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Starting/declining hormone therapy Nov, Dec, Jan 2018



  • GreenHarbor
    GreenHarbor Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2019

    Oh, Spoonie, I’m so sorry. That just plain sucks. Sending love to you, Gypsy and Ari. <3

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 740
    edited December 2019

    I'm so sorry Spoonie. Thinking of all of you this afternoon.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2019

    oh spoonie, so very sorry to hear this. It is never easy to say goodbye to our loving trusted companions. Hugs!

  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 215
    edited December 2019

    Spoonie, I am so sorry to hear this. Sending you lots of love.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,514
    edited December 2019


  • GiddyupGirl
    GiddyupGirl Member Posts: 196
    edited December 2019

    Spoonie - I am so sorry I know how hard it is. Two Christmases ago our cat cuddles crossed the bridge (he was 18) and we still miss him, but no regrets he was an adored part of our family and weird but it still feels as if he is around. A warm happy loving spirit. Sending hugs and strength your way.

  • LPLlibrarygirl
    LPLlibrarygirl Member Posts: 82
    edited December 2019

    Spoonie, I am so sorry for your loss and heartache. Hoping that your good memories will help get you through this sad time.

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited December 2019

    Thank you everyone. May 2020 be the best year ever for us all.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited December 2019

    So say we all.

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486
    edited December 2019

    Spoonie - my heart goes out to you, I can’t even... I am mad that this is happening to you, I hope that you still stay strong through all this and be the warrior fighter we know you are, and just hang in there because it gets better. You never know what’s around the corner may 2020 bring good things to you, your karma is ready for it.

    I’ve asked our little Kit Kat who crossed the rainbow bridge a year and a half ago to greet Ari and welcome another little one with love.

    And this is going to hurt and that’s OK, I can promise you it will get better. For the first 2 months I couldn’t look at a picture of Kit Kat without crying, and the morning after she passed, I just woke up and cried and cried. That is totally OK to do. It’s cathartic. We love our little ones. Today I can look at pictures of her fondly, and think of the good memories, so the pain does recede and becomes a fond memory and you never forget. I still think of Kit Kat always - here she is, ready to welcome Ari to her rainbow bridge world.


  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited December 2019


    my angels are there too. Hugs! And hoping for a wonderful 2020.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,514
    edited December 2019

    Spoonie--as I've said often, feel sorry for the animals nobody cries over. Loving them for as long as we have them is the best we can do.

  • egregious
    egregious Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2020

    ((((Spoonie)))) sorry for your loss. It's painful to lose a pet.

    This has been a very difficult year but at least I can report a clean mammogram. Also very little in the way of side effects from the daily arimidex. Hot flashes seemed to have calmed down, I'm a little stiff when I first get up in the morning, and a little bit of stiffness in my hands which could just be being 68.

    I've been figuring out life without my dear husband who died of cancer in June. Much too soon. Have lost a couple other family members this year but they were very old and had a good life and a peaceful passing. So not the same kind of shock. My kids and grandkids cheer me up and there is a new little one due at the beginning of February.

    Wishing you all peace and joy and the best of health in the new year. We've gone through something really hard together. Let's make the most of our time now.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,514
    edited January 2020

    Lovely post, egregious. Congrats on the clean mammo, and I'm so sorry about your husband.

  • Goldfish4884
    Goldfish4884 Member Posts: 57
    edited January 2020

    I decided to give Anastrozole one more try. I have tried all 3 of the AI's plus Tamoxifen over the last 2 years with lots of side effects so I went off this last September. I just got over a cold and cough that lasted 6 weeks so got to worring about metastasis to lungs and decided to try again, kinda got scared. Anyway, I am wondering what supplements to take with the Anastrozole. I take glucosamine, calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D. Is there anything else I should add? I also just found out from my bone density scan that I have mild osteopenia. Any suggestions on what to do to curtail the side effects would be appreciated. Hot flashes, insomnia, stiffness in legs when sitting for any length of time. Generally feeling like I'm 90 years old. Those were my main side effects. Thanks for any help with suggestions.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625
    edited January 2020

    Goldfish4884 It helps me a lot to get 1 hour of daily exercise, and drink a lot of water. And, to get up and move, and not sit too long. My MO wants me to take some Vitamin D (he checks my levels once a year and tells me how much to take), also Ca (he's specific on which type is absorbable, and how much).

    I had osteopenia diagnosed before starting my AI, so I am getting Zometa infusions every six months at my MO's infusion clinic. Each time, I also have a blood draw to check (I think especially kidney function) various things, then I see my MO, then I have the infusion, which takes 50 minutes or so. It makes me feel tired the day after, but no other difficulties. Zometa is one of several bisphosphonates, and my MO chose this one for me because it can protect bones from mets, as well as protecting against erosion of bone density. I'll have a DEXAScan every year to check how bones are doing.

    My hot flashes are quickly over and not terrible. If my joint aching is really bad, I take an NSAID, and I have Rx Meloxicam as well as the OTC options (Ibuprofen, Naprosen, etc.). I've had arthritis for awhile in many joints, and I'm finding my AI version of aches and pains to be just slightly worse than it all was before starting on my AI. All in all, I'm doing just fine, with good Quality of Life, being on Anastrozole.

