the kidney CT scan scheduled for next Thursday. Of course I'm allergic to contrast dye so I have to get medicated ahead of time.

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2019

    Edj3 - I'm so glad to read your recent updates! Congrats no more knifing needed and that your heart is looking a-ok! Good luck on the scan next week of your kidney. Fingers crossed it's benign. :) Please keep us posted. I bet you are feeling more relieved having some answers. Hugs to you my friend!

    As for me, the healing is going well, all things considered. Swelling is minimal and the bruising is fading faster than I thought.

    Pathology came back on Friday and it was MUCH different than my surgeon suggested it would be. For that reason, I'm so glad that due to my family history, radiation history, and fear of recurrence I asked for a total Thyroidectomy instead of the half that the surgeon said would be be more than enough. Otherwise there would still be cancer left behind.

    They found the mass in the Right side, as was known. HOWEVER, they found a mass on the LEFT side too that Ultrasound had missed! Also due to the PET Scan I requested, which showed intense focal uptake on the Right side, my surgeon decided to take 6 lymph nodes. During the Pre-Op appt he had said there would BE NO REASON to take any nodes as there was NO chance there was cancer anywhere other than in the small mass in the Right lobe. Turns out 2 of the 6 were malignant!!!

    I really really really wish doctors would listen to me. I asked for a Pre-Op Ultrasound, my surgeon said "No need. The one from 4 months ago is fine since there was little change from the July to Sept one.". Who knows if it would've showed up in the Left side at that point. Also, who knows if the Lymph Nodes would've also showed up. Ugggh.

    Anyway, I'm continuing on the antibiotics to rule out infection for the lung concerns revealed in my PET Scan. I see my surgeon for a Post-Op appt next week. I believe I'll need Radioactive Iodine treatment for the Thyroid Cancer. I also spoke with my Breast Cancer MO this week and she's actually not comfortable following me about possible Lung Cancer/Issues and suggests I see a Pulmonologist for more thorough workup for the PET results.

    Le Sigh. Another doctor to see. Hopefully I can get in sooner than later.

    Anyway, that's the update ya'll. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. Ari says hi. She's doing "ok". The vet says that given the fact she's perked up a bit on the Prednisone and other meds, I may have a month with her. Still soaking up all the love I can while she's still here. Every day is a gift.

    Hope ya'll are able to enjoy the next weeks with family, friends, and furry ones. Stay warm and cozy, Spoonie suggests liberal application of blankets and hot cocoa! :)


    *** 5 days post op. Not too shabby. Looks worse than it feels. ***


  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2019

    spoonie, glad you followed your instincts! Sending healing thoughts and enjoy those furry hugs!

    Edj3 hope the scan goes well!

    Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone,. Dani you are right, seems we are on a treadmill at times !

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited December 2019

    Oh that Ari--so beautiful!

    I'm in Las Vegas this week for work, it's nice to see the mountains.

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2019

    Hope you were able to enjoy the stay in Vegas while you were there Edj3. Thinking of you and hoping all goes smoothly on Thursday with your scan. Fingers crossed for no more bade news for 2019! I'm totally with you in the boat named "2019 Can Kiss My Ass". Do you know if they will tell you the results at the time or if it's the norm of having to wait to hear from your dr?

    BennyBear- how did your appt with the Urologist go? Any news on your kidney issues? Thinking of you.

    How is everyone else doing with the holiday stress and chaos? Is everyone still doing fairly well on their regimens?

    My fingers are crossed that the answer is yes for you all, my friends.

    I see my surgeon on Thursday for my post-op appt. Will be finding out when I go in for the I-131 RADS Iodine treatment. Most likely will be about a month or two from now. Which is fine, healing is going slow from this darn Thyroidectomy. Hurst WAYYYYY more than my LMX ever did. In other news, between surgery and Ari being sick, there is no Christmas in my apartment this year. Which for the most part is ok with me, I do miss the decorations but honestly, Christmas is emotionally hard for me since I haven't had a boyfriend in forever and it just makes me feel more alone than usual. Thankfully though now that back in MN year round and able to be with my family whenever I want it's not so much of a pressure to "get home" to see everyone anymore just for the holidays.

    Crazy to believe it's only a week away. All I'm going to do is drive over to my parents for the day and have dinner with them. Going to be a very very low key holiday this year, it's frankly all the energy I have just to get through each day let alone "celebrate".

    Here's hoping everyone is doing as well as can be, finding time for fun, family, and having opportunities to laugh, and make some treasured memories. PS, Pebbles....thinking of you and hoping all is going well in your world and with your furry fam too! Safe travels and good cheer to all as the week of travel and festivities begin and continue. Wishing everyone a a Happy Holiday, a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a Joyful Kwanzaa!

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2019

    oh good to hear from you spoonie! I am sorry it is so painful. I hope you enjoy Christmas although low key!

    Thanks for asking. The urologist is just going to follow me, as there are different opinions from the radiologist re type but either way this is what they do. I am ok with that! But I need to wait for the uterine biopsy so I am bummed with the waiting. Would just like to know for certain, I know you understand! So hoping for a cancellation

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2019

    Benny, fingers crossed for you that there is a cancellation asap. Waiting is just the hardest. Hang in there and keep us posted.

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2019

    Ok you guys....I just don't know how much more I can take. :(:(:(

    Everything is FUBAR.

    I just got home from the Vet.

    My 4 year old pup Gypsy definitely has a enlarged lymph node or possibly a salivary gland. I've been keeping an eye on this for the past 2 months at home. It's been slowly growing, never shrinking. Vet said it's very obviously there and he is putting her on antibiotics and steroids to rule out infection/inflammation of some sort. If there is no response, then in about 2 weeks when the 2 rxes finish, she'll need x-rays of her stomach/liver since she already has liver issues (which were of a unknown source as of this summer, which makes me panic about cancer even more now), repeat bloodwork, and a FNA of the swollen node/gland to determine if it's malignant.


    How much can one person have poured out on them? Like for real....

    My 4 year old cat has lymphoma, I have 2 cancers, waiting to find out about #3, dealing with brand new MS, and now my dog is one step closer to cancer too!

    WTF. I think I'm going to crumble to pieces. :(

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486
    edited December 2019

    Spoonie - thinking of you and vent away to us all you need. I’m so sorry I haven’t posted here sooner - was waiting until I could catch up on all the posts and respond in more detail, but I’m way behind so... sending you Finley’s blue steel look for comfort.

    And in my always silver lining somewhere light... maybe you can be the one to write a book one day about how you BEAT all these cancers, even ones that arose with your pets. Maybe life is hitting you with them so you can beat them all.

    Sending SO many virtual hugs


  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486
    edited December 2019

    OK I finally caught up on the posts. And OMG!

    edj3 - glad it's all looking OK and benign so far and hope it continues that way for you.

    Bennybear - whack a mole is such a great analogy. One at a time...

    Spoonie - I'm SOooo sorry I didn't hop on sooner. I kept saving this thread as best for last and waiting to read everything until I had time, and with work and other things, spare time has been minimal which I know you understand. But I'm kicking myself now as I should have checked on you sooner.

    The story with Ari I SOooooo understand. I did the same as you with our little Kit Kat who crossed the rainbow bridge over a year and a half ago. And all of a sudden, our 17 year old Tucker just lost his mobility. He was doing just fine one day and the next just can't walk, has no control over one front paw and one back paw and it's looking like it's neurological and just progression of his age and arthritis. So, I'm sitting here like you trying not to think about how much time he has left and just enjoying that he's here today and making these days the best darn possible for him. Tucker got an hour massage from me tonight while we watched Mr. Robot (recorded).

    Will be checking in more regularly. I don't know how to be there for you but we are all there for you. You have so much support, and your parents sound awesome and caring too. I am doing OK, tamoxifen made me gain weight and it's hard to lose but I keep taking it. Work is busy. Husband is great. Finley is a handful but worth it. Domino is my little spirit animal and doing well. Tucker is the one we are worried about but trying not to worry... I know you 100% understand. What a gorgeous cat Ari is and Gypsy looks to have such a great personality!

    Here's a pic from last night when Tucker was able to stand on his own for a little bit so it was a great moment, and look how Domino and Finley offered their support! With the holidays coming, it's all about the good moments we can cherish. I hope you can have lots and lots and lots of these to help give you spoons during this tough time...


  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2019

    Oh dear Spoonie, you constantly a,a🤔🥺. amaze me! I hope you will turn the corner soon! Just so much crap! Big hugs! I am hoping and praying you get some good news! Hoping Gypsy will be ok! Thanks for even taking the time to think of me, don't know how you do it.

    Pebbles your pups are so sweet. Hope Tucker does ok!

    Sending good wishes to all inthis wonderfully supportive group!

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2019

    imageimageOur granddog is sending good thoughts.

    He just turned one!

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited December 2019

    Spoonie, you def need a freaking break.

    Had the CT scan today only there was a bit of a mix up. I'm allergic to contrast dye so there's a protocol to follow so I don't react. Only this is the first time I've needed contrast dye since the original CT scan in 2004 (wow so long ago). So I honestly wasn't entirely sure what it was. My PCP called in the script, I took the prednisone as prescribed only when I got to the hospital and they asked if I'd also taken the benadryl, I just looked at them blankly.