  • Goldfish4884
    Goldfish4884 Member Posts: 57
    edited January 2020

    Thanks for the info HikingLady. I do currently do an hour of cardio & 30 mins of weights, 3-4 x a week. My oncologist said my osteopenia is mild but I feel it's a little alarming as my bone density 2 years ago was perfectly normal. He didnt order any meds for it. I take 6000 units Vit. D daily as my level was low. I do drink lots of water but I definitely need to cut out the caffeine and diet coke, switch to milk for extra calcium. I'm hoping this time around will be easier. The insomnia and waking up with hot flashes 6-8 times a night was unbearable last time around.

  • GreenHarbor
    GreenHarbor Member Posts: 187
    edited January 2020

    Goldfish, many women on this thread started their AI at a partial dose and gradually increased it, with the idea that a gradual increase is less likely to cause side effects. I am not one of them; I started at the full dose. Like you, I was getting horrible hot flashes that woke me up at night. After 3 months of poor sleep, my MO put me on a low dose of Effexor. It’s an antidepressant that’s also prescribed for anxiety and panic issues. It’s greatly eased the intensity of the hot flashes, so I can sleep through them, and the daytime ones just end up being annoying. I have mild osteopenia also, which I’m treating with increased calcium/vit D intake and increased weight bearing exercise. I split my calcium up into 2 dosages per day, as our bodies can only absorb 500 mg at a time. Good luck with whatever you decide!

  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited January 2020

    Hi Spoonie, I understand how you feel, my baby Truman must of had a stroke or something in June, he was falling down, and walking in circles. I was so afraid he would hurt himself in the middle of the night and suffer before I could get him to an emergency vet. So, as my wise vet once said "Its better to put your pet to sleep a few weeks early than a day late", I took his advice. Celebrate the good times. Hugs

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2020

    Hi everyone. Sorry to have been away and not checked in but life has been sooo very hard. I've cancelled nearly every medical appt I had had scheduled this past month, which was about 10 so far. I'll be canceling my 6 month MO appt this week too. I just can't mentally handle anything. Losing Ari put the final straw on the camels back as it were. I just don't care right now if I have beginning stage lung cancer, or new developments in my lymphedema, or setbacks in my physical therapy, or anything else. 2019 did me in. New dx after new dx after new symptoms and side effects and allergies Healing from my thyroidectomy was difficult and painful . It still hurts but until I know what symptoms are related to my multiple sclerosis I don't feel like I can go to any doctor about anything I'm experiencing because they just chalk it up to Ms. It's very frustrating. I see the new specialist next month so hopefully after that I'll be able to start attacking my health issues again. guess I just need to regroup. it's just too daunting and I don't have the energy to fight for anyone to listen to me. I'm sure you all understand, you've all been there at one point or another in your life. I know I'll be okay it's just going to take time. Thanks for thinking of me and my friends. Even if I'm not on the board I'm keeping you in my thoughts as well.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2020

    oh spoonie, hoping you can regroup. I am so sorry you have had so much! Sending healing thoughts and gentle hugs!

    I too have been AWOL. My uterine biopsy shows precancer and so-now I need a hysterectomy. I am bummed. Enough already for all of us!

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited January 2020

    Spoonie77, my heart is heavy for you and I have no words, just sorry and grief on your behalf.

    bennybear, I'm truly sorry about your upcoming hysterectomy and I hope the surgery goes well and you recover quickly.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,514
    edited January 2020

    Spoonie--is it possible for you to get away, even for a weekend? Some quiet, restful retreat? You hear it's hard for women <in particular> to relax in their own homes--always thinking about things they could be doing--but being anywhere but your own house might help. Even a local hotel. You can veg out, eat junk food, watch bad TV, nap, . . . I also think a mini-break might help you reset and get your energy back to get going on 2020 with a new vigor.

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2020

    Thanks for the love and support ladies. Means much. Ingerp, I wish I had the money to go anywhere but I do not. I also feel to sick from my other conditions (MS, Fibro, RA, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety) to go much of anywhere other than bed or my couch. I wish I could take a trip. Would be heavenly. I haven't been on a vacation since 2010. The "trips" I take now are via Netflix binge-watching lol. The Magicians (by the way) is an excellent escape if anyone is looking for one. :)

    BennyBear - I'm sorry about the new pre-cancer dx and needed surgery. Any idea when it will be as of yet? How are you holding up? It was really hard for me not to panic when I was dxd with my second cancer. It felt like whiplash and intensified everything a billion degrees. Hang in there. We're here for you. <3

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited January 2020

    Oh by the way, I was accosted by a man in his 50s the other day at Walgreens because I was LEGALLY parked in a handicap spot (been disabled since 2007) and he accused me of "You are doing just fine! *threw his arms in the air in disgust* You shouldn't be there! *walked into the store*.

    I wanted to burst into tears. Wanted to just drive away but this happens to me way too often so I decided to inform him that he was wrong, rude, and should know better. People just assume because I am young and do not need a cane/walker/chair that I am not disabled. Not correct. Not every disability is visible.