    So they had me toss down 50mg of benadryl which is a lot, and arrange for someone to drive me home b/c they said I would be drowsy and possibly loopy (they were right). Then I had to drink contrast dye and wait another hour, then get the CT with just that dye and then with dye through an IV (haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate needles). It was no one's fault, really. I'm sure my PCP thought I knew the drill. Just felt bad that I totally hosed the radiology schedule--I was there nearly two hours.

    Now to wait. I'm 99% sure this is nothing but there's always that tiny chance I'm wrong.

    And now my cat is licking my lunch plate. BAD KITTY.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited December 2019

    And I already got the results back (St. Luke's is FAST)--all clear on the kidney front! So that's a nice Christmas present. What I have are a bunch of tiny tumors that have zero carcinogenic features.

    And remember the drug protocol I mentioned b/c I'm allergic to the iodine contrast dye? I have hives anyway. So I've left a message for my PCP and popped a Benadryl. At least I look healthy--my cheeks are super flushed ;)

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2019

    so happy to hear your good news my friend! the bestest christmas gift possible. **happy dance for you***

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2019

    thank you Benny, Edj, and Pebbles for the virtual love and furbaby support. much needed. every day is just exhausting and no ened in sight. slept about 18 hrs last night. going back to bed now. many hugs to you all my friends. will post as i can. gyspy and ari send their thanks for the well wishes too.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2019

    great news edj! Are they cysts? Do you need to be followed still? Hope the hives go away.

    Spoonie! Hugs! Curl up and get the rest you need!

    Damn I am bleeding more, want that endometrial biopsy! See my pcp next week.

    Well hope everyone can get some rest and enjoy a quiet Christmas.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited December 2019

    No, they're tumors not cysts. I don't need to do anything at the moment although I would imagine there will be follow up scans. I'm off to get prednisone for these dang hives. My PCP's RN was most impressed the drug protocol didn't work.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2019

    Aw hope you feel better soon!

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486
    edited December 2019

    bennybear - that grand pup is absolutely adorable. Can’t get enough of that expression!

    Edj3 - glad it’s all clear on the kidney front! Hoping for more good news for you as the holidays approach.

    Spoonie - 18 hours sleep is great and hope that’s your body healing while you sleep. Sending more virtual hugs!

    We’re going to do our “paw family brunch” today where we walk to a neighborhood restaurant but will bring a wagon for Tucker. He loves our paw family brunches so a lot of this is for him!


  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 739
    edited December 2019

    It’s been a long time since I was active but was so glad to come back and find this thread still going and to see both familiar and new-to-me names.

    So many hugs to all, including all the furry ones. Spoonie, I’m so sorry and infuriated that you have to be dealing with everything you’re dealing with. Sending spoons.

    I finally gave up on tamoxifen. After being mostly off it for about 4 months, I was finally feeling like my old self again, able to actually do things and have full days. My oncologist wanted to start me on OS+AI but I couldn’t face it. I talked her into letting me try toremifene first. I’m on my third day and so far no napping yet. I really really hope I can tolerate it. I hope that eventually they will do the appropriate studies and get the FDA approval.

    Sending 💙💙💙

  • GiddyupGirl
    GiddyupGirl Member Posts: 196
    edited December 2019

    Popped on to wish everyone a wonderful christmas and a happy healthy new year with great scans and no side effects. And for you Spoonie a special wish that 2020 brings you only good things you have had way too many of the other

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2019

    My baby girl is going to the Rainbow Bridge tomorrow at 4. Its been an awful few days. Including her falling down randomly, falling off of tables, stumbling, struggling to breathe, and no longer grooming very well or at all. All of which I kept hoping she'd bounce back from, with more meds & time, at least a bit. No such luck. I'm absolutely devastated, even though I've been living with the reality of this since a week before Thanksgiving. It's just time....but it doesn't make it one bit easier.

    She gave me a kiss this morning....


    On top of that, Gypsy's jaw/neck lump hasn't shrunk with her 2 weeks of Pred & antibiotics. She'll need an ultrasound of her abdomen & a biopsy of the lymph node/salivary gland this week.

    My heart is just so so so heavy.... 😥

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited December 2019

    I'm holding you, Ari and Gypsy in all the light and love I have.

    I made the same trip the day after my last rads treatment for my good Chloe girl, which doesn't make your trip today any easier. I only offer that to say you are not alone, I am with you.

    (also that is a great photo)