    So I found the man in the store and asked him politely why he reacted that way to me. He said "What, is it because of your dog?" As I had brought my Emotional Support pup in the car and she had been waiting there for me. I explained that no it was because I was a Breast Cancer and Thyroid Cancer survivor who is dealing with incurable Multiple Sclerosis and debilitating fatigue and all over body pain 24/7. He stated that so many people "cheat" that he assumed I was doing the same thing, especailly since I was young and was walking "just fine" (in his opinion but is not true for me). His mother needs a spot all the time and it's hard to find them. I completely agreed with him and shared his anger about others illegally parking in a spot we medically need. But I kindly told him that just because you can't see a disability doesn't mean it doesn't exist so next time please don't judge as it can crush someone's spirit like it just did to mine. He apologized and said he would be more careful in the future. I sure hope so.

    I really want to have business cards printed up with info on invisible illnesses and that young people can be disabled too and hand them out to people like him. Ugggh.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2020

    thanks Edj3 and Spoonie! My daughter said it is like PTSD and I think she is right. I was SO bummed when it all started happening. Seems like you know when you are going down a rabbit hole! I am actually away so it seems even worse as we have had to cut our trip short to return early so a double whammy. I have the consult next week then they will schedule surgery, probably by March. Of course,trying not to read too much but they often find cancer when they do the surgery as the uterine biopsy is blind. So praying it isn’t!

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625
    edited February 2020

    Spoonie77 I have been away and am just now catching up. First, huge empathy and warm love and support to you. It makes total sense that with a plate as full as yours, and as few spoons as you have available, you just have to SAY NO and take a break, and re-group. Sounds very wise of you to take a step back and figure things out, one thing at a time, as you move forward on your ongoing self-advocacy.

    That was really kind of you to take the time to talk to that man about handicapped parking. You're both right, there aren't enough of those spots.

    YES!!! to the idea of getting yourself some veg-out mental-health time, whatever that means. Try to get a few happy-vibes going, whether by chocolate or sunshine or music or a silly movie or nachos, or whatever makes sense.

    I'm glad you have this safe space to share with us, and you know that we're all sending you love and hugs of support.

  • GreenHarbor
    GreenHarbor Member Posts: 187
    edited February 2020

    Spoonie, you know yourself better than anyone. If taking a break from medical appointments gives you the space you need, then go for it. We had to put our dog to sleep 4 days after Christmas. People will say, “it’s just a cat/dog/hamster”, but it’s still heartbreaking. Thinking of you lots, and sending love and spoons.

    Bennybear, another health diagnosis is just unfair! Hoping all goes smoothly for you.

    Hugs to you all....

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486
    edited February 2020

    Oh ladies, so glad we have our community and thinking of all of you.

    Egregious - glad you have your extended family. You are such a strong woman, my heart breaks for you at the loss of your husband. In Thailand they say your loved ones are still there with you, just on a different plane, and I hope you can feel he is still there with you.

    Bennybear - if it's any comfort, my cousin JUST had a hysterectomy in Dec for uterine cancer and it all went very smoothly. And she didn't have to do anything else, no chemo or pills or anything, so hopefully that means the surgery cures it.

    GreenHarbor - hope you are holding up OK with the loss of your little one. Our dogs are our family, I know this is a very difficult time.

    Spoonie - so glad you checked in, like others here I often check in now just to get updates on you. I think it's a great idea to take a break from appointments and some time for you to relax. I have some eczema on my hand and I keep scratching and irritating it and my husband told me if it didn't heal soon that I should see a dermatologist. And he couldn't really understand why I was adamant that I did not want any more doctor's appointments unless absolutely necessary! I need a break still from all that. I thought to myself how the ladies on the boards would understand.

    Anyways, kudos to you for following that man and giving him some truth! Frankly it sounds like you were much more polite than I would have been. People always tend to judge without knowing what's really going on with people - there is a saying to be kind as you never know what people are struggling with personally. Sounds like you opened his eyes and he will be more considerate from here on.

    Not too much updates on my end as I've been enjoying this appointment-free period since my clear mammogram and follow up with my oncologist. At some point I will need to hunker down again and get blood tests and eye exam and so on and see if I really am OK on tamoxifen as I seem to be. But... not yet... as long as I'm feeling fine I'm going to enjoy this break. My next follow up is in April or May so I will do all the tests etc. then.

    In the meantime, new puppy Finley is growing up! Here he is with seniors Tucker and Domino who are tolerating him slightly better now.



  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532
    edited March 2020

    Hey ladies, if you want to keep up to date on my continuing saga you can find the thread here:

    The Book Of Spoonie

    Decided I don't want to keep hijacking this thread since I'm can't be on any kind of hormonal therapy and well, my medical journeys just keep multiplying. Le Sigh.

    Anyway, sending hugs and love to you fabulous warriors, wherever you may be today. Hope the sun is shining there like it is here in MN...sun always brings me a smile! I'll keep an eye on you all over here and check in when I can. :)